Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 21, 1956, Image 15
Classified. advertising , nR SALE— 1951 Green Pow nk'lide Chevrolet, four door , ,„t e White Walls, Radio and £ Good condition, Call Sim. ■ ,- 0K SALE John Deere heavy duty offset disc on rub ber phone Manheim 5-4120 SALE.—6 £t v display poul try case, Dayton computing scales Phone Manheim 5-4120 rOR SALE. —Combination coal 1 and electric range Aulomati allv controlled oven Very „ 00 d condition Call Manheim 5 7120 or write Box 12, Man hcim R 3 F oR SALE. 1 Myers Deep Well System Pump Good condition 2 HP. Electric Mot r Contact Mr 'Addison Shue R 4 0 i phone Manheim 55269 FOR SALE —£00 Mt Hope Ful lets laying,- vaccinated f r foul pox, New Castle & bron chitis H John Martin Ph Ephiata 3-8105. FOR SALE Apex Spiral Dasher Wash Machine Good condition only use a little whi'e Call Coatesville 9885 after 7 30 in evening Violet Preston 621 Fast Main St Coatesville PO Pa fll FOR SALE —Pumpkin’s by the tiuck load, 30c thru Write oi call on Ira W Zimmerman. Ephrata RD2 Pa FOR SALE Cabbage—Home grown Levi J Fisher, RD3, Quarryville, Pa FOR SALE—Large Oak Dining Bullet Call Evenings OV 7- 5671. FOR SALE —Virg ma Sofa-hke new Original price 5199 95 Sale price $75 Baby coach mat- Ucss nylon cover $lO Call Inter com se 8 3087 lOR SALE Dußois win'm oals Cleaned and treated Aithur Ranck, Ph Kirkwood 7R6 FOR SALE —One-ton 1954 Chev lolet stake truck, good condi tion Phone Intercourse 8-3081 lOR SALE . —Balboa and Tetra- pepas rye seed Sow early for fall and winter forage and cover ei up Jacob R Hershey RDI Quauyville, Pa Phone 26R21 SALISBURY'S 3-NITRO m your poultry, turkey, . and swine feed gets you more meat, eggs and health for less Cost 35c to 70c per ton. Not an antibiotic Look on your feed tags and ask 'oui dealer, or F W Fisher Leacock, Ph Leola 6*2482 Classified Advertising * Rales Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words (1) issue (3)lssues $ (Mm.) $l.OO $2 40 ‘1 1.05 2 52 S' 1.10 2 64 i* 1-15 2.76 ii 1.20 • 288 " 1.25 3.00 KEYED ADS (Ads with ans- C . cr , coming to a Box Number, tionai nCaSter arm * n =^ : 25c addi- Send copy to the Class fied Advertising Dept, LANCASTER FARM ING, Quarryvllle, Pa snn.jf runiin ig 3 or more con- Hiiujx Lmes with no change 4c per word each time 80c minimum Wednesday morn Pn.iv , eac h week’s publication In nn Tr yDO a( L accented after iU 00 a m <ys '* " J £ Dioiw/iuon > Farm Calendar (If you wish your Coming Events listed in these col ums, write a card or letter to LANCASTER FARMING, Quarryville, Pa. Be sure to include name of sender.— Editor). SEPTEMBER Sept. 1-Nov 9—Rail, gallmule season, Pennsylvania Sept. 10-Oct 19 Mourning dove season, Pennsylvania. Sept. 15-23 Eastern States Exposition, Spnngfield, Mass, Sept. 19-22 Elizabethtown Kiwanis Farm Fair. Sept. 24-25—78th annual con vention, Pennsylvania Millers & Feed Dealers Association, Hotel Abiaham Lincoln, Reading Sept. 26-29—Ephrata Farmers Day. Sept. 26-28—West Lampeter Community Fair Sept. 30—Deadline to file for return of state taxes paid on farm tractor or farm machinery gasoline for year July 1, 1955 to June 30. 1956 bept. 23-Oct. 6 National Holstein Show, Waterloo, lowa Sept. 29-Oct 6—Dairy Cattle Congress, Waterloo, lowa OCTOBER Oct I—Deadline, entnes in Angus Show Window Sale, Chi cago Oct. 2 Fountain display, chimes, Longwood Gaidens, Ken net Square, 8 pm. Oct 2-4—NEPPCO Exposition, Syracuse, N Y Oct. 2-s—South Lebanon Com mumty Fair, lona Oct. 3-6—New Holland Farm ers Fair. Oct 4-6—Manheim Community Fair. Oct, 4-6—Umonvillle Com munity Fair. Oct 6—Farm Women 6 at home of Harrison Kellers, 120 North Market, Elizabethtown, 2 p m , election of officers Oct 6—Farm Women 6 to movie in Philadelphia and Chry santhemum Show. PUBLIC SALES Friday, Sept 28 Stone and frame house, E Main St & Valley Ave, Atglen, at 6 p pi Brick house, E. Slokom Ave, Christiana, at 7 p m W Paul Meredith Mail Box Market FOR SALE New unused For age Harvester with two row corn head, window attachment, and 90 H P motor List price $3600 Special at $2395 Dale White, Lemon & Pomtview Ave , Ephrata, Pa , Ph. 3-2238. iBHBBBB Lancaster Farming anti receive FREE one advertisement each month in our Mail Box Market Subscribers using the MAIL BOX MARKET will be governed by the following rules Limit your advertisement to five lines which' means not over 25 