Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 07, 1957, Image 10

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    10—Lancaster Farming, Friday, June 7, 1957
For the
Farm Wife and Family
(Continued from page nine)
recipes for you today The first
from Violet Preston.
Violet Preston,
621 E. Lincoln Highway
'l% cups sugar
U cup enriched flour
*4 teaspoon nutmeg
3 slightly beaten eggs
4 cbps l-inch slices rhubarb
2 tablespoons butter
Blend sugar, flour and nut
meg. Add to eggs. Beat smooth.
Add Rhulbarb. Pour into 9-inch
pastry lined pie plate and dot
with butter Top with crust.
Bake in hot oven 400 degrees
50 to 60 minutes and cool This
is very good.
Another reader who does not
want her name used send us a
recipe for
V/2 cups sugar
3 cups rhubarb, sliced in Vi
inch pieces
Custom Spraying
Shrubs and
Ornamentals Only
R. D. 1, Willow Street |
Ph. ST 6-2932 ’ |
Sure you do and a vacation is the answer,
one that is free from all worry about ex
pense. That's the way it will come if you
join our Vacation Club for 1958.
Save small amounts, from $ 1.00 to $ 10.00
a week, pocket change you'll never miss,
and a year from today have up to $500:00
waiting for you in our bank. Try it!
Use Our Convenient
One-haJf *f(lock from
Penn Square on South
Queen Street —Rear of
Main Bank.
"Sewing Lancaster from Center Squaie since 1889”
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Maximum Insurance $lO,OOO per depositor
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons flour
2 eggs
Beat eggs, then add rhubarb,
sugar, flour, and butter. Stir
until well mixed. Pour into un
baked pie shell and bake at
about 350 degrees until done
This reader also requested a
recipe for Rhubarb Crumb Pie
but as we have printed several
of these in the past few weeks
she has probably _found one by
this time
Do you groan when ybu glance
at the bathroom scales 9 If you
do, and are turying to cut down
on calories, don’t be afraid of
the potato Eat it and enjoy it
as often as you like, preferably
undressed It’s the trimmings
that run up the calorie count.
Baked, boiled, or pressure
cooked, a potato doesn’t have to
upset your dietary plans. In fact,
this vegetable deserves its popu
larity, It is both versatile and
gives a high return in food
value for money spent. A
medium-size potato can supply
1/5 of the recommended daily
amount of vitamin C, as well as
worthwhile amounts of theß
vitamin thiamin and niacin,
and the minerals, iron, phos
phorous. and potassium
If you like potatoes but don’t
want them to interfere with
weight reduction, follow these
If you’re boiling potatoes, cook
them in their skins to preserve
the nutrients Use as little water
25 S. Queen St.—Swan
Parking Lot—Vine & S.
Queen Sts. Stoner Park
ing Lot—S. W. Corner
Vine & Queen Sts.
Farm Women’
Farm Women 10
Shown Movie
About Africa
A movie of the great wild
animal preserve 30.0 miles from
Johannesburg, South Africa, was
seen b£ Society 10 at a meeting
-Saturday at the home of Mrs. .H.
Landis Shank, New Danville
Mrs Richard Warfel, a native
of Johannesburg, told the women
of her home She said that the
game preserve was founded by
Stephanus Johannes Paulus Kru
ger, most famous of the Boer
presidents He is best known as
Oom Paul Krueper
Mrs Ethel Reinhold presided
at the meeting' Devotions were
led by Mrs. Elmer Esbenshade
and roll call was answered by
reading a verse from the Bible
containing the word “Faith ”
A vocal solo was sung by
Jesse Cutler accompanied by
Miss Rosemary Andrews
A contribution of $5 was sent
to the Mental Health Society
A social hour followed with
Mrs C C Shoemaker as co
hostess The, usual sale of home
made products was held
Mr and Mrs Abram Lefever
invited the group to attend open
house June 27 when they will
celebrate their Golden Wedding
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs C H Rem
hold There will be a “bakeless
bake sale” instead of the usual
and short a cooking time as
If you’re baking potatoes,
choose potatoes of the same size,
so they will be done at the same
time. Don’t pierce the- skin to
test for doneness, since internal
steam helps cook the potato and
piercing allows steam to escape
Instead, press the potato to see
if it is done
Slash each potato across the
top as soon as you take them
from the oven, then press to
force or “fluff up” the potato
This allows the damp steam,
which has done its 30b, to escape
quickly and keep the potato dry
.and mealy.
