Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 27, 1956, Image 11

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    Precipitation Preceding 30 Days
jfaif * v *.
This chart shows the general nature of and heavy, and the precipitation amounts
the total precipitation which 'fell during which determine these classes are obtain :
the preceding 30 days. Precipitation is ex- ed from an analysis of many years of rec
pressed in three classes: light, moderate, ord at many stations.
List Horse' Show .
At Willow Street
The Willow Street Lions Club
will hold the sixth annual horse
show at the Lampeter Com
munity Center on Sunday, May
13, Mother’s Day, beginning at
12:30 p. 6 p. m.
This show is registered by the
American Horse Shows Associa
tion, Inc.
This outstanding one-day
Show will feature 23 classes, in
cluding such outstanding classes
as parade, roadster, Hackney
pony and many others.
Ribbons and trophies will be
awarded in all classes.
Harry B. Thornton of Maple
Grove Farms, Bradfordsville,
Kentucky, will be the sole judge
of all classes, Thornton, one of
the nation’s outstanding -horse
men, has judged at shows such
as the Utah State Fair, Canadian
National Exhibition, The Grand
National and many other top
shows all over the United States
end Canada.
Willow St. Horse Show man
ager and general chairman is
John F. Pyfer, Willow Street.
With Lancaster’s Oldest Building and
Loan Association
—— f ■ i i
yf q/ P| [Currently paid on installment
T 1 /O " shares ’
O Q~/ On full paid shares-payable
/O semi-annually)
O Cr/ On Optional share's credited
/ O semi-annually 4
Younmoney invested in first mortages on
Lancaster County homes
' American Mechanics Building and
Loan Association
Call or See Joseph R. Byars, Attorney
58 N. Duke St. Lancaster, Pa.
D. L. Diem & Sons
LITITZ Ph. 6-2131
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Corn Supports Up;
Minimum Now $1.50
Secretary of Agriculture Ezra
Taft Benson Monday announced
the base for minimum supports
for 1956-crop corn has been rais
ed to $1.50 per bushel, and that
price support will be available
for 1956-crop in the designated
commercial area which is not
produced under acreage control.
The price support program for
the 1956 corn crop 'will be car
ried out through the Commodity
Credit Cororation loans and pur
chase agreements as in the past
These will be available from har
vest time through May 31, 1957
in most areas, and will mature
on July 31, 1957.
To insure good china .against
cracking or breaking easily, keep
it out of the refrigerator, says
Bonnie Dale Sansom, Penn State
extension home furnishings spe
All registrations should be mail
ed to Mrs. John Pyfer, the secre
tary of the show.
Food Prices
Not Alone in
' o
Pennsylvania Agriculture Ex
periment Station The Pennsyl
vania State University
University Park. Pa.
Food prices are not the only
nor most important factors that
move merchandise, especially
such produce items as lettuce,
potatoes, tomatoes, carrots and
mushrooms In fact, many home
makers indicated a willingness
to pay a premium when such
merchandise was offered in
clean, attractively packaged,
units of various sizes. These are
slime of the findings reported by
Dr. W. A. Lee after a series of
experiments in the Pittsburgh
Markets with numerous items
The marketing studies by the
Pennsylvania Agricultural Sta
tion are being continued to test
various methods for selling more
products in the supermarkets
Attractive displays were an
important item, in moving the
homemaker to select her pur
chase. A variety of packages,
offering units to meet needs of
varied sized families improved
sales. Also, sales jumped when
potatoes were washed in one sur
vey, and they went up when
merchandise 'was displayed in
easy-to-examine transparent con
Dr. Lee reports that washed
potatoes, even when priced at a
premium, boosted sales when
offered with unwashed potatoes.
Carrots moved Rapidly when
both one-pound and two-pound
containers were displayed.
Similarly, tomatoes packed in
transparent plastic tubes moved
more rapidly than similar
tomatoes in cardboard tubes,
even at premium prices- Better
visibility builds sales in produce
but only when an attractive pro
duct is on display, Dr. Lee
points out.
“Many things in addition to
price are in meeting
the demands and needs of to
day’s homemakers in food pur
chases”, he commented.
