t —Lancaster Farming, Friday, Sept. 7, 1956 Broilers Lose Three-Quarters of Cent Thursday; Top 21.75. Average 19.37 (Rohierstown, Pa) (Sales Re port, Sale 174, Thursday, Aug 30, 1956) Prices declined ap proximately three-quarters of a cent here Thursday last week in the auction of 31 lots, a total of 54,975 broilers. Prices ranged from 18.75 to 21.75 on 24 lots to talmg 51,550 broilers. Thirty-five lots, 69,025 birds were listed, 35 lots, 68,375 birds were offered. Two lots, 1,075 Leghorn fowl sold at 15.25 to 16 75; three lots, 1600 Beltsville turkeys, sold at 28 cents, one lot of 500 pullet (eapettes) brought 30 75 and one lot, 350 eapettes, brought 29.25. For the corresponding day a year ago, 71,375 were offered in 24 lots, 71,175 were sold in 23 lots with prices ranging from 27 to 28 cents, averaging 27.26 cents. Here are Thursday sales by lot number, (each preceded by 30-), seller, with grower indicated in parentheses, amount and breed, age by weeks and days, buyer and price: 1, Miller' & Bushong (Clair Bay), 2000 White Vantress, 10-2, to Kay E. Ream, 19 1-2; 2, Miller & Bushong (Willis Glicli, Jr.) 500 White Vantress, 9-3, to Da niel K. Good, 19 1-4; 3, Glenn H Herr (Harold Musser), 1200 Red yantress, 10-6, to Roy E, Ream, 21 3-4; Aaron E. Kurtz, 1900 White and Red Vantress, 9, 10, and 11 wks, to Roy E. Ream, 18 Cttf f ?**** ALTMAN’S SUPER-A FEEDS are timed-tested, scientifically balanced, vitamin complete and are manufactured daily in three modern plants. Com pare our prices GET YOUR AROMA PEP AT ALTMAN’S Started Chicks -on hand 2 & 3 weeks old Just received a new shipment of gloves Horse Hide Gloves $1.50 Quality'Egg -4.10 Cow Hide Gloves . . 135 Bluebird All Mash . 3.80 Wolverine Pigskin .. . 1.25 Rdbbit Pellets .4 85 Wolverine Lined , ... 150 Scratch (D.F.) 425 Pastry flour (25 lb) 1.5 S 16% Dairy . ... 3.25 Starter Meg 445 Qats (SQlbs.) 3,25 Grower . . . 420 20 % O.F. Hog, Pig & Sow Broiler Ration Turkey Developer SPECIAL CHOP £ « ALTMAN’S CASH FEED STORE .WILLIS H. WEAVER MANAGER 947 Harrisburg Ave. Phone Lane. 4-7715 10c per bundred discount on half ton lots or more. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE lltww .Windle’s Hatchery f Cochranville, Va. PHONE LYnc 3-5941 3-4; 5, Miller & Bushong (Clair Boipberger), 3000 Meatpackers, 10 wks, to Pennsylvania Dutch Farms, 19 I—<4, , 6, Herbert Pendleton, 1600 White Vantress, 10 wks, to Roy E. Ream, 19; 7,' Miller & Bus hong (Wilmer Kreider) 1500 White Vantress,.9t2,lo Meager’s Poultry, 19 1-4; 8, Miller & Bus hong (Robert Thompson.), -4500 "White Vantress, 9 wks, no sale, 19 bid; 9, Miller & Bushong (Robert Thompson), 4500 White Vantress, 9 wks, to Pennsylvania Dutch Farms, 19; 10, Miller & Bushong (Elam Kauffman), 2000 White Vantress, 9-2, to Victor F. Weaver, Inc., 19 1-4; 'll, Miller & Bushong (Elam' Kauffman), 2000 White Vantress, 9-2, to Harry H. Weaver, Jr., 19 1-4; 12, Miller & Bushong (Elam Kauffman), 500 White Vantress, 9-2, to Ray W. Gibble, 21; 13, Miller & Bushong (Clarence Shenk), 4300 Indian Rivers, 9-2, to Mandata Poultry, 19 1-4; 14, Miller & Bushong (Clarence Shenk)'4soo White Vantress, 9-2, to Mandata Poultry, 19 I*2; 15, Miller &-Bushong (C. Roy Bix ler), 3000 Red Vantress, 9-1, to College Hill Poultry, 19; 15, Clayton S. Zimmerman, 1000 White Vantress, 10-4, to Leola Poultry, 19 1-2; 17, Henry Longenecker, 3300 White Van tress cross, 9-4, to S. TS. Davis, 5.15 Pellets . .4.70 FOR STEERS & HOGS . $3 25 WE DELIVER 1. High Egg Production 2. Excellent Livability 3. Efficient Feed Conversion 4. Large, Chalk-White Eggs* 5. Uniform, Even Development 6. Superior Shell Texture 7. Outstanding Interior Quality LIVE POULTRY: PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 5 (USDA) Unsettled. Demand fair and very selective as to size and quality. Large White Rock r caponettes 30-33 cents, few lots fancy quality 34 cents, small sizes 23-24 cents. Few lots stags 15 cents. Silver Cross caponetted fryers 27 cents, Crosses 25-26 cents, few lots 28 cents. Vantress Reds 21 1-2 to 23 cents,-few lots 24 cents, Vantress White 23-24 cents No. 2 quality White Rocks 20 cents without clearing. Mixed broilers. 