2—Lancaster Farming, Friday, Aug. 31, 1956 Lancaster Livestock: Prime Steers Score. $39.75; Barrows, Gilts 50 Lower WEDNESDAY REVIEW By David S. Lorensen USD A Market News Service WEDNESDAY TO WEDNES- Cattle, Three days, 3,823. week ago 4,376 Compared with last Wednesday, slaughter steers high choice and prime strong to 50 cents higher, other grades weak to 50 ceftts lower Heifers steady to weak, cows around 25 cent lower. Bulls mostly steady Slow trade on stockers and feeders unevenly 75 cents-100 lower The supply comprised around 50 per cent stockers and feeders and 15 per cents cows Slaughter steers graded mostly high Good to Prims Bulk Choice an dPrime steers 950-1300 lbs, $25 25-29 00 with most sales made on Mon day Several lots and av- ALTMAN’S SUPER-A FEEDS are timed-tested, scientifically balanced, vitamin complete and are manufactured daily in three modern plants. Com-' pare our prices TRY SOME AROMA PEP FLAV-ORING IN YOUR GRASS SILAGE OR HAY. Two week old Nedlar New Hampshire Chicks And Broiler Chicks First Come—First Served 16% Dairy 325 B Starter Meg 435 20 % OF Hog, Pig & Sow Broiler Ration . 5.15 430 Grower Mash , 420 20°5- Blue bird Dairy 300 20% Quality Mash ~ 410 15% Hog Feed 370 Bluebird All Mash '3 80 Oats (801bs) 325 Turkey Developer Pellets Corn 3 95 4 70 Scratch 405 Staz dry 220 Fine Chick 515 Peat Moss 420 SPECIAL CHOP FOR STEERS & HOGS $3 25 CLOSED LABOR DAY WE DELIVER ALTMAN’S CASH FEED STORE Corn WILLIS H. WEAVER MANAGER H 947 Harrisburg Ave. Phone Lane. 4-7715 :: 10c per hundred discount on half ton lots or more. p PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE •? tt*gUli»UwllilUliglUlm>UMil!l***H!****l**l***lllh*****l*l*************l^ ■Jfh 2-ROW corn harvester $1265 fo.b. factory New Model 33, two-row. Price shown includes base machine, tractor attaching parts and motor shields. Fits WD-45, WD and WC Tractors. Prices subject to change without notice. Priced to pay its way this Fall! ALLIS-CHALMERS SALES AND SERVICE Mann & Grumelli Farm Serv R. S. Weaver Quarryville, Pa. LH. Brubaker Snavelys Farm Service New Holland, Pa. Lancaster. Pa. N* G. Myers & Son Rheems. Pa. erage to high prime $29 50-29 75 including some 926 lb weights at $29 50. Load 1210 lb prime steers $3O 75 Most good grade steers $2lOO-24 75, including a few loads grass steers $2lOO - 00. Some standard steers $lB 00-2100 Good and choice heifers $2O 00-24 00, standard grades $l7 00-19 00 Late sales utility and commercial cows $llOO-13 50; canners and cut ters $8 50-11 50 Ut lity and Commercial bulls $l5 00-17 50, good fed bulls $lB 00-20 50, cut ters down to $l3 00. Numerous lots and loads medium and good 425-750 lb stock steer calves and yearlings $l7 00-20 50, a few good early to $21.50, part load choice 607 lb stock steer calves $23 00 Common stockers $l3 50-16 50 Most medium' and eral loads and lots good grades [jaaaitttatuatamaaaaaaaauaat* t's. Vb. Stevens. Pa. L. H. Brubaker Lititz. Pa. Monday $20.50-21.50, a few good to, low choice $22 00-22 50. Soma ] common and medium feeders $l4 00-17 50. Poor midweek clearance on stockers and feed ers CALVES Three days 918, week ago 771 Vealers mostly steady with last Wednesday Bulk good and choice $2O 00-23.- 50; high choice and prime $,24.- 00-27 00 a few Monday to $2B 00. Utility and commercial $l5 00 19.00. HOGS Three days 1,741, in cluding around 200 head pig club offerings, week ago 1,537 Barrows and gilts mostly 50 cents lower, sows fully steady Bulk harrows and gilts U S mixed 1-3, 200-240 lbs in Wed nesday’s trade $lB 00-18 50 some around 27Q lbs down to $l7 25, and weights 160-180 lbs $l6 50-18 00 Sows, all weights, $l2 50-15 00. SHEEP Three days, 559, week ago, -278 Slaughter lambs mostly steady with last Wednes day Bulk good and choice na tive lambs 70-90 lbs $lB CO -23 50, prime grades absent Uti lity and low good grades $l5 00- 17 