Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 23, 1956, Image 1

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    Vol. 11. No. 3
Floyd Moore, Jr.
Capon Roundup
Show Winner
Floyd Moore Jr, 14, of 730
Eden Road, Lancaster, Tuesday
lopped the Lancaster County 4-H
Capon Club Roundup at the
meeting of the Lanhaster Kiwan
is Club
Scoring 20 moists out of a
possible 20, Floyd—the son of
Mr and Mrs Fhyi H Mooie—
entered two White Vantress-
Arbor Acreg, cross bi oilers that
scaled 8 1 ! and 7 h lbs each He
iccened •> S 5 awaid from the
Knvanis Club
placing second was Charles
Warfel, TH la of Rt Cones
toga, with 19.75 points for a
S 3 award; third, James Groff,
11, R 7 Lancaster, $2. with 19.50
points, and fouilh, Glenn Port
er, 17. R 1 Washington Boio,
SI with 19.25 points.
Out of a possible 100 points m
high record, Mr Warfel came
back to top that division with
99 7 points His was S 3
Placing second, receiving $5 was
Glenn Porter with 98 8, third,
Donald M Herr, 18, Refton, with
97 5 for an award of S 3 and
fourth was Judy Warfel, 10, R 1
Conestoga S 2 with 96 9 points
All “ethers received a silver
dollar from the Kiwanis Club,
while the Lancaster County
Bankers Association presented
combs to all other bo>s entered
and tape measures to all other
girls competing
At the same time, the Bank
ers Association pi esented
thiee-year award pins to Mary
Jane Herr, 13, Refton- Ross
Ferguson, 13, R 1 Kiikwood,
and Janies C. Brubaker, 12, U 1
Victor Plastow, assistant
county agent, pointed out that of
(Continued on Page Five)
Eden Road, Lancaster, Tuesday
topped the Lancaster County
4 H Capon Club roundup with
the pair of birds he is holding.
(Lancaster Farming Staff
the Eaiuasuc. County association, Friday
night met in their annual banquet at
Rhoads Spanish Tavern, Quarryville New
officers were nominated and announce-
Guernsey Men
Win Trophies
On Achievement
Outstanding achievements in
the Guernsey breed curing the
past year formed the basis for
county awards to Raymond F
Winner R 1 Willow Street, and
Jerome Rhoads of Rhoads Acres,
These two dairmen were hon
ored Friday evening in a ban
auet attended by more than
120 members and their fami
lies at Rhoads Spanish Tavern,
With 45 cows producing an
average of 10 607 lbs of milk
and 534 4 lbs butterfat to lead'
a l l others of the Guernsey breer
herds in the County, Mr Witmer
received a model Guernsey His
record in the Red Rose Dairy
Herd Improvement Association
has been outstanding
John R Breneman, manager
of Rhoads Acres, received a
sdver cream pitcher fiom the
Is’e of Guernsey Presentation
was made bv Mr Witmer, presi
dent of the County association
Rhoads Acres scored highest in
ra\y milk samples at the 195_
Pensvlvama State Farm Show,
the fourth consecutive win by
the Southern_Lancaster County
Fleeted directors for a three
year tem were Melvin Stoltz
fns, R 1 Ronks; Frank Hershey,
R 5 Lancaster, and Robert Mc
gnorran, Peach Bottom. New
officers wi'l be named at a
future meeting.
