Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 27, 1958, Image 11

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    Automatic Milk Vending Machines
Increase Total Sales in West Va. Test
, Sales of fluid milk through
coin-operated vending machines
averaged about 1.5 per cent of
total milk sales in a study con
ducted in the Berkeley County
(Martmsburg) area of West Vir
ginia, the U S. Department of
Agriculture announced today In
dications, based on an analysis
of all relevant factors, are that
about two-thirds of the sales
through milk vending machines
apparently were “plus” sales.
This preliminary finding indi
cates that introducing many milk
vending machines into a market
area can expand the total market
for milk.
The research was conducted
for almost two years by a joint
team of researchers headed by
James H. Clarke of the West
Virginia Agricultural Experiment
Station and Mardy Myers and J.
Scott Hunter of the U S. Depart
ment of Agriculture, a' full re
port entitled “Automatic Milk
uation m Berkeley County, W.
Vending - A Market-Wide Eval-
Va.,” with detailed findings, will
be out shortly.
The additional sales of milk
as fluid milk through vending
machines usually result in a
higher price to producers than if
it is used for manufacturing pur
poses and so can be a means of
increasing farmers’ returns from
dairy products.
Milk vending machines, which
had not been in use in Berkeley
County for several years prior to
the study period, were introduced
by the milk distributors to aid
the researchers in evaluating
the effect of automatic vending
on total milk sales Starting in
September 1955 and continuing
through June 1957, a omplete
accounting was kept of milk
through milk vending machines,
principally in industrial locations
and offices but also m schools
and three outdoor locations Data
If you are Ready To Buy . . .
Pick up your phone and call
at Oxford, (Pa.) 286 COLLECT
* Bill will pay the call.
Consumers, including buyers for stores, institutions,
etc., want the Best Meat and Eggs ... no irregular
lots of birds or mixed colors and mixed quality eggs.
The final result depends on what you start with,
and we have the chicks that will make Premium-Price
meat and eggs. Interior quality of eggs is “tops”.
Started Pullets Now Ready
Carey White Leghorns, White Rocks, Cornish-Rock Cross,
Merryknoll and Golden Sex-Links, New Hanips and Barred
Rocks. Phone today for a date.
Burling’s Hatchery Box F, Oxford, Pa.
were also obtained for the test
period, and for the previous year,
on sales of milk through all other
outlets retail and wholesale
m the area.
Sales through the vending ma
chines were at first fairly sub
stantial but subsequently de
clined in many locations For
some of the machines, a down
ward trend in sales was observed
during most of the period of the
study For other machines, how
ever, sales leveled off following
an initial downturn. Peak sales
through vending machines were
almost 2 5 per cent of the total
market sales in October 1956
when employment at several
seasonal apple processing plants
in the area was at a maximum.
Sales at the end of the study
period ,m Apnl-June 1957, rep
resented 17 per cent of total
market sales.
To supplement the sales data,
1 interviews were conducted with
a sample of plant employees hav
ing access to the milk vending
machines. Results showed that
63 per cent of the employees in
the _ plant_ studied bought milk
from the vending machines dur
ing working hours, whereas, be
fore the vending machines were
installed only 19 per cent of the
employees had brought milk in
from the outside to drink while
at work This is another indica
tion of 'how automatic vending
can increase milk sales. Adverse
attitudes toward vending were
not found to be a limiting factor
in expanding consumption of
milk through machines
A study of the costs of operat
ing vending machine routes was
made concurrently with the sales
study The amounts of labor and'
other cost factors required for|
vending were determined and
the break-even points found for
various kinds of vending ma
chine routes.
Labor Efficiency
Greatest Benefit
Poultrymen have benefited
more by improved labor effi
ciency than by any other im
provements, it was reported at
the_annual conference of the
Pennsylvania Poultry Federation
at the State Univeisity.
Less than three minutes of la
bor are needed today to produce
a dozen eggs, compared with 13
minutes of labor needed for the
same production in 1923, declared
Dr John M Snyder, poultry spe
cialist for the Beacon Miling Co.
of Cayuga, N Y
“Management is the culprit in
limiting production performance,”
Dr Snyder stated. “Good man
agement makes it possible now
for a single broiler producer to
take cars of 150,000 broilers an
nually,” he added.
Dr Snyder stressed seven fac
tors for improved labor elficien
cy (1) automatic waterers, (2)
automatic feeders, (3) bulk feed,
(4) nest rooms, (5) handy clean
out, (6) combining chores, and
(7) centralized layouts.
to integration at opening day
sessions was Dr J C Huttar of
the Cooperative GL F Exchange,
Ithaca, N Y
“Integration’s record so far is
that it will reduce your risks and
losses and will also reduce your
profits,’ Dr Huttar stated “If
you don’t like this prospect, you
can integrate more processing
and marketing steps under your
own control, or join with others
to do the samething cooperative
ly, or you can fipd somthing else
to do.” he advised
Dr Huttar described integra
tion by the faimer as the op
posing force to specialization He
said the poultryman who pro
duces feed grams not only de
creases his dependence on a feed
supplier but also picks up part
of his income The egg producer
who sells eggs at a roadside
stand is integrating, as well as
the broiler grower who sells bar
beque dinners, he added
John L Rainey, director of
Pennsylvania’s Bureau of Mar
kets, Hamsburg, urged poultry
men to evolve a, pi emotional pro
gram to spur the sale of Pennsyl
vania produced eggs and poultry
* “WE WH.L HAVE to try for
a larger share of the market,
even if the trying only results
in holding our own share,” Rain
ey observed “If we do not strive
to be competitne, we will be
pushed aside ” he cautioned
Rainey estimated $1,600 000
would be available for promotion
it Pennsylvania s poultrv and
egg producers ear-maiked one
per cent of their cash income foi
He cited the state’s Food Mar
keting Advisoiy Council as help
ing to bring together poultry in
dustry representatives to solve
problems in promotion of poul
try, eggs, and other commodities.
