Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 21, 1956, Image 1
Vol. 1 No. 47 Cool Weather Retards Corn, Some Oats Uncut HARRISBURG The prevail ing cycle of cool, Wet weather continued in Pennsylvania thiough the week ended Monday and gave farmeis generally poor working conditions, the State De paitment of Agriculture said to da\ Frequent showers and cloudy weather made hay dry ing difficult'as wet ground re tarded field work. Low temperatures during, the eailv part and near the end of the week retarded ripening of com In northern districts scat tered frosts hurt some corn but damage was not extensive, the Department reported Some corn is being shocked in the South east Th effect of unusual weather this season is pointed up in the tact that in northwestern areas oi Pennsylvania some fields of wheat and oats remained to be hai rested in tom to six weeks behind normal schedule. During the growing season coiering the past 23 weeks central-western counties have received the largest amounts ot rain. The 12-month average for the State' is 42 inches hut the Indiana .County area has had 30 inches since April 10. The Brookville recording sta tion reports 28.78 inches fol lowed by Emporium 27.11 inches, and State College with 35.32 inches. Pittsburgh has recoided 22.65 inches and Erie 20.46 inches. ..Allentown, Sel ins,?rove and Montrose had be tween 20 and 21 inches. Areas with 15 to 20 inches include Altoona, Wellsboro, Williams port, Harrisburg, Safe Harbor, Reading, Scranton and- Phil adelphia. Peaches are still being picked m all areas and volume is in ti easing rapidly -m northern counties, the survey report dared Fresh market vegetables aie plentiful but movement of tomatoes and corn for processing is past the peak. Three Philippine Bankers In County - Three bankers from the Phil-' ippine Island this week studied nual banking and agricultural loans with Lancaster County hanking firms, working Tues day and Wednesday with Co l>nty Agent M. M. Smith, and Stanley Musselman, manager lariri relations,' Lancaster C - unty National Bank. The visitors are Miss Adriana Wvcoco Almeida, an assistant manager; Melito Concha Sala a cashier, and Bernardo Villanueva, a bank manager. I hey represent newly formed banking establishments . in San, “ l, an, Rizal; Bacelod City, and] uluan City, banks designed to ve agricultural interests in ewiy developed farming dis uicts | They spent Thursday with aui Leaman, farm representi-l p e of Conestoga Nation-1 ’ and leave today for New Vork City. PumpMns—a sure sign of fall—contrast their-orange colors with the brilliant reds of- Scarlet Sage—at Blue Bell Market on Highway 72 south of Lancaster. The John Neighbors Help In Clean-Up of Storm Damage By LF Staff Reporter l Neighbors and friends moved in within almost a matter of hours to help clean up wreck age of a tobacco barn blown 15 feet from its foundation bj Monday night's terrific storm that raked the northwest pait of the Garden. Spot On the farm of J 8.-Hostet ler & Sons, tenanted by Donald Newcomer, R 2 Mount Joy, the 40 by 70 foot of new crop .tobacco, was blown away Tuesday morning crews came in to pull away wrecked lumber and timbers to salvage what they could of the still green crop. Helping were Clarence, Ar thur and Paris Hostetter. Clar ence <Grubcr, Norman Gruber Elam Shearer, Earl Witmer, Wdbur and Earl Brubaker, Darnel Will. Mark Newcomer, Ray ‘lummy, Clarence and Rob ert Douple, Paul Stauffer. Ralph Hostetter and Dick Newcomer. Pull-Off Tobacco Brings 14-15 Cents Lancaster Counlv pull-off to bacco damaged by hail in the Landisville neighborhood, was reported sell in" tq one indepen- : I dent firm. A K Mann Jr., at 14 'and 15 cents a pound this week. | Verv little pull-off tobacco is expected this year, with a superb crop .for all but those districts struck by Monday night’s storm. Quarryville (Lancaster County) Pa., Friday, Sept. 21, 1956. Pumpkins, Scarlet Sage Solanco Fair Opens, Champion in Livestock Named; Awards Tonight tory of the Solanco fair was judged by a committee of three, including Mrs. John Roberts, president of the Octoraro Art Association, Oxford; George A. Smith of Quarryville, and Ken- Deadline to Sign In 4H Baby Beef Project October-6 The time for farm boys and girls to enroll in the 4-H Baby Beet project is at .hand, advises M. M. Smith, Lancaster County Agricultural Agent. Youth 10 to 20 years of age are eligible, and the deadline for signing up in this feeding project has been set as Saturday, Oct. 6. The project requires that each club member feed out a steer calf of one of the major beef breeds. This steer is purchased in November weighing around 400 lbs, fed about one year and plac ed on the market