Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 25, 1956, Image 2

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    2 Lancaster Farming, Friday, May 25, 1956
Broilers Thursday Average 21.5;
C. O. T. Entries Also Sold Here
Lancaster Poultiy .-Exchange
(Rohrerstownj Pa ) (Sales Re
port, sale 148, and special Chic
ken of,- Tomorrow Sale, Thurs
day, May 1956) Sixty-four
lots ''totaling 187,000,000 birds
weiei'Tisted on the Thursday
poultry auction-here t with 62
lots totaling 176,480 offered, and
57 lots, totahng-165,180 sold. Two
lots totaling 10,600 were with
drawn and five lots totaling 11,-
30tf-were not sold.
Prices ranged fiom 22 1-2 to
28 1-2 on seven lots totaling 11,-
62Q capettes; one - lot of 160 tur
keys sold at 31 1-4, one lot of
Baned Cross cockerels brought
17 1-2, and 48 lots totaling 153,-
000 bi oilers sold from “20 1-2 to
22 1-2, averaging 21.44.
For the corresponding sale a
year ago, Sale 55, Tuessday, May
17, 1955, when 125,950 birds m
ten lots were listed, 106,545 of
Started Nichols New Hamp- shire Chicks on hand now'
Also Nedlar New Hamp- shire’s and Sex Links for
eggs We can fill your order in just a few days in some
breeds. Place your order now!
Bailer Twine $6 60 B. Starter Meg. 451
Binder Twine (bale) 815 Grower 43i
Cattle Wire (20 rod roll) Broiler Ration 51(
17.00 up Fine Chick . 501
635 Scratch (cwt.) ... 4.0 i
8-85 Quality Egg Mash 4.2(
61 °2 09 Blue Bird All Mash 391
82-127 20% Blue B^rd Dalf y 3.0!
11.75 16% Altmans Dhiry 3.21
2 Pt. Barbed Wire
4Pt Barbed Wire
Poultry Wire
Salt (med 100#)
Salt block (50#)
Electric wire (roll)
| 947 Harrisburg Ave. Phone Lane. 4-7715 a
H 10c per hundred discount on half tondots or more. g
i i i 111 r t tti*T*T*7Tt***T*TT*tt>i ********** 111 It t *? 1 1??i»«»«« *»
Martin's Chick Quality
Mai tins White Vantiess Broilers won
th'fc Rescivo Championship in the Penn
sylvania Chichcn-of-Tomorrow Contest
after having placed first among 233 en
tries in the Coatesville Regional Contest
Sold at auction, the Martin s Reserve
Champions were bought by the Beacon
Milling Co for $6 00 per pound the
highest pi ice paid for any of the entries
in the state-wide contest
Whether it s a case of prestige or profits
once again? results have proved that
Mai tins Chick quality pays off Why
not take advantage of proven perfor
mance 9 Make voui next lot Mai tins
lv b; 1 .hick"
fered, and 92,345 sold. On the
corresponding Thursday, Sale 56,
May 19, 1955, 31 lots totaling
80,595 were offered, 29 lots total
ing 66,395 including fowl and
cappetes were sold, with broilers
ranging from 24 1-2 to 32 1-2,
averaging 29 cents.
