Classified [advertising I FOR SALE TWO, -AND THREE I week-old Leghorn pullet Ihieks for sale. Reasonable pric ed. Greider Leghorn Fanps, Ph. Mt. Joy 3-9900. LOGAN FAMOUS SEX LINKS —5OOO available May 3 and May ?— l7c as § hatched 28c as pullets. Broiler chicks available dates late May & June. L, L. Logan, Ken nett Squarej Pa. fnAMCTAI WHITE CROSS DUnLiuAL For Broijer Chicks : musser leghorn farms Mt Joy - Fh. 3-4911 SALISBURY’S 3-NITRO in your ' poultry, turkey, and swine feed gets you more "meat, eggs and health for less. Cost 35c to 70c per ton. Not an antibiotic. Look on your feed tags and ask your dealer, or F. W. Fisher, Leacock. Ph. 6-2482. FOR SALE. 1954 Plymouth I convertible clean. A-l condi tion. R. H. Low Milage $1350. lean Finance. Write in care Lan caster Farming Box 3 You can’t get better to save your life. Red Comet Fire Con trol Systems & Equipment. Box 056 Mountvilie, Penna. UIIICCCD LEGHORN CHICKS tfIUMtR MT. JOY 34911 Your Results Are What Counts NEW AND USED Garden tract ; ors and power mowers; Sira; plicitv Sales & Service. Frank K. Denlmger, Lampeter, Ph. Lane. 3-0614. Classified / Advertising Rates Use This Handy Chart To Figure - Youb Cost Words (1) Issue (3) Issues 20 (Mm.) $l.OO $2.40 21 1.05' 2.52 22 1.10 2 64 23 1.15 2.76 1.20 ' 2.88 1.25 3.00 KEYED ADS (Ads with ans wer coming to a Box Number, % Lancaster Farmihg); 25c addi tional. Send copy to Hie Class ified Advertising. Dept, LANCASTER FARM ING. Quarryville, Pa Ads running 3 or more, con secutive times with no change billed at 4c per word cadi time with'Boc minimum. DEADLINE: Wednesday morn ing el each - week's publication. Po«strve , y no ads accepted after 10 00 a. trv ■Wpdoesdjiys County Sportsmen Shown Color Slides The April business meeting of the Lancaster County Sports men’s Association was held at the Sportsfarm, near Mt. Nebo this week. Following the business session color slides of the 1955 and 1956 Sports Shows were presented be fore the group. Special guests were Miss Sara ■Jane Uffelman, Miss Outdoors of 1956, and David P. Shreiner,'Who attended the junior conservation camp in 1955, sponsored by the Sportsmen’s Association. Greider Leghorns Lead Egg Contest Placing tenth nationally and first in Lancaster County, a pen of White Leghorn hens at Greid er Leghorn Farm, Mtmnt Joy, stands" first in Pennsylvania in egg laying tests. In six months, Greider entries produced 2,0.39 eggs worth 2,- 171.5 poipts. February and March the Gpeider hens moved up steadily to gam the state lead. Treated Oats Seed Unsafe As Stock Feed STATE COLLEGE, Pa—Seed oats that have been .treated with any of the various seed protect ants should not be fed to live stock j)T poultry, even in rela tively small quantities, accord ing to a warning from Penn sylvania Crop Improvement As sociation Secretary, Harold Swartley. These seed protectants are poisons and may' injure or kill livestock which consume this seed. Numerous farmers during pre vious years have mixed left over poisoned seed in their Jive stock and poultry feeds, believ ing that no barm would result it the ratio of poisoned tp pure grain was very low. This practice has definitely proven costly to some farmers. Althpugh a low concentration of treated grain may not be toxic enough to kill livestock or poul try consumption of this grain may cause livestock to go off feed for several days, and poul try may cease to lay eggs or they may produce eggs with a poor color or bad taste. Instances of feeding poisoned grain have been reported in which, all eggs for a several week period were unsaleable and unpalatable, apparently be cause of some chemical reaction which tainted the .eggs. Farmers should take special precautions when disposing of surplus treated seed. Either it should be securely stored until the next season, or else it should be buried or burned in. order to prevent its consumption by eith er domestic or game animals or fowl. Chicks Flown To Many Foreign Lands by Logans / Baby Chicks from Chester County, Pa. are becoming known world wide, according to L. L. Loganr hatcheryxnan, Kennett Square, who has shipments going to points such as Rome, Italy, Luzerne, Switzerland; Hamilton, Bermuda; Georgetown, British Guiana; Trinidad, British West Indies; Port-au-Prince, Haiti; Mayagiiez, Puerto Rico; Terceira, Azores; Caracas, Venezuela; Manabi, Ecuador; Belize, British Honduros and many other points in South America, Mexico and the Carnbean' Area. Chicks can travel by air rap idly and safely. Flights leaving Idlewild Airport at 5 - 30 arrive in Rome the next day at 2-30 Rome Time, which would be 8:30 a-m. EST or a total travel time of but 13 hours. Mr. Logan also ships by air to distant parts of the United States. He also delivers consider able distance' by truck, recently delivering as