B—Lancaster Farming, Friday, April 20, 1956 For the Farm Wife and Family A free subscription goes this week to Mrs. Lena Hoover, Rl New Holland, who submits to Lancaster Farming a recipe for CUP CAKES Three-quarters cup butter Two cups sugar Three cups flour One cup mrlk Three eggs ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l ■ SPECIAL prices; ■ On 1955 ■ jcaaSEZzy; H WASHER & DRYER ■ ■ DEMONSTRATORS m 2 ■ , f/m JRfrifa/ SPftM Aut«mahc*W«sher 4 Dryer 5 See The New 1956 ■ ■ SPEED QUEEN ■ g AUTOMATIC ■ ■WASHERS & DRYERSS H NOW ON DISPLAY AT ■ S LESTER A. SINGtK | ■ RONKS, PA. ■ «■■■■■■■«■■■■■■■■■ Chicken Barbecue SATURDAY, APRIL 21 RAIN OR SHINE 5 TO 8 P. M. By Quarry ville Methodist Men QUARRYVILLE. PA. Adults, $1.50 Children, 75c Three teaspoons baking powd er One teaspoon vanilla Cream sugar'and butter, add beaten egg yolks. Add milk, sifted flour with baking powder- Add to mixture, beat, well, fold in beaten egg whites. Fill greas ed cupcake or muffin pan two thirds full and bake. There’s good' news ■in the mail, a nice note from Mrs. L. H- Lefever at Manheim, who writes: “I received the poem I requested, entitled “The Lost Lamb?’ and I deeply appreciate the kind .ness of the reader who sent it to me. Since I can’t per sonally thank you, I’ll do it through this column. I sincerely thank you.” “I’m sending a recipe on the other side,” writes KE of Mount Joy who asks that her name be withheld. “We receive Lancaster Farming and I always like to read the recipes. Please' do not print my name in paper to this receipt.” OLD FASHIONED CORN PONE Ingredients One -cup corn meal One cup flour Four teaspoons baking powder One tablespoon sugar One teaspoon salt One egg One and one-half cups milk Four tablespoons melted shortening Method Free To Women... One yeai charter subscrip tion to LANCASTER FARM ING to one housewire eacn weeh who submits tne nest letter . recipe home making hint. Send your letter to LANCASTER FARMING, Quarryvilie, Fa-' Farm Women 22 Plan Mother and Daughter Party Final plans have been com pleted for the mother and daughter banquet by members of Farm Women’s Society 22 on May 4, at 7 p. m. in Kauffman’s Tea Room. East Petersburg. The Society met Tuesday last week with Mrs. Willis Rohrer, president, presiding, at the home of Mrs. Hebron Herr, R 1 Wil low Street, at 1:30 p. m. Discussions were conducted on Homemaker’s Day to be held at the First Presbyterian Church, Lancaster op April 25- Contributions' were voted to the Cancer Society, the Society of Crippled Children and the Migrant Workers Fund. At the conclusion of the busi ness meeting. Miss Elinor Harsh gave a book review on “Rolling North.” Next meeting will, be the Mother-Daughter banquet, which will take place of the regular monthly meeting. Mix together corn meal, flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Add beaten eggs and milk to make a stiff batter. Add shorten ing and beat until light anff thoroughly mixed Pour in a greased nine-inch cake pan. Bake in hot oven at 425 degrees about 20 or 25 minutes. , May be eaten with milk while hot, or just spread with butter. LNH on R 1 New Holland tells us, “We are enjoying Lancaster Fanning very much from the beginning when we got it. I would also like to share a few recipes, and since its spring, why not try an ‘Apple Blossom Cake’ ?” APPLE BLOSSOM CAKE Three and three-fourths 'cup cup flour One teaspoon salt Five teaspoons baking powder Two cups sugar Three-fourths cup shortening One and two-thirds cups milk One and oiie-half teaspoon al mond extract Three-fourths cup egg whites or six eggs One-half cup sugar One ounce chocolate ° One-half teaspoon soda^ Add flour, salt, baking powder and sugar together. Add shorten ing and one cup milk. Beat two minutes. Add two-thirds cup milk and almond extract Beat two minutes again.