Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 21, 1958, Image 2

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    2 —Lancaster Farming, Friday, Feb, 21, 1958
Broilers Average Two Cents a Pound
More at Lancaster Exchange
LANCASTER Broilers aw
traged 22.40 cents a pound with
some 92,800 head being sold at
the Feb 13 auction at the Lancas
ter Poultry Exchange.
This price was a gam of about
two cents a pound more than paid
at the preceding week’s sale.
Eight lots of capettes, 8,000
in all. ranged from 28 to 31%
cents and three lots of Leghorn
fowl ranged from 17% to 17%
A year ago the broiler average
v as 20 48 cents with 110.770 head
being sold
Here is the recent sale by lot
number, seller with grower m
' H*M I '
"Nick-Chick" . JL=. &
Six years of leadership as the Highest
Average Profit producers in America s
two oldest 3 and :> year Random
Sample Tests (New York and Cahf )
is proot that HAN BALANCED
BREEDING pavs off consistently with
extra egg profits for you
broiler profits make vour next flock
Ist generation white Vamress Broiler
Chicks from Florin
FREE P ice list and liteMure sent on request
Ml. Joy 2 • loncoster County • Penna,
Ph. Mt. Joj OLdfield 3 9891
B Startei NFZ 430
B Gi ower 420
Qudlit.s Egg 400
Bluejnd All Mash DP 395
Fine Chick 500
Fitting Ration 355
16 r /c Super A Dairj 450
20 c /£> Hog, Pig &. Sow feed
4 50
Horse Feed 390
Special Chop for Hogs, Steers and Sheep, $3 25
f: 947 Harrisburg A\e. Phone Lane. EX 4-7715
:: 10c per hundred discount on halt ton lots or more
H tt
it ♦♦
it ♦♦
<s* ♦♦
| You Are Making Money |
% With Your Chickens I
• ♦ !!
?: it
I! ♦♦
*; it
l\ ★ If you are using a high-producing strain is
*♦ ♦♦
H of leghorn? H
ll and ::
*• J{
★ If you are doing a good job of managing ::
:: your flock p
II and |
:: t*
;; ♦♦
I: If you are keeping records tt
i; SS
• ♦ ♦♦
• • ♦*
*• ♦♦
• • ♦♦
|j Order Todav |
• »
5* ♦♦
:: Surplus chicks available nearly every week. H
«• ♦♦
:: ::
♦ * 44
• • ♦♦
li Greider Leghorn Farms I
t; ” H
|| MT. JOY, R. 1, PA. If
s. ♦♦
:: K
parenthesis, number and breed,
age m weeks and days, buyer and
puce per pound.
1. Eugene Schlosnagle, 8,400
Vvhite Vantress, 9-2, Header’s
Poultry, 22 % cents 2 Eugene
Schlosnagle, 8,400 White Vantress
92, College Hill Poultry, 22%
cents 3 Noah W. Kreider & Sons,
7,000 White Vantress, 9, Pa.
Dutch Farms, 22 cents. 4. Noah
W. Kreider & Sons, 7,000 White
Vantress, 9, Daniel K. Good, 2214
cents 5 John K. Curry & Sons
(Edwin L Funck), 8,000 White
Vantress, 9-2 Stair Poultry, 22 4
G J Lloyd Harmsh, 7,500 White
Vantress, 9-2, S. E. Davis, 21%
cents 7 J Lloyd Harmsh, 7,500
White Vantress. 9-2, Victor F
Weaver, 22 cents 8 Mans W.
Dess, 400 White Vantress cap
ettes, 14, John N. Thomas, 2914
cents 9 Samuel Grubb, 7,000 In
dian River White, 9-2, Victor F.
Weaver, 22 cents 10. Samuel
Grubb, 8,000 Indian River White
and White Vantress, 9-2, Victor
1 Weaver, 22 cents '
11 Elvm H Nolt, 1,300 White
Vantress capettes, 13, C F. Man
beck Inc, 28 cents 12 Harvey M.
Zimmerman, 3,000 White Van
ticss, 10, Roy E Ream, 24%
cents 13 Harvej M Zmmiere
n’dii, 1,500 White Vantress, 9 3,
John N Thomas, 24”4 cents. 14
Robert H Barr (J. Clayton
Charles), 4 000 White Vantress.
9, College Hill Poultrj, 22%
cents 15 Miller & Bushong (Elm
ei Beiler), 2,500 White Vantress
1 22a£5,
Prance Dog Feed 8 25
Rabbit Pellets 485
Rock Salt 180
Water Softener Pellets 236
Fine Salt (25 lbs ) 65$
Ticjan Pasti.v Floiu 25 lbs.
