B—Lancaster Farming, Friday* Sept. 21, 1956 For the Farm Wife and Family Summer’s almost gone, fall’s near, winter’s approaching, and right now it’s Fair Time m the Garden Spot when the best of the field and fcedlot are on display. There’s the department of; most interest to the house wife, the rows and rows of home canned goods that make a pic ture as pretty as you ask, needle work, home art all of which makes you realize how artistic the farm wife and family can be. But fair time oi* not, there’s cooking to be done, and we’ve a lot of letters to start today. We received a lot of thank you notes, and here’s one from Elizabeth Horst, East Earl post mark I am thanking you very much for your gift of Lancas ter Farming. I enjoy your paper very much, especially the Women’s Page. It’s pickle time, and here are some recipes to use_ — or save Clip and paste in your recipe Fertilizers Farms Gardens Lawns Cocoa Bean Shells Organic Plant Food Co. GROFFTOWtf RD. Ph. LancArter 2-4963 SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAY OF APPLIANCES In Our Branch Store 25]S. State St., Ephrata Open Evenings During the Fair until 9:30 SEPT. 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 WARD BOTTLE IGAS EPHRATA, PA. Kghßar Performance at Low-Bar Prices! Iks. ROYAL i Hi*BAR I SPECIAIXY 1 priced to fit X. every budget WHEATLAND AUTO CO. 136 S. file if you can’t use them this season. And they’re mighty tasty too, like this letter from Mrs. Noah S. Hurst, R 1 Man heim, who wins this week’s free one-year subscription to Lancas ter Farming: The following is a recipe for pickles.* We find very little difference between these and the tasty ones you buy in the stores. They are crisp and delicious: SWEET CHUNK PICKLES Mrs. Noah S. Hurst, R 1 Manheim Brine: Two cups salt One gallon water Bring to boil, pour boiling brine over 75 pickles.' Let set for one week, skim daily. Drain bnne and cut in chunks next morning. Make a solution of boiling one gallon water and one tablespoon alum. Make a fresh solutibn for three morn ings. Fourth morning; Drain from alum solution, heat Six cups vinegar Five cups sugar ' One-third cup pickle spices One tablespoon celery seed Boil and pour over pickles. Fifth morning: Drain liquid and boil. Add two cups sugar, pour while boil ing over pickles. Sixth morning: On the sixth morning do the same, add t one more cup sugar, make boiling and pour over the packed pickles m jar. Seal. These pickles need not be cut, Mrs. Hurst adds. I leave PRINCE ST. Or See Your Neighborhood Implement or 3 U. S. Tire Dealer DISTRIBUTOR Reporting a yield of twenty 5/Bths bu shel baskets from one peach tree, Free man Aukamp, R 1 New Providence, is shown here with some prime pickings in his orchards. On his 4-1/2 acres of peaches, despite recent windstorms that caused heavy windfall, many trees are still'yield- the small one whole and the large ones I either slice or cut in chunks. Try these pickles this season. S * This is a letter from a long way back, from Mrs Lee Petti coffer of R 4 LiUtz We enjoy reading Lancaster Farming very much. I enjoy the recipes and,intend to use some in the near future. Here is my recipe for BROWN COCOANUT PIE Mrs. Lee Petticoffer, R4' Lititz One cup molasses Two eggs One cup brown sugar One cup sweet cream Two tablespoons flour Two cups milk One-half teaspoon baking soda Cocoanut Do not make pies too full, they ana apt to boil over. Gives about three pine-inch pies. NEVER BEFORE SO MUCH TIRE FOR SO LITTLE MONEY! Here’s 100% lug depth for full pull in all soils—pyramid-supported lugs that prevent layback—spearhead bar points that cut sharper, deeper— padded center that retards wear. All at this price for the first time! Phone 7-6279 Peach Crop Rolls In When I receive Lancaster Farming the first thing I do is look for new and different re cipes each week, writes Mrs. Ross Esbenshade of R 2 ML Joy. I have.- tried a few with good results. Here are two recipes which we think are delicious. CANNED TOMATOES Mrs. Ross Esbenshade R 2 Mt. Joy, Pa. Take medium size, ripe toma toes and peel. Take a large ket tle, put in two quarts of water and one-fourth cup salt. Make boiling. Then drop about two quarts of tomatoes in and bring to a boil again Then drop toma toes in can and fill with juice and seal You can serve them ■on ‘lettuce with grated cheese or egg. A CATSUP Mrs. Ross Esbenshade R 2 Mt. Joy, Pa. One* basket tomatoes. Trim tomatoes don’t peel. Slice in layers and salt lightly. Let stand about three days in warm place or until they ferment Then drain, using just the pulp put through a sieve Add One onion, grated One cup stiong vinegar Two cups sugar Salt to taste Tie in cheese cloth One-half ounce whole cloves One-half ounce whole allspice One-half ounce whole cinna mon stick One-half teaspoon cayenne pepper Boil this 10 to 20 minutes, or just as thick as you like it. Bot tle and cap. f F Strange how some of these words originate in the kitchen. We accept catsup without question, often spelling it that way and pronouncing it ketchup. According to a couple dictionaries, the word catsup originated in 1690, the word catchup in 1690, the word ketchup inr 1711. Some say it came from the Malayan word, “kecap” with an umlaut over the “e”, meaning taste. Another says it’s from the Chinese “kaechiap” or “ket siap,” meaning the brine of pickled fish. We are readers of Lancaster Farming starts a letter from Mrs. Leon Martin, Rl New Hol land and find it an interest ing paper. I always enjoy the ing 10 to 12 baskets each. Picking, extend ing over 4-1/2 weeks, has'produced one of the heaviest crops and one of the long est picking seasons in Mr. Aukanmp’s 10- year history in peaches. (Lancaster Fann ing Staff Photo). Women’s Page, with its many recipes, while my husband likes to read the Broiler Markets l am sending-some recipes which I have wanted to do for some time. The first is a one meal dish which we lake very much ONE SALMON DISH SEED WHEAT CERT. DUAL (New Type—Supply Limatfd) CERT. PENNOLL CERT. THORNE * ft Mrs. Leon Martin, R 1 New Holland, Pa. Put in baking dish in older given: Raw sliced potatoes Macaroni Crackers Salmon Salt, pepper (Continued on page 9) Farmers Supply Blenn is a specially formula ted plant food for Wheat- Oats—Barley—Rye; fortified with extra growth elements to meet the soil needs. Pio duces heavy yields." RED SHIELD TETRA PETRUS A new type rye that has been giving outstanding results WINTER OATS CERT LE CONTE CERT. DU BOIS WINTER BARLEY CERT. WONG CERT. KENBAR CERT. HUDSON FARMERS SUPPLY CO. 137 E. KING ST. Open Daily 8:30—5.30 Friday till 9. FOR FALL SEED ING RYE OATS barley WHEAT