Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 16, 1956, Image 15

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j _
WARFARIN bait (rough grind)
1 pound Ibox 0 98
5 pound box 325
at your dealer or
J. C. Ehrlich Co.
736 E Chestnut St.
Lancaster, Pa-
3-2489 3-0309
Free delivery anywhere in
Lancaster County.
poultry, turkey, and swine feed
gets you more meat, eggs and
health for less. Cost 35c to 70c
per ton Not an antibiotic. Look
on your feed tags and ask your
dealer, or F. W. Fisher, Leacock,
Ph Leola 6-2482.
—A-C Model “B” Tractor with
plow & Cultivator Bargains in
other tractors. Snavely’s Farm
Service. New Holland Ph 4-2214
MUSSER Chicks Mt v Joy 34911
Bred to lay well thruout 2nd yr.
Durable Monolithic concrete
silos for grass. Low cost Erected
60 mile radius of Ephrata Terre
Hill, Box 71, Pa. Call Ephrata
Home Grown Clover Seed,
Locust Post 6 ton Fairbank
Scales. 38” Hay Fan with 5 HP.
Motor Clayton Kreider RDI
Quarryvdlle Phone 330R11
You can’t get better to save
your life Red Comet Fire Con
trol Systems & Equipment. Box
#456 Mountville, Penna.
Choice second cutting Alfalfa,
also Clover and Timothy, no rain
Arthur Rank, EDS Quarryvillc,
MUSSER Chicks, Mt Joy 3-49 U
Crossed For Added Vigor!
7Vz H. P Martin Perfect $75
K L Herr 37 W. State St, Phone
Quarryville 179.
I -
March 20, at 1 p. m along
Route 472, 2 miles southeast of
Quarryville. 20 Registered and
Grade Holsteins and .Guernsey
cows. Herd is blood tested, Bang
accredited and most were calf
hood vaccinated. 1 registered
Guernsey Bull 20 months old
By Melvin C. Boyce. Kersey Brad
ley, auct.
Use This Hahdy Chart To Figure
Your Cost
Words (1) Issue (3)lssues
20 (Mm.) $l.OO $2.40
21 105 2.52
22 1.10 2.64
23 1.15 2.76
24 1.20 2.88
25 1.25 3.00
KEYED ADS (Ads with ans
wer coming to a Box Number,
% Lancaster Farming): 25c addi
•Send copy to the Class
fied Advertising Dept,
ING, Quarryville, Pa.
Ads running 3 or more con
secutive times with no change
billed at 4c per word each time
with 80c minimum.
DEADLINE: Wednesday morn
ing of each week's publication.
Positively no ads accepted after
10 00 a. m. Wednesdays.
County Farmers
JHear Report on
Capitol Meeting
The board of directors of the
Lancaster County Farmers Asso
ciation met Wednesday evening
March 7 at the home of Charles
Ressler, R 2 Holtwood, and heard
county farmers who met with
a report l for the committee of
Pennsylvania Congressmen in
Washington D C. last week le
gardnlg jam Everett
Benjamin, R 2, Holtwood, report
ed a large number of congress
men had been contacted and
they-also had attended a supper
arranged for them where they
heard speakers who were farmers
themselves explain the position
the organization wanted the law
makers to take It was reported
that the group talked with Con
gressman Paul B Dague and
that he had spoken briefly to
the delegation of over 150 farm'
men and women representing the
Pennsylvania Farmers Associa
The board discussed the need
of informing the general mem
bership about legislative activi
ties of the organization- It was
decided that the legislative com
mittee should be given this re
sponsibility and that they will
be instructed to have such re
ports 'mimeographed and mailed
whenever action from members
is needed
Charles Ressler, who is serv
ing on the Farm Service Advisory
Committee, reported that the
Farm Service Association would
announce contract arrangements
for labor services very
shortly' now No great changes
m contracts are indicated, accord
ing to Mr Ressler
Field man for the Pennsylvania
Farmers Association, Ray K.
Hagenbuch, reported that work
ers of the organization were
busy soliciting new members in
order to strengthen the associa
President William Jacobs Was,
in charge of the meeting. Other I
directors present were Milton I
Ranck, Charles Ressler, Paul
Herr, Louis Hoober, Fred Sel
domndge, Isaac Miller, Roy
Greider and Joseph Leslie
Most People Do
- Wmny—“You dan’t believe
everything you hear.'”
Wendy—“No, but you can re
peat it”
Tha’s So
Teacher—Give an example of
minority rule
Jefferson —When there’s a new
baby in the house
Out of Control
-Boßbi “Uncle, you aren’t
married, are you’”
Uncle “No, I’m mot Why’”
Bobbi “Then who do you
have to tell all the things you
can’t do’”
April Ist Possession-Near Eliza
—ll3 Acre Dairy-Steer & Tobacco
farm frame bank barn; 18 stanch
ions with barn cleaner (Approved
for N. Y. Market) Milk house-40
gal. elec. H W. heater & Wash
tray, hog pen-room for 400 laying
hens overhead poultry house-600
laying hens-concrete floor & run
nmg water, tobacco shed-hang 3
acres (barn scaffolded for 3
acres) total 6 acres brooder house
fifty feet long-concrete floor-run
ning water four car garage-over
head doors-frame implement shed
trench silo with 4” concrete floor.
