10—Lancaster Farming, Friday, July 18, 1958 For the Farm Wife and Family Heat oven to 350 degrees Caease well and flour two round L,yer pans 9 x 1-Vu". Cream to gether shortening, sugar, eggs; beat 5 minutes on high speed on mixer or by hand. Sift dry in gredients together and mix in al ternately with water and vanilla. L se low speed on mixer. Pour into piepared pans Bake 35 minutes. DATE AND NUT CAKE Lorraine Herr, Quarryville 1 pound dates (pited and cut up) 1 cup boiling water 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon butter 1 egg, well beaten 1 cup English walnuts cups flour 1 teaspoon vanilla Sprinkle soda over dates, pour boiling water over the dates and soda and let stand until cool Blend egg, sugar and butter. Add date mixture, walnuts, flour and vanilla Mix together well. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour in loaf nan. SPONGE CAKE JaneDeibler, Quarryville 2 cups sugar SIMPLICITY Garden Tractors Snavely’s Farm Service New Holland EL 4-221 yiuiiiiuiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiuiumiiiiimiiiiniiiiini I r> FIRST FEDERAL Savings and I OP lanca! 25 North Duke Street STATEMENT OF CONDITION After the Close of Business June 30, 1958 First Mortgage Loans Loans on Savings Accounts Federal Home Loan Bank Stock Federal Loan Bank Obligations U S Government Obligations Other Investment Securities Accrued Interest on Investments Cash on Hand and in Banks Office Building and Equipment, Less Depreciation Deferred Charges and Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS Savings Accounts Loans jn Process Other Liabilities Reserves Specific General Surplus TOTAL LIABILITIES Savings Insured up to $lO,OOO by U. S. Government Agency Investment Certificates Legal for Trust Funds Member Federal Home Loan Bank System and Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Chartered and Supervised by the United States Government w liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiimiiiiiiir. 1 cup cold water 6 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla V 2 teaspoon lemon juice (if de sired) 2 cups sifted cake flour Boil water and sugar together for 10 minutes Cool syrup slight ly. Separate six eggs. Beat egg whites until stift; then add syrup slowly while beating. Add egg yolks one at a time and beat while' adding Add vanilla; fold in slow ly by hand the sifted cake flour (sift 3 times) Bake at 350 de grees for one hour. MOCHA RAISIN CAKE Betty Kalinoski, RD Quarryville 2 cups strong coffee brew 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons breakfast cocoa 1 cup seedless raisins, cut up Vz cup shortening 1 cup sugar • Vz teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs, unbeaten 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour % teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons baking powder ’'a teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon each cinnamon and nutmeg i'2 teaspoon cloves Combine coffee, sugar, cocoa, and raisins in saucepan Bring to boil and simmer 10 to 15 minutes Cool. Cream shortening and add sugar gradually, creaming .until light and fluffy Add vanilla Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition Mix and sift remaining ingredients Add, al ternating with coffee mixture and illlillllllitllllllllllimillllllllllllllllllllllllllinillllMlff Lancaster, Pa. ASSETS LIABILITIES DIVIDEND PAID JUNE 30, 1958 3% Per Annum an r m 89,562,692.13 | 88,171.79 = 200,000.00 = 2,651,349.24 = 150.000. E 100.000. = 13,866.43 | 510,980.72 = 177,512.75 6,046.78 813,460,619.84 $12,655,407.82 2,326.50 26,675.06 617.18 652,471.75 123,121.53 $13,460,619.84 Louvers Add Beaut Folding Wall Practical New designs in sliding and folding door hardware available today have “opened the door” for dozens of new ways to im prove the home with room di viders and space-saving parti tions. The drawing shows an .ex ample—a room divider that is both attractive and practical. Eight narrow louver doors of ponderosa pine weie hinged to gether like a screen and sus pended fiom a sliding hack at 'ached to the ceiling. In this case, two beds in a ledroorn aie sepaialed without stir thoroughly Bake in greased floured pan 10x10x2” in moderate oven (350 degrees) about 1 hour. When cool, place lace paper doily on top Sift confectioners’ sugar on doily. Lift off carefully. Cut cake m squares to serve. CARMEL ICING Jeanne Gochnauer, RD Quarryville llz cups brown sugar, packed % cup shortening Is cup milk Pinch of salt Boil 2 minutes Cool slightly before beating Give it plenty of time to reach spreading consis tency DEVIL’S FOOD CAKE Mary Witmer, RD Quairyville "U cups sifted cake floui or two cups sifted regular flour i"4 cups sugar V teaspoon baking powder Printed Pattern h\j "dTw <»«»••*•■ * if n y 1 3 '4 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt cup cocoa Sift together the above ingredi onts; then add cup soft shortening 1 cup water (when using cake flour add litle over half cup water When using re gular -flour add all the water at once.) J. teaspoon vanilla Beat 2 minutes and then add 3 egg Beat two more minutes. Pour into prepared pans either 2 9 > inch layer pans or 13 x 9-inch ob long pan Bake for 30 to 40 mmu tes at 350 degrees For extra flavor add one third teaspoon pepper mint flavoring Seven Minute frosting is very good on this cake | < I Home Improvements Storm Doors, Windows, Jalousies, SAwnings, Roofing, Siding, * , Carpentery, Roof Coating Authorized Ruberoid Applicator i Ralph F. Kline [405 S. Broad St. Ph. MA 6-7474 LITITZ, PA. I VISIT OUR STAND AT ROOT’S COMMUNITY MARKET 20 tears experience in Home Improvement field Our experience is your safeguard. Why take chances? 9213 SIZES 12—46 FREE iptk GAS INSTALLATION'^ limited time^only Suburban Atlantic States Gas Co. P.O. Box 1267, Lane., Pa. Phone: TWinoaks 8-3371 Farm Women 2 Plan Picnic For Aug. 9 On Saturday July 12 Farm Women’s Society 2 met at "Dutches” near Hopeland. Members answered roll call by telling their favorite beverage. Iced tea was the most popular. The group voted to give a com ti ibution to the migrant workeis fund. Mrs John Snavely, president of tne Society, named committees to plan the group’s annual picnic. The event will be held Aug 9 at Puhl’s Grove. * Mrs Alvin Graybill read a let ter of thanks to the society for a contribution. of 550 pounds of clothing and other items given the migrant workers near Coders port Kathrjn Kanchuf, Hanover, brought greetings and a shoit talk. . Games were in charge of Mrs. John Lehman and a Bible quiz Was given by Mrs. Walter Dohner. Hostess was Mrs Lehman and co-hostess was Mrs. Jay Sahm. • Hubbard Form* chirk* will moke more money lor you They oecome greet layer*. lIUtiARD'S 496 - o new brown egg cioss HUBBARD'S NEW HAMPSHIRES - o high egg production strain HUBBARD'S KIMBEPCHIK a leghorn strain cross Come m or send for FREE folders Started Pullets Available. {—|UBBARD FARMS [ chicks Lancaster, Pa., Manheim Pike. Telephone EXpress 22155, Our Customers Are Our Best Salesmen Pa US Approved Pullorum Typhoid Clean KEYSTONE HATCHERY Rep: Daniel R. Myer Ph. Leola OL 6-2243 Hatcheiy: Ph. Leola OL 6-6783 Farm: Ph. Ephrata RE 3-6179 'f»