g Lancaster Farming, Friday, August 23, 1957 Broiler Average Nearly Steady At Lancaster Exchange Thursday LANCASTER—The broiler av eiage dropped only slightly from the preceding week at the Lan caster Poultry Exchange Thurs day. A broiler sale of 122,200 birds averaged 22.69 cents, down .06 of a cent from the preceding Thursday, This price compares very favor ably with the 19.25 cents aver age of the same sale a year ago. Selling besides the broilers were two lots, 1,750 Leghorn fowl for 1414 cents, three lots of cap ettes for 26 ¥2 cents and 28% cents, and 500 heavy fowl, moving at 18% cents ATTENTION FARMERS! Did you know that you can save $2.50 per ton on Dairy Feed on car door orders? Now, that the corn crop is really short, why not come in and place your order for several tons? 16% Dairy' . ■Bulky Mix . Brewers Grains with molasses Enriched Milkers Ration Also available 20%, 24%, and 32% Dairy Special Chop for hogs, steers, young heifers, & sheep. Closed Labor Day , ALTMAN’S CASH FEED STORE WILLIS H. WEAVER MANAGER 947 Harrisburg Ave. Phone Lane. EX 4-7713 10c per bundled discount on half ton lots or more. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHA NGE WE DELIVER Pick your corn with a PROV€D CHAMFMK3N?’ ~.the Dearborn-Wood Bros. tmJ-Row Pull Type It's easy to operate ... low-cost. .. efficient Come in and see it now Allen H. Matz Ph, AN 7-6502 New Holland Ph. EL. 4-8721 Elizabethtown Farmers Supply Inc. Conestoga Farm Service Ouarryville Ph. ST 6-2597 Haverstick Bros. Columbia Pike Here is the Aug. 15 sale by lot number, owner with grower in parenthesis, amount and breed, age in weeks and days buyer and price 1. John K. Curry & Sons (Ed win L. Funck), 8,000 White Van tress, 9, Victor F. Weaver Inc., 22% cents. 2. Warren Shearer, 6,000 White Vantress and White Mountains, 9-6, H. W. Longaere Inc., 22% cents. 3. Stephen Note stme, 10,000 White "Vantress, -9-2, no sale, 22% cents bid. 4. Stephen Notestine, 10,000 White Vantress, 9 2, no sale, 2214 cents bid. Miller &. Bushong (Elmer Beiler), 2,500 White Vantress, 9-3, Victor F. $3.45 Enriched 3.70 Fitting Ration IHog Feed Fine Chick Horse Feed Corn 3 90 3.55 3 70 4 90 3 85 3.50 Water Softener Pellets 219 3.55 Denver Sander Bros. Ph. EM 7-1341 Lancaster Ph. EX 2-5,722 LIVE POULTRY PHILADELPHIA AUG. 21 Unsettled. Demand only fair for most classes with more han ade quate supplies avaiable. Some buyer preference shown for yearling hens and large pullets and caponettes. Ordinary quality colored hens light type hens and fryers were in slow sale. Wholesale selling prices No. 1 and fancy quality. Broilers light (type under 3 lb 23. Broilers -or fryers heavy type under 3 lbs 24%-25 3-4 lb 23-26. Pullets 4% lb and over 30-31. Hens heavy type 18-24 light type 12-13 Old roosters 8. Ducks pekins 22-28. Weaver Inc., 22V2 cents. 6. M&B (G. Walter Jackson), 1.500 Indian Rivers, 9-3, Victor F. Weaver Inc., 22V2 cents. 7. M&B (Joseph F. Bushey), 9,000 White Vantress, 10, College Hill Poultry, 22V2 cents. 8 M&B (Joseph F. Bushey), 9,000 White Vantress, 10, College Hill Poultry, 22% cents. 9. David E. King, 500 White Vantress (Arbor Acres), 9-2, Ray W. Gibble, 23)4 cents. 10 Clair Graybill, 1,000 White Vantress, 9-6, Walter B. Lehman, 23 cents. 11. Indian River Farm (Jack H. Michael),- 2,800 Indian River Whites, 9-3, Victor F. Weaver Inc., 22V4 cqnts 12. Ray R Shultz, 1.500 Indian Rivers, 9-3, no sale, 21% cents bid 13 Eugene Schlos nagle, 8,400 White Vantress, 10, Victor F. Weaver , 22% cents. 14. Eugene Schlosnagle, 8,400 White Vantress, 10, Victor F Weaver Inc, 22% cents. 