Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 02, 1956, Image 10
10—Lancaster Farming, Friday, March 2, 1956 Lancaster County Sales Dates Claimed MARCH March 2 Along the Jednota Road, leading from Kighspire to Middletown, one-half mile North of Highspire, Stock and Imple ments by Edward H. Nissley. March 3 Along the road leading from Maytown to Bain bridge, Route No. 241, at the vil liage of Stackstown, Stock and Implements by Henry Berg. March 3 Annie Metzler, 117 ,N. Charloette St., Manheim, real estate and personal property, 1 p. m. March 3 Livestock, imple ments, near East Fairview Church Jacob Lehman. March 3—Noah Z Esh, 2 miles west of Chistiana, just off road from Rt. 372 to Gap, livestock farming implements, 12 noon. March 3—Katie M. Blank, Mon terey, Upper Leacock twp, real estate, personal property, 12-30 p. m. March 3—Lloyd H. Trout, Bart twp., 4 miles south of Strasburg at Mt Pleasant Church, farm implements, household goods, wood lot, 12 noon. OGAM'S CHICKS Logan Dominant White Cornish Cockerels for pro ducing famous Logan Cornish Crosses. For High Egg Production: Demme Leg horns from Candidate Matings or Mt. Hope Leghorns for White eggs. Logan famous Sex Links, Logan Whites, or R. I. Reds for brown eggs. Pa.-U.S. Approved Pullorum Typhoid Clean Brand New Catalog available L. L. LOGAN, BOX L, Kennett Square, Pa. mm mum ONOEVITV ♦♦ ♦♦ :t «♦ ♦♦ Send Your Livestock To P. WARFEL INC. J. Union Stock Yards We sell on commission, | CATTLE, CALVES, HOGS, SHEEP and LAMBS H H Phone Lancaster 7-8811 S « llliilllllllliilllilil in illllii m O&D Shavings .... for clean, dry houses, excellent fertilizer, and real savings for you ... A Ton of SHA VINGS goes twice as far. . . O&D Sawdust Co. 109 North Mam Street ill Illllii March 3—Enos Good, 1 to 3 miles west of Lititz, near Erb’s Stone Quarry, livestock, farm equipment, 12:30 p. m- March 3 —Henry N. Eby, 1 mile west of New Providence, 60 head of reg. Holsteins, also farm machinery. March 3 —Howard Shirk, near Strack’s Dam. Jackson twp, Leb anon Co. March 3—Estate of George H, Eitnier, 48 Valley Rd., Neffs ville, real estate, personal pro perty, 12 noon. March 5 West of Rheems, close to Donegal Springs, on Cameron Farm, joining Landis Stone Meal Co., Stock and Imple ments by Morris G. Spickler. March s—Parke Thomas, 2% miles southwest of Christiana, along Noble Rd, Sadsbury twp., livestock, Ifarm implements, 12 30 p. m. March 6 Along the road leading from Maytown. to Bain bndge, Route .No, 241, at the vil lage of Chickentown, stock, im plements and household furni ture by Chester Ney. For most_efficient meat pro duction; Cornish Crosses, White Rocks, Delaware Crosses, Silver Crosses. Lancaster, Pa. Prompt Delivery Service 1 MANHEIM, PA. | lillillllllllllllllllll Hill ill Illllii Illlllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Phone. MANHEIM 5-2305 March 6—Ralph W, Horst, 6 miles south of Chambersburg, Pa. near Marion, Pa., Farm machinery and 40 tractors, 10:00 a. m. March 6—Earl Bollinger, Goodville, livestock, farm equip ment, 12:30 p. m. March 6—William W. Stauf fer, road from Murrell to Far mersville, % mile south of for mer, livestock,' farming imple ments, household goods, 12 noon. March 6—Josha L Stoltzfus, Vi mile southwest of Morgan town, Berks Co., livestock, farm ing implements, 12 noon. March &—Murl P- Clark, Stras burg twp., ’'A mile north, out N. Jacksqn St., 75 dead dairy cattle, farm implements. 'March 6—Ralph W Horst, 6 miles south of Chambersburg, near Marion, farm machinery, 40 lO a. m. March 6—Titus Weaver, Rt. 772, between Lititz and RothS : ville, farm implements, stock, household goods, 12 noon March 6—'Norman Ebersole, near Phil Haven Hospital, in west Cornwall twp , Lebanon Co , stock, implements. March 6—Martin M Dombach, Manor twp, Rt 990, 2 miles west of Millersville, implements, household goods March 7 Along the road leading from Manheim to Lan caster, known as the Fruitville Pike, stock and implements by William Bredthauer. March 7—Harry Espenshade Estate, 5 miles west of Union Deposit, near Rutherford along Rt 340 farm implements, house hold goods March 