2—Lancaster Farming, Friday, March 15, 1957 Broiler Prices Drop Two Cents At Friday’s Poultry Exchange Sale LANCASTER, March 8 (Lan caster Poultiy Exchange, sales re port 205) Broiler prices were oil two cents from Wednesday’s sales at the second Friday auction at the Exchange. The average dropped from 22.29 cents to 20.76 cents. In this wee’s totals 35 lots, 133,- 900 birds were sold at an average ot 2169 cents. j: ALTMAN’S SUPER-A FEEDS are timed-tested, scientifically balanced, vitamin complete and are manufactured daily in three modern plants. Com pare our prices What’s New’ Just received our spuds' Cobblers $4’55 cwt. Katadms .. . $4.10 cwt. Mattock hoc New Spring Garden Tools— Tree Trimmer Hedge Trimmer ..$3 85 Ground Shovel $3.45 Bamboo'Rake 18 in. $1.4024in Fertilizer 5-10-10 . $2.10 Peat Moss Turf & Garden 5-10-5 $2.95 We will carry a full line of plants and spring onions sets. ALTMAN’S CASH FEED STORE WILLIS H. WEAVER MANAGER i? 947 Harrisburg Ave. I' 10c per hundred discount on half ton lots or more. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE - fiL INVITATION TO DAIRYMEN A SERIES OF DAIRY MEETINGS ★MANHEIM Mon., March 18 Fire House 7:30 P. M. ★QUARRYVILLE - WED., March 20 Fire House 7:30 P. M. ★STRASBURG Thurs., March 21 Fire House 7:30 P. M. f SPEAKER AT EACH MEETING DR. GILBERT PORTER of the BEACON DAIRY DEPT. Speaking on ... “The Dollars and Cents of Dairy Cattle Feeding” -REFRESHMENTS- Come and enjoy these interesting and informative evenings Sponsored by At today’s auction 23 lots, 114,- 050 birds were listed and offered, while only 17 lots, 71,050 birds were sold. At the corresponding sales on Tuesday and Thursday a year ago, 100,01 Q birds were sold at an average price of 23.56 cents. Of that number 93,610 were broilers. The average in 1955 at the cor icsponding sales was 32.87 cents spring shipment of WE DELIVER Phone Lane. EX 4-7715 AT —Outstanding Dairy Specialist —Formerly of Pa. State University Wednesday Chicago Grain Market* March future: 'week ago Corn $1.30% $1.30% Oats $.74% $.75% Wheat $2.31 $2.33% Soybeans $2.43 H.. .. $2.42% Soybeans meal $47.45 .a ton f. o. b. Decatur, 111.,, last week $46.70 Cash grains: Com -r- $1.31% Wheat $2.33% Oats $.76 for 90,480 birds. Prices paid at today’s auction were: Broilers, 19 cents to 22% cents, average 20.76 cents for 17 lots, 71,050 birds. Here are the sales listed by lot number (each preceded by 8-); seller with grower shown in parentheses; amount and breed; age by weeks and days; buyer aiyl price. 1. Elmer Leaman, 2,400 White Vantress, 9, Walter C. Mellinger, 21 cents. 2, D. E. Horn & Co. (Fred" Bmgaman), 5,200 White Vantress, 9, no sale, 21 cents bid. 3. D. E. Horn & Co, (Fred Binga man), 8,800 White Vantress,- 9, no sale, 20% cents bid. 4r-D. E. Horn & Co. (Fred Bmgaman), 7,- 400 White Vantress, 9, no sale, 20% cents bid. 5. William C. Shutz, 8,250 White Vantress, 10,"' Mandata Poultry, 21% cents., 6. Henry Longenecker, 1,000 Red Vantress, 9, Walter C. Melmger, 20% cents. 7. Henry Longenecker, 1,700 White Vantress, 9-4, Boy E. Ream, 21% cents. 8. Paul German (J. Faust), 4,000 White Cornish Cross, 10, S, E. Davis, 19 cents. 9. Robert H. Barr, 5,000 White Van tress, 10, H. W. Longacre Inc., 20 cents. $3 05 $3.25 $1.85 $4.20 10. Eltner H. Kohrer, 6,000 In dian Rivers, 9-3, S. E. Davis, 20% cents. 11. Kenneth Noll, 2,800 White Vantress, 9-2, Header’s Poutry, 21 cents. 12. Noah W. Kreider & Sons, 7,CJpO White Van tress, 9, Mandata Poultry, 20% cents. 13. Miller & Bushong (Stanley Carpenter), 10,000 White Vantress, 9-2, H. W. Long acre Inc., 20% cents. 14. Mxler & Bushong (Joseph Olesh), 2,000 Red Vantress, 9, Walter C. Mel linger, 22 cents. 15. Miller & Bushong (Glenn Deardorff), 3,200 White Vantress, 10, Roy E. Ream, 21 cents. 16. Miler & Bushong (Paul Lmn good), 1,200 Red & White Van tress, 10-4, Roy E. Ream, 22 cents. 17. Miller & Bushong (R. C. Gar man), 9,000 White Vantress, 9-4, Victor F. Weaver Inc., 20% cents. 18. Andrew N. Miller, 4,000 White Vantress, 9-2, Mandata Poultry, 21 cents. 19. Andrew N. Miller, 2,000 White Vantress, 9-2, Water B. Lehman, 21*4 cents. 