Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 21, 1956, Image 2

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    T,— r yrnu'l 'f, it
2—Lancaster Farming, Friday, Dec. 21, 1956
Lancaster Livestock: Market Slow;
Prices Tend Steady to Lower in Week
(Wednesday to Wednesday re
view) (USDA) CATTLE'
2,247, week ago 2,347. Compared
with Wednesday slaughter steers
slow, 50-75 cents lower, some
sales $l.OO off. Heifers in small
supply steady to weak. Cows
fully 25 cents higher. Bulls fully
steady- Stockers and feeders
mostly steady. Supplies for the
week comprised about 27 loads
slaughter steers, 36 loads stock
ers and feeders. Cows made up
around 12 per cent of the total
and heifer and boll offerings
were moderate. Slaughter steers
graded mostly good to average
■choice. Bulk choice fed steers
$21.50-22.50, a few lots 1100-
1240 lb average choice steers to
23-00. Most good and low choice
$10.50-21 00 with standard down
to 517.00. A few small lots stand
ard good heifers $15.00-19.00
Utility and commercial cows $ll
- canners and cutters
$8.50-12.00 Utility and com
mercial bulls $14.5017.00, good
fed bulls 1000 lbs and under to
are timed-tested, scientifically balanced, vitamin complete
and" are manufactured daily in three modern plants. Com
pare our prices
100 Broiler Chicks 1 week old
How is your Hay or your ensilage-You need AROMA PEP
Flavoring - Why not try some now’
Those good old Buckwheat cakes these cold mornings'
Old Fashion Buckwheat 40% Hog concentrate Pellets
Flour 101 b 65c . . . 5.50
Corn Meal s!b sack 47c Horse Feed . .4 25
Gloves' Gloves' Gloves Bluebird All Mash ’ 3.90
35c 1.50 20% Quality Mash 400 D.P.
16% Super A Dairy . 350 . . 4.15
20% Super A Dairy . 3.70 Grower Crumbles .. 4.45
20% Hog Pig & Sow feed Fine Chick Feed 4.90
4.55 Scratch Grain 3.80 DP 400
947 Harrisburg Ave. Phone Lane. EX 4-7715
10c per hundred discount on half ton lots oi more.
$20.50 Cutter grade bulls $12.50-
14.00. Bulk medium and good
stock steers 750 lbs and lighter
$15.00-17.50, common stockers
$12.00-14.50. Several loads and
lots medium and good 600-1000
feeding steers $16.00-18.00, a few
lots and loads 850-1073 lbs partly
fattened good grade steers $19,-
00-19-50, a few choice 820-lb
feeders to $20.00. Scattered sales
good and choice stock steer
calves 450 525 lbs. $lB.OO-20.00.
CALVES: 968, week ago 811.
Veal calves around $l.OO lower
than last Wednesday with most
decline- on utility to good grades.
Bulk good and choice venders
$21.50-27.50/ high choice and
prime $28.00-33.00, individual
head to $35.00. Utility and stand
ard grades mostly $14.00-20.50,
culls down to $12.00.
HOGS- 1791, 1642. Demand for
hogs narrowed after Monday,
barrows and gilts around 50
cents lower than last Wednesday,
sows fully steady. Bulk barrows
and gilts U- S. mixed 1-3 180-250
lbs in Wednesday's trade $lB.OO
- a few mostly No. 1. to
$19.00. In Monday's trade small
lots No. 1 sold up to 19.50, a few
touched $20.00. Weights 250-270
lbs $17.50-18.00 and some around
r \/
(USDA) Frozen, Keady-To-Cook
unsettled. Offerings were in ex
cess of the relatively ligHer de-
160' lbs down to $17.50. Sows afr
weights U. S- imXed 1-3, 13.00-
15.50, a few light sows to $16.00.
SHEEP: 229, week ago 411.
