14—Lancaster Farming Friday Sept. 31, 1956 Government report continued gains in economy. MAR-GRO Vitamin Supple ment Tout-cattle and bogs need DUTCH BELL for Dairy BETTER BEEF for steers and TRIPLE RICH for Hogs We also have the famous DAN patch horse POWDER Manufactured by Mar-Gro Mfg. Co., R 2 LANC. AARON S. MARTIN DISTRIBUTOR R 1 EAST EARL m Both Models Fully Tractor Mounted .• • » See t&em ttowf Sander Bros. New Holland Ph. 4-8721 Conestoga Farm Service Quarryville Ph, 282 Elizabethtown Farmers Supply Inc. New Holland Farmers Day Premiums Up Robert O. Whitmore, president of the New Holland Farmers Day Association, announced this week that the premium list for the Farmers Fair is more complete and offers better prize money than ever before. The 25th Anniversary of the Farmers Fair wifi be observed on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 3,4, 5, and 6 The Association will exceed its high pievious prize record this year. Last year $1313.25 was paid in premiums and this year the list has been expanded. All persons within a radius of 20 miles of New Holland ax-e eli gible to enter exhibits. You’ll find many new, exclusive features in the new Ford Mounted Corn Pickers including the Corn Saver Snapping Unit that can cut usual shelled corn losses in HALF! These new Ford Corn Pickers are easy to mount on the tractor, easy to operate, and what’s more, you’ll find they get more com even under tough conditions- FORD MOUNTED CORN PICKERS /fzort ..-.SiSS « Allen H. Matz SEE US AT THE EPHRATA FAIR Haverstick Bros. Columbia Pike Lancaster Ph. 2-5722 Ph. 7-1341 . , Richard I. Ammon Of Ephrata New Circle President- Richard I. Ammon, Rl, Eph rata, has been named president of the “Secretaries Circle” of RICHARD I. AMMON the National Association of Feed and Grain Dealers. Announcement of his election was made at the 60th anniver sary meeting of the national as sociation in Chicago recently Mr. Ammon, executive secre tary of the Pennsylvania Millers and Feed Dealers Association since 1950, was formerly na tional secretary There are 52 feed, grain and milling associa tions represented in the NAFGD, a liaison agency be tween the National Gram and Feed Dealers Association and the American Feed Manufactur ers Association. 4ide screens sold Severn Denver Ph. 7-6502 Sept. 21—Pennsylvania Guern sey Breeders Association, sales pavilion, six miles east of Lan caster on Route 30, 65 purebred Guernseys. Sept. 21—Lyman Henly, along Denver-Stevens Road, building lots, 7 pm. _ Sept. 22—► Park S. Shelter, S. Market St, Florin, personal property, antique dishes, 12.30 p.m Sept. 22—Elenora F. Child, Paradise, household goods, 1 p.m Sept 22—Ida B. Woist, mile east of White Horse just off White Horse-Honey Brook road, Salisbury Tvvp, 75-acre farm, and 10 acre farm a half mile northeast of White Horse, 2 pm_ Sept 22—MaTry L Weaver Est, half mile west of New Hol land, personal property, Ipm. Sept. 22 Catherine Sellers, 438 W Mam St, New,Holland, 12 30 pm, household goods Sept 22—230 Diner, half mile east of Middletown on Route 230, antiques, hardware, furni ture, lumber, 10.30 am Sept. 22 Daniel Snader Es tate, Weaverland Church-Terre Hill Road', East Earl Twp,real estate, farm, about 24 acres, with improvements, 2 pm. Sept. 22 Edward J. Kess ler, Strasburg Mennomte Ceme tery-Elhott’s Corner Road, Stras burg Twp., power tools garden tools, household goods, 10 a.m. Sept 22 John J. Weaver, Estate, 301 East Mam St, Terre Hill, real estate, 12.30 p ra. Sept. 22—William Landis, on [Dad from Clay to Mt. Airy and Durlach Road, real estate, live stock, farm implements, house hold goods. Sept 22—Elizabethtown Area School district, Sunnyburn School property, also lot contain ing 85 perches, also Bellaire School property on Elizabeth town-Mt. Gretna Road, lot con taining 80 perches; also black boards and some school furnish ings, Sunnyburn, Ip. m, Bell aire, 2:30 p. m. Sept. 22—J D. Landvator, half mile south of Elizabethtown, real estate, household good, antipues, 12-30 noon Sept. 22 J. D. Landvater, Elizabethtown R. D. 1, % mile south of E-town, along road to Rheems, at Anchor, real estate, household goods, antiques, 12.30 p.m. Sept. 25—Leroy Zook, one mile east of Christiana, Holstein Dairy cows, heifers, milking equipment, Ipm. iSept. 