Poultry (BY USDA) LIVE POULTRY PHILADELPHIA Unsettled Supplies were m excess of the fair demand. Large light type hens 14-16 cents small sizes 11-12 cents. Large White Rock Pul lets 26-28 cents. Large White Bock and White Cross Capon ettes 26-27 cents without clear ing. Caponetted cross fryers 24- 25 cents other crosses 23 cents White Rocks 24-25 cents Reds 24 cents. Turkeys: weak. De mand light supplies more than adequate. Bronze and White Hol land Breeder Hens 18-20 cents Toms 16-18 cents without clear ing. Totals receipts June 18, 89,000 included Maryland, 6,000 lbs. Del aware 28,000 lbs. Wholesale selling prices: Mm and fancy quality. Broilers or fryers heavy type 3-4 lbs 23-25. Pullets 4% lb and over 26-28. Hens heavy type 16-18 light type 11-16. Ducks Pekin 28. PROCESSED POULTRY PHILADELPHIA Processed Poultry, ready-to-ciok (ice pack ed) Young Chickens - barely steady. Mo-e than sufficient sup plies were offered for the fair de mand. Prices paid delivered ware house, Philadelphia (cents per lb.) Grade A & U S. Grade A, 2-3 lb 34-331 b 34-33, mostly 34%-35%. Hens: ready-to-cook (ice pack ed) barely steady. Demand fair. Supplies ««>*« fully adequate for current needs. Prices pid d livered ware house, Philadelphia (cents per lb.) Grade A & U S Grade A 4-5 & lb 31%-32%. Receipts Jme 18 included other than T -kc's: Maryland 82,000 lbs D laware 96,000 lbs South Cardin a 23,000 lbs Vir ginia 35,000 lbs. I ° vs I | Foj an * purpose | § Madr fbi P a P IH i ‘W TER I 8 PROf)' lON | ('rtth SS’N. J 3' J- ' h mt St. g Lama' Pa. a P’ . 3-3921 | Scott Meyer Elected Head Of Holstein Assn. Scott Meyer of Hannibal, Mo.. was elected president of the Hol stein-Friesian Association of Am erica at the organization’s 72nd Annual Convention at Indiana polis. Meyer, Holstein vice president since 1955, succeeds Albert B. Craig of Sewickley, Pa. New vice president is Leon A. Piguet of East Aurora, N. Y. Grant S. Richards, American Eork, Utah, was re-elected to the Board of Directors by the all-time high of 178 delegates participat ing in the Convention. New Directors elected were: H. W. Craun, Roanoke, Va.; R. De- Witt Mallary, Bradford, Vt.; and F. M. Wigsten, Pleasant Valley, N. Y. They succeed Richard N. Wills, McDonogh, Md.; Fred J. Nutter, Connna, Me.; and Piguet all of whom were ineligible for re-elec tion as directors after serving two consecutive terms on the board. In other important action, the association’s by-laws were amend ed to empower executive secre tary Robert H. Rumler to compile and mam tain a list of ammals known to be carriers of certain undesirable genetic recessives. / A program for the recognition of outstanding registered Hol stein br od cows was also adopt ed. A s' ' al feature of the pro gram w: 1 , a ceremony honoring the members of the Holstein True-T s Committee the far- sighte! loneers who, 35 years ago, bla id a trial to accelerated breed progress with the develop ment oi he theoretically perfect True-Tyoe Holstein cow and bull. i i ghhghts included talks by Galo Plaza, former president of Ecuador himself a Holstein breedei and Dr. M. H. Fohr ma.. d USDA dairy research sc down the curtain on a busy k, 76 registered Hol st u 12 different states and Ca . iraged $1,169 in the Na tic.. ivention Sale. M . han 1,500 association me. md guests participated in „n r day program with In diana stein breeders, through tha.r i organization, serving as com ition hosts. JASTER FARMING ASSIFIED ADS PAY ' STterling 6-3132 Dr. E. I. Robertson