20. Janies High (Earl Forry), 1,500 White Vantress, 9-3, Walter C. Melling er, 22V* cents. 21. Indian River Farm (Alvey Baer), 11,600- In-_ dian Rivers, 8-4, no sale, 19% cents bid. 22. Morgantown Feed & Gram (Walter Shearer), 5,000 White Vantress, 9, no sale, 20% cents bid. 23. Morgantown Feed & Gram (Walter Shearer), 5,000 White Vantress, 9, no sale, 20% cents bid. Broilers PHILADELPHIA, March 13 Unsettled, Demand fair to good for more than adequate supplies of all classes. White Rock "pul lets 32-35 cents with bulk unsold and carried-over.- Crosses were also unsold. White Rock capon ettes 30-32 cents. Hylmes 30-31 cents without clearing. Few lots stags 15 cents. Capon etted cross fryers 25-26 cents. White Rocks 23-24 cents, Reds 22- 24 cents, few lots 26 cents without clearing. No. 2 quality mixed 19 cents down to 5 cents. Red broil ers 22 cents. Turkeys: unsetteled. Demand light'for light supplies. Few lots bronze and white Hol land young hens 35 cents. Total receipts March 12 97,- 000 lbs. included Delaware 20,000 lbs., Maryland 5,000 lbs. Wholesale selling prices No. 1 and fancy quality broilers or fry ers heavy type under 3 lbs. 22, 3-4 lb. 22-26. Pullets 4% lb. and over 32-35. Hens heavy type 18-25. Light type 10-16. Old roosters 11. Ducks Muscovy 26-27, Pekin 32. Turkeys, young hens 35. Lancaster Markets; Cattle Steady To Higher, Hogs Up This Week ’ By DAVID S. LORENSON USDA Market New* Service WEDNESDAY TO WEDNESDAY REVIEW LANCASTER, March 14, CAT TLE: Three days 3,826, week ago 3,154. Compared with last Wed nesday slaughter,steers and heif ers mostly 50-75 cents higher some sales $1 higher,, demand good. Cows active around 50 cents higher, bulls fully steady. Stockers and fee dors prices steady to 50 cents higher. Supplies included around 55 loads slaughter steers, three loads heif ers and around 12 per cent of re ceipt was cows. Balance mainly medium and , good stocker and feeder steers averaging 900 lbs. and lighter. - The slaughter steer supply graded mostly good to average choice. Bulk choice fed steers 1,000-1,350 lbs. $21.50-22.25, sev eral loads and lots high choice and mixed choice ''and prime §22.75-24. One load 1,276 lb. most-* ly prime steers $24.25 good and low choice steers and yearlings $l9-20.75, mostly 19.50 up. Some standard grades $17.50-18. A few standard to low choice heif ers $l5-19.50. Cutter and utility cows mainly $11.50-14, a few com mercial to $14t50, canners largely $9.75-11. Utility and commercial bulls $15.50-18.50, a few good fed 49 Cents Per Shot Each 24cc syringe Bach 6cc shot contains contains PROCAINE PENICILLIN 3,000,000 units DIHYDRO STREPTOMYCIN 1.000 mg. (Base as Sulfate) 250 mg. 1.000 mg. SULFATHIAZOLB 2SO mg. 1.000 rng. SULFAMERAZtNE 250 mgs 200 mg. PAPAIN 50 mg. 20 mg. COBALT SULFATE . 5 mg. See Your SELECTA Dealer Or Contact REP. F. W. Fisher LEACOCK, PA. Phone OL-6-2482 SNAVELY’S FARM SERVICE NEW HOLLAND bulls to $l9. Bulk medium and good stocker and feeder steers and yearlings 546 to 925 lbs. $17.50-20. A part load 1,039 lb. fleshly feeders $20.25. A part load 610 lb. mixed good and choice yearling stockera $22.50. CALVES: Three days 892, week ago 892. Compayed with last Wed nesday vealers $l-1.50 lower. Bulk good and choice vealers $22.29, odd head prime to $3l. Most util ity and standard $l4-21,' culls down to $lO. HOGS: Three days 1,546, week ago, 2,018. Compared with last Wednesday barrows and gilts 25- 50 cents -higher, # sows scarce steady. Bulk barrows and gilts mixed U. S. 1-3, in Wednesday’s trade averaging 190-230 lbs, $18.50-19. Several small lots No. 1 and 2, 200-220 lbs. $19.50. Weights .over 250 lbs. slow, some 240-270 lbs. $l7-18,25. Small lots 160-180 lb. mixed 1-3, $17.28- 1825. Sows mixed U. S. 1-3, 270- 550 lbs. $13.50-16. SHEEP: Three days 119, week, ago 153. Supply small. Offering mainly native wooled lambs. Qual ity plain. Lambs jnostly steady. Bulk good and choice wooled slaughter lambs $19.50-23, utility and low good $l4-18.50. About 10 head 35-42 lb. native spring lambs $26-30. BELMONT Agricultural LIMESTONE EVEN SPREADER . SERVICE SOIL TESTING SERVICE WENGER & SENSENIG CO. R. D>l, PARADISE, PA. Ph. Gap Hickory 2-4500 500,000 unit* Ph. EL 4-22 U