2—Lancaster Farming, Friday, Dec. 13,1957 Lancaster Markets: Slaughter Steers Lower; Hogs Rise Slightly Bv DAVID S. LOHENSON . ard down to $2l A few lots good and choice heifers $2O-23 50. Bulk cutter and utility cows $12.25- 16 25, canners mostly $10.75-12 Utility and commercial bulls $l7 50-21, odd head utility to $22. Good fed yearling bulls $22, indi vidual head to $24 Most medium and good Stocker and feeder steers and light year lines 590-1,025 lbs. $2O 50-22.50, load I,loo'lb good fleshy feed eis $23 00, a few lots high good to low 700-850 lb stocker and feeder steers $22 75-23 60. Some common and medium stock steers SIV 50-20 25 Good and low choice stock steer calves 450-550 lbs. $22 50-25. CALVES 892, week ago 94 Vealers fully steady with last Wednesday Bulk good and choice 140-210 lb vealers $265-31, prime Federal-State Market News Service LANCASTER Dec 1 CAT TLE Three days 3,137, week ago 3 362 Slaughter steers and htif eis mostly 50 cents lower than last Wednesday, cows around 25 cents higher. Bulls fully steady to strong and stockers and feeders fully steady with last Wednesday Receipts comprised around 50 per cent stocker and feeder steers and 20 per cent cows and bulls. Aiound 35 loads slaughter steers and five loads heifers offered. Fed steers graded mostly good and choice Bulg choice fed steers 1,000- 3,300 lbs $24-26 25, a few lots high choice and mixed high choice and prime 1,100 lbs and lighter 526 50 26.75. One load prime 1,411 lb steers $27 00 Good and low choice steers 22 25-24 some stend- * 200 CHRISTIE HAMPS CHICKS IN STOCK NOW! 200 White Cross Chicks coming Fnday Dec 13th B Starter Grower 20% Production Mash Bluebird All Mash . Fine Cluck Cracked Corn Horse Feed Fitting Ration Hay - Bale Special chops for Steers, Heifers, Hogs, Sheep Store Will Be Closed, Dec (2 3) and (Jaip 1 1958 ) ALTMAN’S CASH FEED STORE WILLIS H. WEAVER MANAGER 947 Harrisburg Ave. Phone Lane. EX 4-7715 10e per hundred discount on half ton lots or more ' PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE—WE DELIVER. There's something There is a lot of satisfaction in having equipment that looks good But, more important, paint is ' the best protection against rust and corrosion We use live steam and a special solvent to remove rust, grease and old paint. Then we refinish with special farm eqyipment paint that perfectly matches the original Allis-Chalmers color. The low cost will surprise you. Ask us to quote on your tractor, All-Crop harvester, and other major machines. L. H. Brubaker Lancaster, Pa, Mann & Grumelli Farm Serv T . Quarryville, Pa. IV. G. Mvers & Son Rheems, Pa Sna\elvs Farm Sen ice (Continued on page 15) 16% Dairy Feed Pig Starter Pellets- Hog Feed 20% O F. Hog Feed Prance Dog Kibbles Rabbit Pellets Water Softener Rock Salt Straw Bale fIIIIS'CHfILMERS SALES AND SERVICE Nissley Farm Service Washington Boro, Pa. R. S. Weaver New Holland, Pa. 3 30 5 50 3 60 . 4.35 8 25 4.75 .' 226 . 170 500 Stevens, Pa. L. H. Brubaker Lititz, Pa. Cattle Strong, Hogs Moderate At Baltimore BALTIMORE, Dec 9 —As road conditions improved and consider ing last week’s sharp price in creases cattle moved to market at a more normal pace with sal able offerings even promising to exceed the early morning esti mate. Slaughter steers and heif ers predominated the scene with most of these being mixed good and choice Trading was uneven although steers and heifers were mostly strong Cows accounted for nearly 35 per cent and sold steady with bulls strong Around 5 per cent of the arrivals was stockers and feeders which sold steady. STEERS and HEIFERS There was* a part load choice 1112 lb slaughter steer at $26 00 while several loads and lots high-good to avrage choice 1000-1200 lb weight brought $24 00-25 00 Ship ments mostly good were taken at $23 00 24 50 with mixed standard and good recording $2l 00-24.00. There were mixed good and choice heifers at $22 50-23 75 with odd head choice reaching 525 00. Good heifers bulked at $2O 00-22.00. COWS and BULLS High uthty and commercial cows fere taken at $l6 00-18 00. Mixed lots cutter and utility sold at $l3 50-15 50 with canners and cutters selling generally at $ll.OO-14 00 The bulk of utility and commercial bulls realized $lB 00-20 00 with a scattering at $2O 50 and an in dividual good 1230 lb yearling bull at $22.00. VEALERS & CALVES There was little price change for veal ers or slaughter calves as slaught er calves again predominated the offerings and choice vealers were \eiy scarce. Most choice vealers sold at $3O 00 33 000, good $24.00- 30.00 Meanwhile good 270-400 lb slaughter calves turned at $lB.OO - STOCKERS & FEEDER, CATTLE The volume of stocker