15. Floyd Kaffensberger, 5,000 Indian Riv ers, 9-6, Victor F. Weaver Inc., 22 ¥2 cents I 16. Morgantown Feed (Paul BEACON-TROL with :: :: a for belter bloom at show time for better condition at calving time Be-Co-Lass is a bulky conditioning feed and a valuable supplement to pasture feeding. It keeps the digestive tract in good condition and keeps cows on feed because they like its rich, sweet flavor. In Be-Co-Lass you have a uniform mixture of beet pulp, bran, crushed oats, minerals and molasses with dehydrated alfalfa which includes the carotene or provitamin A necessary to vigorous health. Compared with beet and citrus pulps, Be-Co-Lass is higher in protein, has many times the content of Vitamins A and D and trace minerals. Be-Co-Lass assures superior bloom during the show season Before freshening it helps prevent udder congestion... then contributes to heavy milk production without creating excessive fat Many dairymen whose herds are consistently high in production tell us of the unusual values of Be-Co-Lass as a roughage stretcher and conditioner See your nearest Beacon Dealer and examine a sample of Be-Co-Lass ... or write your nearest Beacon office for complete information on Be-Co-Lass and Beacon Feeding Programs Be-Co-Lass is an important part of the feeding pro gram for many of the highest producing herds m the East Pictured here are cows typical of many which are raised at Beacon’s Dairy Research Farm at Cayuga, N Y One requirement here is signifi cant conditions must be capable of being dupli cated under commercial dairy herd operations Beacon Feeds are Beacon-ti o lied . proved under practical conditions ARE UNIFORMLY BETTER BECAUSE THEY’RE BEACON-TROLLED ’Beacon Dealers are located from Maine to the Virginias THE BEACON MILLING COMPANY CAYUGA. N Y • YORK, PA • LAUREL, DEL • EASTPORT. N Y. BEACON-SHOWALTER FEEDS, BROADWAY, VA. Lancaster Markets: 600 More Cattle Offered; Prices Steady Federal-State Market News Service LANCASTER CATTLE', days 4,318, week ago 3,742. Com pared with last Wednesday slaughter steers and heifers steady to weak. Cows fully steady, bulls mostly steady. Trading slow on stockers and feeders; prices about steady. The week’s recipts comprised around' 35 per cent stockers and feeders and 12 per cent cows. Around 60 loads of fed steers were offered. Bulk-choice fed steers 1,000- 1,250 lbs. $24.50-26.50, high choice and mixed choice and prime $26.75-27 25, a few loads prime $27-40-27 70, two loads prime 1,340 and 1,287 lbs. $2B and $29. Bulk good and low choice ‘steers $22.50-24 50, some standard Livengood). 1,500 White Cornish Cross, 10-5, Roy E. Ream, 23 cents 17. Morgantown Feed (Ammon P. Stoltzfus), 700'Leghorn Yearling fowl, Roy E. Ream, 1414 cents 18 Charles Shremer Jr., 1,000 White Rock capettes, 12-2, Carl B. Risser, 26% cents 19. Enos Buckwalter (Ivan H. Hess), 4,000 White Cor nish cross, 10, Header’s Poultry, 22% cents. 20 Robert B. Noll, 2,000 White Vantress, 10-L, Carl B. Risser, 23 cents. 21. Robert B Noll, 2,000 Mar tin’s New Whites, 10-1, Carl B Risser, 23% cents. 22. Robert B Noll, 2,000 White Vantress, 10-1, Roy E Ream, 2314 cents. 23. Mill port Roller Mills (Howard Kreid (Continued on page three) BE-CO-LASS... LIVING PROOF I BEACON FEEDS By DAVID S. LOBENSON and low good $20.50-22.25. Scattered lots good and choice ' 620-775 lb. fed heifers $2O 50- 22.75, load 818 lb. mixed high, choice and prime $25. Bulk utility and commercial cows $13.50-15 50, canners and cutters 10-14.75, Util ity and commercial bulls $16.25- 19.50, good fed yearling bulls to $22, cutter grades $l5-16. Bulk medium and good stacker and feeder steers and light year lings 495-1,000 lbs. $19.50-22, sev eral loads good fleshy feeding steers 950-1,125 lbs. $22-22.75, one load 996 lbs. $23.40. Common and medium stock steers $l6 50-19.50. CALVES: 788, week ago 765, Veal calves fully steady to strong. Bulk good and choice vealers $22 50-28, a-few choice and prime to $3O Utility and standard $l6- 22.50. HOGS. 1,265,»week ago 1,480. Barrows and gilts 25-50 cents low- 1 er than last Wednesday, Sows about steady. Scattered lots most ly No 1 200-220 lbs. in Wednes day trade at $22, a few to $22.50 to local small killers, but bulk of supply No. 2 and 3, 190-240 lbs. unsold late Comparable grades Monday, $21.75-22. Sows this week mostly $14.50-18 for No. 1-3, 270-550 lbs. SHEEP. 568, week ago 464 Tha supply mainly native spring spring lambs. Slaughter lambs fully steady to strong. Bulk good and choice spring lambs $22-25, utility and low good $l6-2150. Aged sheep scarce.