Bam Near Georgetown Burns Only the charred framework of a barn remains after fire swept the structure Friday mormlxg on the farm of Joe Bolton at Frackman'’s Mill a half mile west of, Georgetown m the Mt. Plea sant Commumty- Mr Bolton was not home, working on a road project near Camargo, but the Marking of a dog “Fluffy” altered Mr Bol ton’s grandson, Johnny, 11 His grandmother phoned the alarm, and 'companies from both Quar ryville and Georgetown (Bart Township) responded Cow, Calf, Pigs Lost Johnny, whose mother also works, 'was staying with his grandparents, under observation and recuperating from minor in juries suffered when a plate glass window collapsed and' crashed to the sidewalk in the April 28 windstorm in downtown Lancas ter, showering him with broken glass. Nearness to Market Spurs Beef Output i Nearness'of “the greatest con sumer markets in the United States" should offer incentive for increased production of beef on Pennsylvania iarms, State Secretary of Agriculture William L. Henning declared at Lancaster recently. v “The time is ripe for Pennsyl vania to increase its beef cattle production,” he told 250 south eastern Pennsylvania farmers p la meeting in the nearby Guernsey sales pavilion, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Co operative Association and mem ber county branches of the area. Feeder Cattle Decline •' Noting that there was a de cline of 2 per cent in the number of feeder cattle counted in De partment of Agriculture surveys this January 1 compared with a year earlier, Dr Henning said that for the United States there was a gain of 1 per cent in feeder cattle numbers/ Pennsylvania farms are cap able of producing a surplus of grass on which young steers can be fattened for market, he ex plained Most feeder cattle are now found in the southeastern counties of Pennsylvania, but other areas are capable of carry ing an expanded beef cattle feeding and breeding program, he added Cattle, Calves Off 2% Cattle and calves on feed this ■January 1 in Pennsylvania to taled 82,000 head, • 2 per cent below the 84,000 on hand a year earlier, but 8 per cent below the 5-year 1950-54 average. Of the 82 000 head on January 1. a slightly larger percentage were in the heavier weight groups compared with a year ago, with 58 per cent weighing less than %o lbs compared with 64 per cent last year. Mrs Bolton reported a cow, calf, 20 head of pigs and a sow were burned in the fire. Fire men, after extinguishing the blaze, probed the ruins in hopes some might have survived. A quantity of baled hay, valued at $l2OO, was destroyed. String 1000 Feet of Hose The barn and nearby buildings were covered with asphalt shin gles, which helped curtail dam age to other buildings. Several aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sss % FOR OXJX.Y $l.OO MR. FARMER— HERE’S A CROP TO PLANT THAT'S FOR YOU ... BE A CHARTER SUBSCRIBER TO LAN CASTER FARMIN'G. THE NEWSPAPER CONTAINING ALL THE LATEST FARM NEWS, CROP INFORMATION, HOME FEATURES, MARKET DATA, AND MUCH MORE. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY... Mail This Coupon Today! LESS THAN PER WEEK pNl!!!li!lilP!ii!i Of! fffi ftofli«fmf'»