1 62
2 40
4 40
Pe\ 2Slb
Pe\ 50 lb
Cattle. Hogs
Gain; Chicago
Market Active
steers moderately active, average
choice and better steady to 50 cents
higher, other grades irregular, fully
steady Heifers steady. Cows steadv to
strong. Bulls stroi g to 25 cents higher
Vealers and stockers and feedeis
steady. Few loads high choice and
miked choice and prime 1100-1400 lbs
slaughter steers 30 50-23 75, two loads
miked choice and prime 1185 lb
weights 32 75, load high choice 1225
lb Montana fed steers 30 50, several
head prime 1050 lb steers 33 50, aver
age choice 27 00-29 50, mostly 27 50-
28 50. two loads around 1325 lb Colora
dos included at 28 25, mixed good and
choice steers 25 25-26 75, good grades
23 50 25 00, utility and standard steers
19 00-22 50 High choice and prime 1052
lb Colorado heifers 28 50 choice heif.
ers largely 25 25-27 25, good and choice
grades 24 50 25 00, good heifers 22 50-
2i 00 standard cows 18 00-19 50, utility
and commercial cows 16 00 18 50, can
ners and cutters 13 50 16 50, some mix
ed cutter and utility Holstein cows
lb 75, utility and commercial bulls
20 00 22 50, good and choice vealers
28 00-34 00, standard 22 00-28 00, cull
and utility 12 00 21 00, good and choice
825 950 lb feeding steers 23 50 24 50,
few good stockers 24 35 .
HOGS Active, uneven, 25-50 higher
on barrows and gilts, sows scarce,
mostly 25 higher Good shipping de
mand Early clearance US No 2 and
3 190 240 lb barrows and gilts 21 GO
-21 25, several hundred No X to 3 190*
230 lb 2125 2150, 27 head lot No 1,
215 lbs 21 60 and 42 head lot No 1 and
2 205 lbs 21 65 No 2 and 3 250-280 lbs
50 21 00 Weights over 280 lbs scarce,
few lots No 3, 280-310 lbs 20 00 20 50
Lid deck No 3, 370 lbs butchers 19 25
Larger lots mixed grades 400 500 iw
sows 1775-18 75, few lots 325 365 lbs
19 SHEEP 5 Slaughter lamhs and sheep
steadv Bulk choice wooled slaughter
lambs 24 00-24 75 Around five loads
95 110 lb average at latter price Good
to low choice 22 50 23 50, dilUnd util
ity 15 00 22 00, choice, 9o lb No 1 pelt
lambs 23 50, good and choice slaughter
ew es 8 50-10 00
9-3, College Hill Poultry, 21=4
16 M&B (Christ L Herr), 4,500
White Vantress, 10, no sale, 19Va
cents bid 17 M&B (Christ L
Hen) 2,000 White Vantress, 10,
Walter B Lehman, 23 cents 18.
M&B (Christ L Herr), 2,000
White Vantress, 10, College Hill
Poultry, 22 cents. 19 Aaron M
Shank, 4,000 White Vantiess, 9 5,
College Hill. 22% cents 20 Aaron
M Shank, 5,500 White Vantress,
95, College Hill, 23 V 4 cents.
21 Warren Witmer, 330 Leg
horn yearlings, Walter B Leh
man, 17% cents 22. Elmer Metz-
Jer, 225 Leghorn yearlings, Carl
B Risser, 1714 cents 23 ohn L
hc-rshey, 1,000 Indian River
W lute cockerel capettes, 13 2,
Daniel K Good, 29 cents 24 John
L Hershey, 1,100 ndian River
White pullet capettes, 13 2, Linn
Poultry, 30 cents 25 John L Her
shey, 1,000 Indian River White
cockerel capettes, 13-2, Walter C.
