Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 16, 1956, Image 1

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    Vol. I, No. 20
Carl Drepperd
Farm Museum
Director, Dies
Funeral services for Carl W.
Dreppard, noted authority on
Pennsylvania farm lore author
of many books, and resident di
rector of the Landis Valley Farm
Museum, will be today at 2 p.m
from St. John’s Episcopal Churcn
Mr. Drepperd,' 65, died Tues
day noon’ at Lancaster General
Hospital where he had been a
patient since Feb. 2 He had been
in ill health several months
Before developing Landis Val
ley Museum into the finest of its
kind in the nation Mr Drepperd
was, advertising director of Ha
milton Watch Co from 1929 to.
1932. Between 1934 and 1936 he
was director of the creative div
ision ' of the Federal Housing
Author of Several
In addition to helping restoer
buildings at the Museum to them
original -state Mr v Drepperd and
his wife restored the oldest pri
vately-owned home in Lititz
built in 1757 by the Moravian
Congregation for its warden
Co-founder of the Amencan
'Foundation and editor of Pro
ducts of Freedom USA, since
1950, he was well known as- an
author and authority on antiques
His books included “Early Amer
ican Prints!’ (1930); “Americ'ali:
Pioneer Arts and Artists” (1942?
“American Advertising Art”
(1943.); “Primer of American
Antiques” (1944); “First Reader
for Antiques’ Collectors” (1946);
“Pioneer America, Its First Three
Centuries” (1949); “Treasures
In Truck and Trash” (1949);
“American Clocks and Clock
makers” (1947)' and “Handbook
of Tomorrow’s Antiques” (with
Mrs Mariorie Mathews Smith,
editor of Spinning Wheel maga
zine) in 1953. Also, “A Dictionary
of American Antiques” (1953).
Wife, Sister Survive
The son of William J. and
Mane Barbara Rossman Drep
perd, he_was married June 5,
1918 to Miss Margaret Hartman.
She survives, with a sister, Miss
Helen Drepperd of Lancaster.
Mr. Drepperd found greatest
delight in studying and restoring
relics of an age of living that is
gone. Many visitors encountered
him on the lawn or in the'Shops
of the Museum carefully super
vising the restoration work others
were doing, or digging debris and
rust from an ancient stove, but
always with a kind word and full
explanation of what was under
Services are in charge of the
Fred F. Groff Funeral Home.
'Burial will be in Lancaster Cem
Fire Monday morning destroy
ed a frame barn on the D. C.
Shelman farm on RD Avondale.
Origin of the fire was not de
termined A cow and pig were
lost in the fire. Fire Companies
from West Grove and Avondale
responded to the call.
Don’t let Monday’s flurries of snow or
snappy temperatures at night fool you.
Spring is juSt around the corner in Lain
caster-County. Here two registered Guerin
Polled Hereford
Show and Sale
Here March 25-26
Due to increasing interest in
Polled Herefords throughout this
section, Lancaster will play host
to the fifth annual show and
sale of the Eastern Polled Here
ford association at the Guernsey
Sales Pavilion, March 25-26.
Two prominent agricultural
ists will be on hand, Dr. William
L. Henning, Pennsylvania Sec
retary of Agriculture, who will
speak at the banquet Sunday
evening, March 25 m Hotel
Brunswick, and Dan Thornton,
former governnor of Colorado
and well-known Hereford breed
Lancaster thus moves into the
position as host held in former
years by Frederick, Md. Dr. Hen
ning will present the new Gov
ernor Leader Cup to the owner
of the show’s grand champion
heifer Monday morning.
Nine states will be
ed, according to Leon Falk, Jr.,
EPHA ■president, and John H.
Royer, Jr., secretary. They are
Pennsylvania, Maryland, Vir
ginia, West Virginia, New Jen
sey, New .York,'Maine, Connecti
cut and Massachusetts.^
The schedule of events in
cludes the Sunday evening ban
quet, the Monday morning show
and the sale, begunmng at 1 n
m. Monday.
Quarryville, Pa., Friday, March 16, 1956
Just Like Spring
Fulton Grange 66
Asks Tax Refunds
Fultoh Grange 66 legislative
committee has been instructed
.to write state legislators seeking
spport of, a bill providing 100
per cent refund of tax paid gaso
line purchased for off-highway
On April 12 and 14 the Grange
will present the play, “Aaron
Slick from Punkin Creek” at
Oakryn Hall. On April 13, the
Grange will hold its annual Tal
ent Night Program. Mrs. Esther
Graybeal is chairman.
Salisbury Grange will visit
Fulton Grange and present the
March 26 program.
Farm Price Index
For Pennsylvania
Drops Six Points
Lu. Henning, State Secretary of
Agriculture, today said the index
of prices- received by Pennsyl
vania farmers dropped six points
during the month ended Febru
ary 15.