50, culs down to $l2 00 Top Hogs $6O Per Hundred In Junior Show Robert Graybill, Manheim youth, Wednesday afternoon saw his trim, tidy, grand champ ion Chester White sell at $6O cwt in the Lancaster-Lebanon Counties 4-H Pig Club Roundup at Lancaster Stock Yards Buy er of the 180-pound animal was Kunzler Packing Co Kenneth Book, R 7 Lancaster, scored $3O cwt on his reserve champion, selling to R B. Hip pey Other prices- ranged from $2l cwt down There were 227 entries, slightly under last year, and average weights of hogs, it was believed, figured lower than last year. The average Wednesday was 190.8 lbs. Dwight Younkm, livestock specialist from Penn State, spoke and judged the classes, three in each breed Winners of first place by breed were Berkshire, Glen Funk, R 2 Annville; Chester White, Richard Hastings, Kirk wood, Hampshire, Ronald Rpok, R 1 Annville Duroc- Jersey Walter Augsburger, R 1 Rein holds, Poland China, Kenneth Book, R 1 Lancaster, Spotted Po land China, John Zimmerman, R 1 Reinholds. Goidfus Hatcheries Move to New Holland At 225 West Main St. Goidfus Hatcheries, Inc five and-ta-half-year-old Lititz chick producing firm, picks up its incubators Saturday, Sept 1, and moves into new quarters at 225 West Main street in New Holland. The move, according .to hat chery manager and president Paul Metzler. was necessitated by expanded demand on broiler and layer chick hatching facil ities. Recently, the hatchery expanded its chick lines to in clude Ames-In-Cross layer and White Vantress Cross broiler _breeds The hatchery also hatch es Meatpacker Cross broilers and Goidfus Strain Cross Leg horn breeds Broder and layer chicks form Goidfus go throu ghout Pennsylvania and Mary land, and as far as Jordon in the Middle East and Puerto Rico. The new New Holland Main Street headquarters, (according to Mr Metzler, will also make the hatchery more accessible to poultrymen on business in town Mr. Metzler and William 0‘Bill”) Anderson, new head hatcheryman say they’ll have the welcome mat out for any and all visitors to the new head quarters. Dr. Joseph B. Maier, sociolo gist - “Superstitions persist be cause they supply certain satis factions, restore hope and con fidence where there was none before.”'' ‘ Lotwaerrick Queen •Miss Dorothy Freeman, crowned Thursday* night as Pennsylvania Lotwaerrick Queen, here pilots an Interna tional Harvester Cub through the Parade of the IH Field Day-Tuesday Miss Freeman, 26, teaches the first four grades at the Smoketown School Lotwaerrick? That’s Apple Butter (Lancaster Farming Staff Photo) Broilers Firm at 20-Cent Mark; Top Thursday 20.75, Paid Sparingly Lancaster Poultry Exchange. (Rohierstown, Pa) (Sales Re port, Sale 173, Thursday, Aug. 23, 1956) Broiler prices held' steady in the Thursday auction of 39 lots with 62,105 birds list- ; ed, offered and sold at the Lan-| caster Poultry Exchange in a range of 19 to 2014 cents, aver aging 20.15. Thirty-one lots, 57,- 750 broilers, brought this price. Also sold were four lots, 2,550 Leghorn fowl at 16 to 16)4 cents, two lots. 1525 heavy fowl from i 17 to 17/t, one lot, 200 capettes, 8H8 .................. iiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinm^ 1 September Specials John Deere Forage Harvester with corn & grass, att. McCormick Deering corn binder—like new Papec & McCormick Deering ensilage cutters New Iron Age 2 row potato digger— -1/2 off New Lavelle 26’ elevator with power lift-1/3 off Snavely’s Farm Service NEW HOLLAND at 25 Vz, and one lot of 80 heavy pullets at 30/i cents. Here are Thursday sales by lot number (each preceded by 23-), seller, with grower indi cated in parentheses, amount and breed, age by weeks and days, buyer and price 1, Millport Roller Mills (R- Eugene Hummer), 1200 White Cornish Cross, 10 wks, to' Col lege Hill- Poultry/ 19%; 2; Ken (Continued on page 5) PHONE 4-2214 * e *