Vol. 11. No 37 Poultry Tour Wednesday In Delaware Three Delaware poultry opera tions, the Chrysler assembly plant at Newark, Del., and the Univer sity of Delaware are to be visited Wednesday by Lancaster County poultrymen on a tour sponsored and arranged by the, county poul try association. The tounsts wil assemble at 7 45 a.m. at Mellinger’s Church parking lot, Route 30, about three miles east of Lancaster. They will take Route 896 to Newark, arriv ing there at about 9:50 a.m. Tours of the assembly plant ■will begin at 10 a.m. and are ex pected to be completed in tune for a tour of the dairy and poul try plants of the university from 11 30 to noon. At noon a basket lunch will be held>m the cafeteria room of the agricultural building. Water and. milk will be available. At 1:30 p.m. the Fred Haas farm on Route 13 south of St. George, Del., will be visited. Haas has 17,500 Beltsville White tur key broilers in three houses In addition he has 80 acres of to matoes, 30 acres of asparagus and 20 acres of cucumbers, all under irrigation. The next stop will be at 2:30 at the farm of Holt Pratt, east of Middletown,'DelrThis is a breed ing farm. There are, 3,500 breed ing chickens vantress white cockerels and white rock females. Other items of interest are a 130,000 egg capacity incubator, four bulk feed bins, trailer sys tems for moving pullets to range and a summer laying shelter. The final stop will be at Gander Poultry Farm, Townsend, Del.. This is a broiler operation with, 50,000 broilers being raised in various types of houses The tour committee, Richard Kreider,- Mark Myer, Charles Nis sley and Harry S. Sloat, urge all interested poultry producers to make the tour and to bring along wives and friends. Cattle on Feed In Major States Increase 8 Pet. The Crop Reporting Board in a report released a few days ago estimates that 3,681,000 head of cattle and calves were on feed for market in 13 major feeding states on July 1. This is an increase of eight per cent over the 3,397,000 head on feed July 1, 1956. The number placed on feed in these states Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, lowa, Mis souri, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, Colorado, Arizona and California during the quarter of this year totaled 1,576,- 000 head, two per cent above the corresponding quarter last year. The current report shows that the number of fed cattle market ed from these 13 states during Apnl-June 1957, at 2,297,000 head, was three per cent below the marketings for the second quarter of 1956. July 1 marketing intentions of cattle feeders indicated that of the total 3,681,000 head on feed, 764.000 will be marketed in July, 916.000 will be marketed in Aug ust, 964,000 will be marketed in eptember and 1,037,000 will be trketed after Oct. 1, 1957. THE HOT DRY WEATHER of the past few weeks pretty well stopped farming, so Steven Hainley, R 2 Denver, took advantage of the lull to do some fence row cleaning. Hessian Fly Control by Systemic Insecticide Proves Practical in Trials COLUMBIA, Mo. Effective control of Hessian fly in wheat by a single application of chemi cal insecticide mixed with the fer tilizer at seeding time may soon replace the current pratice of de layed seeding. Field-size tests at the Missouri Experiment Station here in 1956 gave almost perfect control on heavily infested land even though the wheat was seeded on Sept. 6, a full month before he fly free date in this area. Economical control without de layed seeding, as clearly indicated by this experiment, offers advan tages that will be readily appre ciated by wheat growers. The Hes sian fly is the wheat crop’s most destructive insect pest over wide areas of the United States, Can ada, Europe, Asia and Africa. So far as known to Missouri in vestigator, Harry E. Brown, and his department chairman, Philip Stone, this is the first instance of successful control of the fly by a systemic insecticide; that is, a chemical applied to the seedbed so that its toxicity or killing effect on the fly may be grown into the plant 'tissue of the sprouting wheat. The work leading up to this dis covery began in 1948, when two chlorinated hydrocarbons, Toxa phene and Chlordane, were used m exploratory trials against the fall generation of the fly on heav ily infested stubble. The chemicals were sprayed. Results of the experiment showed that the sprayed areas yielded about 30 per cent of an expected crop, while wheat on unsprayed areas was a total failure. Although these results were en couraging, the same treatment gave no protection at all against the spring generation of the fly. Moreover, later experiments indi- Quarryville (Lancaster County) Pa.