2—Lancaster Farming, Friday, Sept. 21, 1956 Lancaster Broilers Thursday Gain 1,25 Cents; Top 21.75, Average 19.81 Lancaster Poultry Exchange (Rdhrerstown, Pa ) (Sales Re port, Sale 178, Thursday, Sept. 13, 1956) Prices took an un expected upward swing after several weeks of indifferent bid ding on broilers at the Lancaster Poultry Exchange Thursday, Sept, 18 In final tabulation, a gain of 125 cents was chalked up over the preceding sale, with a range of 19 25 to 2175 cents and an average of 19 81 « H H ALTMAN’S SUPER-A FEEDS are timed-tested, scientifically balanced, vitamin complete and are manufactured daily in three modern plants. Com pare our prices 35c-40c-50 Corn SI 25 1 35-1 50 Scratch Dog Meal 251 b 2.05 Fine Chick Rabbit Pellets 251 b - 140 Horse Feed Staiter Meg 430 16% Dairy _ Grower Meg 425 Fitting Ration Broiler Ration 510 Hog Feed Bluebird All Mash 380 20% Hog Feed Quality Egg 485 Staz dry SPECIAL CHOP FOR \ STEERS & HOGS Gloves *•» ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦» « ALTMAN’S CASH FEED STORE WILLIS H. WEAVER MANAGER 947 Harrisburg Ave. Phone Lane. 4-7715 10c per hundred discount on half ton lots or more ♦♦ safety and low-costs for OLIVER One-Row Pull-Type Corn Pickers Up go com picking capacity and convenience... down go repair costs and safety hazards...when you pick your crop with an OLIVER Model 5. New snapping roll spacing adjustment lets you clear the gathering unit without getting off your trac tor seat. Longer snapping rolls and “live” points handle your bumper crops...lift the down and leaning stalks...bring in more corn every year, in every field condition. Roller-type gathering chains are an Oliver "exclu sive”... are twice as strong...wear three times as long as ordinary kinds. Safety clutches protect all drive assemblies. TPTffISET Be sure'to see the Oliver Model 5 ■■■■■•** before you buy any single-row pull- 1 type'picker. I J Chas. J. McComsey & Sons G. N. Farmersville Equipment Co. Ephrata. B.D. 2 Listed were 34 lots, 119,500 biids, offered, 38 lots, .129,500 and sold, 35 lots, 127,400. Thirty-four lots, 124,300 broil ers were sold. One lot of 200 heavy fowl brought 17.5 cents, one lot of. 400 Leghorn fowl 14 cents, and one lot of 25fi0 Capettes, 20.75. For tne corresponding sale a year ago, Sale 86, Thursday, Sept 15, 1955, listed and offered were WE DELIVER PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE NEW Hickory Hill, Pa. E. L. Herr Peach Bottom Hersliey & Son Manheim. RD. 1 Tomatoes by the thousands of bushels are moving from Lancaster County into tra'de channels. Here is a night scene at the B. S. Warfel & Sons station -south of The Buck, where trailer trucks carrying as high as 1050 — 21,000 quarts leave for market. Around 32,000 to 34,000 baskets .pass daily through the Warfel plant. (Lancaster Farming Staff Photo). 54 lots, birds, sold 43 lots, 85,300 birds in.a range of 23 5 to 27 cents, averaging 24 91 on 81,225 bioilers Leghorn fowl a year ago were bringing 18 to 19 cents, and capettes 33 5 to 34 cents ' , 3 95 4 20 510 415 325 3 40 3 65 4 30 2 20 3 20 Topping Thursday at 21.75 were 2,200 Red Vantress, 10 wks, five days, offered by Paul Livingood, Narvon, for Miller and Bnshong, that sold to Ray W. Gibble, R 2 Colum bia. Here are Thuisday, Sept 13 sales listed by lot number (each pieceded by 13-), seller with grower shown in parentheses, amount and breed, age by weeks and days, buyer and price: 1, Ivan N Burkholder, 500 White Rock capettes, 13 6, no sale, §0 5 bid, 2, Wenger’s Mill (D Lehman), 6000 White Rocks, 10 wks, to H W Longacre, 20; 3, Millport Roller Mills (Jacob itna:! Lancaster Livestock: Best Steers Up 50 Cents; Top of $3l Recorded Lancaster—Sept 20—(USDA) (Wednesday to Wednesday Re view) CATTLE. Three day, 5,535, week ago 4221 Compared vith last Wednesday slaughter Teeis high choice and prime strong to 50 cents higher, Those grades scarce Steers standard to average choice steady to weak, heifers about steady. Cows mostly steady, bulls fully steady Feeding steers 800 lbs and up moderately active, fully steady to stiong, stockei steers mostly steady Bulk choice and prime slaughter steers $26 50-31.00 for weights 925-1300 lbs Good and low choice mostly $22 00-26 25; standard and low good grass and shortfed steers $lB 50-21 50 > few small lots good to low choice he.fers $2O 00-23 50, standard down to $l6 00 Utility and com mercial cows largely $12.50- 14 50, a few standard to $l5 00, canners and cutters $9 25-12.75. Utility and commercial bulls $l6 00-18 50; good 800-1100-lb fed bulls $l9 QO-22 00, cutters grade bulls $l3 50-14 75. Numerous loads and lots medium and good 800-1000 lb feeder steers $19.00- 22.00; a few lots mixed good and choice $22 50-23 00. Medium and good 450-750 lb stock steers $17.00-21.00; common stock steers $13.50-16.00. One five-car load shipment-mostly choice 425 lb. stock steer calves $24.00. CALVES three day 1,014, week ago 1,061. Compared with last Wednesday veal calves strong to $l.OO higher. Bulk good and choice vehlers $20.00- 23 00; high choice and prime $23 50-28 00, a few head Monday to $3O 00; utility and commercial grades $15.00-19.00, culls down to $12.00 iHOGS 1,393, week ago 1,845 Compared with last Wednesday barrows and gilts mostly steady Sows in small supply, steady. In Wednesday’s trade bulk barrows and gilts U. S mixed 1-3, 200- j^j^u^ujuuasssswJwswsjJuajaiJ-jjJWWatssni^Kii^"' l ""''' /K fcw Tomato Shipping A Stahl), 1000 Indian Rivers, 9 wks, to College Hill Poultry, 19, 4. Charles D Warlel H (5000 Indian Rivers, 9-6, to Producers Cooperative Exchange,- 20, 5, Charles D Waifel l ndian River capettes, 9-6, to Pro ducers Cooperative Exchange, 20, 6, Frultville Farms-Abram Shenk, 5000 Indian Rivers, 9-2, to Mandata Poultry, 19 75, 7, Waiter Loose, 700 New Hamp shire fowl,' one year, no sale, 16.5 bid, 8, Roy Erb, 200 New' Hampshire fowl, one year, to Stauffer Farms, 17 25, 9T S M Fisher, 3000 Indian Rivers, 10 wks, to Victor F Weaver, Inc, 19 5; 10, Robert H Barr 2500, Red Vantress, 10-2, to Roy E Ream 19 11; John B Noll 2800 White Vantress, 10-1, to H. W Longacre, 19 75, 12, Donald Noll, 350 White Vantress, 10-1, to Daniel K Good, 19 25, 13, 240 lbs $l7 25-17 75, a few lots mostly No 1 and 2, 200-220 lbs at $lB 00 Weights 240-270 lbs $l6 25-17 25, 160-180 lbs $l6 25- 17 00 Sows all weights U S mixed 1-3, $l2 50-14 50 SHEEP 396, week ago 491 Compared with last Wednesday slaughter lambs "mostly steady Bulk good and choice 70-90 lb native spring lambs $2O 00-23 50, a few lots high' choice and prime's24 00-24 50, utility and low good grades $15.00-19 50, culls down to $l2 00. NOW goldfus has WHITE VAMRESS CROSS too! to give you a WE’VE MOVED - complete line Yes, we’ve moved, and ex panded—to give you and Lne KES i your neighbors more of the BROILER and personal type of hatchery service you’ve thanked us LAYER BREEDS for in the past. Come see us dn our new New Holland write for FREE information home—youTe always wel- and prices on one or all ot come! your favorites—no obhga _____J tion. Meatpacker Cross—While Yantress Cross Ames-In-Cross—Goldfus Strain Cross Leghorn order your chicks early for choice delivery dates. GOLDFUS Hatcheries, Inc. 225 W. MAIN STREET * NEW HOLLAND, P A , Phone New Holland. 4-2244 , Charles Nissley, 3000 Whife Van. tress, 9 wks, to Headers Pou[. try, 19.50; 14, Samuel E Mar, tin, 300 Red’ Vantress, 10 wks to Walter C. Mel/ingei, 20, 15] Miller & Bushong (Paul Livm! good), 2200 Red Vantress, 105 to Ray W. Gibble, 2175. ' 16, Miller & Bushong (Walter Kinsey), 3000 White Mountains, 10-6, to H W Longacre, 19 75’ *l7, Miller & Bushong (Aai oti Miller), 5000 White Vantress, 9. 2, to College Hill 19.75, 18, Miller & Bushong (William Wile), 8000 White Van tress, 9-3, to C. F Manbeck, Inc, 20; 19, Miller & Bushong (Will Ham Wile), 2500 White Van tress, 9-3, to" Victor F. Weaver, Inc, 19.75, 20, John Holhngei| 3800 White Vantiess, 10-1, to Roy E. Ream, 20; 21, John Hollinger, 3800 White Vantress, 10-1, to Roy E. Ream, 20; 21, sbhn Holhngei, 4100 White Vantress, 10-1, to Victor F. Weaver, Inc, 19 75, 22, Christian E Beiler, 959 White Mountains, 9-6, to Roy E. Ream, 19 25, 23, Robert Balm er, 900 White Rock pullets, 13 wks, no sale, 22 5 bid, 24, Ja cob G Hess, 400 Leghorn fowl yearlings, to Roy E. Jleam, 14, 25, James H Martin, 1000 White Mountains, 11 wks, to Daniel K. Good, 19 75, - 26, Jacob N Eshelman, 1000 White Vantress, 10-2, to Head- Poultry, 19 5, 27, Irvin Yoder, 15,000 White Mountains, 9-2, to Pennsylvania Dutch Farms, 19 75, 28, D H Shauer & Son (Melvin Meals), 500 Broad White capettes, 14 wks, to Producers Cooperative Ev (Continued on page 5) FARMERS! Store Your Corn and Make Money j&m with or w a jijWJ* without fan Don't sell now at low prices g/ • r U. S. D. A. pays you storage BUCKEYE CRIBS Immediate Delivery on new improved model. 5 year tax write-off. Phone or write for complete information SNAVELY SILO SALES, INC. Landisville, Pa. PHONE 3141
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