- VoL r it * , t * f £ Nam|^P^ Of feinen"; • '-"- ,t --' J -. By REP t 'J, • MriVlE;; Hpberf Noll, r RI -tan ' qaster, - sec ond tei*m Cas,-president _ol ‘the' Society of’Fan&s Wqmen,:jShe",was fleeted Saturday, at the 39th annual meeting of/the sodety .in (Manheim Township' High School at Neflsyille.,, /-V ;., ' Mis. -Nolt, a-memberof Farm- Society 4, ' was elected president a year-ago, replacing Mrs. Milton EBerly' lof -the Elizabethtown neighborhood. V-' _ ” Others named at the. all-day. meeting .were: -Mrs.:-' Harold ?odic, secretary, and Mrs;Pani - JEhersole, 'treasurer;--Former ofT ficers :,~were Mrs. Kenneth Eshelman, secretary, and Mrsi ‘ Paul 'Erb. treasurer/ “’. Named for two-year terms were- Mrs; Elam Buck waiter, -first -vied' president/ and Mrs. Ahtant Weid man/'seebnd vice president Speaker- of the day-was'-Mrs. Marfan- Foster"/ Smith';- author-' lecturer -from v Saxonburg r "/ Pa., who spoke /on :The :Ten.' Great est GHts v ; Mrs.' Smith _recMlecl. where#;membCrs'';were asked’ to Bring their most prized' posses sion. Some' brought'- ibeautiful vases/,of-value;- others-brought sentimental’ .baby shoes; others brought little, insigntficant things they.-themselyes. cherfshed. " ” No one,she' v eo'ntinued, men tioned the ’senses God “granted each, sight,: hearing,’ taste, smell, the body —’“and, a smile..,How often material,value is put ahead of everything else she told/and; how often, individuals forget to observe the earth,and'its beauty, the beauty qf new-fallen snow ; (Continued on page 5) - , - ' i " Holstein Meet Nov. 20 Will Hear Minister The" Hew- Frederick W.* Lanan, pastor of the Strashurg ■Presby terian - Church, - will' be' speaker during the annual meeting of the Lancaster .County Holstein-FreL sian .Association Tuesday, Nov; 20 at -6:45",p.m." la the Leola Memorial. Building. - Aturkeydinner .will-be by. of the Leola ‘Fire;. Company s2 at plate.. Tickets are, available from members- of- executive, com mittee'' and other committee members -semng the'association. Featured in the program will be reports from-various commit tees obl the gear’s activities; transaction - of business Jand - elec tion of-"new officers and direc |tors>Hsrief remarks bjr‘ M. Ml Smith, 'county ’ Agri cultural 'agfcnt,-and - Arthur Nes bitt, _ fiejdman of - the,- As sociation. ' yviiie .a*„er codhtvj ra., rnday, JNov. 9, 1956 \ in "process atr fhe Wednesday' Southeast District' 4-H Club Baby Beef & Lamb. Club -Roundup 'and* Sale, at Lancaster Union . PprkPurchases To Aid Prices Launched Again .WASHINGTON— (USDA) Secretary Ezra Taft Benson re cently announced that the U. S-- Department, of' Agriculture is -undertaking immediately, a'pork purchase program 'to stabilize producer- prices nnd help, en courage additional domestic con sumption of pork. This os in ad dition to the current- lard pur chase program which was an nounced October 2. Today’s'an-, nouncement, together -with the ■Oct. 2 announcement, will make $lOO million available Tor use in stabilizing hog during the current > heavy marketing (Continued on page 16) 8-Lb. Cauliflower? For Shame, St. Louis Can"' Lancaster "County' top this? A St, Louis reader -of Lan caster. Fuming asks, enclosing a newspaper clipping of a cau ; liflower -that sent a ripple of interest along North Market 'Street Gdmnwssion Row in St. Louis a 6 pound, 2 ounce specimen. Yes. The- Garden Spot has just marketedhuge heads weighing nv to 1? pounds, and many are being- broken up for sals in _ basket lots. ~ . Southeast Show •.Stock Yards, with' Angus classes in the foreground, Herefords in'the background. (Lancaster Farming Staff Photp)., , Eisenhower Wins, Democrat Congress -President Eisenhower Tuesday swept to an overwhelming vic tory in the national elections, but wound up with a Congress that has Democrats in the majority. ' Threats of full revolt in the farm belt failed to materialize as the Republican administration was returned to Washington. Deadline Dates For Farm Show Entries Are Set Notice of entries in competitive livestock and most poultry classes at the,1957 Pennsylvania Farm Show must be filed by Nov. 17, the Farm Show Com mission has announced. Excep tions are 4-H Baby _Beef and lambs for which the deadline is Deer 22.'