* Friday July 26, 1957 cated that control of the fly by these chemicals required dosage levels that were too costly. This was found to be true also with sev eral other “sprayed on” chemi cals, and as a consequence, the nvestlgators turned their atten tion to systemic poisons It was not until the early months of 1956 that a longer act ing systemic insecticide was found and put to intensive tests in both greenhouse and field ex peuments. Thimet, in a 44 per cent formulation on carbon, was secured from the American Cyan amid Co. and first tested in green house comparisons.in March and April. Though on a small scale, these trials clearly revealed that this chemical gave the plants a long lasting toxicity at dosages the grower can afford. In field trials, wheat was seed ed Sept. 6 in clean fields mnocu lated with stubble from a heavily infested field in another area. Thi met was applied at four levels of dosage; 200, 400, 800,-and 1,600 grams of actual insecticide an acre. It was mixed with 12-12-12 fertilizer and applied at planting with the grain drill fertilizer at tachment. The fertilizer was ap plied at a rate of 345 pounds an acre. The experimental area had, been fallowed since June and had plenty of moisture to sprout and bring up the seedlings But Aug ust, September and October were drouth months, and the young plants soon began to suffer from lack of moisture. Irrigation, there fore, was applied on Sept. 18-19 and again on Oct. 15-16 an acre inch of water at each opera tion. Data on fly control was ob tained during December by count ing the number of maggots found (Continued on page 13) The chain saw makes quick work of this tree which was shading out small grain crops. (LF Photo) Bulk Milk Handling ,May Save Dairies Millions The switch from can to bulk handling methods for milk may mean a saving of from $5 million to $l2 million a year to the dairy industry, the Agricultural Market ing Service says. Economists forsee a saving of about 2 to 5 cents a hundred weight when the trend toward conversion finally levels off, with large savings possible in the cost of receiving and cooling milk at plants fully converted. Now Is The Time... PLAN FOR SUMMER SEEDINGS a reminder that the place to start for a successful new seeding this summer is with a complete soil test. Might save you considerable time and money. Soil test kit cost $l.OO each and available at the County Extension Service office. TO SAVE LABOR IN TOBACCO the spraying of tobacco at topping time for the prevention of growth of suckers worked well last year. The material “MH-30” met with the apparent approval of both growers and manufacturers. This spray should be applied at topping time and not several days to a week later. Details of this practice available on a leaflet from our Extension Office. TO SALVAGE STUNTED CORN if recent drouth conditions made corn shoot tassel before time, we would suggest that this corn be made into silage in order to harvest the maximum amount of feed nutrients. We know of no better place to use than as silagei if the normal ear seems unlikely to develop. TO PRACTICE CORN BORER CONTROL in recent weeks many questions have been forwarded about the spraying of field com for the control ot European Corn Borer. We continue to questioa the benefits of spraying corn under average conditions With two broods in this area, it will be difficult to get good control. We pre fer to urge strict attention this fall and next spring in getting corn fodder used or plowed down by late April. This will reduce thq 1958 population. By MAX SMITH, County Agriculture Agent $2 Per Year ‘Multi-Million’ Rain Tuesday Ends Drouth HARRISBURG Soaking rains fell on most of Pennsylvania) Tuesday to alleviate near existing drouth conditions on Pennsyl vania farm crops, the State De partment of Agriculture said fol lowing Federal-State surveys. Described as a “multi-million dollar rainfall,” the same condii tions were reported from all areas of the Commonwealth Crops were expected to take an upward turn with corn and vege table crops and fruit to be “re juvenated.” It was the first state* wide rainfall reported by the U, S Weather Bureau since July 13 when scattered amounts of ram fell across most of the State. Meanwhile , farmers during the week ended Monday were combining oats in most of thd state while wheat was being har \ested m northern areas. Corn, tasseled in the north and its growth/was reported good. Farm ers in the southeast said crops were hurt by hot and humid tem peratures. Sweet corn in thisi same area also was in poor con dition Ears were reported smal ler than average as high tempera tures and drying winds depleted moisture from-the soil. The condition of pastures last week was below average of ex cessively high temperatures. Some farmers in' the southeast were reported using winter feed supplies because of short pas tures. The second cutting of hay was said completed in southern, counties and hay crops in north ern countiese were in good condi tion. Early season varieties of peaches are appearing on local markets. Fruit sizes have been af fected because of the prolonged dry period. Rain on Tuesday was expected to help production and fruit sizes.