18-22 cents, White Rocks 23 cents, carried over mixed Beltsville turkeys were unsold. Receipts Sept. .4 jpclufie Dela ware 17,000 lbs, Maryland 7,000 lbs. Wholesale selling prices No 1 and fancy quality. Broilers or fryers heavy type under 3 lbs 18- 23, 3-4 lbs 21 1-2-28. Hens .heavy type 15-22,, light type 13-17. Old roosters 11-12. Ducks Pekin 28. 19 1-4; 18, J Robert Musser, 3600 White Vantress, 9-6, to Victor F. 'Weaver, Inc , 19 1-4; 19, J. Lloyd Kreider,. 1000 Indian Rivers, 13 wks, to Daniel K. Good, 19 1-2; 20, Elam M. Sensehich, 400 White Cornish cross, 9-2, to John E. Rettinger, 21; 21, Clayton Thomas, 475 Leg horn fowl yearlings, to Carl B. Risser, 16 3-4; 22, Red Rose Ex perimental Farm (Eshelman Feeds), 500 Beltsvilles, 16 wks to College Hill Poultry, 28; 23, Red Rose Experiment Farms (Eshel man Feeds), 500 JBeltsvilles, 16 wks, to College Hill Poultry, 2S; 24, Red Rose Experimental Farm (Eshelman Feeds), 600 Belts-: villes, 16 wks, to College Hill: Poultry, 28; 25, Marlin Cassel, 400 White Vantress, 11 wks, to John N. Thomas, 20 3-4; 26, Jay Landis-Wilham Dean, 350 White Vantress capettes, 14 wks, to Carl B. Risser, 29 1-4;, 27, Wenger’s Mill (David G. Hei-' sey, Jr.), ,950 White Vantress, 10, wks, to Meader’s Poultry, 19; 28, Wenger’s Mill, (David G. Heisey.J Jr.), 2000 White Vantress, lOj wks, to Meader’s Poultry, 19; £9,- .Wenger’s Mill (Pans Ober), ,600‘ Leghorn fowl yearlings, to Carl B. Risser, 15 1-4; 30, Amos K. Martin, 400 White Vantress, 9 wks, to Ray W. Gibble, 18 3-4; “ 31, C. Richard Neff, 1400 In dian Rivers, 9 wks, no sale, 19 bid; 32, A. L Harmsh, 500 White Vantress pullets, 20 wks, no-*sale, 30 3-4 bid, 33, Miller & Bushong (William McFalls), 7000 White Vantress, 9 wks, no sale, 18 3-4 bid; 34, Miller & Bushong (Ja cob C Herr), 3200 White Van tress hormonized, 12-2, to Harry H Weaver, Jr, 19 3-4; 35, Miller & Bushong (Jacob C Herr, 3200 White Vantress hormonized, 12- 2, to Harry M Weaver, Jr, 20. itntthw 4.30 EGGS: PHILADELPHIA, Sept 5 (USDA) Unsettled Offeungs increased and demand was light er for all'grades Withdrawals from storage were moderate in volume Smalls were liberally of fered with small-lot sales of mixed colors at 20-23 cents Wholesale selling prices Mini mum 10 per cent AA quality Large 45-48 lb white 54-55, brown 53-54, medium white 33- 34, biown 33-34 Extras, mini 'hium 60 per cent A quality. Large 45-50 lb white 45-47, mix ed 43-45, medium white 31-32, mixed 31-32 Standards 33-34, checks 26-27 Receipts Sept. 4, 7,600 cases Pennsylvania farmers who grown green peas for canning and freezing this year produced 13,600 tons of shelled peas ac cording to State Department of Agriculture preliminary surveys This compares with 14,930 tons produced last year and the 10- year average of 16,850 tons Peas are expected to yield a ton per acre this season, down slightly from last year, but 380 pounds under the 1945-54 aver age The 1956 acreage is 13,600 about 400 acres below average. A recent United Nations sur vey found “grounds for serious concern” in an analysis of economic trends It forecast a slowdown in expansion of the developed countries, with cor responding impact on the ex port volume ( of the less-deve loped ones. Lancaster Livestock: Choice, Prime Steers Fully Steady; Hogs Lower 'By DAVID S, LORENSEN USDA Market News Service WEDNESDAY TO WEDNESDAY V REVIEW LANCASTER, Pa., Sept. 5 (Wednesday -tp