at the time of a district or county show and sale. The Red Rose 4-H Baby Beef Club is the countywide organiza tion for the baby beef projects. Interested boys and girls may en roll by giving their name and ad dress to any present member of the Red Rose Club not later than Oct. 3, or by contacting one of the following adult club leaders: Ira L. Rutt, Peach Bottom; Fred W. Linton, R 2 Quarryville; Myhn R. Good, R 3 Lancaster; Jay R. Nissley, R 4 Manheim; Harry S. Showalter, R 1 Rein holds, or Victor M. Longeneck er, R 3 Elizabethtown. Enrollments- will also be ac cepted at the Extension- Service office, 202 Post Office Building, Lancaster. Dearolf stand takes its name from an old hotel that once stood across the highway: (Lancaster Farming. Staff Photo). (Continued on page 6) By ERNEST J. NEILL Three fairs this week" are her alding the tanbark season in Lan caster County, the Southern Lan caster County .Community Fair at Quarryville, the Lititz and Eliza bethtown Fairs At Quarryville livestock judg ing took place Wednesday after noon,, xjp'enmg day, with C. Rich ard Hastings showing the champ ion gilt and the champion boar, both Chester Whites. Grand champion in the steer show was an Angus shown by Ernst Frey of R 2 Quarryville; reserve, also an Angus, by Don ald Herr of Refton. Judging the livestock show was Roger Halstead, extension livestock specialist from the Pennsylva nia Stats University. One of the largest parades in the seven-year history of the fair wound its way through the downtown business section Wed nesday night. The 1956 Harvest Queen was crowned before one of the largest crowds in the Fair’s history. Displays of farm machinery and livestock are more extensive than before. One of the finest and most ex tensive art displays m the his- WEST LAMPETER FAIR Moving next in line in Lancas ter County Community Fairs will be the 32nd Annual West Lam peter Community Fair, Sept. 26, 27 and 28. Events will be on the grounds and at the Lampeter Community Center. Included in the program will be entertain ment. judging, horse Gymkhana. Antique Auto events and many others. $2 Per Year Loss in Storm In Northwest County Heavy By ERNEST J. NEILL Damage will run into thou sands of dollars in a Monday eve ning windstorm that raked the northwestern section ot Lancas ter County, leaving in its wake toppled trees, broken power and telephone lines, damaged build ings Crops were slashed by torna dic winds, ram and hail that moved through neighborhoods north of Lancaster, into East Petersburg, Neffsville, Landis ville, Mount Joy and Florin. Winds of 68 m p.h were recorded at the Lancaster Airport, and were undoubtedly heavier in the storm Mount Joy, it appears suffer ed heaviest damage. There many trees were broken, arid on the outskirts to the north and west considerable prop erty damage was noted. At the home of Mrs. Mary Walker on the edge of town, weeping.wil lows and maples were over turned against the brick home. Leaves and branches littered streets. On the J B. Hostetter & Sons farm tenanted by Donald New comer on R 2 Mt. Joy, a 70x40 foot shed filled with new-crop tobacco was demolished. Plate glass widows were shattered and outside displays tossed about at some stores Damage was extensive in the Landisville Camp Meeting Grounds, where a number of trees were downed, one striking the corner'of a two-story cot tage ‘ It would he difficult to estimate the amount of crop damage dollar-wise. County Agricultural Agent Max M. Smith advises. Damage from hail will be considerable, especially in tobacco and throughout the section pro ducers are busy harvesting the crop before wildfire fol lows bruise damage. One man reported a three-acre field of tobacco so badly shredded it must be disced under. Corn was badly shredded and blown between East Petersburg and Mount Joy. Fortunately, the storm area was restricted in size Monday’s storm came .in' the midst of variable weather for the Garden Spot. On Saturday afternoon and evening, a .45 inch ram fell, sprinkles came on the 16th, very lightly on the 17th. A (Continued on Page Three) Miss Nancy E. Bower Joins County Office Miss Nancy E. Bowers has joined the Lancaster County Ex tension Office as assistant -horns economist. Miss Bower and'Miss Ruth K. Kimble, county home economist, are making plans -for the adult extension homemakers program for the fall. First meeting will be Oct. 16 in the Raub Supply Co. at 10 a. m. Topic of this, the first leader training meeting, will be “Laun dry Supplies.” Communist China is planning a record $l2 billion budget for 1956. The budget called for higher state expenditures for heavy industry and agriculture. However, it included a cut in defense spending.