There was no change in the
national index for the month, he
pointed out.
A sharp drop in the average
price received by farmers for
eggs contributed most to the
Pennsylvania decline, Dr. Hen
ning explained- The down-trend
in egg prices was. tempered some
what by a less than, usual season
drop in prices received for whole
sale milk, be added.
June September Gain
Between June and September
of 1955 the Pennsylvania index
for all farm products
showed advances following a
three-month .period of decline.
The index advanced one point in
(Continued on Page Three)
seys five months old on the farm of
Snavely Garber, R 1 Willow Street, seem
well aware of the greening grass and the
touch of spring in the air.
Watershed Meet
At Millersville
Club .Saturday
In a public meeting sponsored
by tlie Millersville Men’s Club
Saturday evening at the Fire
Hall, the possibility of forming
a Conestoga Valley Association
to clean up the 475-square-mile
watershed drained by the Con
estoga River will be studied by
a panel of speakers.
President of the club is Robert
Glick. Amos H. Funk anfi Ho
ward Sighn will be committee
chairmen in charge of the an
nual Farmers Night.
Robert G Strugle, advisor
consultant to the Pennsylvania
State Soil Conservation Com
mission and assistant executive
director of the Brandywine As
sociation, will be principal speak
er and show color slides illust
rating his talk on “How Team
work Builds a Better Valley.”
He will illustrate means used
to eliminate pollution, to refor
est barren hillsides, reduce soil
erosion, and improving natural
Speaking to the "group also
will be Earl Rebman, Lancaster
sportsman and civic leader who
first advocated the association;
Henry H. Hackman, vice presid
ent of the Lancaster County Soil
Conservation District; W. Martin
Muth, unit conservation
Also invited are County Farm
Agent M. M. Smith; John Haver
stick, district game protector, and
Robert Betts, state fish warden-
John Smucker, R 2 New Hol
land, purchased the 108-acre
farm owned by Mrs- Elmeda
Kurtz, a half mile north of
White Horse, for $49,000. Auc
tioneer was Leßoy-Zook, Atglen.
$3 Per Year
Snows Proving
March Still
Whether it’s the “Robin Snow"
or the “Onion Snow,” storms
this week in Lancaster County
prove March is still one of the
most unpredictable of months
Almost an inch of rain
Tuesday night and Wednes
day morning sent several
Lancaster County streams
over their banks. From the
first of March to the mid
dle of this week, 2.64 inches
of rain has fallen more
than three-fourths of the nor
mal March precipitation of
3.45 inches. Rain reports in
the county varied from .70 to
.80 of an inch.
Ovei the weekend, the Susque
hanna reach 8% feet above nor
mal Flood stage is 238 at Co
lumbia pumping station, where
235 % was reported Saturday.
Saturday Safe Harbor reported
a peak between 10 a. m. and 2
p m.
Midwest Blanketed
Lancaster County’s weather
was an aftermath of storms that
blanketed the midwest, leaving
many persons snowbound in Wis
consin. In one city, where a bas
ketball tournament was in pro
gress, homes were opened to 3500
stranded by heavy snowfall.
Drifting was heavy throughout
parts of South Dakota and south
ern Minnesota, with Mitchell,
S D. reporting 24 inches. North
western lowa also reported a
foot of snow in places.
These minor flood waters on
the Susquehanna during tlie past
weekend recalled the major flood
of March 20, 1936, when ah all
time record Orest of 875,000 cubic
feet per second was oflicially re
corded at the Holtwood dam, re
sulting in great loss and suffer
ing to urban residents and farm
ers located in the
weekend peak was recorded at
350,000 cfs, at Holtwood,c , ..
Floods have been kncr&n to
sweep down the Susquehanna
from the time first white men
settled along the river. The first
authentic record dates back to
1784, when the swollen waters
of the stream rose to the front
steps at the home of John Har
ris, founder of Harrisburg. In
more recent times great floods
have occured in 1846, 1865, 1889,
1894, 1902, 1904, 1913 and 1920.
Recalls Johnstown Flood
Of these, the greatest and most
destructive was the flood of June
2, 1889, long before the Holtwood
dam was constructed, referred
to in the records as the ’“John
town Flood” because the rise of
the Susquehanna resulted from
the same storm which caused the
great flood at Johnstown on the
Conemaugh River. The 1889
flood rose to a height of 26.8
feet at Harrisburg. On March 19,
1936, the river stage at point Was
officially reported at 30.33 feet.
In addition to million of dol
lars in property" damage, ex
tremely great suffering "was ex
perienced by residents along the
river in 1936, including many
farmers who were hit hard. At
many places the flood waters
carved out new shore lines.
Above Marietta and points fur
ther upstream, long drifts of rich
top soil, some measuring nine
feet in height, were in plain evi
dence of the great loss suffered
by up State agriculture.