Small supply slaughter lambs,
quality very plant. Slaughter
lambs- mostly steady. Bulk good
and choice wooled lambs 70-95
lbs SmOO-ZIM, , a few high
choice to $22.00; Utility and. low
good $13,00-17.50 with culls as
low as $B.OO,
Lancaster Broilers Lower Thursday
By Fractions; Annual Meet Jan. 24
• Lancaster Poultry Exchange
(Rohrefstown, Pa.) (Sales Re>-
port, Salle 192,'-Thursday, Dec. 13,
19501 Averaging .22 of a cent
below the average for the cor
responding week a year ago, and
declining- fractionally from the
Thursday's sale, 1$ lots
Of a total 74,025 broilers sold
Dec. 13 at art average of 18.83
Cents in a range of 18% to 20*4
cents Total offerings included
29 lots, 97,025 birds, offered
wer& 23-Sots- totaling 90,025 and
sold were 22 lots, 78,625, Two
lots, 2500 Leghorns, sold at 13
cents, One lot of 500 -capettes at
26, and one lot -of 1600 capettes
at 19 cents.
For the corresponding sales
year ago, Dec. 13 and 15,
1955. offered were 3$ lots.
50,955 birds, sold were 21 lots, I
39,425, in a range of 17% to
19% cents, averaging 19.4
cents qn that Tuesday, 19.1
• cents on Thursday.
Announcement was made of
the third annual meeting of the
Lancaster Foultiy Exchange
members- Thursday evening, Jan.
24, in the New Poultry Center
at 340 Roseville Road, Lancaster.
Here are Thursday, Dec. 13,
1956 sales, listed by lot number
(each preceded by 13-), seller,
with grower shown in paren
theses, amount and breed, age
by weeks and days, buyer and
X, Robert H. Barr, 5000 White
Vantress, 9-2, to Roy E Ream,
18’40: 2, Miller & Bushong (Jos
eph Olesh), 2000 Red Vantress,
9 wks, to Walter C. MeMmger,
2OM;0, 3, Miller & Bushong
(Lloyd Ream), 4500 White Van
tress, 10-2, to Roy E. Ream, 19% 0,
4, Wenger’s Mill (Pans Ober),
1000 Leghorn fowl .yearlings, to
Walter C Mellmger, 13d, 5, Wil
liam A Bitting, 450 Silver Cross
cockerel capetles, 13-6, no sale,
180 bid;
6, William A. Bitting, 750 Sil
ver Cross capettes, 13-6, no sale,
20110 bid, 7. Norman M Herr,
700 White Vantress, capettes, 12-
2, no sale, 22 S 0 bid; Pau'l Rowe,
500 White Vantress cockerel
capettes, 15-2, to Daniel K. Good,
260; 9, Marlin- Longenecker, 500
Indian Rivers, 10-2, to Roy E.
Ream, 190; 10, Titus Hoover, 650
Red Vantress, 11-6, to Roy E.
Ream, 18140;
11, Benjamin F. Lapp, 375 Red
Vantress, 11-5, to John N. Thom
as, 20% 0; 12, John L. Landis,
5000 White Vantress, 9-6, to S.
E. Davis, 18'40; 13, John L
Landis, 5000 White Cross, 9-1,-to
Mandata Poultry. 18140; 14,
Fruitville Farms (Abram Shenk),
5000 White Vantress, 9-6, to C.
F. Maiibeck, Inc., 190; 15, Fruit
ville Farms (Abram Shenk),
5000 Indian Rivers, 9-6, to Victor
P. Weaver, 190;
16, Charles D. Warfel, 5009
Indian ißivers, 10-2, to College
Hill Poultry, Inc.. 18X0; 17,
Charles D. Warfel, 5000 Indian
Rivers, 9-6, to Victor F. Weaver,
Inc., 18X0; 18, Charles D. War
fel,. 5000 Indian Rivers, 9-6, to
College 'Hill Poultry, 18X0; 19,
Roy Heckertlnber, 1500 Leghorn
fowl yearlings, 10 months, to
Walter C. Mellinger, 130; 20, In
dian River Poultry Farms (John
Geil), 2400 Indian Rivers, pdf
lets, 10-2, to Grimes & Haftrer,
1 Ajri-.jy |V*A(f)N} > I
mand for most sizes Hens and
Toms. Ice packed fresh New
York dressed Hens were m buyer
preference in some quarters.
