—Lancaster Fanning, Friday, July 26, 1957 12 Light Wheat Price Supports To Be Relaxed .Because wet weather in the Southwest at harvest time is re sulting in a higher percentage of hght test wheat than usual, the Tj-.S Department of Agriculture announced recently it was relax ing 1957-crop wheat price-support requirements to include light weight wheat that otherwise would not be eligible for price support. The lighter weigh wheat in eluded under the relaxed provi sions will be “Sample” grade on test weight only, but no wheat testing less than 40 pounds per bushel will be eligible for sup port Van Dale AUTOMATIC FEEDING Pingmrhp silagm frmm silm tm feci wif/jouf MJmr, kick or pitchfoi save time and w< unloodinf, mixm; delivering silage : push button opei Step up milk am production by msto VonDala Combir Sil# Unloader and cnatic iunk Fe< Handies any si packed or frozen grass—delivering more palatable 1 with greater (< value and less sf age VanDalo Silo loaders ore availok in the Heavy Di Model with cr with a loosler Unit Van Dale lunk Feeders fit any shape bunk loth are completely portable Send for free "FACTS" BuJ/ehn/ McmDa! JfcFIRST IN Investigate Von Dale s Form Equipment Program (F F F P ) ovoifoWw nmwt '>M»\ “i C. M. WENGER Quarryville, R. D. 1, Pa. Phone Hensel, Kimball 8-2116 Otfif* TRADE MARK REG U ' PORTABLE IRI Thirsty crops are pi us show you how all the water you nei BHBHB ff&jBM REDUCE YOUR water and labor wEgmmm COSTS. Our trained irrigation ex peits will install the Shur-Rane system designed especially for your land and crops. We have the answers to your irnga tion problems... why not vW*‘&* w ' v "" ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT CO. .SNAVELY'S FARM SERVICE . . . New Holland -JM 5 * - c - THIS LATE PLANTED CORN in Northern Lancaster County shows the effect of the recent drouth Farmers in that part of the county reported that the rains Tuesday failed to penetrate much more than three Henning Reports Satisfaction On Oak Wilt, Moth Eradication •HARRISBURG State Secre tary of Agriculture William L Henning, upon landing at the Harrisburg airport today follow ing an aerial survey of Oak Wilt disease infections, said he was encouraged by the progress be ing made in eradicating the fungus disease Henning and Dr Thomas L Guyton, director of the Bureau of Plant Industry, flew over more than 15 counties to deter- -'X \ Distributed by 4021 North Sixth St. HARRISBURG, PA. Sold smd Serviced by ■- 1 ' ''H £ '3;!^’ or four inches. County Agent Max Smith recommends that such corn can be used as silage to salvage as much of the feed value as possible. (LF Photo) mine the spread of "the diseas’ • Accompanying them was Clair Allison of the Department of Forestry, U S Department of Agriculture Oak Wilt is a fungus disease that attacks all species of oak trees It was first found in Pennsylvania in 1950 The State afficials also flew over many parts of the Common wealth to locate gypsy moth caterpillar damage Earlier in the year 230,000 acres of land m three Pennsylvania counties were sprayed with DDT to check the destructive gypsy moth. Henning lauded State and Federal workers for the parts 'hey are playing m oak wilt fungus survey and eradication vork He said Pennsylvania has i-he lowest per “spot” infection n the nation It costs Pennsyl vania taxpayers an estimated $32 ner infection for both survey -md eradication of this area while costs run as high as $9O ner infection in some states Aerial and ground crews of the Department beean the attack igaanst oak wilt in nudJune The campaign will continue through September. On July 1 Department spe cialist began tracking the dread ed gypsy moth in eight eastern and northeastern counties Near ly 3 600 large Salvaged fruit "ans hnad with sticky flypaper and a special bant to lure moths will be placed in woodlands by workers during the gypsy moth program. The 1957 trapping will cover 2 034,000 acres, the largest und ertaken in Pennsylvania since 1950, Henning said Oats Silaqe Almost Double TDN from Grain Crop Oats harvested as silage pro duced 48 per cent more total di gestible nutrients (TDN) an acie than did oats for grain in 1956 University of Minnesota research Oats as silage averaged' 2,374 pounds of TDN an acre, while oats put in the grain bin averaged only 1,600 pounds of TDN The in crease in feed value of oat silage was equal to 17 bushels of corn or 33 9 bushels of oat grain. * . „ * % V •* 7i *.V ' -■» LANCASTER FARMING CLASSIFIED ADS PAY Six years of leadership as the Highest Average Profit producers in America's two oldest 3 and 5 year Random Sample Tests (New York and Calif ) is proof that HAN BALANCED BREEDING pays off consistently with extra egg profits for you. BROILER GROWERS: For peak broiler profits make your next flock Ist generation white Vantress Broiler Chicks from Florin Farms FREE price list and literature sent on request FLORIN FARMS, INC. Vlt. Joy 2 • Lancaster County • Penna Phone: Mt. Joy 3-9891 FURNITURE AT BIG DISCOUNTS Store Hours: DELIVERY AVAILABLE EASY TERMS FREE PARKING NOW ... 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER MARTINDALE INTERCOURSE FURNITURE STORE BRANCH* PH. HILLCREST 5-2932 PH. SOS-3752 “The Cash Discount Stores” ATTENTION DAIRYMEN Limestone Sand For Use D. M. STOLTZFUS & SON, INC. Asphalt Paving & Crushed Stone Quarryville STerling 6*2191 aittstzittntitttsttXKtit n; Sorghums Can Be Poisonous Johnsongrass and sudangrass 1 are among plants which some-- times cause livestock poisoning, says Dr. M. W. Oburn, extension veterinarian at Kansas State Col lege in Manhattan. Sorghums grown under ordinary conditions are considered good feed, but when normal growth has been interrupted by drought, frost, tiamphng or other cause, hydro cyanic acid may develop to a point where it becomes toxic. The amount of acid varies con siderably according to conditions and varieties. Young and second growth plants can develop larger amounts than older plants. The amount of hydrocyanic acid dim inishes more or less regularly as the plant matures. The stubble that sprouts after harvest is high in acid also, says Dr. Osburn. That Milk Can e '9^ s 11 1 lbs. “When Full! Eliminate all this bock breaking work. Use o Girton Form Cooling Tank the tank that wjl) moke money for you while easing your work load Here s how— Efficient direct cooling costs less to operate Extra heavy construction adcfs years to the life of the tank Youget more for your dollar Gallon for gallon capacity, it’s your best buy •**A ' I* Stop m today and let one of our factory trained representatives show you why the G'fton Form Coolincj Tank is Ihe favorite ol dairymen everywhere DILLER & CLARK Intercourse, Pa. Ph. SO 8-3321 Kinzers RDL Pa. Ph. Intercourse-SO 8-8167 For Your In Dairy Barns Call Quarryville, Pa.