Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 21, 1956, Image 3
Since little Johnnie’s personal j lo rzoii had been greatly extend eCl by several months at kinder garten, his mother decided to m- concerning his current joyalties, m 1 Dear,” said she, “whom do on love the best?” The youngster pondered the queiy soberly and then replied, ■ \Vdl I love you best, Motnmie, and Daddy next best, and my teacher the least. And m between ( nine a-lot of dogs ” Businessmen expect no income decline. Use T This IMG than any other chain saw HERE S WHY farmers, nurserymen, arborists and estate owners favor MAIL 2MG over all other saws —lt’s faster, easier handling packs syz brake horsepower into a light but rugged 29 Ib. >imt Swivels to cot at any angle with engine level, 13" to 54" bars Fells up to 4'/j ft timber Come in TRY IT' Models Low as. $199.95 Suavely’s Farm \ Service New Holland Phone 4-2214 Authorized Dealers ♦ Master* Mix * Ferguson Equipment * Lincoln Welders * Thermopane ♦Universal Milkers ♦Miller’s Insecticides ♦Hoppers Creosoted Posts HIESTAND Inc, S' | Visit Our Displays Of Modern Machinery and Appliances | UTITZ - This Week including Sat. Evening S LAMPETER - Sept. 26-27-28 L. H. BRUBAKER 350 Strasburg Pike Lancaster AUTHQUIZtO OLUSCHRLMERS DIMS* Here is the home of Mrs. Mary Walker on the edge of Mount Joy where winds Monday night toppled many beautiful trees '■■■■■■■■aaaaaeaas ! NOTICE; | S CLOSE SAT. : ■ AT 6P. M. S ■ GROFFS i ■ HARDWARE ■ New Holland Ph. 40851 ■ *«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ * Wirthmore Feeds * Haverly Bulk Tanks * Sauder Loaders * Anhydrous Ammonia * Wheel A-Way Egg Washers * Irrigation Equipment * DeKalb Chix & Started Pullets Marietta 6-9301 > * •fft Fallen Trees in Mount Joy R. D. 3 Lititz •around the brick home (Lancaster Farm ing Staff Photo). State Livestock Show Planning Well Underway HARRISBURG Plans for foi the first annual Pennsylvania Livestock Exposition in Harris burg m November of next year moved forward here this week, according to Walter W. Krebs, Johnstown newspaper publisher and beef cattle breeder. Following a meeting of the public relations committee of which he is chairman, he said recommendations of the group would be presented at a meet ing of the exposition’s execu tive' committee on Oct. 5 at University Park. Committee members in atten dance included Leon Falk, Jr, Pittsburgh, chairman of the ex position’s executive committee; Deputy Secretary of Agriculture L H Bull; Thomas B. Idling, Loss in Storm In Northwest (Continued from Page One) warming trend started Thursday last week with a high 0f'82.. Fri day temperatures reach 85, Mon day 81. In general the week was moderately warm, according to Bernard S White of the U. S. Weather Bureau office in Lan caster Tuesday found temperatures considerably cooler, with a high of 65, and by Wednesday morn ing the mercury reading in Lan caster was at a low of 45, at the waterworks 39. The outlook is for tempera tures to continue about 4 to 5 de grees below normal. Despite the storms, it still continues a good season crop wise in Lancaster County, Mr. Smith adds. The weekend rains gave, a good boost to crops, and weather has been very favorable for new alfalfa, lawn and pasture seedings. Growing conditions are good, and farmers are reminded of the Oct. 10 fly-free date for wheat seeding, otherwise it may be a bit risky if seeded before. Barley should be seeded, the last week of September to October 10, with Sept. 25 the earliest date. Silo filling is in full swing, while the tomato and peach har vests have passed their peak. Potato digging will be starting for the next two weeks, and prospects look good. Tomato picking will continue until frost, according to B. S. Warfel & Sons, one of the larg est County tomato shipping sta tions on Highway 72 south of the Buck, where trailers carrying thousands of quarts of tomatoes leave nightly for market centers. | LOANS | |j For any farm purpose H H Made the farmer’s g I way li I LANCASTER p S PRODUCTION jj | CREDIT ASS’N. | P 36 E. Chestnut St. | it Lancaster, Pa. H I! Ph. Lane. 3-3921 | im**«MH**M««*M**«< \/>Hp7 Try WIRTHMORE 14 Fitting Ration You can’t beat this feed for fitting your cows. A 14% protein ration available with or without pellets, it contains all of the top quality ingredients needed to fit your cows and keep them in perfect health. Year after year, on hundreds of farms and with every breed, Wirthmore Fitting Ration is building record-smashing herds in production and in showing. Why not try it and check the results for yourself 7 WIRTHMORE FEEDS Hiestand, Marietta Ph-6-9301 Glenn H. Herr Manheim EDI, Ph. Landisville 3547 Friday Sept. 21, 1956 Penn State livestock extension specialist, Herbert K Luttringer, New Holland Machine Company; N C Gilpin, editor, Pennsyl vania Farmer; Bert Hutchison, radio station KDKA, Pittsburgh; Robert Aten, Nacungie, repre senting R I. Ammon, Pennsyl cania Millers and Feed Dealers Association and D. M. Cresswell, State Department of Agriculture. W L Medford, Chester, Pennsyl vania Independent Meat Packers Association and Harold T. Howell, farm editor of the Har risburg Patriot, are other mem bers oi the public relations com mittee Krebs said the Pennsylvania Livestock Exposition will be held in the State Farm Show Building Nov| 12-16, 1957. It will be an open show and should attract beef cattle, swine and sheep entries from all parts of the United-States, he added. H 24-Hour Service | :: —on— 0 s: LEARNER’S PERMIT |: M 4* j: EDWARD G WILSON K u Notary I* üblic tl 16 S. Lime St Lancaster, Pa fj Heavy 'Seconds . . . Phone or write today REICH POULTRY FARM R 1 Marietta Ph. 6-7123 Leßoy M. Inc. Clem E. Hoober Lancaster Farming—3 SPECIAL THIS WEEK 2500 WHITE CORNISH CROSS $l2. per 100 Sensenig Hinkletown Ph. Ephrata 3-2009 Intercourse Ph. 8-3431