If the only parsley you can
find to garnish dishes for your
dinner party is slightly wilted,
you can still use it.
parsley and onion: Pile staffing
nutritionist of the Pennsylvania
State University, says slightly
wilted stock is revived when
placed in cold or ice water. Be
sufe to shake the water from
each piece before using-
Parsley that is badly wilted is
unattractive and practically
It’s The Law
“It’s the Law” with simple an
swers is offered by LANCASTER
FARMING in cooperation with
the Pennsylvania Bar Associa
tion* General interest questions
are welcomed, and will be an
swered as soon as possible. Let
ters must be signed. Answer
will not- be published on a speci
fied, requested 'day. Questions
cannot be answered by mail, and
reject any inquiry which is not
of general public interest. Ad
dress *ll inquiries to “It s the
Quarryville, Pa.
Q. My husband asked me to
put $3OO toward repairing a
building, saying when it is
finished, he will rent out apart
ments, and I would get half the
rent every month. Now, after he
got the money, he changed his
plans and will use the building
for a warehouse for his use.
What I want to know, is that
getting money under false pre
tense? I need the money. I don’t
get support from him; I never
did He says I can’t do anything
about it. Can I?
rear l . ‘"l
A. It is extremely doubtful
whether your husband could be
charged with the crime of ob
taining money for false pre
tenses. At most, he appears to
be guilty of breach of contract,
for which you could sue him in
a civil action. You can also have
him arrested for non-support, in
which action the court will en
ter an order requiring him re
gularly to pay you a fixed sum,
consistent with his income and
circumstances, for your support
and maintenance.
Q I called a repairman to fix
a washing machine part. He
promised to fix it and return in
10 days It is almost two months
now. I’ve had to send my wash
out and I’ve called him at least
eight times (out of town calls)
all this an added expense be
sides being terribly aggravated
with the delay. Whenever I call
ed they would answer “we’ll
take care of it today ” What can
I do to bring this matter to an
A. We suggest making demand
for return of the part involved
and seeking aid from a new re
pairman. If your demand pro
duces no results, you may bring
an action of replevin against
the repairman for the return of
the part, and you might also sue
him for the damages caused you
for his delay, providing you-can
prove them with certainty Per
haps a call from your attorney
to the repairman would show
him the difficulty he is causing
you and thus bung his prompt
attention to your request-
- Quarryville Concrete
Products Company
A. H. BURKHOLDER - Ph. 175
Concrete or Cinder Block.
Phone ” Chimney Block and Lintel.-
109R2 Jteel Sash, Cement Paint.
| By uiing TEXACO,"FURNAC£ OIL you can always
| Count On A Warm Home
Garber Oil Company -
Lancaster Farming, Friday, April 27, 1956
K. B,
K K.
Eastern States
Plan New Store
Construction of a $lOO,OOO
store and warehouse on the Man
heim Pike north of the Diller
ville Road mteisection is planned
by the Eastern States Faimeis
Now located at the rear of 603
North Prince Street, the new site
was purchased from the Perjnsjd*-
vania Railroad.
Q. Is it very expensive to have
one’s name changed legally?
What would be the approximate
cost 9 Also, what is the proce
dure to take 9
A. It is not expensive to have
one’s name changed legally m
Pennsylvania He must file a pe
tition in the Court of Common
Pleas in the County in which he
resides and give notice by pub
lication of a hearing. The peti-
turn -must meet statutoiy re
quirements and persons object
ing to the change of name will
be heard ’ The Court costs are
statutory but attorney’s fees and
advertising costs vary Your at-
torney can advise you as to the
total expenses
[ When you use Dr. Salsbury’s |
I Wavac drinking-water vaccine, {
j "easy” a the key word. You {
l Just put Wavac in the water, |
j chicks vaccinate themselves, j
I Choose from 3 Wa\ac types: •
J (1) Newcastle, (2) Bronchitis, j
I or (3) Combined. Vaccinate |
j at 4 days, 4 weeks, and again }
I at 4 months to assure great- {
j est immunity. Entire program J
I costa about 2d a bird, saves |
[ you time and labor. Ask for j
I genuine Wavac, the original |
J drinking-water vaccine, from J
your Dr. Salsbury dealer.
Rep.—Ph.f,Leola; 6-2482
H H,