Preceipitation Preceding 30 Days Ml Vy- M ■ m OBSERVED PRECIPXTATK (APPRQ3(IMATE) AUGUST 1956 This chart at the right shows the gen- light, moderate, and heavy, and the preci i na ture of the total precipitation ' pitation amounts which determine these which fell during the preceding 30 days, classes are obtained from an analysis o± Piecipitation is expressed in three classes’ many years of record at many stations. Broilers Lower, 19.5, Avg. 19.02 Top Tuesday Is Lancaster Poultry Exchange (Rohierstown, Pa) (Sales Re poit, Sale 175, Tuesday, Sept. 4, 19=56) Broiler'prices Tuesday this week on the Lancaster Poul- USED SPECIALS —AC Mod. “C” tractor, cult. & 2-way plow Special $575. —AC Mod “WC” $250. —AC-“WD” w/wide axle . .. $1350. Oliver “70” . $450. —J. D. Mod. “H” w/cult. $395. —Farmall “F 20” w/mower s2oo. —Case VAC w/2 Btm. Plow s4so. —J. D. Forage Harvester 5425. —Kmgwise Blower $350. Snayely’s Farm Service NEW HOLLAND Phone 4-2214 NOW goldfus has WHITE VANTRESS CROSS too! to give you a WE’VE MOVED complete line Yes, we’ve moved, and ex- Panded—to give you and the BEST '' your neighbors more of the BROILER and personal type of hatchery service you've thanked us LAYER BREEDS for in the past. Come see us m our new New Holland - write for FREE information home—you’re always wel- and" prices on one or all pt come! your favorites—no obliga — tion. Meatpacker Cross—White Vantress Cross Auies-In-Cross—Goldfus Strain Cross Leghorn order your chicks early for choice delivery dates. GOLDFUS Hatcheries, Inc. 2 25 W. MAIN STREET NEW HOLLAND, PA. Phone New ‘ Holland, 4-2244 try Exchange declined another quarter cent in the sale of seven lots, 32,100 birds, in a range of 18 3-4 to 19 1-2 cents Seven lots totaling 32,600 birds were listed. For the corresponding day a year ago, Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1955, sale 83, listed, offered and sold were eight lots, 20,200 birds, 19,- 200 broilers, in a range of 263-4 to 27 3-4, averaging 27.35 cents. Topping at 19 1-2 Tuesday were 1500 Red Vantress broil- ers, 10 wks, offered by Mar lin Mnsser, Bausman. Listed for yesterday’s auction were 135,000 birds. Here are Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1956 sales by lot number (each preceded by 4-), seller, with grower- indicated in parentheses, amount and breed, age by weeks and days, buyer and price; 1, Hershey Hostetter, 3000 White Vantress, 10-5, to Victor F. Weaver, Inc, 19 1-4, 2, Glenn H. Herr (J Marlin Musser), 1500 Red Vantress, 10 wks, to Roy E. Ream, 19 1-2; 3, Indian River Poultry (James Cummings), 1500 Indian River* pullets, 10 wks, to Header’s Poultry, 19 1-4; 4, Fruitville Farms Inc. (Chester Murry-Manor), 9100 White Van tress, 9-4, to Producers Coopera tive Exchange, 18 3-4; 5, .Fruit ville Farms, Inc., (Chester Mur ry-Manor), 5000 Indian Rivers, 9-4, to Victor F. Weaver, Inc., 19 1-4; 6, Fruitville Farms (Chester Murry-Manor), 5000 Indian Riv er capettes, 9-4, to Tilley’s Poul try, 19; 7, Miller & Bushong (Wm. McFalls), 7000 White Van tress, 9-5, to Victor F. Inc., 19 cents. It’s The Law “It’s the Law” with simple "an swers is offered by LANCASTER FARMING in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Bar Associa tion* General interest questions are welcomed, and will /be an swered as soon as possible. Let ters roust be signed. Answer will not be published on a speci fied. requested day. Questions cannot be answered by mail, and LANCASTER FARMING will reject any inquiry which is not of general public interest* Ad dress all inquiries to "Its the Law.” LANCASTER FARMING Quarryville, Pa. (Fictitious ini tials will be used to protect the identity of the questions). Q. My wife had an illegitimate child when I married her. Am I responsible for supporting the child? Do I have to keep himjn my home? Her mother wants the child, but my wife refuses to let him go to live there ■L.B. A. -You. have no responsibility toward this child so far as the law is concerned, unless you le gally adopt him. You are not duty-bound to keep him m your home, but your wife does have this responsibility, so