Melhnger, 29 Vz cents
26 John L Hershey, 1,000 In
dian River White cockeiel cap
tites, 13-2, Marvin Sweigart, 30
cents 27 John L Hershey, 1,100
Indian River White pullet cap
eltes, 13-2, Linn Poultry, 31%
cents 28 John L Hershey, 1,100
Indian River White pullet cap
ettes, 13 2, Linn Poultry, 31%
cents 29 Noah W reider & Sons,
700 Leghorn yearlings, Walter B
Lehman, 17% cents
State Flocks
Laid 318 Million
Eggs Last Month
DO ~ ,
Pennsylvania laying flocks pio
ciuced 318 million eggs in Janu
ai\v, the Slate Department of
Agriculture reported. The produc
tion was the highest for any one
month since March of 1957
The output was three per cent
under the January 1957 produc
tion of 328 million eggs and com
pares with 316 million eggs pro
duced in December 1957 Output
in March 1957 was 334 million
eggs Rate of la> for last month
avei aged 17 30 a new January
Prices received by farmers
January 15 averaged higher for
farm chickens and broilers, but
egg prices averaged five and a
half cents a dozen lower than for
the previous month Farm chic
-1 ens averaged 17 cents a pound
livewe.ight on Jan 15 While com
mercial broilers, hveweight, av
eraged 20 5 cents a pound Live
tin keys remained at 32 cents a
pound Eggs dropped to 45 5 cents
a dozen from the 51 cents a dozen
average on Dec 15, 1957 Most
feed puces remained steady.
Storm Limits Offerings, No Stocker
Price Established at Lancaster
CATTLE Three days 813, week
ago, 2,814 Severe storm condi
tions weie responsible for a
meager offering of livestock lo
cally. The week’s salable receipts
consisted of about 40 per cent
stacker and feeder steers and 15
per cent cows and bulls Around
16 loads slaughter steers were
offered With secondary roads
still almost completely blocked
by Wednesday, not enough
stockers and feeders had sold for
an adequate market test Most of
the slaughter steers sold m Wed
nesday’s trade with prices un
evenly, $ 50-1 00 higher than the
previous Wednesday. Cows were
m limited supply at fully steady
to strong prices Not enough
bulls on sale for an adequate
TYlQT'lfPt f PCf
Bulk of the choice slaughter
steers 975-1,209 lbs. $27 25-29
good and low choice $24 75-27 25
Bulk of the cutter and utility
cows $l5 50-1875, high utility
and commercial $lB 75-20, can
ner and low cutters $l3 50-15 50.
CALVES Three days 21, week
ago 555 Not enough vealers sold
for an adequate market test.
HOGS Three days 350, week
ago 1,343. Barrows and gilts
mostly $1 higher than last Wed
nesday, not enough sows for an
edaquate market test Bulk har-
Be-Co Nurse milk replacer
• low cost feeding program
• sound, rapid growth
It’s iust simple arithmetic. Figure what a 200 lb. veal
calf will bung on today’s market. Then deduct the value of
the calf at buth ($lO to $l5) and the cost of four bags of
Bc-Co-Nui se ($19.60). The difference is your net profit.
That’s light . . . just four bags of 80-Co-Nurse will
grow a choice, plump, ready to market, 200 lb. veal calf in
seven weeks. High in milk solids, animal fat and fortified
with all needed vitamins and minerals, Be-Co-Nuise also
contains Aureomycin for improved growth and to protect
against scorn s. Calves are sleek and trim middled, no grain,
or hay is fed.
Check Your Profit Potential
The chait below shows at a glance the profit potential
on only one veal calf on the Be-Co-Nurse program.
Your 200 lb calT soils for
4 Bags Be-Co Nur 3 e cost you
(Equivalent to 900 Iba milk)
Income Over Feed Cost
Cost of 90 lb Cab
Your Net Profb per Ca lc
Call Ub now for details on this simple feeding piogiam.
It can mean eatia money for you.
Beacon Dealers and Beacon Advisors are lo
cated throughout Lancaster County. For the
name of the one nearest to you please phone or
The Beacon'Milling Company
Philadelphia and Carlisle Sts., York, Pa,
Telephone; York 8-2341.
rows and gilts mixed U S 1, 2
and 3, 180-240 lbs. in Wednes
day’s trade $22 75-23.25, a few
No 3 at $22 50. Small lots No 1
and 2, 190-230 lbs. $23 50, at
least 15 head No. 1 reached $24.
SHEEP. Three days 75, week
ago 119. Supply was mainly na
tive wooled lambs utility and low
good grades. Prices fully steady
with last Wednesday Utility and
good slaughter lambs $l9 50-22.-
50, culls down to $l5 Not enough
aged sheep offered for a market
Leghorn Chicks
For Large' White Egg*
For Broiler Chicks
"direst from the Breeder**
Phone Mt. Joy OL 3-4911
Price per lb of Veal
$6O 00 $66 00 $72 00
19 60 19 60 19 60
$4O 40 $46 40 $52 40
\4 00 14 00
14 00
$26 40 $32 40 $3B 40
- - **i«