Second U.S. Observer Group Leaves For Agricultural Tour of USSR The U.S Department of Agri culture today announced that its second official group named to conduct agricultural studies in the Soviet Union left lor Moscow July 12 The second gioup’s obicctive will be to study temperate and subtropical Russian plant mater ials not grown in the United Slates but which could be devel oped here The team is one °1 six USDA groups which will go to the Soviet Union to make agricultural ob seivations under an echange ar rangement An equal number of Russian observer gioups will come to the United States LIKE THE OTHER teams in the U S -Soviet Union exchange the second gr°up is composed of specialists seeking information beneficial to U S agriculture There has been little previous L S -Russian agricultural scienti fic and economic contact The crop'' study team, on reach mg Moscow, will visit the Rus sian Ministries of Agncultre and mmmm M j^L, Powerful New Arrivals! OUVMR 770 and 880 Row-Croppers for'sB Put new life into your farming with a new Oliver -3-4 plow 770 or 4--5 plow 880. They’re spanking new in looks, in design, in feel. They put more power to work-in practical new ways. Big, high-speed engines give you more draw bar horsepower than ever—well over the 50 mark in the 880. A new Power-Booster Drive gives you 12 forward speeds and almost one-third more pull for the tough spots—on the go. In plowing, Oliver’s new Power-Traction Hitch transfers extra weight to the rear wheels, keeps you going at full speed. Powerjuster wheels take the work out of changing tread, and power steering makes every maneuver easier. Come m and see these powerful new Olivers, now in bright new meadow green and clover white. Feel their power, too, and learn how it can help you boost farm profits. Farmersyille Equipment Co. J. Chas. J. Hershev G. N. of Gram Products, the Lenir Academy of Agricultural Science Experiment Station, the Timir va/cv Agricultural Academy, the Agricultural Exhibition, and the Pesearch Institute of Grain THE GROUP WILL then go U> Kiev to visit taims, the Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Science and the Mironvovskaya Exper> ment Station, and to confer with the Ministry of Agriculture offi cuds Traveling by automobile plane and tram, the group will visit the Cornßesearch Institute at Dnepio petrovsk, the Research Institute ol Oilseed ’ Crops at Krasnodar, the Institte of Gram Farming at Saratov, the Lenin Academy (Ka /akh Branch) at Alma-Ata, the Siberian Research Institute of Giain Farming, and the Research Institute of Plant Piotection, the Research Institute of Crops, and the Physico-Agiononuc Research Institute at Leningrad The team will visit farms near most of its stops The crop study gioup is com posed of Herman A Rodenhiser, John R Magncss, and Carl O Er lanson, Production Research Divi smn, USDA’s Agricultural Re search Service, Herbert H Kram er, Agricultural Experiment Sta tion, Purdue University, Lafay i/ation Research and Development cite, Ind , and Ivan A Wolft, Util Division, Agricultural Research Service, Peoria, 111 The team will be in Soviet Union about 30 days Ephrata, RD. 2 McComsey Hickory Hill, Pa. Lapp B. Atglen & Sons & MMJ _ raaaa NUTH-M HM Son Automation Invades Hog Feeding Field Automation in the care and feeding of hogs has been made possible as a result of research by an engineer ot the U S Depart ment °f Agriculture and two co operating scientists of the Illi nois Agricultural Experiment Sta tion at Urbana They have devised facilities us ing both experimental and coin meicial equipment, operated by electronic conti ols, to automatic ally (1) maintain constant spphes of feed arjd water, (2) provide sanitation by periodic washing of an eercise area, and (3) dispose of waste by drainage mt° a sep tic tank These completely automatically housing and feeding facilities for hogs were described to membeis ol the American Society of Agri cultural Engineeis at the final ses sion of their 51st annual meeting at Santa Barbara, Calif H. B. PUCKETT. USDA engi neer, was chiefly lesponsible foi airangement of the electronic dc vices useu to operate the facili ties He was assisted in design and arrangement of the housing and leeding layout by E L Hansen pioiessor of agricultural engi neenng and S W Terrill, pro lessor of animal science, both of the Illinois Agricultial Expen meat Station The cooperative pioject Puck eft explained to the ASAE mee* mg, was undertaken to determine the engineering icquirements of a system that wold have the ad vantage of raising hogs in con flnement without the relatively h'gh labor costs normally in voiced in such operations The facilities developed at Ur bana represent a step toward more fully mechanized hog pro Auction, Puckett indicated He pointed out that mechanization of field-crop production has in creased by 300 per cent per man hour since 1939, while mechaniza tion of hvstock production has in ci eased only 20 per cent. RAISING HOGS in confinement is possible with improved sanita tion and management