Regular Market Sales
There was no sale Tuesday,
May 15, 1956
Here are sales on Thursday’s
regular maiket, each lot number
preceded by ”17-,” seller, with
grower indicated in parentheses,
amount and breed, age by weeks
and days, buyer, and prices;
1, Miller & Bushong (Wm
Wile), 2400 White Vantress, 9-6,
to Oarl B. Risser, 21 1-2, 2, Mil
ler & Bushong (Wm Wile), 6000
White Vantress, 9-6, to Harry
H Weaver, Jr, 20 3-4, 3, Miller
• •
• •
• •
Mortm s White Vantro.,.. •
• Ronald Shaffer RDlrl Dover Pa •
• STH PLACE Mortm . Red Ventres.. #
• Charles E Dolu R D Butler Pa #
• IST PLACE Mortm . Whit* Vantress #
9 Ronald Shaffer R D Dover Pa
• 9TH PLACE Martin s White Vantress •
« Louise May Herr Rohri_r, ( roA'n Po ®
’ 3RD PLACE Martin 5 Reel Vantress •
• Cho le„ E Delu R D Jrl Butler Pa •
• 7TH PLACE Martin j White VantrejS •
Philadelphia May 23 (USDA)
—Market -barely steady. More
than adequate supplies were
available to meet the fair de
mand Small-lot-sales cur
rent deceipts 36-37 cents, mixed
color smalls 25-28 cents. Into
storage movement moderate in
Wholesale selling prices Mm
10 pet AA quality large 45-48 lb
white 41-42, brown 40-'4l, med
ium white 37-371-:, brown 37-37’1,
extras, min 60 pet a quality
large 45-50 lb white 40-40%, mix
ed color 40-40’i, medium white
36%-37, mixed color 36%-37,
standards 39-40, checks 32-34 Re
ceipts May'22—4,900 v cases all by
& Bushong (Wm Wile>, 2000
White Vantress, 9-6, to Mandata
Poultry, 21, 4, Allen L Kauff
man, 300 Indian River Cross, 11
wks, to Carl B.’Kisser, 21 3-4; 5,
Noah Hershey, 3000 White Van
iress, 'lO-6, to Producers Coop
erative Exchange, 21 1-4; 6,
Frank Garman, 1300 Red Van
tress, 10 wks, to Roy E Ream,
22, 7, Jack Bucher, 850 White
Vantress capettes, 13-2, to Carl
B. Risser, 26 3-4,
8, Elmer E f Rohrer, 7000
White Vantress, 9-6, to Maxidata
Poultry, 21 1-4, 9, Elvm Nolt,
3350 Red Vantress, 9-6, to C. F
Manbeck, Inc, 21 1-4; 10, Nor
man W Newcomer, 2800 White
Vantress, 9-5, to Victor F Weav
er, Inc., 21 3-4, 11, Miller & Bus
hong (Leonard Deitz), 4500
White Vantress, 10-3, to H W.
Longacre, 22; 12, Miller & Bus
hong (Mearl Long), 1100 White
Vantress, 10-3, to Carl B. Risser,
21 1-2; 13, Miller & Bushong
(Mearl Long), 4200 White Van
tress, 10-3, to Tilley’s Poultry,
21 1-2, 14, Miller & Bushong
(Mearl Long), 3400 White Van
tress, 10-3, to Carl B Risser, 21
3-4, 15, Miller & Bushong (John
Olesh, Jr.), 3600 White and Red
Vantress, 9-6, to Grimes & Hau
er, 22c; 16, Fred Bowman, 400
White Vantress, 10-2, no sale, 21
3-4 bid, 17, Arthur Lauf, 4800
Red Vantress, 10-1, to S. E. Da
vis, 21,
3 30
18, Lloyd E. Forry, 375 White
Vantress, 10-5, to Roy E Ream,
20 3-4; 19, Mervm M. Martin,
200 White Vantress, 10 wks,
withdrawn prior to §ale, 20, Ca
leb K. Hershey, 400 Red Van
tress, 10-2, to John N. Thomas,
22, 21, Reed Hummer, 300 In
dian Rover Cross, 10-2, to Walter
B Leaman, 22 1-4; 22, Wenger’s
(Daniel Lehman), 6000 WTnte
Vantress, 10. wks, to Mandata
Poultry, 21 1-2; 23, Paul S Mil
ler, 370 White Cornish Cross
capettes, 12-6, to Carl B Risser,
26 3-4, 24, W F Ruoss, 400 Red
Vantress, 10 wks, to Roy E
Ream, 22, 25, David H. Burk
holder, 400 Barred Cross cock
erels, 12-3, to Walter C Melhng
er, 17 1-2, 26, W. H Fitz & Son,
5000 White Vantress, 10 wks, to
Mandata “Poultry, 21 1-2; 27, W.