-Horse pulling- contest entry blanks are due Dec. 22 also. Pennsylvania livestock breed ers are expected to enter more - than 2,000 head of their prize horses, beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine and sheep in competition for state championship awards, according to State , Secretary - of Agriculture "William L. Hen ning. From advance reports he predicts an exceptionally high , quality of ’animals- Will be cn tered in Hie coming show. ' “Activities “are expanding in the -raising of purebred livestock in all-parts ofthe State,!’ he de clared- “On a quality basis I am confident that the coming show will exceed' all others.” In addition to fcll general ’ poultry entry 1 ' blanks must he filed with the Farm Show Commission" by Nov. 17. e Frey Brothers Buy Top Steer At New Record By ERNEST J. NEILL Twin Oaks Angus Farm—where Angus are a partnership between two young brothers m Southern Lancaster County Saturday paid the $5O cwt top in the Sec ond Annual Pennsylvania Feed er Calf Sale at Union Stock, Yards, Lancaster. i Fred Frey, Jr., and his broth-- er Ernest, E 2 Qnarryville, were in the bidders’ bleachers when the fifth lot came into the ring. Bidding was spirited, as Auc tioneer Abe Diffenbach car ried the price higher and high er. The fancy 535-pound An gus was consigned by Mrs. John B. Hannum 3d, at Unlonville, Pa. In all, 323 head were sold, with (Continued on page 6) Last Flight Leaves Intercourse Airport Intercourse’s airport a sTxip through pasture and corn contours —_ has closed, having served hut one plane, an Air “Force C-46 cargff plane which made" a forced landing on an Amish farm Oct 26. In landing, a wing-tip was damaged. Meanwhile Anush ’ friends around the neighbor hood , convinced the airmen of the nwaning ofthe Garden Spot Vith huge tray dinners, shoo fly pie, and hospitality the Garden Spot alone can show. Wednesday the plane returned to Neweaslle via Olmstead. $2 Per Year Verna Landis Wins Southeast Beef Round-Up By ERNEST X NEILL ' Miss Verna Landis, whose light heavyweight Angus stood- high' in the Tuesday Lancaster County Baby: Beef [Roundup, moved* on to championship over _all breeds in the Southeast District 4-H Club Baby Beef Roundup at Lan caster Union Stock Yards the next day. Miss Landis, 16-year-old dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lan dis, R 4 Lancaster, scored first among 291 entries from Adams, Berks, * Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon,' ' Northampton, Perry and York counties, marking another high spot in seven years of 4-H showing. Now a junior at East Lam peter, Miss Landis obtained “Mickey the 3rd” through "Val ley Creek Farms, dispersed: ,ih the estate of Ralph McConnell at West Chester last spring. Thick, on top, firm in all quarters, well coated, but standing much less in height than many other Angus,.„ Shorthorns and Herefords, Mic* key the 3rd ranked above a Here ford shown* by Jimmy Quisen berry, Jr., of R 1 Stewartstown, York County. For Jimmy, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Quisenberry, and a distant descendant of _ a famed Kentucky Angus breed er, this was a high experience, his first encounter in the show -- ring. Ten years old, he han dled his steer Star Duke like a champion throughout. Now a fifth grader, he is in his first year of club work. Star Duke, truly a show animal,, came from Blakely Farms, Charlestown, W. Va., of Poca Dot breeding. Breed championships were large, and welHought, as judges moved deliberately, sift- (Continued on Page Three) Turkey Club Sets Roundup Nov. 15' Plans for a Nov. 15 roundup by Lancaster County’s newest 4rH Club, the Lancaster County 4JI Turkey Club, have- been an nounced. The roundup will be at noon that day in the Willows, with sponsorship by the Paradise Ro tary Club The countywide round up will be Nov. 20 in a noon meeting at Hotel Brunswick, ■Lancaster. Noted Judges Serve Livestock Events Prof. Herman Purdy, who has been named judge of Aberdeen Angus classes in the 1956 Inter national Livestock Exposition! at Chicago, Tuesday served as judge in the Lancaster County Baby Beef Roundup at Lancaster. Wednesday found another not able in the Garden Spot, Roifert Hartley, named last week as herdsman at the Gettysburg fkrm of President Eisenhower, judging steer showmanship at the South east District 4-H Club Baby Beef ami Lamb Club Roundup.