2—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday. November 29. 1958 At Lancaster Yards Stocker Cattle Lead Active Lane. Market Jam** E. O'Hara, In Charge, Market New» Branch LANCASTER, Nov". 28 Receipts of cattle were re duced compared, with last week’s total, mainly because of the holiday. The supply totaled about 2533 cattle (compared with 3291 " head last week. Slaughter steers made up about 25 per cent of the sup ply and stackers and feeders comprised about 55 per cent. Trading was moderately ac tive on all classes this week except slaughter steers weighing, over 1200 bs. were slow. Compared with last week’s close, slaughter steers were steady. Bulls sold strong. Cows closed about 25 higher. Stockers and feeders were fully steady. The bulk of the choice slaughter steers weighing 940-1200 pounds brought $27 - 28 75, and sev eral loads and lots 1150 - I*oo lb. ranged between $26 - 28.25 with load 1390 lb. high-choice bringing $27. One load choice and-pnme 1497 lb. steers sold at $26 90. Good to low choice steers made $24 50 - 27 and stand ard sold down to $23. A load of good 800 lb. heifers made 25 50 - 27.25, with a few up to 27.50. Cutter and utility ranged from 16.75 to 17 50, while carmers and low cut ters made 15 50 - 16 75. Comml. $20.75 - 21.75, good and choice 800 - 1050 lbs. feeders brought $25 - 27.75, lot high-choice 870 lb. reach ed $2B, Medium and good sold at $24 - 25 75 Good and choice 550 - 800 lb. stock steers sold for $26.- 75 - 30, and several lots and part loads 500-600 lb. choice stockers made $30.50 - 32. Medium and good 600 - 800 lb. stockers cashed at 24.75 - 26.75. Good grade 375 - 490 lb. stock calves made 29-32. Calf receipts totaled about 664 compared with 696 last week. Trading was active as vealers sold $1 - 200 off. I DEAD ANIMALS « removed promptly I Will Par Full Value For Dead Animals Dealers in Bones, Tallow and Hides FRY'S RENDERING WORKS Prop., lohn Fry 2114 Hollinger RD. Lancaster Ph. EK 2-4#lS If No Answer ** Phone EX 7-0472 Strong "Package” Big, strong-shelled eggs are 'scarce and wanted. The U.S.D.A. says that strong shells plus good whites, help to hold Fresh Quality longer. You can have your Egg Quality Program “built-in” if your layers are Mount Hope Queens. We break out thousands of eggs, so we are sure. , QUEEN eggs are really High Quality in a Strong "Package’’ . . just what you need for highest prices Breakage alone is said to cost $3OO a year on a 2000-bird plant. Mount Hope Queen chicks can be bought year round_ from con- Johnson's „ , Hatchery EPHBATA, PA. Good and choice vealers early made $3O - 35, but closed at 29 - 34 and prime grade brought 35.00 - 39.00, and standard and low-good sold at $23 - 29.00 with utili ty own to 18.00. In the hog division this week receipts totaled about 1012 compared with 1145 head last week. Trading was active in spite of the 50 cent lower market for barrows, gilts and sows. U. S. No. 1-3 grade 180 - 240 lb. barrows, and gilts made $2O - 25.50, and few No. 3 down to $19.- 50, with several lots No. 1 and 2 grade scaling 190-220 lb. making $20.75 - 21, and a few scattered lots mostly No. 1 at $21.25 - 21.50, with 300 - 500 lb. sows selling at $14.- 50 - 18.00. Sheep receipts totaled a bout 205 compared with 441 head last week. Wooled slaughter lambs sold 50 cents lower m active trading. Good and choice slaughter lambs brought 22.75 - 24.00 and utility and low good made $19.25 - 23.00. Guernsey Club Elects Officers A total of 131 members and guests of the Lancaster County Guernsey Breeders Association attended the or ganization’s annual business meeting and banquet at the Quarryville Spanish Tavern, Nov. 21 Delegates to the meet elec ted Rbhrer Witmer, Willow Street; Harold Herr, Kirk wood, and Samuel Groff, Peach Bottom to three-year terms on the county board of directors. The d’rectors will select their officers Mon day evening during a meet ing at the Frank Hershey home, 422 Willow Road, Lancaster. Special recognition was given to Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Witmer Willow Street, fox' the highest Guernsey herd-average in DHIA 57-58 tests The Witmer herd, a consitant pace-setter in Pennsylvania Guernsey Cir (Turn to page 12) '-m- b/ri ""Ss«sv'-, •o / % Z / V;'/.’ \'' - 1; " i : ' '//W POULTRY Hars? “ V '' * ' yA , ; 1 ’ - ' y y* ' . It's the Golden Eggs that make the difference between just breaking even and profitable farming. Red Rose Laying Mash or Complete Laying Ration provide the extra energy that produces GOLDEN EGGS . , . the eggs you get above 50% lay the eggs that mean more money in the bank for you. By feeding Red Hose Poultry Feeds a 70'/ to 80/ lay is practical. Start your flock on the Red Rose Feeding Pro gram today! MOUNTVILLE WALTER & JACKSON. FEED SERVICE INC. R D 2, Columbia, Pa Chustiana, Pa LEROY GEIB, EST. SNADER'S MILL R D 2, Manheim, Pa R D 1, Stevens, Pa JOHN H. BONHOLTZER I. B. GRAYBILL & SON R D 4, Lancaster, Pa Refton, Pa JOSEPH M. GOOD & SON R D 1, Bird-m-Hand, Pa At Chicago Heavy Prime Cattle Runs Glut Market I7SDA.? MARKET NEWS SERVICE CHICAGO N0V.26 Cattle Three full day receipts slightly'' smaller than the same three days last week but fully fifteen per cent larger than the same period last year. Fully 70 per cent slaughter steers, up a few percentage points from last week. Fhlly-15 per cent slaughter heifers, down sli g'ately from last week, around five percent cows, the same as last week. Average weight ot-slaugh ter steers continuing’ to run about the heaviest on record,- this weeks average estimated to be about the same as last weeks average of 1172 lbs. Smaller percentage prime steers Monday but the. per centage of prime Werijmsday largest for any day this year, better than 15 j>er cent of the steer supply' prime and around 70 percent choice steers standard and below very scarce as usual, some in crease in the percentage of good grade new crop short fed steers. Most heifers good and choi ce grades. Advancing dressed beef prices and moderate cat tle receipts led to higher prices, slaughter steers un evenly 25 - 1.00 higher than last week. Prime grades show least upturn, losing a con siderable part of early gains on Wednesday. Heifers most ly 50 - 75 higher, most ad vance on canners and cut ters. Bulls 25 - 50 higher. Vealers steady to strong. Stockers and feeders mostly steady. At least a dozen loads prime 1125 - 1300 lb. slaugh ter steers $28.75 and 29, in cluding several loads which arrived with show herds. Week’s bulk choice and pri me fed steers 26 - 28.50', ma jority 26.50 up, load lots mixed high-choice and prime 1400 - 1500 lb. steers $26 00- 27. Few high choice 950 lb. steers reached 28 50 and load lots choice and mixed choice and prime 1000 - 1100 lb. weights 28.00 - 28.50. Good steers 25 - 25 75, under ITOO lbs. 26.50 - 27.00, few loads mixed high-good and choice 950 - 1000 lb. steers up to" 27 50, few standard holstein (Turn to page 5) At New Holland Western Shipments jSpur Auction Interest Special to Lancaster Fanning- By 5f~H Sales Stable Management Nov. 27, 1958 Thursday's holiday auction at New Holland Sales Stables recorded light receipts of 511 cat tle and 123 calves, with the market 25 - 50 higher on all choice cattle weighing under 1100. Market on ail heavy cattle Weighing over 1300 very slow. Prime .butcher steers un- and 18 heifers on the/ block, der 1100 ranged fr*om 528 - Market was agairrwery active 29 weights between 1200 apd on top fresh and springing 1400 went at $27 - 27.50, and cows. Feature of the market over 1400 Tb. steers sold for was one load or Wisconsin *25 - 26.50. cows, fresh and close sprmg- Choicebutdiers miderlloo h lold 1400 lb. Weights, $26 - 27, afs2™fto°3Bs if £5 steers^under* 4 1100 m lbs. $26 - 27, and 1200 lbs. to 305 and other breeds $225 grades" 3 HOO bulls sold from $125 lbs. $24 - 25.50, and over I2do to 220 and stock heifers $llO $23 - 24. ' t° 225 - Choice butcher heifers bro ught $23 - 26; Gsad kinds, $22 - 23, and plain to med ium heifers, $l9 - 22. Good bulls, $25 - 27; plain to medium, $23.50 - 25; good butcher cows, $2O - 21.50; Mediums, $l9 - 20, and can ners and cutters, $l7 - 19. Stocker and feeder steers went at $25 to 27.50, stock steer calves, $2B - 32.50; choice to prime calves, 40; good butcher calves, $33- 37; mediums, $2B -'',33, and thin calves, $l9 - 28. Nov 24 —• Receipts for this week’s New Holland horse and mule auction total ed 154; with two loads of western horses holding the spotlight. One load of Am erican Saddlebred horses, shipped' from Missouri, drew active bidding due to their size and ’ breeding. Twelve head of Illinois Standard breds sold for from $175 to $230. About 90% of the draft and mules on the market went into the killer channels. The market in general: Mules -,5110.t0 160; Riding horses - $135 to 265; Driving horses - $135 to 240; Heavy killers - $95 to 130, and thm killers - $45 to 80 Nov. 26 Receipts for the week’s dairy sale totaled 160 with 123 cows, 19 slock bulls STOCKERS and FEEDERS of all grades and weights ON,, SALE DAILY This is your CENTRAL MARKET to sell CATTLE, CALVES, HOGS & SHEEP ’’ i _ Contact your COMMISSION FIRM for good service at THE UNION STOCK YARDS LANCASTER. PENNA. BABY CHICKS MUSSER Leghorn Chicks ; bred for the business poultryman who’s looking . '• for dependability' We don’t claim our birds are the ! - best . we don’t say they’ll all live to 15 months of ; I age we don’t say they’ll all lay 300 or nfore eggs ; ; we do say they are pleasing hundreds of commercial ■ • poultrymen and are a. good buy at a fair price. Try ; them this year' "BABY CHICKS Passenger cars in the U.S. travel an average of 9,359 miles per year. Passenger car advertisers invested over 13 percent more in newspaper advertising in 1957 than m the previous year. Patronize Lancaster Harm ing Advertisers. ORDER YOURS NOW ... while seed is still available SMOKETOWN, PA. Ph, Lone. EX 2-2653 BABY CHICKS R. D. I, Mount Joy, P». BABY CHICKS R. D. I, Mount Joy, Fa. / 7 ... . 4