Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 13, 1956, Image 14

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    —Lancaster Farming, Friday, April 13, 1956
Ruth Kimble Speaks
On ‘Proper Manners’
Miss Ruth Kimble, extension
home economist for Lancaster
County, spoke on “Manners” at
the meeting of the Ehzabeth-
4-H Club, meeting
in Washington Grade School
Mwidftji night.
A girls quartet sang Members
were Jean Miller, Betty Hess,
Joanne Bixler, and Miriam Ro
land. Lorraine Hackman gave an
accordion solo, and Billy Hack
man a mandolin solo. Program
committee members were Peggy
Hackman, chairman, Betty Hess
and’Helen Webb
you CAJI send a boy
to do a man's work!
with America’s easiest*
to -own, easiest-to*use
utility tractor
So easy to use, so rugged and ver
satile that it does a man-size job
on dozens of farm, garden and
yard jobs that’s Simplicity!
pi pare feature for feature, and
you’ll find Simplicity offering
greatest performance at lowest
With lercr gear 2V, H.f. MODEL It
ahift, i forward With 2 forward
tpaeda and terea t apeada and. (aran 9
$225.00 $185.00
FOB Factory attachments extra
Farm Service
Phone 4-2214
Send Your Livestock To
H Union Stock Yards
We sell on commission,
Phone Lancaster 7-8811
!c ||
to Head
Committee on
Center’s Use
Three persons have been nam
ed to make suggestions for facili
ties that should be included in
the proposed Lancaster City and
County Community Center on
land donated by Mr. and Mrs
Elmer L. Esbenshade at the in
tersection of Route 230 bypass
and Roseville Road.
Named by the Lancaster Co
unty Senior Extension Club were
John Mast, Rl, Gap. chairman;
Elvm Hess. Jr, Rl Strasburg,
and Mrs. Henry Reist. Rl Mount
Suggested in the meeting,
where Jay Stauffer, R 2 Lancas
ter, outgoing president, presided,
were Troom for entertainment
and movies, a banquet hall seat
ing 400 to 500 and a recreation
center for basketball and other
Outgoing president is Alvin
Lapp, Hareville. Other officers
named were Mr. Mast, vice presi
dent; Betty Shenk, Rl Manheim,
secretary, Henry Reist, Rl Mount
Joy, treasuuer, and Morgan Zook,
Lampeter Road, news reporter.
Committee'chairmen are William
Endslow, Rl Marietta, program;
Mrs. Reist, recreation; Elvin
Yeagley,- R 3 Elizabethtown, re
freshments, and Raymond Ben
hnger, R 6 Lancaster, music
Symphony Orchestra
Plans Youth Concert
The third annual Lancaster
Symphony Youth Concert, a
•project of the Women’s Sym
phony Association, will be held
on May 6 at 3.30 p. m. at Mc-
Caskey High School Auditorium,
The orchestra, conducted by
Louis Vyner, will present a
varied program.
Some of the numbers will be
of the type familiar to children,
while others will be played to
whet their appetite for classical
music, the association announc
ed. Admission will be free.
The Youth Concert is pre
sented each year after the close
of the regular concert season.
The final regular concert* will be
presented on April 17,
Miss L. Geraldine^Smith is
chairman for the Youth Concert.
She is being' assisted by Mrs.
Nathaniel Hager, program chair
man; Mrs. John J. Moss, tickets;
Mrs. William G. Johnstone Jr.,
press, radio and television; Mrs.
Burrell Hollinger, posters; and
Mrs. Paul R. Biller, ushers.
Lancaster, Pa.
Local grassland practices and
future developments in this line
highlighted a Wednesday night
meeting of area farmers at the
Cope & Weaver, Co., Willow
Street George Myers, agricul
tural teacher at Lampeter-Stras
burg spoke. Refreshments were
served and ' grassland farming
movies were shown.
Sales Dates
April 13—N. Clyde Shivery,
real estate, store stock, 'll2
Green St, Christiana, afternoon,
and evening.
April 13—Isaac Y Lapp es
tate, one mile north of Inter
course, Leacock Twp, livestock,
farming equipment, 12 noon.
April 14—Naomi Forney,
Edgemont Dr., E. Petersburg,
personal property.
April 14—Edwin -D. Gibble,
Mastersonville,, Rapho'Twp, real
estate, personal property, poul
try equipment, 12:30 p. m.
April 14—Edgar J. Brosius,
Rt. 72, Hensel, E. Drumore Twp.,
household goods, 1 p. m.
April 14-r Mrs. Jennie V. Leh
man, Gainsburg-Deodate Road,
household goods, 12 30 p. m.
April 14—Elmer and Jacob
Gockley, Fritztown, near Read
ing, tractors, farm machinery,
hogs, cattle. 11 a.m.
April 14—S. H. Good, Hinkle
town, lumber, hardware, mill
work, paint, etc., 12:30 n.m.
April 14—Amanda Green Es
tate, New Holland R 2, real es
tate, 2 p.m.
April 14—Walter Stuber, one
mile north of Schoneck along
road leading from Helling
Schoolhouse to the road leading
from Schoneck to Cocalico,
Household goods and antiques.
April 15—Valley Creek- Farm
sells, 3 miles northwest West
Chester, Pa.
April 17—Virginia Spring
Feeder Calf-Yearling sale- Here
ford, Angus, Shorthorn, 800 head,
Harrisonburg, 7 p. m.
April 18-19-20 —Virginia Spr
ing Feeder Calf, Yearling .gale:
18th, Richmond, 1 p. m., 600
head; 19th, Staunton, 1< p. m.,
600 head; 20th, Winchester,
12 30 p. m., 1500 head!,
April 18—Estate of Edward J.