H Fitz & Son, 5000 White Moun
tains, 9-3, to Pennsylvania Dutch
Farms, 21 1-2,
28, Miller & Bushong (Abram
Miller), 3400 Red Vantress, 9-3,
to Producers Cooperative Ex
change, 21 1-2; 29, Miller & Bus
hong (Abram Miller), 2000 White
Vantress, 9-3, to Walter C. Mel
hnger, 22; 30, Miller & Bushong
(Abram Miller), 1000 White
Vantress, 9 wks, to Carl B Ris
ser, 22 1-4, Glen B Sjmonton,
1000 White Cioss, 10-2, no sale,
Philadelphia May 23 (USDA)
—Market unsettled Most classes
were in excess-supply for the fair
but very selective demand Large
rock pullets 32-35 cents, vantress
whites 30 cents without clearing
Large rock caponettes 32-34
cents, medium sizes 30-32 with
out clearing. Silver cross fryers
straight cockerels 23-24 cents,
white rocks 23-26 cents, vantress
reds 23-25 cents.
Turkeys Unsettled Demand
fair for more than ample sup
plies Bronze breeder hens 4042
cents, toms- 30-32 cents. Belts
ville breeder hens 44 cents
Receipts May 22 Included
Delaware 11,000 lbs. MD 17,000
Wholesale selling prices No
1 & fancy quality broilers or fry
ers, heavy type, 3-4 lb 23-26, pul
lets 4 x k lb & over 30-35 Hens,
heavy type, 25-31, light type 15-
20, old roosters 14, ducks; pek
m 30-32.
Hogs Cain $l.OO to $1.50; Best
Bring $19.50 in Lancaster Trade
By David S Lorenson
USDA Market News Service
Wednesday to Wednesday Review
Lancaster, May 24—(Wednes
day to Wednesday Review—
CATTLE 39366, week ago 4356.:
, gompared with last Wednesday
slaughter steers and heifers
mostly steady. Utility and com
mencal cows around 50 cents
r lower, other steady. -Bulls fully
steady. Stockers and feeders
fuly steady -to strong. Supplies
comprised around 30 per cent
stoeker and feeder steers, ap
proximately If) -per cent cows
Balance mainly good and choice
slaughter steers Bulk choice fed
steers $2O 80-21 00 several loads
and lots high choice and prime
$21.50=22 50, load 1200-lb prime
steers $23.50, oad 1116 lbs prime
grade $24.00. Most good and low
choice steers $lB 00-19 50, some
commercial $16.50-17 50. A few
lots good and choice 705-970-lb
20 bid; 32, Glen B Simonton,
3000 White Cross, 10-2, to Man
data Poultry, 21 1-2; 33, Charles
O Telfer, 7200 Red Vantress and-
New HampshireSj 9-2, to Penn
sylvania Dutch Farms, 21; 34,
Charles O Telfer, 3500 Red Van
tress, 9-2, to Pennsylvania
Dutch Farmss, 21; 35, George-
Weaver, 7500 White Vantress
capettes, 10-1, to Pennsylvania
Dutch Farms, 21 1-2,
36, George Weaver, 7500 In
dian River capettes, 10-1, to
Victor F Weaver, Inc , 21 1-2; 37,
Raymond H Weaver, 800 Indian
Rivers, 11 wks, to Daniel K
Good, -21 3-4, 38, Raymond H
Weaver 500 Indian Rivers, 11
wks, to Daniel K Good, 21 3-4;
39, Miller & Bushong (Jacob
Herr), 23C0 White Vantress cap
ettes, 12-6, to Producers Coopera
tive Exchange, 22 1-2; 40, Miller
& Bushong (Jacob Herr), 2700
White Vantress capettes, 12-6, to
Producers Cooperative Exchange, 4
