B—Lancaster Farming, Friday, Aug. 17, 1956 For the Farm Wife and Family Here are two recipes that prove winners ' for Mrs. Ivan Weaver of Brownstown, Pa, to start off this week’s household recipes and hints. I saw in Lancaster Farming a request for this, she writes. I look forward to the paper every week, and enjoy reading it. OLD FASHIONED MOLASSES COCONUT PIE 'One-half cup Lucky Molasses Two and one-half tablespoons flour Pinch of baking soda One egg . . Mix all together, then Add one cup hot water One cup coconut Place in unbaked pie crust. Makes one medium-sized pie. And another from Mrs Weav er, on a different line: DEVIL’S FOOD Two cups brown sugar Three eggs One half cup butter Beat all together, add 11 We Repair All ~ *♦ s y Makes of Washers | y Call Our Service H H Department H JJ y Our Work Is Guaranteed •; H - - :: YOUR j; t* :: .jr ;; H DEALER s; tt | Lester A. Singer | | lONICS, PA. :1 « STRASBURG OV 7-3226 S Free To Women... One yeai charter subscrip tion to LANCASTER FARM ING to one housewue eacn week who submits tne nest letter . . . recipe . . . home making hint. Send your letter to LANCASTER FARMING, QuarryviUe, ±*a- One-half cup buttermilk or thick milk One teaspoon baking powder sifted with Two cups flour Add One-half cup hot water with One teaspoon baking soda last Makes two large layers. * ♦ « One of our early contribu tors to the Farm Wife fcnd Family was Mrs. Abram Sum my of R 1 ManEeim, so it’s mighty nice to hear from her once again. “Well, I enjoy the recipes in the paper. As some one has asked about cole slaw dressing, Molasses Coconut pie, I’ll add mine and would also like to hear from others. o No. 1 COLE SLAW DRESSING Cut cabbage fine Add a little salt Work it a little with your hands Pour water off, then Add sugar, vinegar, sour cream. This is very good, Mrs Sum my adds. •k $ $ No. 2 COLE SLAW DRESSING Make your slaw. Add salad dressing to your vinegar or mayonnaise. This also makes a good slaw. ■f *5 ♦ MOLASSES COCONUT PIE One cup dark sugar One cup molasses One cup sour cream One and one-cup sweet or sour milk Two tablespoons flour Three eggs One-fourth teaspoon (scant) baking soda One-half pound coconut I put the coconut in pie shell, then pour filling in. This makes two custards, and they are very good. Bake in oven 375 degrees for ten minutes, then turn oven back and bake a half hour more SWEET CREAM PIE Here is a sweet cream pie from Mrs. JSummy: Two egg yolks One-fourth cup sugar Two tablespoons flour One tablespoon molasses One cup sweet milk One cup sweet cream Fold in beaten egg whites Bake in unbaked pie shell at 350 degrees for half hour or till done. •h - » HOUSEHOLD HINT Mrs Summy also offers a few household hints, which we are happy to pass on to you Here is a hint for wrinkle resistant cottons to take place of starch: Soak one ounce gelatin in one cup cold water for a few minutes. Dissolve softened gel atin in one pint boiling water. This should be diluted with •eight to 15 parts,hot water, de pends on the thickness of fab rics. Dip garments in solution. Good for several washings. Nice for dark or black as starch shoe's on those shades. Can be kept in refrigerator for a short time. * * ♦ Mrs William Wenger of ~R2 Honey Brook writes. In a recent issue of Lancaster Faming there was a request for Snow Pudding I’m sending you a recipe for Snow Flake Pudding, which I hope is what youi reader wants: SNOW FLAKE PUDDING One pint water, let boil Five tablespoons corn starch to thicken (make real stiff) Add two egg whites, well beat en Flavor with vanilla Mold in custard cups SAUCE FOR SNOWFLAKE PUDDING One-half pint milk, let boil One-fourth cup sugar Two egg yolks Two tablespoons flour Flavor with lemon Pour over top of your Snow flake Pudding. * *js I’m also sending a recipe for SALAD DRESSING Two tablespoons sugar Two tablespoons sweet cream Four tablespoons vinegar Three tablespoons milk One egg Cook. If vinegar is added after cook ing, it will not curdle. !- A And, from Mrs Wenger a HOUSEHOLD HINT When snaps on children’s clothing no longer hold, just tap the rounded part lightly,^ -fi * * From one of our readers at HI Strasburg, Mrs. Paul G. Longenecker comes" this wel come letter 1 I would like to tell you how much I enjoy Lancaster Farm ing. As I do a lot of cooking, and baking, I especially enjoy the recipes. Kfecently I found the recipe for the original Shoo-Fly Pie and found it very good I am enclos ing a recipe for Molasses Coco nut Pie which-some one has re quested. Also, here’s a house hold hint. . Chester County Farm Women 2 Hold Annual Picnic Chester County Society of Farm Women No 2 held their annual picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Parker Vaughm Glen Roy, Wednesday night last week. About 60 attended. A de licious supper was served on the lawn at 6.30 topped with ice cream and cake. The evening was spent in playing -games. These picnics are one of the most delightful affairs of the Farm' Women's Societies. The next regular'meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ruby Poole, Oxford, with a flower show as the mam feature. HOUSEHOLD HINT Make a flower holder from 'a cake of paraffin. Punch holes through the block with a heated ice pick. MOLASSES COCONUT PIE One-half cup brown sugar One cup sour milk One-half cup molasses One egg One-half teaspoon soda Two tablespoons flour Three-fourths cup coconut One-fourth teaspoon salt One teaspoon vanilla Bake in 375-degree oven. Mrs. David M. Hostetter of R 1 Kinzers, sends this: We have been receiving Lan caster Farming since it first came out and enjoy it very much. I especially enjoy the recipe section. In answer to Mrs. A. H. Shissler, here is a recipe for MOLASSES COCONUT PIE One cup granulated sugar One cup King syrup or light molasses Put TELEPHONE Convenience in-Your Kitchen Most women will admit an extension telephone is wonderful anywhere in the house. But in the kitchen... that’s where they really sing its praises. No more hurried dashes in the midst of pre paring dinner ... no more leaving children near a hot stove while you run to another room . . . no more wasted steps or wasted time. You’ll find the cost low and the satisfaction enduring. Call our business office for full informa tion on this kitchen convenience today. > PENNSYLVANIA COMMUNITY TELEPHONE COMPANY A Subsidiary of the Commonwealth Telephone Co. One-half cup flour Two cups milk One-fourth teaspoon soda One cup coconut Two eggs Mix ingredients as for any cus tard, place in unbaked pie shell and bake at 350 degrees loi about 30 to 40 minutes. Anothei recipe which we use very much at our house is for VANILLA PIES Bottom Part One cup molasses One cup granulated sugar Two cups water One teaspoon flour ' One egg- One teaspoon vanilla Combine ingredients and cool until slightly thickened. Top part (crumbs) Three cups flour One cup sugar One-half cup lard One teaspoon soda (Continued on page nine) Make A Point To Visit Our Animal Health Department THE* QUARRWILLE DRUG CO. QUARRYVILLE, PA. PHONE TOO INDEPENDENT DALLAS, PA. _ QUARRYVILLE, JPA-