Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 06, 1958, Image 2

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    2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. December 6. 1958
At Lancaster Yards
Cattle Recei
Tamei E. O'Hara,
In Charge, Market News Branch
CATTLE: The receipts o£
about 3300 head is about 900
head larger than the preced
ing shortened holiday week.
Trading was moderately act
ive on all classes, although
slaughter steers weighing
over 1200 lb. moved slowly.
The supply consisted of a
hout 50 percent stockers and
feeders and 30 percent
slaughter steers and 15 per
cent cows.
Choice and Prime lots of
slaughter steers were absent
this week. Compared with
last week’s close, slaughter
steers were strong to 25
higher, with most of the ad
vance on weights under 1200
Cows were strong to 25
higher. Bulls sold at fully
steady rates Stockers and
feeders were strong to spots
25 higher
The bulk of the Choice
920 - 1200 lb slaughter
steers made 27 00-28 40, sev
eral lots and loads high Good
to average Choice 1455-1450
lb. steers brought 25 00-26 -
50 Good to low Choice steers
sold for 24 75-27 25 Few
small lots of Good and
Choice heifers ranged from
25 00 - 27 50
Utility and Commercial
bulls made 22 75-26 00, anc
y \
[ Lancaster
® A Credit Ass’n.
Iljjf 411 W, Roseville Hd
Lancaster, Pa.
f Ph. Lane. EX 3-3921
CDirUian of Martin & Hunt. Inc.)
Phone: Terre Hill HI 5-2933
Cope <& Weaver
WILLOW sr. .
Ph. Lane. EX 3-2824
pts Up 900
Good grade red bulls
brought 25 75-27 50 Cutter
and Utility cows made 16.75-
21.00 and Commercial grade
cows sold a>. 21 00-22 00,
while Canners and low Cut
ters made 15.50-16.75.
In the stocker and feeder
division the demand is good
for 600-800 lb. stock steers,
and the demand for feeder
steers weighing over 1000 lb.
waning Good and Choice 800
- 1050 lb feeder steers sold
for 25 25-27.75 with lots high
Choice lyeighing 812-833 lb.
at 28 15-28.50.
Medium and Good feeders
made 24.00-26 25. Good and
Choice 550-800 lb. stock
steers commanding 26 50-30.-
25, and Medium and Good
making 24.75-26 75 Good
grade stock calves brought
29 00-33 00 and a lot 270 lb.
and grading Good made 35.-
In the small stock division
this week, unlike the ad
vance in receipts recorded in
the cattle division, receipts
were less than the preceding
holiday week with hogs
showing most loss Calves
were about 100 head less
than last week’s 663 head
count, hogs were 300 head
less than the 1098 head re
ceived last week, and the
sheep count was about the
CALVES Trading was ac
tive this week for vealers
Vealers sold 1 00-2 00 higher
Good and Choice vealers
made 30 00-36 00 and high
Choice and Prime grades
brought 36.00-40 00, and a
few Prime up to 41 00 Stan
dard and low Good vealers
ranged from 25 00-30-00,
with Utility down to 20 00
HOGS Barrows and gilts
were 50 higher co mpared
with last week’s close in ac
tive trading Sows were
mostly sold at steady rates
U S No 1-3 grade barrows
and gilts weighing 180-240
lb brought 20 26-21 25, with
a few No 3 down- to 20 00.
Uniform No 1-3 grade and
including 1-2 grade 190-230
lb sold for 21.25-22 00. 300-
600 lb. sows brought 14 50 -
18 00.
of cdl grades and weights
Contact your
for good service at
Order now for delivery in 1959 and you will not only
beat the January price increase but also receive a
At Chicago
Receipts Steady
CHICAGO, Dec. 4,
Weekly Review:
Cattle Salable receipts
little changed from last week
but 10 percent below a year
ago while 12-market total in
creased by around 10 percent
over last week and slightly
below the sarhe period last
year. Consist of receipts lit
tle changed from last week
with fully 70 percent slaugh
ter steers. Between 15 and 20
percent heifers, and 6 per
cent cows. Average weight of
slaughter steers continued to
be high but this weeks ave
rage promising to be few pou
nds lighter than the 1175 lbs.
of last week Steer supply
about 15 percent prime, 70
percent choice as compared
with 16 percent prime, 67
percent choice last week Ba
lance steer run largely good
grade with standard and be
low continuing very scarce.
Bulk of heifer supply 'good
and choice grades weight
continued to be major price
determining factor as slau
ghter steers below 1300 lbs
wee active and strong to 50
higher, 1300 - 1400 lbs ful
ly steady and weights over
140 Q steady to 50 lower Sla
ughter heifers steady to 25
higher. Cows steady to str
ong, strength on canners and
cutters Bulls 50 lower Veal
ers fully steady stockers and
feeders steady to 50 higher.