25—Esther Traub, 38 Market Square, Manheim, real estate, 7 p.m. Sept. 26—By David M. Mar tin, along 222 between Akron and Oregon, adjoining Jack & Jim MaSer Farm, 58 acres and building lot. Sept. 26—Isaac C. Martin Est, Gobdville-Beartown Road, East Earl Twp, two farms, one ap prox. 28 acres, one approx- 10 acres, with improvements, 2 p.m. Sept. 26—Clara M. Nolt, Ada L Weaver, M. Roy Weaver and Anna M. Weaver, East Lampe ter Twp, half mile east of Route 896, five miles southeast Lan caster,- real estate, 2 p.m. Sept. 26—Amos H.' Musser, Ragho Twp, south of Route 230, near Mount Joy, 35 acre farm, improvements, 2 p.m. Sept. 27 —Chester E and Vio let S Martin, Manheim-Sporting Hill Road, j'ust west of Man heim, real estate, 7 p.m. Sept. 29—Paul B. Clay, Mt Airy, Md., 25 tractors, all kinds of farm machinery, 10 a. m. Sept. 26—David M. Martin, on Route 222, one and one-half miles southwest of Akron, real estate, 2 p. m. Sept. 29—Arch Emenheiser, Milton Grove-Greentree Church Road, Mt. Joy Twp., real estate, personal property, 12.30 p. m. Sept. 29 By Harry Kr Knau er, along road from Brunner ville to Rothville, mile north' of Brunnerville, real estate. Sales Dates SEPTEMBER Another Gift Added To Conscience Fund ANOTHER GIFT— .. HARRISBURG— Another si s ' in cash was received by State Treasurer Weldon B. Heybun, and turned o\or to the Secretary of Be\ enue recently for dfpo M j in the appropriate fund. Post-marked “Pittsburgh Pennsylvania,” and dated August 25tn, 1856,” the cash received i n a plain white envelope was the second “reimbursement” to the State’s conscience fund this year The first in 1956 was lor rune dollars and received last Januaij, During 1955 Hie State Treasui, er received six anonymous let ters with a total of $ll5. ail 0 ( which was “conscience monies ” Franco acts to strengthen the Falange party. Sept. 29—Nelson and Man Shue, Lime Rock village, Penn Twp, half mile west of Lititz real estate, 2 pm. Sept 29—Aaron Angel, on Nickle Mines Road* two mile* west of Gap, 31-acre farm with buildings, 2 pm. Sept 29—(Harry B. Hamilton Est, 644 West Market St, Ehz abethtown, real estate and pei sonal property, 12.30 pm, leal estate at 2 p.m OCTOBER Oct I—J. M. Smoker* and Dan xel Kurtz, Spring-Garden Stoie, 4 miles east of Intercourse on 340, new merchandise, used fui mture, 6 30 p.m. Oct 3 —By Alvin Hammei, Hopeland, north end to Turn pike, dairy farm. Oct 6—J. Leroy “Joney” Won ger, Iva-Mt. Pleasant Road, Pai adise Twp., farm implements, some household goods, 12 30 p.m Oct 6—J - Carson Obetz Est, W Ferdinand and South Pitt Streets, Manheim, real estate, 1.30 p.m. Oct. 6 Samuel and Harry Gehr, adm. John Gehr Est., real estate, household goods, anti ques Oct. 6 Luther and Elvevn Hauck. along Schoeneck-Rem holds Road, .one mile from Schoeneck, real estate, 39 acres Oct. 6 50-Acre farm, live stock. farm implements, Eh Good, Brecknock Twp., next to Bolvmansville Mennomte Chinch, 12 Noon. Oct. 8 Martin N Zimmer man, one mile north of Good ville, East Earl Twp., real es tate Oct 9-10—All Pony Sale Paul Z. Martin, Blue Ball. Oct 11 Pennsylvania Shoit orn Association purebred and feeder calf sale, Mt. Joy, Ke\ stone Sales Barn. Oct 12-13—Annual Lancastei County Auction by Lancastei Chapter, American Business Clubs, Lampeter. Oct 13—By Luther Hauck along Schoeneck-Reinholds Road about one mile north of Shoe neck, dairy farm. Oct 13 Ephriam Zimmei man; Martindale, real estate, 2 p.m. Oct. 13 Clarence Kieidei, road from Rawlinsville to Nebo, near Elementary School Martic Twp., household goods, antiques, farming- implements, 12-30 p m. DST. Oct 20 Mrs. Cora Weber, along Mt Airy-Middle Creel Road, real estate, farm lnl P lc ' ments, household goods. Oct. 20—Mrs. Cora "Weber, between Mt. Airy - and Middle Creek Road, real estate, fan" implements, household goods Oct 23—By Elmer V. Good Mt Airy-Girl Scout Camp R° ad ' about one mile north of canlp ’ large farm, steers and poult l '- NOVEMBER Nov 3—Jacob Hemling, a ' ol j= road from Schoeneck to Coca ■ co, real estate and househo goods. NOVEMBER Nov. 10—Kansas K. E cen , rbde, between Galen Hall aa Blainsport, real estate, farm plements, household goods.