“MISS PENNSYLVANIA POULTRY INDUSTRY” CONTEST ENTRY BLANK I would like to compete in the 1958 “Miss Pennsylvania Poultry Industry” contest of the Lancaster County Poultrj Assn My name is My address is My telephone number is I am a whose address is Number of turkeys, layers or broilers raised Return this application to Claude F .Smith, 340 West Roseville Rd , Lancaster, Pa. FOWL LEUKOSIS COMPLEX IN BROILERS An Ounce of Prevention Broiler Growers should give careful consideration to the increased occurance of fowl leukosis complex in Delaware The following statements are quoted from the April Poultry Pathology Letter of the University of Delaware: 1. The foul leukosis complex was much more prevalent than in previous months and was of considerable concern to all of us present. It was observed 65 times and only 5 of these cases were in birds over 20 weeks of age. Some of the men have been called into processing plants to observe flocks with a heavy incidence of this condition. With leukosis the symptoms and some losses usually start at about 7 weeks of age and the losses are still climbing when they are sold. Paralyzed birds may show up first. Later we find the tumors (visceral lymphomatosis) in different parts of the body. 2. There are no specific treatment or preventive measures that we can recommend at this time. 3. During the past winter many of you have found it necessary to use and reuse old litter. In many instances this never had a chance to dry out. Since the virus of visceral lymphomatosis is passed in the drop pings as well as in the saliva of the chicks, we have probably compounded the amount of infection in many of our broiler houses by not cleaning them after each flock. 4. Until we have some method of prevention or treatment about the only recommendation that we can make is “practice more sanitation” especially during the first 4 weeks. - Whenever broiler growers “let down” 'on the practice of sanitation some disease trouble is sure to start We believe the report of increased incidence of fowl leukosis complex in broiler flocks should convince every broiler grower of the soundness of completely cleaning out all old litter, dusting the house, disinfecting, carefully washing all fountains and using new litter in each batch of broilers Prevention of leukosis by this procedure will be your only recourse and we surely want to do everything possible to avoid this serious trouble. David G. Kelly’s entry m the Jr. Chicken-of-Tomorrow Contest was the heaviest live weight entry of the 649 contestants Average weight per bird Feed conversion His father, Oren Kelly, well known chick salesman and farm man ager writes, “I am convinced you people have one of the top feeds on the market today. It has done a splendid job for us.” PLEASE NOTE: Production costs of our big flock customers are steadily coming DOWN on our NEW BROILER RATION. \\\ 11 //// %' Bushong, Manufacturers of Poultry and Live Stock Feed Since 1875. (name relationship) of No Cure ? How's This For Results? f• * n or Miller Rohrerstown, Pa. Ph. Lancaster EX 2-2145 EPTC May Cut Weed Control Cost More effective and lower co'St weed control in strawbemes and vegetables, without injury -to tnese crops, may result from ap praisal of the new herbicide EPTC by weed-control specialists oj the U S Department of Agn cultural and cooperating State Agucultural Experiment Station 1 - Preliminary experiments con ducted at USDA’s Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, Md , (