Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 06, 1956, Image 11

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The Weather Bureau’s 30-day outlook
for April calls for temperatures to average
below normal in States along the Atlantic
and Pacific Coasts and also in the North
ern Plains. -‘Above normal temperatures
are indicated in the Southenr Plains,
Southern Plateau, and West Gulf States.
In other areas temperatures are expected
Salisbury Grange
Holds Program
For Fulton'Unit
Fust of the Lancaster County
Pomona Grange visitation pro
grams was carried out last Mon
day evening when Salisbury
Grange visited Fulton at the
latter’s regular meeting at Oak
ryn and presented the literary
Their lecturer, Mrs. Betty
Ford, announced the following
numbers: Piano solo, Mrs. L. W
Singer; forum on the “Soil Bank
Plan,” with Miss Helen Wanner,
Ralph Wanner and Chester Eby
participating; recitation, Miss
Jane Ford.
Vocal solos, Mrs. Alfred Wan
ner; talk on “Value of the
Grange,” State Grange Deputy
Alfred Wanner; a presentation
to the Fulton Executive com
mittee by Mrs. Chester Eby; and
remarks by Mr. and Mrs. Ben
nett Coates, visitors from 'Cole
ram Grange.
During the business meeting,
In charge of Master Charles G
McSparran, the legislative com
mittee chairman, Theodore
Beck, reported on different bills
up for vote. The Grange in
structed the committee to write
the representatives in Washing
ton, asking their support of
House bill No. 6721, which
would outlaw Daylight Saving
Members also favored retain
ing the present basis of return
ing State funds to local govern
ment House bill 1311. in the
State Legislature.
Two candidates, Jesse Wood
and Miss Marie MuTphy, were
voted in for the new class to be
initiated into membership this
Spring. The Youth’ committee
play, entitled “Aaron Slick from
Punkin Crick,” will be present
ed in the Grange Hall on April
12 and 14 at 8 p. m. The Home
Economics committee will have
the refreshment sale
Their annual Talent Night
will be held at the Hall on
April 13 at 8 p. m, in charge
of Mrs Harold Graybeal, chair
man. This is open to all young
people of the community and
prizes will be awarded.
On April 2, Fulton members
Visited the Ephrata Grange and
presented the literary program.
At the next meeting, April 9,
the Youth committee will pre
sent the program during the
lecturer’s hour and also will fill
the officers’ chairs.
Federal aid for the construc
tion of schools, rather "than use
of Federal funds to meet school
operating expenses, is now be
ing considered by the Eisenhow
er Administration. The Ad
ministration “will present to the
Congress a broadened and im
proved program of Federal as
sistance to help erase the class
room deficit,” according to Ma
rion Folsom, Secretary of Wel
Isn’t it funny that tributes to
minorities usually come from
politicians running for office in
regions where the minorities
t i • » f‘ t « fubf-XJ L(4i*«
Outlook for
It’s The Law
“It’s the Law” with simple an
swers is offered by LANCASTER
FARMING in cooperation with
the Pennsylvania Bar Associa
tion. General interest questions
are welcomed, and will be an
swered as .soon as possible. Let
ters must be signed. Answer
will not be published on a speci
fied, requested day. Questions
cannot be answered by mail, and
reject any inquiry which is not
of general public interest. Ad
dress all inquiries to “Its the
Quarryville, Pa/
Q What is meant by the term
“Unauthorized Practice of the
Law” and why do~ Bar Associa
tions have a special committee
'on Unauthorized Practice of the
Law 7 O. Z.
A The unauthorized practice
of the law consists of the pre
paration of legal documents and
the giving of legal advice by
persons who are not attorneys
at-law, The real reason Bar As
sociations have a special com
mittee on the Unauthorized Prac
tice of the Law is to protect the
public against the costly mistakes
which are made when persons
other than lawyers attempt to
prepare legal papers and give
advice. For example, an elderly
spinster who had raised her nep
hew from his early infancy in
tended to prepare a will leaving
him her entire estate which con
sisted of the small home which
they both occupied, She went to
a notary public who purchased
a printed form of will and had
her sign her name at the top of
the will and he signed his name
and affixed notarial seal at the
bottom of the will. When she
dies the will could not be ad
mitted to probate because it was
not signed at the end by her and
she died entestate and her favor
ite pephew with whom she lived
for many years inherited only
1/6 interest in the property and
the other 5/6 interest was divided
among other nephews and nieces
who lived in other parts of the
country and who had not seen
the old lady for years. If the
committee on Unauthorized Prac
tice of the Law of the local Bar
Association had not investigated
this case, this notary public
might still be making the same
fatal mistake in preparing wills
Q. I am to receive $5OOO from
an insurance policy on my de?
ceased husband. Will this money
be subject to taxation? C.T.
