IS 111 l» Ijlllll' 'J *m®m. ''HI \;/5l OBSERVED PRECIPITATION (APPROXIMATE) MID-MAY TO MID-JUNE 1936 This chart shows the general nature of the total precipitation which fell during the preceding 80 days. Precipitation is expressed in three classes: light, moder ate, and heavy, and the precipitation amounts which determine these classes Farm Calendar (If you wish your Coming Events listed in these col ums, write a card or letter to LANCASTER FARMING, Quarryville, Pa. Be cure to include name of sender.— Editor). JUNE June 22-23 Short Course. Rabbit Industry, the Pennsyl vania State University. JULY July 4-8-r-7th .Annual Pennsyl vania Dutch Folk Festival, Kutz town. July 7—Farm Women’s Society No. 6, auction at home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hixson, 4QI Snyder Ave., Elizabethtown. July 16-20—Short Course, Im proving Home Grounds, the Pennsylvania .State University," AUGUST Aug. 15-17 Butler Farm Show. Aug: 18-19—Intercourse Sum mer Jubilee. Aug.- 18 and 19 —Intercourse Summer Jubilee. Aug. 20-23—11th Annual Nat ional Flying Farmers Associa tion Convention. New Orleans. Aug. 20-25—Kutztown Fair. SEPTEMBER Sept, 11-15—York Inter-State Fair. Sept. 19-21 Southern Lan caster County Community Fair, Quarryville. Sept. 26-29^—Ephrata Farmers Day. Sept, 26-28—West Lampeter Community Fair. Sept. 30—Deadline to file for return of state taxes paid on farm tractor or farm machinery gasoline for year July 1, 1955 to June 30. 1956. SEPTEMBER-OCTOBEK Sept. 28-Oct. 6 National Holstein Show, Waterloo, lowa. OCTOBER Oct. 2-s—South Lebanon Com munity Fair, lona. Oct. 3-6—New Holland Farm ers Fair. Oct. 4-6—Manheim Community Fair, Oct. 4-6—Unionvillle Com munity Fair. Oct. 10-13—Mt. Joy Community Exhibit. Oct. 18-20 Dillsburg Com munity Fair- NOVEMBER ’ Nov. 3—County Convention, Lancaster County Farm Women’s Societies. JANUARY, 1»57 : Jan. 14-13 P-emwylvania- Farm Show, Harnsburg. - _ Precipitation, Preceding 30 Days i bfoo —/„r n* A high Soviet police official said all internment camps in far reaches of the country was the Soviet Union would be abolished within eighteen now generally forbidden. BlilMillllllllllllHllllilliliiliilllillliillliilllißlliliHli M are obtained from an analysis of many years of record at many stations. Like temperature classes, the numerical ranges, varying from place to place and month to month, are given on page 4 of the Outlook issued one month ago. Join the thousands of fafm families who get LANCASTER FARMING by mail EVERY WEEK. The newspaper contain ing all the latest farm news, local news, crop information, home fea tures, market data and much more! PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY.,.. Mail This Coupon Today! YOU PAY LESS THAN 2e PER WEEK r\ HOD) months. He said deportation to ALL FARMERS! Fog Saved Cherry Crop for Shank’s Biterly low temperatures Ap ril 28 threatened Lancaster County’s cherry crop, but for tunately fog settled down and saved the day, H. L. Shank of R 6 Lancaster advises. Mr. Shank reports picking will start Tuesday at his farms, and prospects are wonderful. The freeze damaged cherry crops to the north of Lancaster SAVE AND EARN With Lancaster’s Oldest Building and Loan Association A Qr/ currently paid on installment jt /0 shares O (rf on full paid shares - payable / 0 semi-annually 00/ 0,1 optional shares credited *3 /Q - semi-annually Your money invested in first mortgages on Lancaster County homes American Mechanics Building and Loan Association Call or See Joseph R. Byars, Attorney, 58 N. Duke St, Lancaster. Pa. HMAVT HH >ERATZ | 1 xrawr^ ATTENTION! OXTX--ST SI It’s Real Big News For Farmers and Their Families Order Your Subscription Now! Lancaster Farming QUARRYVILLE, PA. 1 year $l.OO 52 Issues Please put my name dn your list of charter subscribers for a one year subscription, | □ Enclosed find check, cash, or money order for $l.OO □ Bill me later | Name \ (Please Print) | Adobes* Lancaster Farming, Friday, June 22, 1956 52 Weeks of County considerably, and few are expected in that region. Mr. Shank tells his large white and dark sweet cherries and red pie cherries this year are as good as he has produced. In a study of the current §ot,- let campaign to downgrade Stalin, thirty-nine authorities on Communism warned that this campaign was a greater menace to the West than Stal inism. 13