Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 23, 1956, Image 10

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    1 11 L-.-tjKV* • ;V
10—Lancaster Farming, Friday, Nov. 23, 1956
For the
Farm Wife and Family
in ■
Farm Society 9 to
Distribute Baskets
Members \of the Lancaster
County Society of Farm Women
No 9 this week distributed 18
Thanksgiving baskets among
friends and relatives who aie
Mrs. Esther Huber was hos
tess to the Saturday, Nov 17
meeting of the Society Mrs
Huber, Marticville, is president.
Co-hostess was Mrs Elizabeth
Aston, who read the Scriptures
Miss Elsie Armstrong, fourth
grade teacher from the Martic
Township Elementary School,
was guest, and sang two selec
tions, “Count Your Blessings,”
and “Thanksgiving Prayer ”
Roll call was made and the
minutes read by Mrs Charles
Shertz, secretary, with 20 mem
bers answering to “What I Want
Most for Christmas ”
The Christmas banquet will be
held Dec 19 at 630 p m in
Kauffman’s Tea Room, East
Q. IVUj -JrvufiA. uranJt
-m/efe. -tua, oSXstA. AxkS.n/iH..
Ix&at jJkaM. 5 Aor?
A Follow up with Dr Sals
•bury's Avi-Tab! Most
serious diseases are weak
ening -- birds get rundown
and lose appetite Avi-
Tab puts new life in 'em,
stirs the appetite, aids
digestion, and builds blood.
That's whjr so many poul
trymen depend on Avi-Tab
as a follow-up flock treat
ment Also,
'use Avi-Tab as a regular
-conditioner for the flock.
BEOHTHE ALERT!w k . n r. u
NemJ Poultry M*rfrcjn»t Aik f#r
F.’W. Fisher
OL°6-2482 IsaCOck, Pa.
fimem6et —
Ful-O-Pep “Packs”
What Your Grain Lacks
Petersburg Husbands will be
guests. Guest spleaker will be
Oliver Armstrong, who will show
pictures and talk on his trip to
Delicious refreshments were
served following adjournment.
Society of Farm Women No. 3
met Saturday, Nov 17 at the
home of Mrs James Becker,
Park Ave, Lancaster, with Mrs.
Harold Stuber, president, in
On Saturday, Nov 24, members
will take a bus trip to Phila
delpia, to spend the day shop
ping, visiting a TV studio and
The following contributions
were made Sv’S to the United
Drive, $5 to the Tuberculosis So
ciety, $5 to Muscular Dystrophy
A report was given on the
county convention and on the
Home-makers Christmas work
shop The following delegates
were named to attend the State
Convention in Harrisburg Jan
14 and 15, 1957 Mrs Gilbert
Paul and Mrs Elam Shelly, with
Mrs Charles Weachter as alter
Speaker for the program was
the Rev Dr John M fjord on,
pastor of First Presbyterian
Church, Lancaster He talked on
Thanksgiving The next meeting
will be in Wards’ Recreation
Room, Ephrata, a Chustmas
party for children and members
Mrs A Bollinger will be hostess
There will be a gift exchange
among members
Mrs Ben L Greider Landis
ville, was hostess to Farm
Women 18 Saturday at which
time a food auction was held
Twenty-eight members attended
Mrs David B Hess had charge
of devotions Five dollars was
given the Tuberculosis Society,
and five dollars to the Muscular
Dystrophy Fund
December meeting will be a
Christmas party at the home of
Mrs Floyd Moore, 780 Eden
Maiy Ann Logan, 24-yeai-old
medical student, was crushed to
death by an elevator in Geneial
Hospital as eight persons on the
elevator watched, unable to help
Miss Logan had her right foot
and head inside the elevator
when it stalled up without warn
ing- • «aCBBI
Jacob Zook—Mgr.
Dean Hoffer
County’s New
FFA President
Dean Hoffer, senior at Man
heim Central High School and
president of the Manheim Fu
ture Farmers of American Chap
ter, was elected president of the
Lancaster County FFX in a
meeting Wednesday night, Nov
7 at the annual meeting in Co
cahco Union High School
The son tȣ Mr and Mrs
Arthur H Hoffer, R 3 Manheim,
he succeeds Jerry Brenner of
Penn Manor
Others elected at the session
were: Charles Rohrer, Pequea
Valley, vice president; Marvin
Bcnnetch, Cocalico, secretary;
Robert Book, Lampeter-Stras
burg, treasurer: Marion Find
ley, Solanco. reporter; Melvin
Martin, Manheim Central, sen
tinel; Robert Good, Cocalico,
Mr Hoffer has begn outstand
ing in FFA activities, both on
local and countywide levels He
has served as chapter vice presi
dent and is now president He
has many projects, and has won
honors as chapter public speaker
and chapter dairy farmer
He won a heifer in the dairy
calf awards program at the 1955
Lampeter Community Fair and
this year added another in the
Lancaster Holstein-Fncsian As
sociation membership contest
This summer he won a week’s
tup to the AIC conference at
Raleigh, N C Mr Hoffer was
named delegate to the state con
vention and Charles Rohrer al
ternate delegate
Running aftei women never
hint anybody it’s catching
tham that does the damage
The -Seminole, Sanfley Field,
Pensacola, Fla
If you aie not a thinking man,
for what purpose aie you a man
at all’ Colendge.
from your
home grown grains
Let us help you step up the feeding
Value of your gram by grinding and mixing
it with dependable Ful-O-Pep Concentrates.