Large retail outlets advertised
as follows on Ready-To-Cook
Turkeys, Beltsville Young Hens
449 lb 48-49 cents. Young Hens
10-16 lb 4649 cents, Turkeys 19
lb and over 4347 cents.
Wholesale selling prices:
Grade A and U. S. grade A qual
Fryer-Roasters 4-8 lb 45% 46%,
Young Hens 310 lb 43%44, 10-
14 lb 43%44, I£lB lb 44%45%,
Young Toms 16-20 lb 43%-45„ 20-
22 lb 43 %-45, EE26 lb 4446, 26-
28 lb 46-47, 28 Ifcr up 4849%.
, 21, Indian River Poultry
Farms (John Geil->, 2600 Indian
[River pullets, 10-2, to Victor F.
Weaver, 18%£; 22, Henry Long
enecker, 1600 White Vantress
capettes, 13 wkS, to lana Poul
try, I9tf; 23, Miller & Bushoitg
(John L. Herr), 1003 White Van
tress, 10 wks, jto Linn Poultry,
‘imt, 24, Gleason Richie, 4500
White Vantress, 9 wits, no sale,
18% 4 bidj 25, Gfieason Richie,
’4500 Indian Rivers, 9 wks, no
[sale, 18%4 bid;
26, Irvin Yoder, 15000 White
Mountains, 10-2, to Pennsylvania
Dutch Farms, 19tf; 27, Paul W.
IMartm, 5000 White Vantress, 9
wks, fo Pennsylvania Dutch
Farms, X9C; 28, Paul W, Marten,
5000 White Vantress, 9 wks,
withdrawn prior to sale: 29, Boy
HeCkenluher, 2500 White turkeys
: withdrawn prior to sale; 29A,
Roy iHeckenluber, 500 White
Starkeys, no sale, 264 bid.
... yes, you can put as much as two-thirds of your present
tractor fuel bills back in your pocket if you switch to an
Oliver Diesel Tractor, Oliver Diesels use lower-cost diesel
fuel and give you more horsepower-hours' per" gallon. It
averages out at about a two-thirds saving, depending on
local fuel prices.
. Only Oliver cart supply you with diesel power in. six
farm tractor sizes. Oliver Diesel Tractors use no special
starting fuels, no extra starting equipment. Touch the
starter button and you are ready to work.
The dver-all design of Oliver Diesels will please you.
Some tractors-have some Oliver features—no i.mmi
other tractor has all of them. See us for full |lEg||
you save “Tg..#
See Your Local Oliver Dealer
E. L. Herr
Peach Bottom
N. G. Hershey & Son
Nauheim. RD. 1
Farmersville Equipment Co.
Ephrata. R.D. 2
Cfaas. J. McComsey & Sons
Hickory Hill. Pa.
ofoftrtnoD mot rmil SF
Egg Prices Lower;
$.4’4 Market Top
(USDA) Unsettled. Prices moved
lower on most grades. More than
adequate supplies were available
for the current fair demand.
"Wholesale selling prices- min
imum 10 per cent AA quality
Large 45-48 lb White 42-44,
Brown 38-39, Medium White 31-
32, Brown 30-31.
Extra, Min. 6(/*per cent A
qualify. Large 45-50 lb White
36%-37 f Mixed 34'4-30, Medium
White 30-31, Mixed 29-30 Stand
ards 33-34, Checks 20-30. t
Receipts Dec. 18 - 5,100 case*
all by truck.
Let not happen which 1 wish,
blit that which is x right. Men*
Moore More
dicks' Frofits
White Vantresa Arbor
Acres White Rock Cross.
—America’s most efficient
meat bird.
Criss Cross Sixty White Leg
horns—Official Contest pro
ven multiple family cross.
High speed white egg layers
with early large egg size.
Check our low price and big
discount for early orders
Write or call for prices
and literature! _
780 EDEN ED.
Phone Express 3-3882