Vol. 1, No. 34 Penn State U Enrollment to Reach Limits Some 6500 applicants for ad mission as Freshmen at the Stat > University of Pennsylvania will he turned down next fall, from an anticipated 10,000 requests, Dr Milton S. Eisenhower, presi dent, .advised the state Future Farmers of America in FFA week activities at State Collegfe last week One of the local highlights was the fact the York Lancaster County District FFA Softball Team won its third consecutive victory and retired the trophy. At the meeting, John D Ston er, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs John H Stoner, R 7 Lancaster, was named a regional vice president -for a 10-county area of the State FFA Mr. Stoner, who farms with his father on an 80-acre and a 100-acre farm south of Lampeter, graduated in 1955 from Stras ■burg-Lampeter where he was ac tive throughout this school career in both class and FFA chapter offices. At present, the Stoners are carrying 18 head of Holestein cows, and John is managing seven brood, sows produced from a cross between a registered Hampshire boar from the herd of Robert Book, and Yorkshire sows. Dupng his senior year, under George W Myers, he had a swine project, three Holstein cows, and 300 layers through FFA as a test flock for Hubbard Farms He also ran three acres of corn. He will be vice president in one of five state regional dis tricts. Active earlier in 4H, he JOHN D. STONfiR was a member of the Holstein 4H Club serving as its president, and spent one year in the 4H Electric Club. He is also a mem ber of the famed Holstein Quar tet. whose name has now been changed to the, Catalina Four During school he was cited for his FFA leadership, serving as chaplain of the Garden Spot Chapter in 1951 and 1952, as vice president in 1952 and 1953 pre sident in 1953 and 1954, He is now a junior advisor to the chap- (Continued to page three) Fern Yoder, 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Yoder, R 1 Christi ana, gives a hand at the height of the strawberry picking season. Whether she was saying, “One for the basket, one tor Acreage Reserve Soil Bank Plan Gets Underway HARRISBURG Require ments for participation in the 1956 Acreage Reserve Program under the “Soil Bank Act,” Pub lic Law 540, were announced to day by Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson County Ag ricultural Stabilization and Con servation Committees, which will administer the program, will announce locally when the program agreements are avail able for the signature by farm ers in the county office At that time they will have full informa tion on the teims and condi tions In announcing participation requirements for the 1956 Acre age Reserve Program, Secretary Benson ''stated: “We have proceeded with all possible haste since enactment of the Soil Bank legislation to present a sound 1956 program to farmers. It is true, however that the program for this year is in a sense a special program designed to meet the limi tations and the requirements of the legislations for 1956. “For that reason, 1936 will not present a fair trial of what the program can accom plish. The rates set are for the 1956 program o.nly. Before (Continued on page 16) Quarryville, Pa., Friday, June 22. 1956 Strawberry Season Peas Yield 1.5 Tons In Whiteford Harvest Alaskan sugar peas are yield ing a ton and a half per acre on farms in western Lancaster Whiteford Packing Co. ot County contracted by the Whiteford, Md, according to W Edgar Merrym(an, field repre sentative Cutting started Saturday, and work is in full swing at hullers throughout the southern end of the county Quality of the crop, Mr Merryman adds, is excel lent. Farm Products In County For 1954 SBO Million The value of products sold in 1954 by operators of 7,951 farms in Lancaster County was $80,150,566, according to a pre liminary rport of the 1954 Cen sus of Agriculture published by the Bureau of the Census, U S Department of Commerce. The value of all crops sold was $22,110,076 and included $17,664,288 for field -crops. $1,986,191 for vegetables, $657,- 187 for fruits and nuts, and $1,802,410 for horticultural spe cialties. The value of all livestock and livestock products sold was $57,995,443 and- included $16,- 657,487 for dairy products, $20,- 381,221 for poultry and poultry products, and $20*956,735 for livestock and livestock products. The value of forest products sold from the county’s farms was $45,047. Information on the value of farm products sold is presented for each county in a prelimi nary State report, copies of which may be purchased from the Bureau of the Census, Washington 25, D. C., at 10 cents each. me,” or not, no one knows, but this sixth grader was happy as could be helping out her folks. (Lancaster Farming Staff Photo). Crop Outlook Pretty Good Over County Field work activities are mov ing ahead in an increasing tempo over Lancaster County, with pro spects of some light showers Fri day and Saturday Temperatures plummeted early this week on the heels of a cold wave that swept in and carried through the calendar’s end of spring Wednesady morning a low of 52 degrees was recorded in Lancaster, 45 at the water works, compared to highs of 90 degrees Saturday and 87 Sunday. Warmer weather is a head, with a forecast of the up per 80s today. Wednesday and Thursday of last week were es pecially warm here, with a Lancaster high of 96. Temperatures to Monday were subnormal, those of last week above normal. Moisture so far this month is up to schedule, with two and one-third inches re corded so far. According to County Agricul tural Agent Max M. Smith, crops are progressing rapidly after last week’s highs—typi cal corn-growing weather— pushed crops along. Corn and tomatoes are looking much bet ter. He advises first cuttings of hay should be made at once or feed values will be lost, especial ly in alfalfa, red clover, brome, orchardgrass and timothy. Most of the tomato plants shortage has been overcome, or abandoned fields planted into something else over Lancaster County. A dinner meeting m the inter est of promoting the new Baby Broiler will be held at Art’s Res taurant on Route 72 south of Manheim at 6 30 p. m. Thursday, June 28. A guest speaker will be present, according to Paul H. Metzler, president of Goldfus Hatcheries. BABY BROILER MEET $2 Per Year Stauffer Farms Host to Four-H Stock Judging By LF Staff Reporter As a preliminary to select live stock nidging teams for Pennsyl vania 4-H Club Week in August, around 60 farm youths and ad viors from seven counties partici pated in an elimination contest at Stauffer Homestead Farms, HI East Earl Tuesday Represented were Lancaster, Chester, Montgomery, Franklin, Lebanon, York and Adams Coun ties Four-H members from some of these counties earlier took part m a Center Countv meeting. Hampshire Hogs, Suffolk sheep and Angus cattle —all registered purebred stock on Stauffer Homestead Farms offered sub jects for the youthful judges. Hosts were Mr. and Mrs ABC. Groff, Manager Earl S Fisher and John D Amdt. herdsman. Unusual Operation Lancaster County Agent Max M Smith supervised activities in the absence of Tom King, Penn State U. livestock extension specialist Four classes of swine, two classes of sheep and two classes of Angus' cattle were judged between 10 a m. and 3 p m, with a break at noon for lunch in the New Holland Com munity Park Stauffer Farms’ three-way live stock operation is somewhat unusual in a County where crop land is a premium. The farm where the meeting was held was the home of Mrs. Groff’s parents, covering 265 acres Another 175 acres near Churchtown help ex pand operations. "200 Head of Cattle About 12 or 15 years ago, the t ' k ’ i MR. and MRS. GROFF owners turned to Angus cattle to augment livestock and crops operations, choosing primarily Bandolier and Eileenmere— some of the most popular names in Angusdom—as basic stock. Right now 200 head of Blacks are on hand about 100 cows, 60 calves, and 30 steers to be fed off- Through combinations of grass es, Stauffer Homestead Farms are assured of summer-long grazing, using* orchardgrass, ladino, bromegrass and blue grass. Primarily, purebred Angus are marketed through consignment sales, although numerous head are moved on private treaty, and some marketed as steers. One farm sale has been held at Stauffer Homestead, and others may be held in the future. m.: