2—Lancaster Farming, Friday, July 4, 1958 Broilers Dip to 22,29 Cents, Second lowest Average for Date at Exchange LANCASTER, June 26 A 22 29 cents a pound average was the lowest on the Lancaster Poul try Exchange for this date, with the exception of 1956, since the auction has been in business. A total of 83,425 head of broil ers in 29 lots sold at a range of from* 21% to 23% cents. Two per cent of the sales were at 21% cents, 18 per cent at 22 cents. 66 per cent at ,22% cents, two per cant at 22% cents one per cent at 23 cents and three per cent'at 23% cents Three lots, 3.600 head, of cap cttes sold for 26 to 27% cents, 3,110 head of white rock hens ranged frotp 20% to 21 cents, 670 head of light type hens went for 16% to 17% cents, a 160 head lot of white rock roosters sold for 20 cents and a <3O head lot of light tjpe roost ers sold for 12 cents a pound. Unsold were 9,900 head of H 200 Christie New Hampshire Chicks It Just Arrived A good meat chic'<. f Also good egg strain chicks -75 W Reds 2% 5O Nedlar H N ew Hamp. 2 weeks Put your order in for Leghorns or heavy strain TRY ALTMAN'S FEED! Your flocks will really do wonders on it. Your herd will make you money on Altman s Dairy Feed and Fitting Ration! flogs grow faster on Altman’s 20% Hog, Pig & Sow feed! 1 ALTMAN’S CASH FEED STORE WILLIS H. WEAVER MANAGER 947 Harrisburg A\e. Phone Lane. EX 4-771 10c per hundred discount on half ton lots or more. J PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE—WE DELIVER. j When you need resists in high yields . lock to a9O Ali-CROP harvester When you want RESULTS in high-yielding ci op-, a 90 All-Crop Harvester. ~. <-ure, fast feeding with 7y 2 -foot auger header ...handles heavy yields faster with an blast faepaiation, plus all-new GRAIN BYPASS, and oveisue stiawiack. ... in evsiy ciop you have All-Crop Harvester advantages of gentle wide-flow feeding, thoi ough ru'obei-on-rubber shelling, effective saw-tooth uind-vake cleaning. See u-. about a Model 90 with ievolutionary CRAIN BYPASS LISTEN TO tbs Na icnal Fa r m and home Hour, Saturdays NBC ,/V SALES AND SERVICE Njr ‘l'i IS. G. & Son Kheems. Pa Suavely farm Sen ice New Holland. Pa Mami L Grumelli Farm Serv. Quanwiile Pa L II Brubaker >,issln Farm Sen ice Lancasiei. Pa broilers in three lots A year ago the average for 83,480 head of broilers was 22.78 cents a pound. Here is the June 26 sale by lot number, seller with grower in parenthesis, number and breed, age in weeks and days, buyer and price per pound. 1, Clair Nissley, 1,000 Van tress, 9-2, Walter B. Lehman, 22% cents a pound. 2. Harvey M. Zimmerman, 1,500 Vantress capettes, 12-2, Carl B. iUsser, 26% cents. 3. J- Carl Graybill. 400 Leghorn fowl, one to two years, College Hill, 16% cents. 4. Cora B. Stephens, 800 White Rock fowl, 14% months, Roy E. Ream, 21 cents. 5 Eugene K. Metzler. 1,500 Vastress, 9, Roy E Ream. 22 cents. 6. Ross Huber, 400 White Rock fowl. 15 months, Marvin Swei gart, 20V* cents. 7. M & H Weav- ♦♦ «♦ :: n 44 ♦♦ Al f C ROR i-> m Alh- Cli ilmoi- ti idem tik L. H. Brubaker \\ ashingt'jn Boro, Pa Hogs Active., With Some Gain At Baltimore BALTIMORE, June 30 CATTLE APsD CALVES The supply was com posed of approximutey 60 per cent tea steers, 5 per cent fed heifers and the balance mostyl cows About one ana one haf loads of stockers and feeders included in run The fed steer «md heifer supply was largely good and choice grades Trading was moderately active on steers and heifers Steers were slightly uneven, but mostly stealy and heifers were fully steady Cows were very slow with early sales steady, but closing sales were weak with in stances 50 cents lower on utility and commercial Bulls sold fully 50 cents lower than last Monday with instances il 00 off on cutter bulls Vealers were scarce and steady. Stockers and feed ers nominally steady A package of 1132 lb prime steers S’o. two small lots 1,080 and 1,214 b average and high-choice fed steers $29.50 29 75, load 1,037 lb choice $29 15. hulk 900-1,137 b average-god to aver age choice"s27-29 and a few small lots ib standard and low-good steers $26 25 26 90 About two loads of 805-829 lb. low to mostlyf'ergge choice fed heifers $2B, small Ipt 752 lb good $26 50 Utility and commercial cows $l9 25-21, few head high commer cial $22, canners and cutters $l7-19 50 with several light canners $1517 Utu- ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ it Lilit/. Pa R. S. \^e:uer Sloeens. Pa (Continued on Page Three) er Poultry, (James S. Auker) 1,700 Vantress, 10, Roy E Ream 22Va cents. 8. M&H Weaver (James S Auker), 1-700 Van tress, 10, Roy E. Ream, 22% cents 9. James Kehdig, 2,200 Vantress, 10-1, John N. Thomas, 23Va cents. 10 Glenn H. Herr 3,400 Indian River White, 9-2 Meader’s Poultry, 22% cents. 11 Joseph L. Seller, 270 Leg horn fowl, Carl B Risser, 17% cents. 12 L E. Hennmger & Son (Curtis L. Moyer), 6,800 Vantress, 9-3, College Hill, 22*4 cents. 13- Esbenshade’s Turkey Farm. 7,500 Vantress, 9, College Hill, 22% cents 14. Esbenshade’s Turkey Farm, 7,500 Vantress, no sale, 22% cents bid 15. John J. Hess II (Sam K Blank), 1,000 Vantress, 9, no sale, 21% cents bid. 16 Harry W Hossler, 3,800 Vantress, 10-2, Daniel K Good, 22V4 cents 17 Harry W Hossler, 3,500 Vantress, 10-2, Daniel K Good, ,22 V 2 cents 18 J Lloyd Hossler, 1,200 Vantress* 10-6, Daniel K Good, 22% cents 19 Miller & Bushong (Harry F Hess), 1,100 Indian River White, 10, Daniel K Good, 22% cents 20 M&B (Robert Harmsh), 6,- 800 Vantress 9-2. Walter C Mel linger, 22% cents 21 M&B (Robert Harmsh), 4,- 100 Vantress, 9-2, Headers Poul try, 22V 4 cents 22 M&B (Robert Harmsh), 4,60 t( Vantress, College Hill. 22U cents 23 M&B (Henry Elsen). 3,400 White Mountains, 9-2. Darnel K Good, 2214 cents 24 M&B (Lester Weavei), 5,000 Vantress, 9, Headers Poultry, 22 V 4 cents 25 M&B (Frank Weidman), 850 Silver cross cockeiel capeltes, 12 4, College Hill. 23 cents 26 M&B (Abram Miller) 1,100 Vantress cockerel capettes, 12, Marvin Sueigait, 27 1 2 cents 27 M&B (Abram Millei 1 000 Van tress pullet capettes, 12, Walter C Mellmgei, 26 cents 28 M&B 'Vincent Hoovei) 1,400 Vantress 0-2 no sale, 22 cents bid 29 M&B (Jacob C Hen) 3 400 Van tiess, 9 S E Da\is 22U cents 30 M&B (Jacob C Hon), 4,300 Vantiess 9, Victoi Weavei Inc 22 cents 31 M&B (Jacob C Hen), 4, 400 Vantiess 9 Victoi Weaver Inc, 22 cents 32 M&B (Jacob C Hon) 4,200 Vantress, 9 Vic tor Weavei In 22 cents 33 John B Kmtz (Willis L Sen senig), 1 000 White Rock cock