words. All Advertisements must be in our hands by Monday 6 P. M. or same will be held over for next week’s paper. Only one advertisement each month. No business advertisements accepted for this column. You are allowed to run the advertisement one time. Send in no duplication. Please mail all advertisements care of MAIL BOX MARKET LANCASTER FARMING QUARRYYILLE, PA. i j,b‘> > -m w :> Oct. 6 Dedication, Octoraro Area High School. t Oct. 6-13 Fourth Interna tional Dairy Show and World Championship Rodeo, Chicago. Oct 8 International Junior Dairy Show, Chicago. Oct. 9-10 Jersey, Guernsey, Brown Swiss judging, 4th In ternational Dairy Show, Chica go. Oct 9—Farm Women 22 meet with Mrs Lloyd Herr, R 6 Lan caster, Hallowe’en party. Oct 10-Dec. 18 —£)uck, coot, goose, brant season, Pennsylva nia Oct. 10-13—Mt. Joy Community Exhibit. Oct 10-Nov. B—Wilson’s or jacksmpe season. Pennsylvania 1 Oct 10—Farm Women 17 meet' m Refton Fire Hall, food and plant sale. Oct. 11-12 Holstein, Ayr shire, Milking Snorthorn judg ing, 4th International Dairy Show, Chicago. Oct 12-13—Annual Lancaster County Auction, Lancaster Chap ter, ABC, Lampeter Sales Pavil ion Oct 15-26 Two-week course in Farm Machinery and Trac tois, by college of agriculture, The Pennsylvania State Univer sity. Oct 18-20 Dillsburg Com munity Fair Oct. 20-27 American Royal, Kansas City, Mo, national Fu ture Farmers of America con vention Oct 20—Methodist Men, An nual chicken barbecue, Quarry ville Memorial Methodist Church 5-8 p m AVON on TV For a better Christmas, start to-day Become the Avon Representative in your Neighborhood Now. _ Phone Quarryville 212R11. s::;::j::::::j«jj:jj:jjjjj:jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj § AVON PRODUCTS $ s :: :: Increase Christmas | :: Business H ♦♦ •S Placing three women im- H mediately in Eden Twp, ;; jj Paradise Twp and East and || |J West Lampeter Townships. |5 H Must drive car Call Quar- jj jj ryville 212R11 or Lancaster jj i H 4-9468. H :: :: FREE Subscribe Now to Safety Theme For Meeting of Colerain Grange Colerain Grange met at the Kirkwood Hall Sept 13 with Master Loran Bnntdh presiding Business included plans for a floast to be enler’ed in the pa- Oct. 22 Fountain display, chimes, Longwood Gardens, Kern, net Square, 8 p.m. Oct. 22—Farm Women 9, Hal lowe’en party, Mrs Bertha Herr, Herr’s . Nursery, R 6 Lancaster, covered dish supper, 6 pm. dci 24 Fulton Juvenile Grange, No 343 meets. NOVEMBER Nov. 3—County Convention, Lancaster County Farm Women’s Societies. Nov. 3 Feeder Calf Sale, Nov. 23-Dec. 1 International Livestock Exposition, Chicago, JANUARY, 1957 Jan. 14-18—Pennsylvania Farm Show, Harrisburg. ■ New & Used Tractors £ ■ & Farm Equipment a ■ CLYDE E. KEENER J 2 Located at Intersection ■ 5 Of Rt. 230 & 72 B ■ R. D. 3 Lane. Ph. 4-6414 * ffSale 2nd Thursday each p B month ■ m Private Daily B Stanley H. Deiter Auctioneer And Appraiser 1906 Willow Street Pike Ph. Lancaster 4-1796 «■»■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■! BARGAINS - BARGAINS - BARGAINS ’ USED TRACTORS 1950 Farmall Super “A” 1952 Farmall Super “C” 1940 Farmall “H” 1942 Farmall “H” 1947 Farmall “H” 1951 Farmall Super “C” 1944 Farmall “H” 1950 John Deere “B” with 2-w plow Sc cult. 1945 Oliver “70” 1953 Farmall Super “A” with Henry Backhoe Above Tractors Priced For Quick Sale McCormick Farm Equipment Store 1054 S. STATE ST. Phone 32283 ■ ■ Lancaster Farming—ls Friday Sept. 21, 1956 rade at the Southern Lancaster County Community Fair. It was decided that Colerain Grange should attend Union Presby terian Church Sunday evening, Oct. 14. Nominations wore made for the annual Grange election"*to be held at the next meeting jpn Oct. 11. 'I It was announced that Lan caster County Pomona will he held at Bnckerville Fire Hall Oct 20. Berks County Pemoha will be guests of the local Pomona Grange. I The lecturer, Mrs. Bennkt Coates, announced a pie con test to be held at the ndxt Colerain Grange meeting. The Home Economics committee, headed by Miss Pauline Mitchell, will be m charge of the contest. Two classes of pies may be en tered, pumpkins and two-crust fruit. APPLIANCE SALE!! ALL NEW ’56 STOCK OP TO 30 P. C. OFF —ll’Ref -2 Way Door Reg. 469.95 Now $369.95 —l3’ Freezer Reg. $419.95 Now $359.95 —36” Electric Range Reg. $309.95 Now $239.95 and many other bargains Snavely’s Farm Service NEW HOLLAND Phone 4-2214 Ephrata, Pa. I