Potatoes are not necessarily
fattening, but the gravies and
fats that you pour over them
definitely are So cut down on
the trimmings if you’re counting
calories Or, try dispensing with
them entirely. You may find
that you like the potato for its
own flavor better than ever.
Meat Experts
List Popular
Meat Items
Augie R Ring, director of the
department of merchandising of
the National Live Stock and Meat
Board, and Reba Staggs, director
of the Board’s -department of
their heads together and came up
with the following list of meat
items that they consider the most
popular -among America’s popula
tion of meat-eaters
Ground beef, frankfurthers, ba
con, chops, leg of lamb,
boneless beef pot-roast, loin lamb
chops, ham, round steak, T-bone
steak, veal cutlets and canned and
ready-to-serve meats.
The two meat experts point out
that no attempt has been mpde to
list these meat products in order
of popularity. The list includes
not only those items that consum
ers purchase the most of, but also
those that consumers have indi
cated are their favorites for spe
cial occasions, whether they are
eating at home or away from
Ring and Miss Staggs based
their meat popularity list on ob
seivations they have made in
many years of work with the na
tion’s meat retaileis, homemak
ers and restaurateurs as part of
the Board’s extensive program of
research, education and informa
tion on meat.
Society News
Farm Women 24
Plan July Picnic
At New Holland
Society of Farm Women No.
24 met Wednesday evening in
the home of Mrs Arthur Camber
New Holland Pike
Mrs. Landis Myer, the presi
dent, presided and Mrs Isaac
Wenger conducted the devotions.
Members answered the roll call
by naming their favorite flower.
Three new members, Mrs. El
vin Zimmerman, Mrs , Annie
Good and Miss Jennie Hoover,
were welcomed.
A report was given on the visit
to the Lancaster County Home
last month, and plans were
made for a picnic and a bus trip
in. July
The picnic will be held Wed
nesday, July 31, m the New Hol
land Community Park The bus
trip to Atlantic City is scheduled
for Wednesday, July 17
Mrs Gilbert Gotshall, will be
hostess for the next meeting
scheduled for 8 p. m Wednesday
June 26, at her home m Bare
USDA Approves
Horse Meat
From Mexico
Amendment of Federal meat in
spection regulations to recognize
the horse meat inspection system
of Mexico was announced Satur
day by the U S Department of
This action means that horse
meat and horse-meat products of
to the United States provided the
products are accompanied by the
required Mexican inspection cer
tificate and found to be otherwise
Notification of the v change in
the regulations is scheduled for
publication in the Federal Regis
. Quarryriile, Pa.
10,480 Cancer
Dressings Made
Since Sept. 1
LANCASTER The mid-year
activities icport issued today by
the cancer society revealed that
10,480 cancer dressings were
given to patients since Sept. 1.
“Dressings that otherwise
might cost a family hundreds of
dollars were given free of charge
to 44 patients,” reported Mrs.
Donald Biown, Executive Direc
“Cancer patients require many
kinds of dressings and large num
beis of them. The American Can
cer Society is able to provide
these dressings for less than two
cents each because they are made
by volunteers who sew and pack
the materials to medical specifica
tions ”
Mrs. Brown said that white
goods used for dressings are do
nated by local residents -ito the
Lancaster County Unit. Over 800
women meet in the various homes
throughout the year to make,
“If it were posible to put a dol
lars and cents value on all volun
teer woik, I’m sure the figure
would be extremely high,” Mrs.
Brown declared.
Better Chicks for You
Breeding Research
Chicks Chicks
for for
Meat Eggs
Manheim Pike EX 2-2155
"/ got the job, honey ”
Good news
travels fastest
by long distance
Dallas, Pa.