far as points in Texas, with the remarkable re cord of but four dead chicks on a total load all the way to Gar rison, Texas. PETERBOROUGH, N. H- —A registered Guernsey cow, Her berts Willing Reality, owned by Herbert Schiffer, West Chester, Penna, has completed an of ficial production record of 10,- 062 lbs of milk and 468 lbs of fat. This production, made in the AGCG’s' Herd Improvement Registry, is equal to 4850 quarts of high-quality milk. State Potato |j|j| Seedlings lit Mexico Tests PROGRESS REPORT NO. 43 Pennsylvania Agriculture Ex periment Station The Pennsyl vania State University University Park, Pa. Pennsylvania potato seedlings will be tested in the highlands of Mexico this year again as the search for blight-resistant varie ties moves into a new phase. Since 1952 several hundred Pen nsylvania seedlings have been tested in Mexico and results are so promising that .over 4,000 will be tested in 1950. Dr. Wilford R- Mills, a plant pathologist and potato breeder at the Pennsylvania Agricul tural Experiment Station spent the summer oi 1052 in Mexico Studying potato growing condi tions there. He found that specia lized races of potato diseases are more numerous in Mexico and that weather conditions during Tuly and August are ideal for blight development. For many years, Dr. Mills has been testing his many lines of potatoes for their resistance, but often the weather conditions where they were planted in Pen nsylvania failed to provide those attacks of late blight needed for severe testing programs. So, when Dr. Mills found the' Mex ican conditions, he made arrang ements to begin testing his plant materials there. Aiding him in this work is Leopoldoa Servin, a graduate students from Mexico. Benor SJeryin was, studying under Dr. Any resistant seedlings foipd through the cooperative research will be equally avail able to Mexico and Pennsylvania growers- In Mexico, potato fields are maintained at heights reaching 11,000 feet elevations, and these half-wild native varieties are re sistant to blight and frost, but yield only 50 to 100 bushels per acre. Siilce most Mexican grow ers cannot snray their crops, re sistant varieties are virtually es sential. Haves Alan Jenkins led a one, two, three sweep of men's .figure skating -for the first U. S. vic tory of the Olympics. I•*»- ■■ *' -*■ 1 THE GIRTON SCOTSMAN A self-contained unit, complete with compressor, as simple to install as your home refrigerator. GIRTON MODEL F-53 The dairyman’s first choice in farm tanks for remote installation. DILLER INTERCOURSE, Phone 8-3321. Lancaster Farming, Friday, April 27, 1956—15 Publicly reported dividends according to the Commence De ahiounted to $BO9 million in partment. The month’* rise was January, which was 12 per cent about the same as that of the above the same month of 1955, full year 1955 over 2854. Mail Box Market FOR SALE.—Dorset lambs, 2 Bucks 1 Ewe. Very nice Ph. OV7-3524. FOR SALE—9 piece mahogany dining room suite. Excellent condition. J. Fred Whitsxde Ox ford, Pa. RDI. Phone Kirkwood 2 FOR SALE.—Beautiful all wool hand hooked rugs. Phone Lan caster 3-0646. FOR SALE.—iVo good milk goats each gives 3 to 4 quarts a day $35 each. Phone New Hol land 4-0283. |UinHm»»i>uuMumu»"{ s SUBSCRIBERS BONUS! Subscribe Now to Lancaster Farming and receive FREE one advertisement each month in our Mail Box Market: Subscribers using the MAIL BOX MARKET will be governed by the following rules: limit your advertisement to five lines which means not over 25 words. Ail Advertisements most be in onr hands by Monday 6 P. M or same will he held over lor next week’s pa^er. Only one advertisement allowed each month. No business advertisements accepted for this column. Yon are allowed to run the advertisement only one time* Send in no duplication. * ★ ★ Please mail all advertisements me of MAIL BOX MAR KET, LANCASTER FARMING, QUARRYYILLE. PA. & CLARK PA. WANTED—Good, used sewiijg. machine for refuge* lantOjrJ Call Mariheim 5-5379 oy write to Ronald Gordley, Manbeim, P 3.1 R 3. PASTURE.—Order now bpoked to Pasture Heifers in a good meadow. Starting May 15th Apply to B. F. Stoltzfus Chnst lana, ED., Pa- FOR SALE. —25 acre farm 8 room sand stone house flour mill, saw mill, large lake, water ppwer also building lots. Cheap. On route 73 south end of Bow manville. H. F. Von Neida Nar von Rl, Pa. They’re built to last. Heavy steel framework sealed in air tight, rust resistant, moisture free chamber. You get more for your dollar Gallon for gallon of capacity, it’s your best buy. ★ Fast, economical direct-cooling ★ Completely automatic operation. ■fc Built low—only 36” from floor to strainer opening* ★ Sanitary stainless steel outlet valve. ★ Vermin-proof .covers keep milk clean KINZER, R D 1, PA. Phone: Intercourse 8-8617. ■’ r -i ■ ■ a 5-' ■* ■ ,