Wholesale carcass beef pri
ces steady in Chicago as com
pared with last weeks close
Few loads prime 1200 - 1300
lb slaughter steers 28 75 and
29 00 load choice 1050 lb
yearlmys 28 75, bulk choice
and prime steers 'l3OO lbs
and below 27 00 - 28.50. av
erage choice 1050 lbs. 28 00,
most choice and prime 1350-
1550 lbs. 25 25 - 27 50, prime
1350 lbs 28 50 and prime
1465 lb reached 28 25. Good
steers 24 00 - 27 25 accor
ding to weight and including
three loads 1025 lbs. 27 15
Seven loads 1500 lb commer
cial steers 23 50, Few lots
utility and standard Holstein
steers 22 00 - 23 50, part load
good Holsteins 25 00, part
load cutter and utility dairy
bred 1250 lb steers 21.50
PHONE EX 3-3694
At New Holland
Prices Gain
Sptcial to Lancaster Farming'
By N-H Sales Stable Management
This week’s New Holland
beef cattle market was 50 to
75 cents higher on all choice
cattle weighing under 1100
lbs , market was active and
25c higher on heavy cattle
scaling more than 1300 lbs
Cattle reciepts for the
Thursday auction totaled
644, with receipts of calves
at 321.
For butcher steers; prime,
1150 and under - $2B 50 -
Several loads mixed choice
and prime 875 - 1050 lb.
slaughter heifers 28 00, good
to high choice heifers largely
25 50 - 27 75, load of cnoice
800 lbs. 27 90, load choice
1050 lbs. 26 50, two loads 955
lbs. at 27 00 choice with a
good end, load standard and
low good heifers 25 25 Util
ity and commercial cows 17.
25 - 20 00, few standard 20.
00 - 22.50, canners and cut
ters largely 15.00 - 18 50,
Holstein cutter and utility
cows m l xed 18 75 - 19 00.
Utility and commercial bulls
22 00 - 24 75, mostly 24 50
down, Heavy fat bulls 20 50-
22- 00. Good vealers 29.00 -
32.00, utility and standard
20.00 - 29 00, culls 15.00 -
19 00 Good and choice 750-
1125 1b feeding steers 25.75-
28 00, medium and good 975-
1065 lb feeder steers 24 50 -
25 40, medium 650 lb stock
heifers 24 00.
Introducing ...
in dairy rati
v^' tr \ ~
Beacon lias a brand new addition to its line-up of
quality feeds for dairy cattle . . . Beacon Milk
Check Feeds with five important benefits;
1 Highly Palatable
2 Coarse Texture
3 High in Energy
4 Free Flowing
5 Stepped Up Trace
Mineral Fortification
These ney/ Milk Check Feeds offer maximum
value far your feeding dollar . . . high re*
iurn of the milk pail • . • and jn your own
milk check.
Cal! us today -for more
information on these new feeds
Beacon Dealers and Beacon Advisors are located through
out Lancaster County. For the name of the one nearest
you please phone or write:
Philadelphia and Carlisle Sts., York. Pa.
29 35, Over 1200 lbs * $27.
- 27.50; and over 1400 - $25
26.50. Choice butcher
steers; 1150 and under - 27 -
50 - 28 50; 1200 and over -
$26 - 27; 1400 and over -
525 - 25 50 Good steers, un
der rllOO - s2* - 25, over
1200 - $23.50 - 24 50
In butcher heifer classes,
choice grade sold for $25 -
27 25; good - $23 - 24, and
plain to medium grades - $l9
- 22.
Good bulls sold for $25.50
- 27 50, plain to medium -
$23.50 - 25 Good butcher
cows brought $2O - 21 50,
medium kinds - $l9 - 20.
Canners and cutters - $l9 -
Stocker and feeder steers
sold for $25 - 28 Stock
steer calves - $2B - 30
Choice and prime butcher
calves brought $39 - 42; good
butcher calves - $33 - 39;
medium - $2B - 33, and thin
calves - $2O - 28.
Dec 3, Dairy sale- Receipts,
cows 50, stock bulls 4 and
heifers 10 Market was act
ive on all fresh cows, ship
pers have gone to devote at
tention to deer market
In the fresh cow class Hol
stems were going at $375 -
500 Guernseys at $260 - 318,
and others $2OO - 3,75
Stock bulls brought 192.50
to 240 00 and stock heifers
sold for $l9O to 262 50.
Dec 1, Horse sale Re
ceipts, 110 Mules were going
for $BO to 115 Ponies, $BO -
100 Driving horses, $l4O -
205, and killers, $BO to 122.-
50 Killer market steady and
deer market very active.
Telephone: York 8-2341.