Wednesday New York Egg Market Copyrighted 1958 By Urner-Barry Co. Nearby Whites Extra Fancy Heavyweights Mediums Pullets Pecwees Extra Fancy Heavyweights Mediums . Pullets Peewees Fancy Heavyweights Mediums Pullets Standards Checks Fancy Heavyweights Mediums Pullets Fancy Heavyweights . NEW YORK, Aug 6 Shell egg market weaker and highly irregular today folowmg Monday’s shaip declines in top nearby whites Weekly Egg Price Review Nearby white July si Aug 11 Ex Fey Hywts 49 Vz 49 Vz Mediums 36 38 Pullets 23 25 Peewees 20 20 NEARBY BROWN Ex Fey Hywts 49 Vz Mediums 36 Pullets 26 Peewees 20 If you are Ready To Buy . , • GOOD CHICKS Pick up your phone and call at Oxford, (Pa.) 286 COLLECT Bill will pay the call. Consumers, including buyers for stores, institutions, etc., want the Best Meat and Eggs ... no irregular lots of birds or mixed colors and mixed quality eggs. The final result depends on what you start with, and we have the chicks that will make Premium-Price meat and eggs. Interior quality of eggs is “tops”. Started Pullets Now Ready Carey White Leghorns, White Khcks, Cornish-Rock Cross, Merryknoll and Golden Sex-Links, New Hamps and Barred Rocks. Phone today for a date. Burling’s Hatchery Box F, Oxford, Pa. Your Headquarters for Farm Supplies FEED High Energy Palatable Maximum Nutrition SEED Tested High Purity High Germination HERE IT IS !!! UNICO 10-HOLE NEST At TERRIFIC SAYINGS during Aug. & Sept. BUY NOW - ONLY $10.95 knocked down LANCASTER MANHEIM NEW HOLLAND QUARRYVILLE Nearby Browns Midwestern Mixed Midwestern Whites Midwestern Browns AUg 4 491/2 ■ 371/2-38 27 21 -25y 2 50Vz 38 26 20 'M BO# Call or Visit Us Today 46 36 25% 21 50 Vi 39 26 21 39 35% 25 35 28Va 25% Aug 5 46 Ms-47 40 28 Vz 29 22 50V2 50y 2 38 27 21 40 29 22 k Slaughter Steers Weak; Hogs Up At Chicago CHICAGO, Aug 4 CATTLE and CALVES 25.000 Slaughter steers slow weak to 75 cents lower least decline on choice un der 1,100 tb weights most down ward pressure on steers weighing 1,200 lb up Heifers slow, Weak to 50 cents lower. Cows and bulls fully steady. Vealers steady STEERS lb Few loads prime 1,125-1,325 tb slaughter steers $27 50-28 25, two loads around 1,275 tb weights at $2B 25 feed lot mates of $2B 75 cattle last Wednesday, bulk choice and prime steers $25 25-27 25 mixed choice and prime 1250 tb and heavier $26-26 50 mostly choice 1,000-1,050 tb weights $26 and $26 50 mixed good and low-choice steers $24 5025 loadlots standard and good grades $23 24 50, few low standard steers down to $22 HEIFERS Few loads high choice and mixed choice and pume l|eifers $26 25-27, most good to high-choice heifers $23 50- 26 Choice largely $24 50 up, standard to low-good heifers $2l - COWS and BULLS; Utility and commercial cows $l7 75-20, can ners and cutters $l5-18 50, most utility and commeicial bulls $2150-23 50 Scattered head weighty commercial bulls up to $24 VEALERS: Good and choice vealers $2B to 31 Utility and standard $lB-28, culls down to $l2 STOCKERS and FEEDERS: Stockers and feeders steady to 50 lower decline on feeding steers 800 tt up Two loads low-good around 450 and 525 tb short yearling stock steers $29 and 29 50, good 850 tb feeding steers $24 HOGS: 7,500 Fairly active steady to 25 cants higher on barrows and gilts very uneven strong to 50 cents higher Fair shipping demand but all local interests in trade. No 1 lots butchers