and feeder cattle was rather limited Monday morning as the end of the season rapidly approaches. There was a load good and choice 688 lbs feed ei steers at $22.00. Other loads (Continued on Page Three) immmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmnmmvmmm ■■■■■■■■ ■ You Call SAVE Branch Stores Close at 12:00 Noon on Saturday Lancaster EXpress 40541 Manheim MOhawk 52466 ■■■■■■■»■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■»■■■■■■■■■■■■ Over 100,000 Broilers Average 17.22 At Lancaster Exchange Thursday LANCASTER A total of 110,- 500 broilers averaged 17 22 cents Thursday at the Lancaster Poul try Exchange with the range be ing from 16% to 18% cents In addition 2,100 capettes ranged in piice fiom 20 ¥2 to 22% cents A year ago only 93,040 birds wer<> sold at an average of 19 09 cents Here is the Dec 5 sale by lot number, seller with grower m parenthesis, number and breed, ige in weeks and days, buyer and puce 1 Thomas Stoltzfoos, 200 White Rock capettes, 13-6, Walter C Mellmger, 20V2 cents. 2. Brown Bios, 6,000 White Vantress, 9 6, College Hill Poultry, 17% cents 3 Brown Bros, 6,000 White Van trtss, 9-6, College Hill Poultry, 17 y 2 cents 4 William C Schultz, 5,760 White Vantress, 10, Mead tr’s Poultry, 17 cents 5 William C. Schultz, 6.240 White Vantress, 10, College Hill, 17 cents 6. Miller & Bushong (Glenn Deardorff) 3,100 White Vantress, 10, Daniel K. Good, 17% cents 7 M&B (Richard Thompson), 10,- 000 White Vantress, 9 6, Grimes & Hauer, 17V* cents 8 M&B (Flank Garman), 1,400 Indian River Whites, 10, Meader’s, 17 cents 9 George Neauman (Wil liam Schreck), 4,000 White Van tiess, 10, no sale, 1714 cents bid. 10 Harry Longenecker, 1,650 White Vantress, 9, Roy E Ream, 17 cents. 11. Henry Longenecker, 1,750 White Vantress, 9, John N Thom as. 1714 cents 12. Robert Shu man, 4,300 White Vantress, 9 6, Grimes & Hauer, 17 cents 13 Fruitville Farms Inc (Abram Shenk) 5,700 White Vantress, 9-2, Meader’s Poultry, 17 cents 14. Fruitville (Abram Shenk), 8,000 White Vantress, 9-2, Victor F Weaver Inc, 17 cents. 15. Fruit ville Farms (Abram Shenk), 2,- 000 White Vantress, 9-2, Roy E Ream, 17% cents, ' 16 George W ackson & Son, 1,000 yearling Leghorn fowl, Walter C Mellmger, 13 cents 17. John V. Erb, 5,500 Indian Rivers, 9-2, no sale, 14 cents bid 18. John V. Erb 5,000 Indian River Whites, 9-2, no sale, 15% cents ivft 19-. John V Eib, 5,000 In It’s Not Too Late - If - 50 cents per bushel ftp'"'*' SPECIAL DISCOUNTS END SAT. DEC. 14th CALL OR VISIT YOUR FARM BUREAU STORE NOW" 'farm QuHdu . ■«»■—>» - ---- .. $1 00 per hundred on pullet orders I I - A. Lancaster Salesroom Open til 5:00 P. M. Sat. til Christmas iC. co a dian River Whites, 9-2, no sale, 16% cents bid 20. John V Erb, 5 500 Indian Rivers, 9-2, no sale, 15 cents bid. 21 Wertsch-Cochran, 2,200 White Vantress, 9-2, College Hill, 17 Vi cents 22 Wertsch-Cochran, 2.000 White Vantress, 9-2, Walter C Mellmger, 17% cents 23. Wertsch-Cochran, 2,000 White * antress, 9 2, College Hill, 1714 cents 24. Wertsch-Cochian, 2,000 White Vantress, 9-2, Walter C. Mellmger 17% cnts 25 Wertsch- Cochran, 2,000 Barred Cross, 9-2, Daniel K Good, 15*4 cents. 26 Wertsch-Cochran, 500 Mar tin’s New Whites, 10-2, J Robert Charles, 1814 cents. 27 Gleason Ritchie, 9,000 Indian Rierv Whites, 93, Victor' F. Weaver Inc, 16 3 4 cents 28 Robert H. Barr, 2,400 White Vantress, 10-2, Daniel K Good 17 cents 29. Mor gantown Feed (Amos Stoltzfus Ji ), 8,500 White Vantress, 9-6, H W Longacre Inc , 17 cents. 30. Morgantown (George Ludwig), 3,- 000 White Vantress, 10-1, H W. Longacre Inc, 17 cents 31 Andrew N Miller, 2,000 White Vantress, 9-1, Walter B. Leaman, 17% cents 32 Irvin B. Gingrich, 1,100 White Vantress pullets, 18, no ale, 20 cents bid. 33 Irvin B Gingrich, 1,100 White Vantress pullets, 18, Carl B, Ris ser, 22% cents 34. Irvin Yoder, 16.000 White Vantress, 9-2, no sale, 15% cents. 35. Lloyd H. Ki eider, 2,200 Martin’s New Whites, 10-1, Daniel K Good, 16- % cents 36 Glenn H Herr (J. Floyd Kreider), 5,000 White Vantress, 92, no sale, 15% cents bid 37. M&B (Harry Boyer), 6,000 In dian Rivers, 10 2, Harry H. Weav er Jr, 17 cents 38 M&B (Stanley Carpenter), 7,500 White Vantress 9-2, no sale, 16% cents bid. 39. M&B (Paul Livengood), 2,200 White Vantress, 9 5, Roy E. Ream 18 cents. 40. Parke K. Herr, 800 White Vantress cockerel capettes, 15-2, Carl R. Risser, 21% cents 41 Parke K Herr, 800 White Vantress cockerel capettes,- 15-2, no sale, 16% cents.' 42. Lester Zook, 10,000 White Vantress, 10- 3, no sale, 16y< cents. 43 Charles Shertzer, 700 yearling Leghorn (Continued on page three) Today SAVE BABY New Holland ELgin 42146 Quarryville STerling 62126 < L-