INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS for the 20th year of Society of Farm Women No. 15’s activities occurred Oct. 16 at Union Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Richard Ed wards, left, installing officer of the first elected officers of the southern Lancaster Society 15 Marks Twentieth Anniversary More than 40 charter members former officers and members of Farm Women’s Society No. 15 participated in celebration of the group’s 20th Anniversary, Oct. 16 in Union Presbyterian Church- Mrs Richard Edward. Quarry ville RD 2, former state president of the Penn Society of Farm Wo man, who helped organize the group, served as installing offi cer for the club’s newly-elected 1959 officers Mrs Wylie Howett, Kirkwood, who was the first secretary of Society 15, was elected president Mrs Forest Reinhart, Kirkwood RD 1, is vice-president, and Mrs Henry Wengei, Quarryville RD 2, was elected corresponding sec retary The Society’s first meeting was leenacted with Mrs Howett read mg the minutes and Mrs Charles with a POWER INSURANCE GENERATOR tower your tractor to gener ate standby power. Your tractor is easy starting and easy to connect to the Winco ganeratoi There are 2 models driven by flat belt, each 5000 Watts capacity Al so available in 6SOO Watts and 10,000 Watts capacity driven by Power Take- Off Send coupon for Information or Call for FREE demonstration L. H. Brubaker. 350 Strasburg Pike, Lane., Pa. (.entlemen Please send me full in f(imation on the Winco line of