very scarce US No 2 and 3 195-280 lb barrows and gilts $22 75-23 25 Mostly $23- 23.25 on 210 270 lb weights Few lots No 1 and 2, 200-230 lb also $23 25 and 30 head lot No. 1, 205 lb $23 35 Few mostly No 3, 280-310 lb $22 25-22 75 Limited volume mixed grade 180-195 lb $22 25-23 Mixed grades 400-500 lb sows $l9 50-20 50, most 330- 375 tb $2O 75-2175 275 325 lb $2l 75-22 50 and small volume 500-550 lb $l9-19 50. Quality FERTILIZER Free-Flowing Pulverized & Granular PETROLEUM Fuel Oils Motor Oil Broilers Mostly Steady to Firm In Major Producing Areas This Week The broiler market seems to be gaming a little more stiength after a steady drop over the past two months In the Delmarva area prices ol 18 5 and 18 6 cents a pound were quoted in Tuesday’s trade, and the auction at the Eastern Shore Poultry Growers Exchange reflected this strength In most other areas of the country, gains were lestncted to about half a cent a pound, but in all instances prices held steady with those of last week and two weeks ago The Delmarva broiler-feed ra tio held steady at 3 6 last week Although the broiler average diopped to 18 33 cents, feed prices came down to $lO2 a ton fiom the $lO5 a ton price quoted the week before. A year ago the latio was 4 7 with broilers averaging 2214 cents and feed being $9410 a ton. Here is how the broiler mar ket shaped up in the maior pro ducing aieas at the beginning of this week DELMARVA Market quiet Tiading light Offerings heavy Demand good and trade senti ment steady Prices paid at the Lancaster Markets Continued from page 2) HOGS Receipts week to dale 1,489 Trading moderately active, barrows and gilts steady to 25 cents lowei Bulk US No 1-3 mixed weight and grade 190- 230 tb bairows and gilts $24- 24 50 few lots No 1 and 2 these weights $24 50-25 Scat tered lots 230-270 lbs $23 50- 24 25 Sows fully steady No 1-3 mixed 300-550 ‘tb $l7-20, tew wet or medium sows $l6-17 i SHEEP Receipts-week to date 386 Slaughter spring lambs fairly active, fully steady Good and choice 70-90 lb slaughter spring lambs $.23-25 50, utility and low-good $lB 50 22 50, cull down to $l7 18 VIGOROUS PULLETS AND EGG "VVTIRTHMORE Grow & Egg is designed for poultrymen producing market eggs on the mash and scratch program. With this feed only one mash is needed for the entire growing and laying period. The combination of energy, quality proteins and vita mins in Grow & Egg makes it a highly efficient feed. For tops in performance and profits feed Wirthmore Grow & Egg. Gasoline Grease Lancaster Farming, Friday, August 8, 1958 &o«* tG -’ \ « GROWS STURDY SUPPORTS HIGH PRODUCTION 0% A LeROY M. SENSENIG Ph. Ephrata REpublic 3-2009 HINKLETOWN larm were 18 l 2 end 18 G cents a pound, with 144,200 head being sold GEORGIA: Demand lair 10 mostly good Offerings geneially ample though slightly short m a few instances Seventeen cents was the only price quoted lor 788,000 head sold NORTH CAROLINA: Offerings adequate Demand fair to good. Prices weie steady at 17 cenN for all of 634,200 head sold (Continued on page ten)' tCvjColooy.sezlj DOIMG SOMETHING IT A "WHOLE LOT BETTER 1 THAN! WISH IM6 YOU HAD i BOMETWIMG TO DO ' ; We keep biisj pleasing you eveiy time you give ' us an oppoitunity to serve you. S SPECIAL SALE fl OF WESTINGHOUSE I ■ REFRIGERATORS & I 1 FREEZERS I Cope & Weaver WILLOW ST. Ph. Lane. EX 3-2824 3 I £- JCS.S