hicago Yards |(From page 2) Id and choice 900-950 L r yearlings sold as t 28 50 and few good fsame weights xeached I standard steers larg |no-26 50 according to | five loads utility -to landard 100-1100 lh. n steers 22 25-24 00 bads choice and prime S=teers and heifers 29 25 J loadlots mixed and r and prime straight [ 28 75 and 29 00. si I | good and choice hei | 50-28.50 but few lo feod 1150 lb weights jto 25.00, standard hei langed down to 23 50 I standard cows 20 50- I utility and commercial [closed at 17.50-20.50, | 20 00 down, late bulk J"s and cutters 15 50-18 nght canners down to land few heavy cutters 1 50 utility and commer- Llls 24 50-27 00, these I highest since 1952, fclosmg trade largely E-26 50 |d and choice vealers [ at 32 00-35 00, utili td standard grades 21- "hs® .Jas Stoves. Water Heaters loom Heaters Gas Clothes Dryers 1 MANY OTHER GAS APPLIANCES Wp-iiced Low to Sell Our Seivice The Best M • 1 WARD BOTTLE GAS M EPHRATA. PENNA m * 1 #: |V fjk f p^A'l I- "'^ | '**% ,‘i % I BEACON COMPLETE STARTER now better than ever ased biological value I Complete Starter is completely fortified to provide |vvn nutritional requirements . . . it Jhas reserves for periods. This top ration for replacement chicks is pted to gi\e chicks a head start towards strung bodies, pines, faster feathering. These characteristics mean «J er profits. |r chicks can ha\ e the benefits of Beacon Complete phis >ear. It’s easy to arrange—a phone call will do it. [The Beacon Milling Co. AOELPHIA & CARLISLE STS., YORK. PA. Telephone: York 8-2341 EAGON 32 Culls-"down'to 16 00. Two lOf?ds good to mostly choice 578 and 585 lb stock steers 30 50 and 31 00, med ium and good 674-775 lb stocker steers 25 00-28 15, some mixed good and choice 900-1000 lb feeding steers 26 50-27 00, few common and medium 875-975 lb wgts 23 50-24 50, load good and chmce 393 lb mixed steer and heifer stack calves 31 , load good 437 lb heifer cah es 28 00 Feed Firm Opens New Headquarters A new home office and re scaich center was dedicated recently at Waltham, Mass by Wirthmore Feeds, Inc - Visitors were shown thro ugh the general offices, the new advertising and print ing facilities and the research laboratories. The new build ing has 50,000 square feet of floor space. Patronize Lancaster Farm ing Advertisers. • Greater stability Farm Calendar Jan 17—Soc No 8, Soc No 3, Soc No