it is a problem you and she will have to settle between you. Q. About three years ago my husband’s nephew borrowed. $5OO from him- Since then my hus band has become ill. There is no note and we have only the bank book and other relatives’ word that he got the money. How can I get it returned 9 RH.M. A. Your husband will have to sue the nephew for the money, unless you can persuade him to sign a note. Since it was a loan maide by your husband, you, as .the wife, have no right to col lect the debt, unless your hus band gives you specific author ity to act on his behalf. Q. I had my bonds changed, naming my daughter as co-own er. Will my daughter have to pay inheritance tax on the bonds if I die? A.T, A. Your daughter will have to pay Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax on half the value of the bonds, unless your death should occur under such circumstances as to cause the transfer to be ruled in contemplation of death, in which case lax would be due on the full value. It is possible that some Federal Gift Tax is payable as a result of this gift and there may also be a Fed eral Estate Tax problem. The Complexity of Bridges Did you realize "that when a bridge is closed it is open and when it is open it closed? The Chicago Daily Tribune. Home Calendar Harvest Corn Complete corh harvesting _ from stalk to out Ra i ph Pat shelled corn - can now be done penn state exte nsion ,ag with a gram combine A 2-tow engineer, corn picking attachment fits on- Insects AcUye _ & and to the combine in place ot the ttnve under moist con . gram header. This new way ot d whlch haye prevailed haryestmg corn ,s being tested of the summer . They at the Pennsylvania State Imi- c£mse considerable damage t 0 versify. flowers, according to Henry Summer Seeding August jyj enusan) p enn state extension seedmgs of alfalfa have been en t omo logist. made successfully in southeast- Q Ualit y Apples You will ern Pennsylvania for many be ab]e to buy better apples years, reminds James Eakm, tban eyer j n be future, in poly- Penn State extension agrono e t by j ene bags, as preliminary mist. Variable results have been es t s are confirmed at the Penn obtained from August seedmgs gj a^e Agricultural Experiment of alfalfa north of that era, de- statU)n pending on the kind of winter following. ' Improve Water You can make/ cistern water usable lor everything but drinking by us mg a heavy dose of chlorinated lime _ or bleaching powder, ac cording to Henry Wooding, Penh State extension agricultur al engineer. The treatment leaves the water free from harm ful germs and bad odors. Protect. Buildings If the lightning rod system on your buildings is to be effective, the lightning rod -grounds must be intact and firmly embedded in lEAVY jj^j ■hate □ ntttt | LOANS | H For any farm purpose | Made the farmer’s | « way - g 0 LANCASTER | | PRODUCTION p H CREDIT ASS’N. | 0 36 E. Chestnut St. | 1 Lancaster. Pa. | | Ph. Lane. 3-3921 _ | /^H%v Try WIRTHMORE Dairy Rations Out of the complete line of Wirthmore Dairy Rations one will be the grain ration needed to balance the roughage available on your farm. The Wirthmore feeding program provides complete information for barn and pastime feeding. Glenn H. Herr Clem E. Hoober Manheim RDI, Fh. Landisville 3547 Hiestand, Inc. Leßoy M. Sensenig Available in ground or medium texture for maximum digesti bility, these quality rations provide your cows with the essen tial nutrients needed for'high, economical production. Why not give them a try and check results for yourself? WIRTHMORE FEEDS Marietta Ph-6-9301 Lancaster Farming—3 Friday Sept. 7, 1956 A couple of rainy days in Sep tember might be a good time to adjust your corn picker and re place worn parts for safe opera tion. H 24-Htmr Service I 1 1956 AUTO TAGS EDWARD G. WILSON typtary Public 16 S f ime at. Lancaster, Fa. SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1200 SILVER CROSS . . 9c 1500 WHITE CORNISH CROSS 12c Heavy Seconds . . . 4e Phone or write today REICH POULTRY FARM R 1 Marietta Ph. 6-7123 Intercourse Ph. 8-3431 Hinkletowa Ph. Ephrata 3-2009