11-0 wide x 80-0 long two metal,
com cribs-hold 1800 bu. each-ear
corn never failing spring fed
stream in meadow, macadam lane
into buildings, 80 acres under
cultivatibn-309 acres meadow-3
acres woodland contoured with
three terraces. Two and one half
story frame house-insulated, four
rooms down; four rooms and bath
on second floor front and rear
stairs; vapor heat with oil burn
er, redecorated recently; cellar
floor concreted and part ground
for egg storage, potatoes, etc
Make appointment to see this one
quick. Owner retiring priced for
quick sale at $35,000 00 Daniel E
Garrflan 81 E. Main Street, Mount
Joy, Pa. Phone 36911.
Red Meat Production
Higher In January
__ HARRISBURG Increased
production of red meats in com
mercial slaughter plants of Penn
sylvania is reported for the
month of January by the State
Department of Agriculture.
Slaughterings came to 82,296,-
000 pounds, dressed weight, this.
January compared with 79,647,-
000 pounds for December and
78,429,000 pounds in January
1955 Totals of animals slaughter
ed included 75,000 head of beef
cattle, 72,000 calves, 263,000 hogs,
and 23,000 sheep and lambs.
Gypsy Moth Still
Threatens State,
Assistance Asked
HARRISBURG —Unless steps
are taken immediately by Con
gress, Pennsylvania will be threat
ened by a second costly invasion
of highly destructive gypsy moth
caterpillars, Dr. William L Hen
ning, State Secretary of Agricul
ture. declared today.
He is urging a federal approp
riation of $1,500,000 to start a
kill campaign program tor event
ual eradication of gypsy moths
in southern New York State and
the New England states where
vast acreages of trees have been
From Southern New York State
He announced plans are under
way in the State Bureau of Plant
Industry to wipe out a relatively
small infestration of moths on
approximately 20 acres in Pike
and Wayne Counties early this
May It will be necessary to spray
approximately 60.000 in
Pennsylvania this year to cover
the areas where the moth may
have spread-
There is evidence, he explain
ed, that the pests came across
the Delaware River from south
ern New York State where in
sufficient federal and state funds
have permitted the pest to build
up along a wide front of forest
“lf the moths are not set back
and m the future should make
a statewide invasion of Pennsyl
vania it would cost more than
$5,500,000 a year just to keep
them under control,” Dr. Hen
ning declared.
He said the peat must be stop
ped now in New York because
the area of infestation has spread
from the New England States
and has reached the Pennsylvania
Cost of Eight Million
At a cost of more than $8
million in federal and state funds,
an area of 640 square miles m
the Lackawanna-Luzerne County
[section was freed completely of
gypsy moths between 1932 and
11949 Since 1949 two small out
breaks were eradicated outside
of the original area of infestation
Use of DDT sprayed from air
planes was so effective that no
evidence of the pests remains
in the previously infested areas.
The same treatment will be ap
plied in early May to the Wayne
and Pike County spots in cooper
ation with the Federal Depart
ment of Agriculture, Dr. Henning
The area of infestation today
is one-third greater than it was
nine years ago and could spread
through Pennsylvania and states
to the west and south in a very
few years- The pest spreads
through hurricanes, shipment of
lumber, plants and other mater
ials carrying egg masses.
Where Silence Failed
Professor Blatt—l can hardly
say I like this tooth powder you
purchased this morning; it has a
very disagreeable taste-
His Wife—What next’ That
isn’t tooth powder.
Professor Blatt Dear wfi;
what is it then’
His Wife—lnsect powder
To keep the flavor 1 of fresh,
cultnated mushrooms, plan to
use them soon after purchasing,
urges Elsie Bamesberger, Penn
State extension consumer infor
mation specialist.
Lancaster Farming, Friday, March 16, 1956
The first telephone amplifica
tion station in the state will be
constructed at Refton by the Bell
Telephone Co., with actual opera
tions scheduled to begin on Sept
1, H. L. Wighangßell manager in
Lancaster, anounced over the
In conjunction with the expan-1
sion program currently underway
by the Commonwealth Telephone
Co., the station will house repeat
er equipment necessary for the
amplification of toll calls between
Lancaster and Quarryville, Kirk
wood, Penn Hill and Rawlinsville
We have never run into any
one who offered to pay our taxes.
Mail Box Market
FOR SALE—Good Timothy Hay
and some mixed hay. Amos A.
Hummer RD2, Elizabethtown, Pa.
Phone Elizabethtown 7-2464.
FOR SALE—Alfalfa hay. First,
second, and third cuttings. All
very good No rain Call Parkes
burg 518 J v
FOR SALE —Lister Diesel, 6hp,
radiator cooled; complete
Surge .Milker; Fngidaire 8-can
milk cooler; new plastic egg
baskets $1.90, Eskimo pups
Amos Beiler, Jr, Paradise.
FOR SALE —Two row corn culti
vator, two toilets, sheep pens,
cellar sash, shelving, ice refriger
ator, all reasonable. Apply: Mt
Vernon Inn east of Gap.
Subscribe Now to Lancaster Farming
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g following rules :
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over 25 words.
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P. M or stme will be held over lor next week’s pater.
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Wm g
We Invite You To Our
~ Sale and Celebration
Thursday - Friday - Saturday
* March 22, 23 & 24th
Cent Discount on all Furniture. Come
in and see our large selection. Low overhead
Three floors of new furniture to choose from.
Musser’s Furniture Store
GOODVILLE, PA. Phone Terre Hill 5-2383
Store open each evening until 9 o’clock
during the Anniversary
, William E. Hall, Maj-Gen., As
sistant Chief of Staff for Reserve
Forces - “The decisive blows of
our atomic power might be struck
in the first few hours or first few
days of global war.”