Pa. Poultry Cooking Champ’s Receipe Is Chicken Loaf This is the recipe that won for 16 year old Mary Ann Wilson of Montrose, Pennsylvania, the title of Pennsylvania Poultry Cooking Champion for 1958 was a Chicken Loaf. It was the first time in the history of the contest that a loaf receipe took first prize. CHICKEN LOAF 4 eggs >4 cup milk i 2 cup chicken broth Do yon have faith in our INDUSTRIAL GROWTH? If you do we urge you to investigate Mutual Fund in* vesting. An investment in the shares of a Mutual Fund gives you part-ownership in scores of big companies in a variety of industries. The details about Mutual Fund investing are available to you without cost or obli gation upon request. Reynolds & Co. Members New York Stock Exchange 61 N. Duke St. Telephone EX 7-8224 m ■*«* * feLnfeasarert a K\£jl WpS^ Experiment Stations Conclude 1/^1 Iraj pw) You Make fuom $3.00 to $15.00 II for every '^ lo ° spent in a PP I y Limestone |Ej| M ffi MARTIN’S LIMESTONE M g iiTrtn m Tmo Ulna Poll. Terre Hill* HHlcrcst 5*3455 Al iIIWS sT an M ' M*™ l * inC * 151116 Isall ’ New Holland, ELgm S* TOBACCO GROWERS—Don't risk wet-weather planting delays next spring I Kill weed seeds this fall with one application of DuPont VPM * * SOIL FUMIGANT Treat beds with Du Pont VPM soil containers. Ask your supplier today fumigant this fall and you’ll effectively for Du Pont VMP! Control Weed seeds . . . be assured of On all chemicals, follow label instructions abundant, healthy seedlings next and warnings carefully spring. VPM saves labor, cuts pro- ¥T Tl Hit duction costs, requires no gas-tight /Yll | UIIKIm V r IVI cover. It’s easy to apply as a soil rUllJ/ » A If J. drench with power equipment or hand «m ».«<«. soil fumigant Sprinkler. Available in 1,5, or 30 gal. Better Things for Better Living through Chemistry VPM and other DuPont Agricultural Chemicals distributed by J. C. EHRLICH CO. 738 E. Chestnut St., Lancaster. Phone EX 3-2489. teaspoon salt V 4 teaspoon pepper 1 cup soft bread 1 tablespoon onion 3 cups cooked, chopped chic-’ ken 1 10 oz package frozen peas (Plus carrots (room temp erature) Beat eggs, add milk, and re maining ingredients, order given Mix well Pour into greased loaf pan (9” x 5” x 3”) Set m pan of hoi water Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) 45 to 50 minutes, or until done Invert loaf onto hot platter Serve with Mushroom Sauce MUSHROOM SAUCE l 'z cup sliced mushrooms 4 tablespoons butter 2Vz tablespoons flour J /s teaspoon salt plus pepper V 4 teaspoon paprika x k cup chicken broth V 2 cup milk V 2 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon chipped parsley 1 tablespoon Sherry Saute mushrooms in melted but ter Add flour with seasonings and blend thoroughly. Add broth and milk and cook until thicken ed Then add remaining mgiedi enls. When making a fabric contain ing synthetic fibers, don’t press the seams until you’re sure they need no changing. Sharp creases aic hard to press out and some times can’t be removed. Press with coolest iron temperature first; increase temperature ae needed. Half the meat eaten in the I/mted States is fresh or frozen cats; the other half is in proces sed form. Make Dairying Pay The Record Way Pennsylvania dany farmers have some of the best milk pro ducing cows in the world, but they also have some of the poor est. Of the nearly 1,000,000 cows kept lor milking purposes in the State, it is estimated that one third do not produce enough milk or butterfat m a year to return a profit on the feed and labor they require Any herd, large or small, good or poor, would be more profitable if the lowest producers were culled from the herd Dairymen know a herd of uni formly good cows cannot be de veloped easily or quickly, but Powers says the average produc tion level of any herd can be im proved gradually by effective culling, proper feeding, and care ful selection of breeding stock. The producing efficiency of the best herds can be maintained by following these same practices. No great financial investment is necessary, but careful planning and management, and a persis tent determination to develope a good herd is needed In order to cull, feed and breed intelligently, any dairyman must have records of production and feed consumption of every cow in his herd, year after year. There is no substitute for the actual records Guesses and esti mates may serve for a time, but worthwhile improvement is seldom obtained without records. To help dairymen obtain the necessary records continuously over a period of years there are three plans of record keeping available to him. Each is a part of the National Cooperative Dairy Herd Improvement Program Standard DHIA Owner-Sampler, and Weigh-A-Day-A-Month. For further details on any of the three programs consult your County Agent. m Lancaster Farming, Friday, August 29, 1958—11 _^«a§ r,nfr » IS! " ♦ '*l "V ****& v -cyx A <• ' Kuipers Bros., Inc., of New Holland, Pa., have just completed their first DUTCH-MADE package poultry house on the Mervin Hoover farm, located one mile south of New Holland. This package poultry house offers the poultryman a complete ready-to-use chicken house. It is completely erected on the farms by Herr’s Bulk Bin Service. The house is then equipped with all the latest time-saving equipment such as: automatic feeders, waterers, pit clean ers, aisle gathering nests, bulk feed bins, etc. Another main feature of the DUTCH-MADE package house is the built-in egg holding room with refrigeration unit and door. Due to a double-tiered pit construction and utilizing the ridge-type ventilation, hens are housed at the rate of one bird for every V/j square feet of floor space. 75 to 80 per cent of the droppings are removed automatically by the pit cleaner. This means a much drier house as well as helping to eliminate odor, insects, etc. If you are Ready To Buy . . . GOOD CHICKS Pick up your phone and call "Bilt'BlwliHg at Oxford, (Pa.) 286 COLLECT Bill will pay the call. Consumers, including buyers for stores, institutions, etc., want the Best Meat and Eggs ... no irregular lots of birds or mixed colors and mixed quality eggs. The final result depends on what you start with, and we have the chicks that will make Premium-Price meat and eggs. Interior quality of eggs is “tops”. Started Pullets Now Ready Carey White Leghorns, White Rocks, Cornish-Rock Cross, Menyknoll and Golden Sex-Links, New Hamps and Barred Rocks. Phone today for a date. Burling’s Hatchery Box F, Oxford, Pa. Count off the leading dairy herds in ) our area, will be surprised to see how many are on the Eastern States dairy feeding program . . . and how many have changed to Eastern States this fail. Why don’t you plan now to tra\ el the Eastern States Road to Dairy Success . . . where results are dependable and prices are consistent. EASTERN STATES FARMERS’ A Complete Program for Greater Dairy Success Ph. Quarryville ST 6-3647 or Lane. EX 4-3755 % EXCHANGE 4sr ~ ss