practices Puckett said, but these practices call for added labor, unless thev can be accomplished by self-op crating machines The new hog-raising facilities feature a feeding system that (1) automatically maintains a con stant supply of feed, (2) provides given quantities of feed at speci fied times, or (3) can be manually controlled to supply feed as the operator desires Under automatic operation, a supply of feed is earned to the troughs by motor-driven auguis fiom hoppers ot mixed feed De livery starts automatically as the level °f feed in the troughs runs lon, and it is stopped when the troughs are filled HOPPERS CONTAINING the mixed feed are supplied directlj fiom a commercial feed mill, which is also automatically oper nted and is a part of the feed pieparation system The mill is fitted with built-in metering de vices to measure the required quantity of each feed ingredient The feed is ground and mixed be fore it is conveyed to the troughs bv a high-pi essure pneumatic sj stem. Storage bins hold large quan lilies of the feed ingredients which ai e c°nveyed to the mill by automatically controlled augurs The bins hold reserve supplies adequate for a week or moie Failure of the feeding system to operate automatically switches cn a warning signal The hogs are housed and fed in a small'building located at one side of a circular concrete exer cise floor H°usmg and feeding accommodations are prpuosely le stneted to force hogs that are neither eating nor resting into ihc exercise aiea This arrange nient has proved to be an aid to maintenance of sanitary condi tions m the housing and feeding quarters The exercise aiea is cleaned au- Lancaster Farming, Friday, July 18, 1958—13 Baltimore Sales Slow, Weaker On Fat Cattle BALTIMORE, July 15 CATTLE AND CALVES The supply was made up or approximately 40 per cent slaughter steer, 50 per cent cows, 8 per cent bulls and 3 or 4 loads ol slockers and feeders Slaughter hetl ers were very scarce Trading was slow on led steers with choice to prime selling fully steady and other glades steady to 25 cents lower Cows v ere very slow Utility and commer cial cows sold unevenly steady to 50 cents lower, canners and cutters open ed steady but closed 50 cents lower v itli instances $1 00 oil mostly on light canners Bulls were moderately active am' strong to 25 cents higher Vealers were scarce and steady to strong Sloe kers and feeders nominally steady About 3 loads of 997-1045 lb average choice to low prime fed steers $29 50, package prime $3O 00, bulk 900 1170 lb good to low-choice steers $26 75 28 25 Few standard and low-good 525 25 26 50 Few small packages 800 1000 lb standard and good slaughter heifers $24 00 27 50 Utility and commercial cows $lB 75 21 00, few high commercial ant standard S2l 50 22 00, canners and cutters $l6 00-18 75 with light-canners down to $l3 00 Utility and commercial hulls $23 00 25 00, bulk $24 00 and up individual 1930 lbs $25 00 Good and choice 160 230 lb vealers $25 00 30 03 with few scattered head choice at $3l 00 Load 583 lb mostly good stock $26 00 One lot 823 lb medium and good steers $27 00, one lot 645 lb choice leeder steers $26 00 two small lots'B4o 961 lb medium $24 50 24 65 Load 264 tomatically by a rotating b°om that flushes and cleans the con crete flooi with water under 70 lbs of pressure, supplied at flooi level by two nozzles This motor driven device may be set to op c> ate one or several times a day Ihc floor of the area slants towau’ the center where a dram is 1° cated to cany the waste material to a septic tank If you are Ready To Buy . . . GOOD CHICKS Pick up your phone and call "B'dl'BwdiHg at Oxford, (Pa.) 286 COLLECT Bill will pay the call. Consumers, including buyers for stores, institutions, etc., want the Best Meat and Eggs ... no irregular lots of birds or mixed colors and mixed quality eggs. The final result depends on what vou start with, and we have the chicks that will make Premium-Price meat and eggs. Interior quality of eggs is “tops”. Started Pullets Now Ready Carey White Leghorns, White Rocks, Cornish-Rock Cross, IMcrryknoll and Golden Sex-Links, New Hamps and Barred Rocks. Phone today for a date. Burliug’s Hatchery Box F, Oxford, Pa. The World of Agriculture Can Be in Your Mail Box Farming is changing constantly- You stay abreast of those changes when you can take Lancaster Farming out of your mail box each Friday Right there in your hand you will have the latest news of agriculture. For Lancaster County farm news, farm features, market news, home and family features and special articles, subscribe to Lancaster Farming today. The rate is just $2 a year. For other rates, see page 4of this issue Fill in the coupon below and mail it now. Lancaster Farming Box 126 Quarryville, Pa. Bill me Enclosed $2 for one year Start mv subscription immediately Name Address 10 mostly choice stock steer cakes 011 at $27 00 Three small lots 37fa 432 $3O 00, small lot 171 lbs good sorted lb good and choice mixed steer and heifet calves $26 00 29 00 Two sueable lot-. 603.651 lb mostly good feeder hcif