Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 09, 1956, Image 11

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Lancaster Farming, Friday, March 9, 1956—11
About Your Home
A new process finishes colored
Concrete m brick or tile patterns'!
at half the cost of conventional
materials. New tools designed for
the purpose of impressing fresh,
colored concrete, with various
patterned surfaces are now being
manufactured by a well known
California concrete company-
The process makes ppssible the
manufacture of various brick, tile
pr other patterns on the job. It is
the' result of four years develop
ment work and has been-subject
ed to severest tests.
The tools -are constructed of a
cast-aluminum alloy, light enough
but strong enough to withstand
heavy use and obtain the requir
ed penetration.
_ The method of installation ds
simple and the manufacturer
claims with, the use of their
tools any experienced cement fin
isher can create either brick or
tile patterns in colored concrete
in about the same time it takes to
lay gray slab at only a fraction
of the cost of the conventional
materials The process can be
Used for any flat surface and is
ideal for patios, swimming pool
aprons, interior floors any
place tile or brick would be used.
The advantages claimed are
quick drying surfaces when wet
ted and the absence of shrinkage
cracks running through the con
Good kitchen lighting cuts fa
tigue. For good general lighting
In most kitchens, you need either
three 20-watt, or two 25-watt,
shaded fluorescent tubes with
glass or louvres, or a 150-watt in
candescent lamp in ' a 12-inch en
closing globe In addition, you
should have shielded ceiling fix-
McCULLOCH Model 47
Makes any woodcutting job easier
and faster. It's a one-man saw for
professional logging, pulp cutting,
tree surgery for farm and ranch
jobs like construction and clearing
land. Model 47 is light weight,
operates full power in any posi
tion. Six mo'dels, gasoline powered,
with blades 14" to 36".*.
Come'lnand see it, try
It, buy it. It’ll save you
time, make 'you money. Wwnlnlr
Ttf ACT 1 Saw and Knife
ifl/iO 1 Service
605 Marietta Ave.
Ph. 24291
By uiing TEXACO FURNACE OIL you cm always I
Count On A Warm Home |
x «
Garber Oil Company I
tures with 150-watt standard
bulbs or a fluorescent tube over
sink and stove. ,
For each 25 to 30 inches of
counter spacer a 20-watt fluore
scent tube attached to the under
side of wall cabinets from the
edge to flood the entire work
counter without glare
These standards were reported
by Rutgers University.
(Continued from page eight)
One cup granulated sugar
Three tablespoons -flour
Three tablespoons lemon juice
Two eggs
One cup milk
One tablespoon melted butter
A few grains of salt
Mix sugar and flour, add lemon
jume, egg yolks, milk, butter and
salt. Then fold in stiffly bejiten
egg whites.
Bake in one crust, about 350
degrees. Remove from oven be
fore too firm, as it will set while
it cools-
1 cup mashed potatoes
3-4 cup sugar
3-4 cup shortening
1 cup milk
2 eggs beaten
1 package of yeast
5 cups whole wheat flour
2 cups white flour
2 teaspoons salt
To mashed potatoes add sugar
and beaten egg. Heat milk and
shortening Add to potato mix
ture. Dissolve yeast in 2 table
spoons of warm water, add to
cooled potato mixture. Add
flour to which the salt has been
added Put in refrigerator over
night Next day take out, knead
and let rise. Roll dough about
1-3 inch thick, cut with a round
cutter. Crease through the cen
ter, brush with melted butter,
and fold double Lbt rise about
2 hours until double in bulk.
Bake in an oven 425 degrees un
til well browned about 15 to 20
That%-about it for this week
Send in your favorite recipe,
household hint, gardening tip.
Until next week, we’ll
See you again.
And Fancies
At Society 1
New York Trip
Two trips are on the schedule
of the Society of Farm Women
10, first a trip to the Philadelphia
Flower Show March 14, and a
June trip to New York City.
Plans were made for these
journeys at a meeting in the
home of Mrs. Wayne G. Bru
baker, Old Harrisburg Pike, Lan
caster, recently-
In a talent program by mem
bers of the society, Mrs. Loretta
Shank, teacher in an Amish
school, sang an Amish good
morning song in French, Penn
sylvania Dutch and English.