Dr. E.I. Robertson Elected Head Of Federation The present president of the Lancaster County Poultry Assn., Dr. E. I. Koibertson, 937 Fount ain Ave., Lancaster, was elected president of the state Poultry Federation Thursday at the fed eration state meeting. Dr. Robertson has been presi dent of the county group since March of 1955. Jay R. Greider, Jr, Mt. Joy, was elected second vice presi dent of the federation. Other officers are: First vice president, George W. Robinson, secretary, Donald L. Baker, Lew istown; treasurer, Lawrence E Kegerreis, Palmyra. Directors include M. Anthony, Strausstown; Homer J. Bicksler, Palmyra; Harry P Metz, Belle ville; 'and Walter S. Shearer Sinking Spring. Tax Exemption Certificates Remain Effective All annual sales tax exemption certificates issued during the cal endar year 1956, will remain in force until further notice, Secre tary of Revnue Gerald A. Gleeson, announced today. This extension was authorized in accordance with the provisions 01 recent amendments to the Se lective Sales and Use Tax Act which permit the determent of annual renewal of exemption cer tificates. Lancaster Farming, Friday, June 21, 1957—3 Check By ''rtifiers Underway HA. JJBURG The first -u fid inspections check ng f inty in crops is under ’nsylvama barley, the State Department of Agriculture innoun sd. T’v agents of the Bureau if P 1"” T ndustry this week be ~an * ’ 'inspection of 2 941 tor" ’irgest for certification m f aars Inspections wll continue for the next ten days, C. P ~ mobell, Department spe ciaVst ” charge of the .program said. Lancaster Markets from Tiqo-e f T * r ~ HO'- 1 520, week ago 1 7 ' >l ’ with last barrows and gilts weak to cents • 1 w t sows about s f e"' ’ Bulk Vrr"vs and gilts mix'-"* " 1-3, 190 33 q ibs. m Wednesday’" trade $2O 75-21, some sales No 3 $20.50. A few No. 1 and 2 to 1~"V small k ,llQ ”s $21.25-21 50 L ,rr h weight ’’ow and hard to - 160-18 ’bs mixed US 1-3 20 50. ws mixed US 13 ' 550 lbs MS 50-16 50. SH • 553, week a"' Surely -amly native s lambs. Compared with last nesday slaughter lambs $ 50-1 lower Bulk good and choic" rr tive spring lambs $2l 50-24, a few head early, high choice to ST Utility and low good $lB-21. '0 "'ornish Cro=s thicks Avail."!' "k of June ** T \L LOW PRICE Poultry Farm Ph 'lAzel H- ONLY 16 1/l " “THIN” Proven Design. No bulky pro jection inside or outside window, COKrOHT RATED - At a flick of a finger, delightfully cool, filtered air makes your days and nights comfortable all summer long. Full cooling capacity and dehumidifica tion. With G-E dependability; beautiful styling; dependable performance; budget priced. L H BRUBAKER 350 Pike, Lancaster [ ( " 3- Inspectors check the purity of seed crops to determine whether there are noxious weeds, seed borne diseases or a varietal of mixture. This is to -encourage higher quality seed production. Following the barley inspec tion, agents will look for proper i oiation oi corn acreage and *hen inspect winter wheat and oats, rye, spring oats and barley, potato and tomato crops The voluntary program is con ducted to help seedsmen-growers with maintaining high standards of quality, Campbell said. |[Cy^Cp^oGKSe2^ VES«S»3., 6 FELLOWS HAVE F_>TH FEET FIRMLV O' V.MTED IW And some folks never seem to find a place to suit their ■ aquirements One trip to p ooe & Weaver would end their search. Used Farmall 100 w/Cult. Used N. H 77 Baler Farmall C w/Cult. Cope &. Weaver WILLOW, sr. Ph. Lane. LX 3-2824 Strasburg OV 7-6002