L W Cassel, director of prac
tical research for Whrtmoyer
Lancaster Farming, Fridav, June 27, 1958—11
Scientists Consider 3-Pronged Attack
Against Clover Viruses
Successful control of virus dis
eases m Laclino and other clovers
may require a 3 pronged attack
involving (1) resistant varieties,
(2) chemicals that quickly de
stroy or repel vnus-carrying in
sects, and (>3) systemat»cally ac
tive compounds that inhibit the
disease in plant tissues, accord
ing to the U S Department ol
Researchers at USDA’s Agri
cultural Research Center, Belts
ville, Md , suspect that at least
two of thesa virus disease alf
alfa mosaic and bean yellow
mosaic known to reduce for
age and seed yields of Ladino
white clover by 25 to 50 per cent,
may also shorten the life of the
clover plants
Field-plot studies are under
way at Beltsville to deteimine
the effect of these virus diseases
on clover stand longevity. For
this work, the scientists have se
lected a location in which the
stands should not be unduly af
fected by insects.
diseases is being sought as the
first line of attack by Beltsville
rescai chers E A Hollowell and
K W Kreitlow of the Agricul
tural Research Service Other
measures, such as the use of
chemicals to control virus spread
ing insects or to inactivate the
vuuses within affected plants, are
still m the exploiatory stage
This 3-pronged attack, the USDA
scientists say, will requue much
basic research and the coopeia
tive effort of scientists in several
different fields.
Search for virus - resistant
plants has not been as fruitful
as originally hoped Some 11,000
Ladino clover seedlings have |
been tested so far, but none has
been found resistant to either
virus mosaic disease Although
these screening tests of Ladino
clover are beih continued, it ap
pears that researchers may have
to seek the needed resistance in
other clover species closely re
lated to. Ladino This will mean
considerable difficulty, if resist
ance is found, in crossing plants
with different chromosome num
bers to obtain resistant hybrids.
Vety few artificial crosses of this
type have been made success
BOTH OF THE clover viruses
occur in other legumes, and alf-,
alfa mosaic virus occurs also in 1
numerous weeds Both viruses
are earned to cultivated crops
pnncipally by aphids or other
sucking or chewing insects Dr. |
Laboratones of Myeistown, gave
a demonstiation of “The Egg and
You,” Stiessing need foi gieat
er promotion, he said the poul
try industry spends only $2lO 00
on piomotion lor each million
dollais of sales, compared with
$2,200 spent by the dairy indus
try for the same sales volume
He urged greater use ot eya and
appetite appeal in advertising
He described the egg caiton as
the pioducer’s salesman
t r Wilsons drop-m refrigeration unit
prmdes magnificent day-after-day
perfounance security for your milk
When —f 1 *
makes' cleaning
quick and eas>
Prevents forma
tion of milkstone.
wp«t» 3A
mUXAmbI Keeps Coo / in Any Emergency
L. H. Brubaker
Suavely’s Farm Service New Holland
Kreitlovv believes that commonly
used insecticides ate not ettci>
tive in controlling spread of me
diseases because they do not al
ways destroy the insects before
they hate infected the plant.
More effective insecticides, or
chemicals that repel the insects,
might be useful control aids. So
far, no insect repellents
been found that can be used see
cessfully on held crops.
Development of a systemic
chemical that would inhibit tne
viruses in clover plants is a
futme possibility Two possible
approaches are being considers 1.
One is to find a compound that
will inactivate the virus witho it
harming the plant. The other is
to find a material that will be
taken up by the plant and en
able it to produce substances
from within to neutralize
Pasture A Good Source
Of Vitamins
Actively growing green pas
ture is an excellent source cf
neailj. all the vitamins necessary
to animal health, accoiding to
Animal Hpsandman Berl Koch of
out, however, that pasture plants
are apparently very low in vita
min B 12 and vitamin D but, be
says the animal grazing on pas
ture certainly gets enough irra
diation from the sun to produce
adequate vitamin D in the body
Reduce mortality losses
clean up
your poultry house
the disinfecting -
white paint
• Cut poultry mortality losses 1 Clean yOiV
brooder house and laying house, then spray
Carboia-—the Disinfecting White Paint
Carbola’s powerful germicide kills poultry)
disease germs it contains Lindane and Mc.laJ
thion to kill flies lice mites and keep cobf
webs down Carboia dries white
Also used as 2 dust Carboia neutralises}
ammonia fumes
Ask your deafer for Carboia today or conudl
your Certified Carboia Sprayman Send for
free Poultry Management Bulletin and
name of your nearest Carboia Dealcr_t»_
hpidyman. Dept LF 68
Natural Bridge, N. Y.
Serving Me Poultry Industry lor 52 ycwi
Certified Sprayman
Ph. OLdfield 3-6045.
Florin, Pa
'•l' «
>ur milk quality
goes up...
'hen he drops inf
* See i s <ot more information.
Lane. R. D. 4