Earl Werner, nresident of
Werner’s Dairv, Red Lion, des
cribed 30 000 miles of travel in
18 countries which included a
(Continued on page 14)
yuarryville (Lancaster County) Pa., Friday, Nov. 23, 1956
Guernsey Association Banquet
Lancaster County
4H Clubs Present
Play Saturday Nile
“Tomboy,” a comedy in three
acts, will be presented bv Lan
caster County 4H Clubs at 8 p m
Saturday, Nov 24, in the Man
heim Township High School aud
In the cist are Glona Eshel
man, Landisville, Carol Gindei
Floun, Marian Graybill, R 3
Manheim. Lucille Groff, R 1 Man
heim, Robert Kreider, R 1 Quar
ry ville, Aaron Landis, R 1 Stras
burg, Donald Moore. R 1 Quarry'
ville, Kenneth Rutt, R 2 Peach
Bottom, John Stoner, _R7 Lan
caster, Nancy Thomas, R 3 Lan
caster, Bettv Umble, Lancaster,
and Esther Wolgcmuth, R 1 Eliza
County Team
Will Compete
At Chicago
Livestock conservation in its
many phases will be demonstrat
ed as 11 state champion 4H
teams me for national honors in
livestock conservation Tuesday,
Nov 27, at the Congress Hotel
in Chicago dur ng the National
4-H Club Congress
Competing from Lancaster
County wi'l be the state win
ners, Donald M. Herr Refton,
and Donald G. Herr, R 2 Quar
rvville, with demonstration,
“Internal Parasites in Cattle.”
Almost every phase of reduc
ing livestock losses, including
such topics as “The $lOO Million
Grub Stake,” “Swine Saving
Prastices,” “Handle Cattle With
Ease,” and “Nodular Worm Di
sease of Sheep,” will be covered
by these ambitious young live
stock men and women.
They will be competing for
purple, blue, and red ribbons
and cash awards offered by Live
stock Conservation, Inc, a non
profit educational and research
organization with membership
(Continued on page 16)
merit of new officers will be made at a
later date -Entertainment was furnished
by Miss Janet Landis, daughter of Mr and
Leon Landis, on the electnc organ
(Lancaster Farming Staff Photo)
Loss $125,000
In Two Fires
On County Farms
Two faun fires in Laneastei
County this week resulted m ap
proximately $125,000 loss
Damage was estimated at
$50,000 when fire Monday
morning destioyed a 50 by-75
foot stone and timber bank
barn on the Elam K. Stoltzfus
farm, R 2 Narvon. Tuesday
morning, a $75,000 fire struck
the Josenh Wogelmuth farm,
OUTGOING PRESIDENT Elvin Hess, Jr.. R 1 Strasburg,
congratulates his successor, Donald S. Eby, R 1 Gordon
ville, who moved up from the vice presidency of the Lan
caster County Holstein Friesian Association (.Lancaster
Farming Staff Photo).
(Continued on page 16)
$2 Per Year
L. S. Eby New
County Holstein
Group President
Donald S Eby, R 1 Gordonville,
Tuesday night was named presi
dent of the Lancaster County
Holstem-Fnesian Association,
moving up from the vice presi
dent’s position in the aixth an
nual meeting and banquet m the
Leola Memorial Building
Around 250 peisons attended
the banquet, which saw J. Ro
bert Hess, R 1 Strasburg elect
ed vice president, Henry H.
Hackman, R 2 Manheim resum
ing duties as secretary, and
Everett E. Beniimin, R 2 Holt
wood, newly elected director,
a&. treasurer.
Mr Eby succeeds J Elvm
Hess, Jr, Starsburg who has
been one of th' most active
members and ofT.'-eis the past
sev n n years J Z He’ r, Eliza
bethtown, tieasuiei si> years,
was also cited Hi h s long re
cord. retmng unde> a ruling
made last vear that dnactors are
limited to one term of three
AUo named amen’ the three
new directors v ’"o Robert H.
Kauffman, Rl Mmheim and C.
Richard Landis, R 3 Lancaster
Two resolutions were present
ed, one being fl'-ored by Mr.
Herr, that weu'd make an
award to officers who had ser
ved the association lengthy
terms. He feared establishing
a principle that would soon be
come too compUeated to
handle. Instead, a rising vote
of thanks was oileiej by J.
Robert Hess.
Dean Hotter, Manhcim County
Future''Farmers ot America pre
sident, spoke and was cited by
the association toi an outstand
ing record in obtaining member
ships to the County Holstein-
Fnesian Association Marlin
Cassel, who wa-> awarded the
call at the Lampeter Fair this
yeai, reported on the progress of
his protect
(Columned on page 16)