Skits, recitations and a quiz
were also included in the pro
>' s*
* 1
Stuart Furman, Architect
CALIFORNIA styling of the most meticulous and luxuriant t)pe is evident throughout this
home. Step from the flagstone front terrace into the chaixning fo>er that is sepaiate fiom,
yet serves to accentuate,'the magnificent 27 foot expanse of living room. The enormous bow win
dow affords three exposures, and the commanding fireplace dominates the entire inside wall. A
„ sunny den off the living room provides another
10 feet of depth to the main area. Close by, the
-dining room affords a panoramic view of the
outdoors and opens onto your rear patio. The
spacious kitchen is the control point of the en
tire house. Right next to it is the laundry aiea.
The bedroom wing consists of three bedrooms
with ample storage space modern bath
rooms. Other features include a full basement,
a recreation room and workshop and a roomy
For the convenience of readers who wish to study
this house in greater detail, we have prepared a
complete sketch plan which can be obtained by
sending 25tf in com to Modern Plan Service, De
partment M, Lincoln Building, Mount Vernon,
The most apparent change in
the shoe scene is that heels are
getting slimmer all the time, even
though their heights are not tow
ering. The desire of American
women for v comfortable, glove
soft shoes on'heels they can en
joy wearing has prompted the
entire shoe industry to come out
with high-fashion styles incor
porating all these features.
Colored heels on patent, suede
and calf shoes are a Spring fash
ion note Many black patent shoes
Foods, Fads
On Society 10
June Schedule
Husbands of Farm Society 1
will be entertained April 21 at
Zinn’s Diner, Ephrata, where
Dr. Paul Z, Rummel, on the staff
of Miillersville State Teachers
College, will speak.
On Saturday, April 7, the So
ciety will meet at the home of
Mrs.. Monroe Hufford, 175 Delp
Road, to hear Mrs Anna De-
Planter Bowes discuss “Foods,
Fads and Fancies.”
Hostess at the Saturday meet
ing was Miss Rachel Bollinger,
HI Lifitz. Mrs Neil Clark, pre
sident, spoke on Farm and Home
Safety Practices, and Harry
Erdman, superitendent of the
Hershey Rose Gardens, described
displays at the Gardens
Mrs Clark emphasized safety
rules the farm wife can put into
effect as well as the men, along
with home safety rules. Mrs.
Adrian H. deVink conducted de
votions. Mrs- Viola Marvel re
ported on the recent Lancaster
paratyphoid discussion meeting-
A meeting will be held April
4 at the Raub Supply Co. in
Lancaster to work on re-covering"
lamp shades- Mrs. Gay Reiden
baugh, Lititz, will hold an all
day cancer pad making project
in her home at a date to be an
nounced later.
Worth It
A penny for your
Sailor I was thinking of re
turning to the ship.
Little Brother—Give him a
dollar, sis, its worth it
In Fashion Now
are being set off by a gold orna
ment instead of the more expect
ed trim or piping. This gold
gleam is going to head into Sum
mer You will see many white
shoes being piped m gold kid
or with tiny gold buttons. This is
said to be in keeping with the
Oriental fashion trend generally
The neutials in the beige-to
brown family are very popular
Such colors as flax tones, French
bread coloring, turtledove and
maple are getting a big reaction
from Style-wise women- Yellow
is going to be an important color
for late Spring and Summer.
Marbelized effects will play a
fashion duet with bright solid
leathers. In a basic color, such
as black or dark blue, they are a
fine investment because they
make a versatile accompaniment
for your fashions, be they a suit
or a sheath dress.
Another ijit of novelty is the
lining of your shoe You will see
patterns from gay stripes, bright
solids and even polka dots Bags
to match the shoes will feature
the same lining
Area: 2,506 sq. ft. Cubage: 25,200 co. ft. I
Logan Dominant White
Cornish Cockerels for pro
ducing famous Logan
Cornish Crosses.
For High Egg Production: Demme Leg
horns from Candidate Matings or Mt. Hope
Leghorns for White eggs. Logan famous
Sex Links. Logan Whites, or R. I. Reds for
brown eggs.
Pa.-U.S. Approved Pullorum Typhoid Clean
Brand New Catalog available
L. L. LOGAN. BOX L, Kennett Square, Pa.
i attars jrnjja
For most efficient meat pro
duction: Cornish Crosses,
White Rocks, Delaware
Crosses, Silver Crosses.
House No. A-125