22 1-2; 41, Miller & Bushong
(Jacob Herr), 2700 White Van
tree capettes, 12-6, to Producers '
Cooperative Exchange, 22 1-2; 42,
Miller & Bushong (Jacob Herr),
2400 White Vantress capettes, 12- ■
1, to Harry H. Weaver, Jr, 22 ■
43, Miller & Bushong (Parke
Herr), 4000 White Vantress', 9-6,
to Grimes & Hauer, 21 1-2; 44,
Miller & Bushong (Parke Herr),
2000 Indian'Rivers, 9-6, 'to Harry
H. Weaver, Jr , 20 1-2, 45, Miller
& Bushong (Parke Herr), 2000
Red Vantress, 10 _wks, to Penn
sylvania Dutch Farms, 21 1-4;
46, Miller & Bushong (R. H. My
ers), 900 Silver Cross cockerel
capettes, 12-2, no sale, 23 bid;
47, Leon Summers, 400 Red Van
tress, 11 wks, to Roy E. Ream,
21; 48, Indian River Poultry
Farm" (Harry F Hess), 8600 In
dian River pullets, 10 wks, to
Victor F. Weaver, Inc., 21 1-4; 49,
J. Lloyd Rohrer, 900 Red Van
tress, 10 wks, to John N. Thomas,
22 1-4;
50, Elmer Sensenig, 1200 Red
Vantress, 9-5, to Ray W. Gibble,
22 1-4; 51, Elmer Sensenig, 1200
White Vantress, 9-5, to Meader’s
(Conltimied on page three)
With'Lancaster’s Oldest Building and
Loan Association
A (yf currently paid on installment
TT / O shares
Q on full paid shares - payable
o/o • semi-annually
*3 (r/ on optional shares credited
/ 0 semi-annually
Your jnoney invested in first mortgages on
. Lancaster County homes
American Mechanics Building and
Loan Association
Call dr See Joseph R. Byars, Attorney,
58 N Duke St., Lancaster, Pa.
heifers $l7 00-1850, a few choice
$19.25-19.75. By Wednesday
utility and commercial cows $12.-
50-15.25 Canriers and cutters
largely $9 75-13.50, higli -yielding
cutters to $l4 00. Utility and
commercial bulls' $16.50-17-75, a
few 800-1050-lb good fed bulls
$17.75-18.50. Cutters down to
$14.50 Bulk medium and good
500-700-lb stock steers $18.50-
$20.75 several lots mixed good
and choice 550-700 lb. stock
steers $21.00-2150, a few- lots
choice stock steer calves and
short yearlings 500-580 lbs,
$22 00 A few loads commoi}
stock steers $14.00-17.00. About
four loads good and low choice
900-950-lb- feeder steers $19.25-
.Calves - 809, week ago 832*
Veal calves around 50 cents low
er than last Wednesday. Bulk
good 'and choice 140-210-Ib veal
ers $23 00-26 00, high choice and
prime $26.50-30 00, a few Mon
day to $31.00 Utility and com
mercial mostly $16.00-22.00,
culls down to $l2 00.
HOGS 1904, a week ago 1764.
compared with last Wednesday
barrows and gilts $1 00-150 high
er, sows 50-$lOO up. Bulk bar
rows and gilts Wednesday 180-
240 lbs, US mixed 1-3, $lB 75-
19.00, a few small lots mostly No.
,1, 200-220 lbs to $19.50 -Only
small lots 250-270 lbs $lB GO
-18 50 Sows all weights $ll.OO-14.-
SHEEP - 641, week ago 541.
Supply mainly native lambs.
Spring lambs around $1 00 lower
than last Wednesday. Bulk choice
and prime 55-80 lb native sprmg
lanmb $25.00-27.50; utuhty and
good $l9 00-24 00 Aged sheep
too scarce for a market test.
4, * -i ,