Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 14, 1956, Image 15
Classified advertising cjalE Used 6 burner *° R oper, single oven, high broil very go° d condition. Also ®!L r usbd gas Stoves and gas h GaSi 25 F ° d an S teL7y ’^uTkTn'good 7-328j h0ne Ffiß SALE Cabbage—Home F °rowm Levi. J. Fisher, RD3, Quarryville, F a - for SALE— Large Oak Dinin' Buffet. Call Evenings OV 7- 5671 FOR SALE— Blizzard 500 silo filler In good condition Ph Rawlinsville BU 44284 'Wilbur pollock, RDI, Quarryville, Pa WANTED— Two women to de monstrate Dutch Maid Lingerie Two or three evenings a we°k Car necessary. Phone Quarrjville 50R5 COR SALE— Virgnia SoLi-Uke neW Original price SIS 9 95 sale price, $75 Baby coach mat tress nyl<m cover $lO. Call Inter course 8 308.7. i WANTED TO RENT—Chr stian family desires to rent poultry and truck farm Write Box 7, Lancaster Quarryville, Pa FOR SALE—New PTO t Forage Harvester with Corn Attachment. Special close out puce ABC. Groff Phone 4-8001 New Holland, Par FOR SALE. New Holland *6lO Forage Harvester, P T. 0 with Com Attachment Spec ial price A. B. C. Groff Phone 4-8001 New Holland, Pa FOR SALEM:. John Deere 14-T Baler, P. T. O. Slightly used Special price. A. B. C Groff Phone 4-8001 New Holland, Pa. FOR SALE. Dußois winter oats Cleaned and, treated AUhur Ranck, Ph. Kirkivood 7R6 SEED GRAIN CLEANED & TREATED ON YOUR FARM Our modern Seed Cleaning & Ti eating equipment is now avail able for the farms of this area No job is too large or small Charges are reasonabje REIST SEED COMPANY Mt. Joy, Pa Phone 3-3821, Mt. Joy, Pa, uisiiuiiiißsiiiaai for SALE—One-ton 1954 Chev lolct stake truck, good condi tion Phone Intercourse 8-3081. IOR SALE.—Balboa and Tetra- Pepas rye seed. Sow early for lull and winter foVage and cover c ‘op Jacob R. Hershey RDI Quau yville, Pa Phone 26R21. SALISBURY’S 3-NITRO in your poultry, turkey, and swine fecct gets you more meat, eggs ® n d health for'less. Cost 35c to J oe per ton. Not an antibiotic Look on your feed tags and ask J OUI dealer, or F W. Fisher, Leacock, Ph. Leola 6-2482. Potato Production anks County 39th Pioduction of Irish Potatoes a >\ested for home use or sale uung 1954 pj ace( j' Aroostook L° untv i Maine in first place with ,4)4 acres, harvesting 44,163,- * b7 bushels Lancaster County was among S ': “ist 100, rankng 39th in this ifiiip 5,765 acres, and 1,- .01l bu. Others in the Com 38t?J were Erie 56th, York nn ’ Schuylkill 86th, Northamp -1 87th , and Potter 90th. Farm Calendar (If you wish your Coming Events listed in these col ums, write a card or letter to LANCASTER FARMING, Quarryville, Pa. Be sure to include name of sender.— Editor). SEPTEMBER Sept. 14 Chester County PUBLIC SALES Friday, Sept 28 Stone and frame house, E. Main St. & Valley Ave., Atglen, at 6 p. m , Brick house, E. Slokom Ave., Christiana, at 7 p. m. W. Paul Meredith Mail Box Market HUBBARD CROSSED Pullets Ralph Armstrong, Drumore, Pa. Phone Hensel 14R21. The Famous Saylor’s Cantaloup es are now raised by Gecrge S. Tarker Selling at the end of the former Saylor’s Lane, Man heim, Pa. RD2, Ph 5-4900 FOR i?ALE 100 Keener Strain Leghorn pullets—Starting to lay; also 25 Legohm yearlings still, laying well All must go now. Mrs. Lester B Weaver, RD2, Elizabethtown FOR SALE *~Tru-Test Oil Space heater, six room size, in excel lent condition—sls. Ph. Millers ville 5897 Classified Advertising Rates Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words (1) Issue (3) Issues 20 (Mm.) ‘ $lOO $2.40 105 2.52 1.10 2.64 1.15 2.76 1.20 2 88 1.25 3.00 KEYED ADS (Ads with ans wer c6mmg to a Box Number, % Lancaster Farming); 25c addi tional. Send copy to the Class fied Advertising Dept, LANCASTER FARM ING. Quarryvitle, Pa. Ads running 3 or more con secotive times with no change billed at 4c per word each time with 80c minimum DEADLINE: Wednesday mom mg of each week's publication Possthre?y no ad« accented after U>oo a. m Wednesd <ys iHß■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Lancaster Farming an<J| receive FREE one advertisement each month in our Mail Box Market Subscribers using the MAIL BOX MARKET will be governed by the following rules Limit your advertisement to five lines which means not over 25 words. \ All Advertisements must be in our hands by Monday 6 P. M. or same will be held over for next week’s paper. Only one advertisement each month. No business advertisements accepted for this column. s You are allowed to run the advertisement one time. Send in no duplication. Please mail all advertisements care of ■ MAIL BOX MARKET LANCASTER FARMING QUARRYVILLE, PA. ■ ■■■■■■■■ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB,iB,B,,, Farm Women to Embreeville to improve house. Sept. 15-23 Eastern States Exposition, Spnngfield, Mass, Sept. 18 Chester County Farm Women 3 to Music Circus. Sept. 19-21 Southern Lan caster County Community Fair, Quarryville. Sept. 19-22 Elizabethtown Kiwanis Farm Fair, Sept. 26-29—Ephrata Farmers Day. Sept. 26-28—West Lampeter Community Fair. Sept. 30—Deadline to file for return of state taxes paid on farm tractor or farm machinery gasoline for year July 1, 1955 to June 30.. 1956. Sept. 28-Oct. 6 National Holstein Show, Waterloo, lowa., ' Sept. 29-Oct. 6—Dairy Cattle Congress, Waterloo. lowa. OCTOBER Oct. 2 Fountain display, chimes, Longwood Gardens, Ken net Square, 8 pm. Oct. 2-s—South Lebanon Com mumty Fair, lona Oct., 3-6—New Holland Farm ers Fair. Oct. 4-6—Manheim Community Fair. Oct. 4-6—Unionvillle Com munity Fair. Oct. 6-13 Fourth Interna tional Dairy Show and World Championship Rodeo, • Chicago. Oct 8 International Junior Dairy Show, Chicago. Oct. 9-10 Jersey, Guernsey, Brown Swiss judging, 4th In ternational Dairy Show. Chica go. Oct 10-13—Mt. Joy Community Exhibit. Oct. 11-12 Holstein, Ayr- AVON on TV For a better Christmas, start Become the Avon Representative in your Neighborhood Now. Phone Quarryvilie 212R11. | AVON PRODUCTS | ** » }♦ :| Increase Christmas H g JJ | Business ' « Placing three women im- H n mediately m Eden Twp, ♦♦ § Paradise Twp and East and :: H West Lampeter Townships. H g Must drive . car. Call Quar- H gryville 212R11 or Lancaster H §4-9468. § FREE Subscribe Now to shire. Milking Shorthorn judg ing, 4th International Dairy Show, Chicago. Oct. 15-26 Two-week course in Farm Machinery and Trac tors, by college of agriculture, The Pennsylvania State Univer sity. Oct. 18-20 Dillsbqrg Com munity Fair. Oct. 20-27 American Royal, Kansas City, Mo., national Fu ture Farmers of America con -vention. - Oct. 20—Methodist Men, An nual chicken barbecue, Quarry ville Memorial Methodist Church, 5-8 p- m. Oct. 22 Fountain display, ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■lT ■ New & Used Tractors 2 ■ & Farm Equipment a ■ CLYDE E. KEENER ■ * Located at Intersection ■ ! Of Rt. 230 & 72 B 1 R. D. 3 Lane. Ph. 4-6414 ■ ■Sale 2nd Thursday each v ■ month | 2 Private Daily ■ LANDIS STONE MEAL CO. Consult Us For The Best WHITE LILLY ALL PURPOSE MINERALS Agricultural Ground Limestone Hard Poultry Grits Feed Mixing Calcium Calcium Stable Grits Lime Spreading Service RHEEMS, PA. Call Elizabethtown 7-2901 Night Calls 7-2906 LITITZ COMMUNITY i SHOW * J »r£ <V~’j September 19lh thru 22nd AT "'1 LITITZ SPRINGS PARK i v Farm - Art and other!Exhibits J 4-H Baby Beef Contest - Thursday Evening ; Tractor Driving Contest - Friday Evening ! Baby Parade - Saturday Afternoon ; ENTERTAINMENT EVER Y EVENING ! BARGAINS - BARGAINS - BARGAINS 1950 Farmall Super “A*’ 1952 Farmall Super “C” 1940 Farmall “H” 1942 Farmall “H” 1947 Farmall “H” 1951 Farmall Super “C” 1944 Farmall “FI” 1950 John Deere “B” with 2-w plow &. cult. 1945 Oliver “70” 1953 Farmall Super “A” with Henry Backhoe Above Tractors Priced For Quick Sale McCormick Farm Equipment Store Phone 32283 chimes, Longwood Gardens, Ken net Square, 8 p.m. Nov, 23-Dec. 1 International Livestock Exposition, Chicago. JANUARY, 1957 Jan. 14-18—Pennsylvania Farm Show, Harrisburg. NOVEMBER Nov. 3—County Convention, Lancaster County Farm Women’s Societies. Nov. 3 Feeder Calf Sale, Stanley H. Deiter Auctioneer And Appraiser 1906 WUlow Street Pike USED TRACTORS 1054 S. STATE ST. Lancaster Farming—l Friday Sept. 14, 1956 Ph. Lancaster 4-1796 Ephrata, Pa.