Wednesday Re view) CAT'EyEk Three days this week (holiday included) 3,632, week ago 3,823. Compared ,with' last Wednesday slaughter steers high choice and prime ful ly steady to strong. Average choice apd below slpwi uneven, about steady. Heifers steady, Cows around .25 cents higher, bulls fully steady. Stockers and feeders around 50 ceqts in very slow trade. Receipts com prised around -50 per cent stock steers 15 per cent cows with mod erate numbers heifers and bulls Bulk’choice and prupe fed steers 9[75-13D0 lbs, $25.50-29.50, load 1150-lb prime steers $30.60. Good and low choice fed steers S2LSO - / some standard grades $lB.OO-21.00. Good and choice heifers $20.00-83,00; standard and low good $16.00-19,50. Util ity and commercial cows by Wednesday $ll 50-13.50; calipers and cutters $9.00-9.75. .Utility and commercial bulls $16.00- 17.75; good fed bulls 1100 lbs-and under $18,50-21.00; .cutters $13.00-14,50. Bulk medium and good 425-750 lb stock steer calves and yearlings $17.00-20.00; load good 550-lb stock steers $21.23, part load mixed good and choice farm Women 19 Meet on Saturday Lancaster County Society of Farm Women 19 will meet Satur day, Sept. 8 at 1:30 p. rp. at *the home of Mrs. ’Earl Stauffer, East Petersburg. The program will in clude a demonstration of Christ mas decorations by Mrs. 'Mepno Swarr, Society 19 will celebrate its tenth anniversary m October. A bus trip to see Cinerama has. been planned to honor the oc casion. ■ ■■ ■■!§■■ ■■■AJi ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ [SEE • ••Oar large Stack of Gas Heaters [ To have a room heated in a few seconds by a small heater certainly is wonderful good. • So, for comfort, use bottle gas ■ ■ to get rid of the chill The more ■ ■ * gas you use, the lower the rate * ■ WARD BOTTLE GAS S ■ Town Store, 25 S. State St., Ephrafa * Jjjj Al*o Store and Plant on K oute 222. Open Fiid«y Eveninf* | iaaaaaaaaaaaaaßaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaa USED SPECIALS N.H. PTO with row crop att. Papec w/motor, cutter bar, & row crop Dearborn PTO w/row crop AC mounted 2 row corn picker John Deere Corn Binder w/reg. and loading elevator ★ ★ 1 row Champion potato digger Boggs grader SWING-OMATIC FARM & RANCH GATE JUST BUMP IT OPEN. EITHER SIDE, with CAB, TRUCK / or TRACTOR: Closes Automatically and Locks, even against / STRONG WIND. No Ropes, Weights, Springs or Electricity. / Life Long Gate Made in 10, 12,14 &16 foot lengths; 48-in. / High. Farmeis all say SWING-0-MATI r SAVES LABOR. TIME, MON: WRITE OR- CALL FOR COMPLETE L H. BRUBAKER | 350 Strasburir Pike Lancaster 520 lbs $22.00. Common stock steers $13.50-16.00. Medium, and good 800-975 lb feeding steeis $lB.OO-20.00. - CALVES: Three ‘-days this week (holiday 'included) §9l, wek ago 918. Veal calves mostly steady with last We4nesday, Bulk, good and choice veajlers $20.00-23.50; high choice and piame $24.00-27.00, individual head to $28.00. Utility and com mercial grades $15.00^19.00. - HOGS; Three days (including holiday) ■ 1145, wek ago 1741. Barrows and gilts fully 50 cents lower than last Wednesday, sows about steady. Bulk barrows and gilts U. S. mixed 1-3, 200-400 lbs $l7 25-17.50, a few Its mostly l and 2 to local small killers $l7 75-18 00; 240-270 lbs $16.75- 17.25. Sows, all weights, $12.50- 14.50. SHEEP; Three days (including holiday) 322, week ago 599. Na tive spring lambs moderately ac tive steady, utility grades slow Bulk native lambs 70-90 lbs. Good and choice $lB.OO-23.00; high choice and prime absent. Utility grades down to $15.00 and culls as low as $l2 00 *« S i I ;« Tobacco Laths H .5 I For Sals H \l GERHART BROS. H H I h § COAL-LUMBER- | I BUILDING MATERIAL | 124 S. State St. ~ g PH. 32241 I EPHRATA Ww.
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