Price, real estate, antiques, per
sonal property, Lincoln Univer
sity (Chester Co.), 12, Noon.
April 19—Valley Creek Farms
Angus. West Chester, Pa.
April 18—-Ralph W. Horst,.6
miles southwest Chambersburg,
R. R. Horst farm, 40 tractors,
farm machinery, 10 a. m.
April 20—Haljie M. Swarr, 120
S. Charlotte St., Manheim, real
estate, 7 p. m.
April 21—May T. Clark estate,
Hensel (Rt 72), real estate,
household goods, antiques, 12
April 21—Ida Lillian Mahan
Est., edge of Oxford on Rt 1
south, E. Nottingham Twp., real
estate, personal property 12
April 21—Beulah Musser Est.,
36 Maple St., Lititz, real estate,
personal property, 12:30 p. m.
April 21—Samuel Kline, 119
Washington Ave. Ephrata, Pa.
real estate.
Apirl 25—Valley Creek Farm
equipment. West Chester, Pa.
April 25—K. E. Franklin, %
mile north of Elizabethtown, new
self-service food store, new
home, 2 p. m.
April 26—Justus S. Gray, 721
E. Orange St, Lancaster, anti
ques, modern furniture, 12 30
p. m.
April 27—First day of Thomas
J. and Katie E. Matthews estate
sale, in Quarryville, 1955
Plymouth, garden tools, deep
freeze, kitchen utensils, Leica
camera, 12 30 p. m.
April 28—Eva E. Keith along
the back road leading from
Denver to Reinholds. Farm
Implements Household goods
and antiques.
April 28— Second day, Mat-,
thews Estate sale, Quarryville,
ranch-type, concrete block stucco
dwelling, household furnishings,
11 30 a m.
April 28—Elizabeth Z. Witmer,
Mastersonville, real estate, per
sonal property.
April 28-—Paul B. Clay, Mt.
Airy, Md,' 40 tractors, farm
machinery, 10 a. m.
May s—Liberty Square-Fishing
Creek Road, real estate, house
hold goods, by G. Horace Long,
Food Shortage
In-Bee World
For this Area
Prospects that honey bees in
this area will be short of food
this spring were forecast here
late last 'Week by William W.
Clarke, Pennsylvania State Uni
versity extension bee specilialist.
To combat this menace, Mr,
Clarke urged beekeepers to pro
vide a syrup made by mixing two
parts granulated supar, one part
boiling water and pouring this
into nn inverted hpney cylinder
on the inner cover of the hive.
An empty super should be
placed on the inner cover and a
top put m place to prevent rob
bing the hive.'
About 60 attended the meet
ing, where all officers of the Lan
caster County Honey Producers
were reelected They are Christ
B. Kauffman, Bird-in-Hand, presi
dent; Robert Shenk, R 1 Lan
caster vice president; Walter T.
Becker, R 2 Mount Joy, secretary
treasurer The meeting was at
the Witmer fire hall.
Programs to be presented by
the state association were out
lined by Harry A. Merrill, state
president, who asked more active
participation in state association
efforts. Greetings from the state
asociation were also extended by
Miss Darlene Becker, Schaeffers
town, state Honey Queen, and
Quay Minnnch, York County
Honey producers Assn, presi
dent; H. K. Beard past president
of the state organization, and
George Sleesman, who- heads
apiary work for the_ State Depart
ment of Agriculture.
Colored slides, “The Land
South of the Rio Grande” were
shown by Elmer Groff, Rheems.
A. G Bucher of the Lancaster
County National Bank, was
toastmaster. Jesse Posey, Red
Lion, told of orange blossom
honey produced in Florida, and
Associate County Agent Harry
S Sloat congratulated -the group
for its work with youth.
•■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■ l
s Carl Diller [
■ Auctioneer and S
■ ■
J Cow Tester ■
■ Re ft on, Pa. ■
■ Ph. Quarryville3o7Rs ■
New Holland 66 Baler P. T. O.
44 Massey Harris Diesel Tractor
1951 Model
Complete lineotGarden & Lawn Tools
Vertagreen in 10, 25 & 50 lb. bags
Sheep Manure in 25 & 50 lb. bags
Cow Manure in 25 & 50 lb. Sags
African Violet Soil ‘
Peat Moss Rose Food
Garden Seeds
Hand & Power Mowers
Planet Jr. Super Tuffy Garden Tractors
WEST WILLOW Ph. Lane. 4-5019
Brown Rot Threat
To 1956 Peach, Crop
Brown rot, which followed last
fall’s hurricane damage with
severe infestation in Lancaster
County peach orchards, threatens
again this year, Associate County
Agent Harry S. Sloat warns in a
spray information letter mailed
this week.
Several sprays for peaches and
to control scale insects in apple
orchards, were advised by Mr.
Veterans* Insurance
May Be Reinstated
Veterans of World Wars I
and II who have allowed their
permanent plan Cl insurance to
lapse for sorte years may now
reinstate without a large outlay
of cash, Howard J. Kohl, Jr., of
the Wilkes-Barre VA Regional
office announced today.
The veteran who reinstates his
permanent policy will be credit
ed dividends for the period dur-,
mg which the policy was lapsed.
He may apply this dividend ac
cumlation to the cost of reinstat
ing his policy.
This procedure applies to the
ordinary life, 20-pay life, 30-pay
life and the three endowment
plans of permanent GI insurance.
It does not apply to lapsed five.-
year term policies.
Further information may be
obtained at the VA Office at 19
N. Main Street. Wilkes-Barre,
Pa., Kohl said.
Entire meals cook quickly in
a pressure pan, reminds Helen
L. Denning, Penn State exten
sion nutritionist.
Stanley H. Deiter
1906 Willow St Pike
Phone Lancaster 3-2824