These concentrates contain many of the
valuable nutrients your grain lacks ... in
cluding a variety of selected proteins, vita
mins, and minerals. A little Ful-O-Pep goes
a long way . . . helps you make a balanced
ration at a low out-of-pocket cost.
We have proven formulas for almost any
feeding situation. Come in and see us soon.
PH. MA 6-8831
It’s The Law
“It’s the Law” with simple an
swers is offered by LANCASTER
FARMING in cooperation with
the Pennsylvania Bar Associa
tion. General interest questions
are welcomed, and will be an
swered as soon as possible. Let
ters must be signed. Answer
will not be published on a speci*
fied, requested day. Questions
cannot be answered by mail, and
reject any inquiry which is not
of general public interest Ad
dress all inquiries to “Its the
Quarryville,' Pa. (Fictitious ini
tials will be used to protect the
identity of the questions).
sjt 4 v
Q. If a man is found injured
on a highway, should you pick
him up and take him to a doctor
or hospital or should you let
him lay and call an ambulance’
By this I mean do you assume
any legal responsibility by pick
ing him up’ J F H
A If you handled the injured
man negligently, and ho could
establish , that your negligence
aggravated his injuries, so as to
cause him additional expense and
suffering, you would be liable
even through your intentions
were of tjie best
It might also be noted that
medical practitioners have stat
ed more than once that well
meaning individuals who are in
experienced in first aid and the
handling of injured persons often
do moie harm than good in at
tempting to move an accident
victim before competent assist
ance ai rives Wo understand that
the best proeeduie is to staunch
any abnormal flow of blood,
loosen tight clothing, keep the
victim warm, keep the' crowds
away, and keep him .immobile
until the ambulance arnves.
Q I am a widow and plan to
many in the near future I have
a son and have my bonds in my
son’s name and my name as co
owners My group insurance and
pension plan where I am em
ployed name my son as benefi
ciary After I marry, I wish to
have things remain as they are
-Can I name my son as benefi
ciary or must I add my hus
band’s name 9 N M C
A Unless your group insur
ance contract provides other
wise, there is no requirement
that you change beneficiary
designations aftei the mamage
Read your msuiance policy care
iully, particularly the provisions
pertaining to beneficiaries, and
change of beneficiaries If you
are still not certain of your
rights after reading the policy,
it is suggested yo\i discuss the
matter further with your at
Q Is there a law against the
election of a party line fence
without the mutual agreement
of the owners’ The original
fence was 4 feet high, but our
neighbo-is erected a new fence
6 feet high This cuts off sun
shine and air H J. Z
A This fence is something re
fened to as a "Spite fence'” As
long as it is within the property
lines of the party who erected it,
there is no method for obtaining
a removal of the fence In Penn
sylvania, at least, we do not fol
low the doctrine known in the
law as “ancient lights,” and there
•s thus no fundamental right of
a property owner to sunshine and
air If one’s neighbor chooses to
cut off these elements by the
erection of a fence or wall, a
oroperty owner has two alterpa
tives move or endure it. This
answer assumes that no specific
agreement or covenant is con
tained in the deed which gives
the property owner any right to
sunshine and air from adjoining
Health is the basis of all social
virtues; we can no longer be
useful when not welL John
Pennsylvania State
Grange Asks Law to
Pay Damage by Mobs
destruction of private property
that occurred m Mercer County
during the recent Westinghouse
stuke and the threats made to
farmers that farm buildings
would be burned or herds poi
soned during the milk strike in
Fayette County distinctly il
lustrates the need for legislation
that will make certain that law
enforcement agencies act to pro
tect private property from mob
action in such situations, it was
pointed out late last week in
Harrisburg by J. Collins JdcSpar
ran, Master of the Pennsylvania
State Grange.
Mr McSparran further stated,
Pennsylvania State Grange of
ficials will comply with the ac
tion of the delegate body attend
ing the Annual State Grange
Session held in Erie, Pa. and will
prepare such legislation for pres
entation to the next session of the
Pennsylvania Legislature which
will convene in Harrisburg in
Such legislation will benefit
every property owner in the
State of Pennsylvania and should
have the support of every think
ing citizen
BILCO DOORS are not reserved
for those lucky owners of new
. it's the perfect re-
placement for your worn-out
wood hatchway. All steel for
permanence, neat appearance
and leather-tightness. Pays for
itself by ending repair and re
placement expense. Opens and
closes at a touch with "Feather
Action" door operators.
All Sizes of
In Stock
★ Bird Hoofing
★ Channel Drain
For Building', We Have It.
Our Service is as Near
As Your Phone..
Call Quarryville 92R3
I. B. CraybiU
& Son