A. If the proceeds of the policy
are payable ‘to you directly as
the principal beneficiary there
under, no Pennsylvania Transfer
Inheritance Tax would be due
Depending on the size of your
husband’s testate, and the terms
of his will, there might be some
liability for Federal Estate Tax
on this sum. An attorney could
answer this question for you
after investigation of these mat
The representative of almost
any foreign country can tell y6u
why it will bq highly advanta
geous to the U. S. to make a
large loan.
i iX-Kj '
April 1956
to average near seasonal normals.
Precipitation is predicted to exceed
normal in the Pacific Northwest and Mis
- souri Valley, and be close to normal in
the' Middle Atlantic States, Great Lakes
region, Ohio Valley, and lower Mississippi
Valley. In the remainder of the nation
subnormal amounts are'anticipated.
Hogs Not Cause
Of Trichinosis
HARRISBURG Reports that
garbage-fed hogs might be the
source of the initial cases of
trichinosis in humans in the
Lebanon-Lancaster County area
are unfounded, Dr. William L
Henning, State Secretary of Agri
culture, declared today
Every farm supplying hogs to
the distributor of pork sausage
to which the early cases were
traced has been inspected by
agents of the Bureau of Animal
Industry. None of the farms was
feeding either raw or cooked
garbage, Dr Henning said
Investigations by veterinarians
resulted from information receiv
ed by Dr Henning from Dr
Berwyn F Mattison, State Sec
retary of Health, that the Health
Department had reason to be
lieve the source of the outbreak
was locally produced fresh pork
The Health Department and
commission firms aided in trac
ing the source of supply. Ap
proximately 15 farms were in
spected one as far away as
Centre County
“All types of hogs are capable
of harboring trichina parasites,
whether they are grain-fed or
garbage-fed,” Dr. Henning em
phasized. .“The only pork that is
safe to eat is well-cooked pork.
“Trichinosis in humans readily
can be traced to the eating of
Twin Ticket Sale
Your Lancaster County New Holland Dealers
Fifteen Farms Inspected
A/odel 4-T Wagon
Be one of the lucky farmers to take
advantage of this tremendous extra pre
mium offer. sure can’t miss on
these values. What’s more, you get big
extra savings on our pre-season trade-in
terms now. Why not call us for a free
appraisal of your used equipment ?
Right now your trade-in may easily moic
than cover your down payment!
"First in Grassland Farming'
Lancaster Farming, Friday, April 6, 1956
Cancer Crusade
Asks Support of
All in County
The 1956 Lancaster County
Cancer Crusade was launched
-at a meeting of the men’s div
ision on Tuesday March 13, at
the Grubb Mansion in Musser
Park, Lancaster The meeting
was attended by more than 60
of the 100 workers and 20 cap
tains of the men’s division. Na
thaniel Hager, Chairman of the
Crusade announced that cancer
was the third largest killer next
to obesity and success He also
stated that 40 per cent of the
funds raised would be used lo
cally to help indigent patients.
The remaining 60 per cent went
to the national program of ed
ucation and research.
Dr. Paul O Snoke stated that
the present goal of the educa
tional program is to get more
early cases Delay makes cases
more difficult to treat success
The women’s division kick
off meeting was conducted at
the First Presbyterian Church
Wednesday evening. Mrs. G
Theodore Storb is chairman of
this division.
The goal for the 1956 Lan
caster County Crusade has been
set at $43,000 Headquarters for
the drive are at 330 North Duke
Street, Lancaster.
raw or insufficiently cooked poik
products The Departments of
Health and Agriculture, physi
cians, veterinarians, food editors
and others for years have stres
sed thorough cooking, but there
are still some who ignore the
Sterilization of garbage before
feeding to swine is required by
State law. The practice has ma
terially reduced the occurrence
of various diseases of swine, Dr
Complete line of plumbing,
water pumps and sheet metdl
Cochranville, Pa.
Phone West Grove 5637
New Holland Forage Harvester
Wendell Charles to
Head Manor 4-H Club
Wendell Charles, R 2, Cone
stoga, has been named president
ot the Manor 4-H Club, meeting
recently at the StehmanjS
Vice president is Kenneth
Porter, Rl Washington Boro;
secretary, Yvonne Doer, Rl Mii
lersville; ireasuier, John Dom
bach, R 2 Lancaster; song leader,
Glenn- Porter, Rl Washington
Boro, game leaders, Nancy
Beale, and Bill Shenk, both of
R 2 Lancaster Robert Dombach,
R 2 Lancaster was named news
Named club leaders were Mrs.
Dorothy Warfel, R 6 Lancaster;
Mr and Mrs Charles Warfel,
Rl Conestoga, and Edgar Port
er, Rl Washington Boro
Next meeting of the Club will
be April 24 at the Cyrus Randier
Home, R 2 Lancaster, at 7'30
p m.
Walter P. Reuther is contem
plating a goodwill visit to India
and has received the blessings
of the merged labor movement
for the project
Get this big double value this wcckl
We have new 1956 New Holland Forage
Harvesters on hand now and we’re
offering each one at a special low pi ice