ci els 9 3 College ll>ll 22 1 1 cents 34 J B Kmtz (Willis L Sensenig) 1 000 Vantiess, 9, Col lege Hill 22 1 1 cents 35 Elam Sonscrus 400 Vanti ,'ss 9 6 J Robeil Chailes 21 i ccnls 36 Fanners SuppK t.Mnos Haimsh), 225 White Hock cock oiels 9 6 Ilo> E Ream 22 cents 37 Faimcrs SuppU (John M Hubei), 400 White Rock. 96, Ro \C Rodin 22 1 a cents 38 Moore Fauns (Wi'dii Bu.ke\ ) 160 White Rock Ion! Ro\ E Ream 20 cents 39 Mooiclainn cOicn Rdh) 1 000 Vanltcss i ross cod i ids 9 3 Colßye Hill 21 i cents 40 Moon' Fauns (Oifn Kdh ) 600 Vanticss cioss cockciols 93 Mcadus Poulin 22M cents Hogs Continue Cain, Slaughter Steers Strong, Steady at Lancaster LANCASTER, July 2 CATTLE, For three days 2,535 cattle compared with 2,849 the same period last week and 2,735 a year ag(C Slaughter steers made up about 55% of the weeks sup ply with cows, bulls and stockers and fsedeis making up the re mainder m about equal prpor tions Prices on slaughter steers mainly steady, few early sales 25 cents higher on choice and prime steers under 1100 lbs. No fed heifers of consequence of fered -Cows sold steady to weak, instances 50 cents lower on fat commercial cows; bulls, stockers and feeders steady. A short load of high-choice and prime 1025 lb. slaughter steers brought $31.00 Monday, and a load high-choice with a prime end bought to arrive late ’ H STOCKERS & FEEDERS of all grades and weights ON SALE DAILY This is your CENTRAL MARKET to sell CATTLE, CALVES, HOGS & SHEEP COMMISSION FIRM THE UNION STOCK YARDS !«, || ‘ .ri kw. «•»>* WV **T' " w ' r W The Money is in the EGGS , Increased Income Per 5 Peicents;* Poinds Fetd Extra Dozen Ton el Feed (torn > ol Flock Lay Per Dozen Ee*s Egjs You Get tin ‘ Golden lists ' ” 50% 5J52 O ~0 60% 4 .77 S 7 28.50 70% 4.43 89 44.50 80% 3.81 163 81.50 Feed required per dozen eggs a) different rales of production based on studies at Red Rose Research Center, The profit of the "Golden Eggs” is vours only when hens produce at more than 50% of ca> pacify. Profitable farming begins when you feed for "Golden Eggs.” Start feeding Red Rose Feeds now! POULTRY'FEEDS BUY RED ROSE POULTRY FEEDS FROM THESE RED ROSE DISTRIBUTORS MOUNTVTLLE WALTER & JACKSON FEED SERVICE ' INC. R D 2. Columbia Pa Chustiana Pa LEROY GEKL LSI. SNADER’S MILL R D 2 Manhoim J>a R D 1, Stevens Pa JOHN H. RONHOLTZER I. B. GRAVBiLL & SON R D 4 Lam.astoi Pa Refton, Pa JOSEPH M. GOOD & SON R U 1 Bucl-m-Hand. Pa a ts 29 75. Most choice 940-1200 lb weights from $27.50-29 00, mainly $2B 25 up. Bulk good to low-choice sold from $26.00-28., standard from $24.50-25.50. Cut ter and utility cows sold from $lB-51(2., commercial and standard $22-23, canners and low cutters $16.00-18 25. Utility and com mercial (bulls realized $23-26, a few heavy Holstein utility bulls up to $26 50 early Good grade fed bulls $26.50-27.50. Few good and low-choice steers reached $30.00 late; ma jority common and medium, stockers $23 50-26.50, a few com mon down to $22 00. Medium and good 650-9)25 lb feeders brought $27-29; good 325-550 lb stock calves $26-29.50. CALVES- 556. The vealer trade was slow with closing sales $2 00 under a week ago. Bulk (Continued on page three) Contact your for good service at Lancaster, Penna. :: «• ti