* Beat egg whites stiff, then add one-half cup sugar, one teaspoon at a time. Take one-half of this batter and mix in chocolate (Melt one ounce chocolate with one-half teaspoon soda), then take three fourths cup of batter, add red cake coloring, leaving remainder of batter white. Diop by spoons ful of each batter into layer pans Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes. “This makes a very deli cious cake,” LNH adds. Here’s a very nice list of re cipes and household hints from a reader at Bareville. HOUSEHOLD HINTS Ho keep cut flowers nicer longer, add fresh water every morning and aspirin tab let in the water; keep m a cool room overnight < k When in a hurry to get ironing done, just sprinkle your clothing with warm water. That will dampen the 1 r Spring ‘ Ah Spring! She’s such a fickle maid! She coaxed me out one day; - For her I donned my new spring suit And dated her. She’s gay! I loved the way her tender kiss So softly brushed my face, I felt her true sincerity In the warmth of her embrace Then all at once she jilted me! , Left me standing cold In the path of Winter’s chilling breeze; Ah, me l . But youth is bold. So she’ll be back, and coax again. But if I go, now mind, I’m going to wear my winter clothes Till Spring makes up her mind. clothes quickly, and it makes for smooth ironing. k * • To. make windows look nice and clean and sparkling, just add one cup of vinegar to eight quarts of water, "put in wash and and rinse water- A good help for housecleaning. > .* * •Hrere is a good recipe for hot weather or busy day; . CHERRY MUFFINS , One and one-half cups sugar One cup butter or lard One unbeaten egg One cup milk Two teaspoons soda Three and one-half cups flour One cup pf cherries Put m two pie plates, bake in 350-degree oven for 30 minu tes. ' And a plate of ice cream will taste good with that yet, our Bareville reader adds; ICE CREAM Three-fourths cup milk, scald- One-half cup sugar Three-fourths teaspoon gela tine Three-fourths cup cold milk Two teaspoons vanilla _ Few grams of salt One cup, whipped cream - Add sugar to scalded milk, sprinkle gelatine over cold milk, combine with scalded milk stir until dissolved. Cool Add vanil la and salt. Pour into refrigera tor tray and freeze until mushy. Beat. Fold in cream, return to refrigerator tray and freeze again. fi 3« Another recipe from Bafe ville is for a dessert, CHOCOLATE SPONGE Three cups milk One and one-half cups sugar Three tablespoons cocoa Six eggs, beaten Put milk m top of double boiler, mix sugar and cocoa to gether. then add sugar and beaten eggs fb milk before milk is hotr Then boil until thick; turn off heat and add three pacify ages plain gelatine, (soaked in -a little water), add three tea spoons .vanilla, then cool. When it is cooled, add three cups of whipped cream to sponge. Will fill three dishes And, another dessert ( CRACKER PUDDING Two cups milk - Two egg yolks Mix together, then put in tite-on shingles (Each Shingle Locked Down) - Resisted Hurricane Hazel Especially designed for re-roofing over old wooden shingles and other types of roofing. We do the job for you with men who know how' 1000’s ot satisfied customers' FREE ESTIMATES ' EASY TERMS IF YOU DESIRE ! PAUL CLOCK - EAST PETERSBURG, PA. Rooting -Siding - Spouting T I n . , e . j Z Sto'n Windows >od Doors 5“ ®“ « m Toss ™ . « ww, oyl nay Etc. at Roots Country mkt. Farm Women 21 Conduct Flower Seed Exchange Society of Farm Women No. 21 met on Thursday April 12, at the home of Mrs. Charles Tindall, Peach Bottom, with- Mrs. Zenith Graybill and Mrs. Lillian Cooper as co-hos tesses. Roll call was answered by each member naming her favor ite flower. A flower seed ex change followed. ■Mrs Ruth Heidelbaugh, trea surer, reported a balance of $110.20 and the secretary, Mrs. Miriam Bubble, gave her report. Mrs- Clair DeLong reported on a recent visit to the County Home. The Society voted a con tribution of $5 to the Migrant Workers’ Fund, after which Mrs. Howard Steinberg gave a plastic demonstration. At the next meeting on May 10 the group will entertain moth ers of the members. The com mittee in charge will include Mrs Betty Griffith, Mrs. Marty Shenk and Mrs. Alice Russell double boiler and le f it get hot. Mix together One-half cup sugar One cup cracker,crumbs One-fourth cup cocoput Add to hot milk, let boil until it thickens, turn off heat, add one teaspoon vanilla. Whip egg (Continued on page 9.) Make A Point To Visit Our Animal Health. Department THE QUARRYVILLE DRUG CO. QUARRYVILLE, PA. PHONE 1 O O