7—Victor A Hitz, near Donegal Springs, dispersal, farm equipment. March 7—Clement Leinbach, mile southwest of Bowmansville, near Bowmansville Mennonite Church, livestock, implements, 12 30 p m. March 7—Ephnan Gerlach (iCharles M Gerlach, atty. m fact), 349 Manor Ave, Millers vilie, 2’/2-story house, household goods, 12 noon. March 8 About seven miles east of Elizabethtown close to Chiques Church, stock and im plements by C. B- Oberholtzer. March 8 East of Lancaster, along Route 30, at the Guernsey Sales Pavilion, 75 head of pure bred, bloodtested, accredited Guernseys, sale managed by Wm- Juzi, for P.G.BA., Harrisburg, Pa. :: :: « March B—Clyde E. Keener, VA miles north of Lancaster at intersection of Manheim and Harrisburg Pikes, routes 72 and 230, farm machinery and 40 tractors, 10.00 a. m. March B—Tobias Martin, near Weaverland Churches, livestock, farm equipment, household goods 11 a. m March B—Clyde E . Keener, l v 2 miles north of Lancaster (intersection Rts. 72—230), farm machinery, 50 tractors, 10 a. m. March B—Landis L Nissley, White Oak, 4 miles northeast of Manheim, livestock, farm imple ments, 12 noon March B—John Miller, along White Oak Rd, south of Stras burg on Musser Herr farm, farm ing implements, livestock, 12 30 p m. March B—Anna H Charles, Rapho twp, 1% miles south of Mt. Joy, road to Newcomer’s Stone Quarry, farm implements March 9 Along the road from Maytown to Bainbridge, Route No- 241, one-half mile from Maytown. on the Joe Bixler Farm, stock and implements by Jay W- Brandt. March 10—Dick Sohuhman, Shermandale Pa., Perry County, Ferguson dealer, 20 tractors and farm machinery. 12:00 noon. March 10—Wm. R, Dorwart, Aberdeen Mill, along pike 4 miles north of Elizabethtown, Pa., 54- acre farm, four cows, Machinery and furniture. 12-00 noon. March 10 Valuable real es tate, cattle, implements and furniture, on pike, midway be tween Aberdeen Mill and Deo date, seveij miles east of Middel town, four miles north of Eliza bethtown; 54-acre farm, Wm. R. Dorwart and Mary Ann Dorwart, owners, 12:30 noon. March 10 Close to Donegal Springs along road leading from Maytown to Landis Stone Meal Plant, stock, implements, some household furniture, by Engle E. Shelly. March 10 Livestock, imple ments, in Elstonville, Frank Ruhl. March 12—Omfer B. Landis, % mile east of Elizabethtown Pa. along Manheim Pike, Cattle, poultry, tractors, and farm machinery. 12:30 noon. March 12 At Ellottsburg, Perry County, 65 head of pure bred, bloodtested, accredited and vaccinated Holsteins, sale man aged by Harvey Rettew, Carl Kennedy, owner.' March- 12 Livestock, farm equipment, furniture, one-half mile east of Elizabethtown, along Manheim Pike; 15 cows, 350 chick ens, four tractors, farm machin ery, corn, poultry equipment, furniture, Mr. and Mrs. Omer Landis. 12 noon. March 13 Along the road leading from Mount Joy to Mil ton Grove, about three miles North of Mount Joy, two miles south of Milton Grove, stock and implements by Amos H. Mum mau. March 14 Along the r*oad leading from Rheems to Donegal Springs at Hersh Blacksmith Shop on Cameron Farm, stock and implements bjH Carl Gmder. March 15 East of Lancaster along Route 30 at Guernsey Sales Pavilion, 75 head of purebred doodtested, accredited, some, vac cinated Guernseys, managed by Wm. Juzi for P G.B A. x Harris burg. March 15 Livestock, imple ments, between Mastersonville and Colebrook, Isaac Wenger. March 17 At Cleona, annual spring sale of 125 head of pure bred. bloodtested. accredited, some vaccinated Canadian Hol steins, 150 head of hogs, by Rus sell Heilman & Sons. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l jj Carl Diller j S Auctioneer and S ■ Cow Tester 1 ■ Ref ton, Pa. ■ ■ Ph. Quarryville 307R5 * wm ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■» of Live Stock & Farm Equipment & Furniture. Monday, March 12 1956 One Half Mile East of Elizabethtown, Pa., along Manheim Pike on Dr. Thompson’s Farm. 15 head of Cows, 350 Chickens, 4 TRACTORS, FULL LINE OF FARM MACHINERY, 3 ton of Corn, Poultry Equip*- ment. Lot of Furniture Sale 12 noon sharp. Furniture sold first. G. K. Wagner & Son, Bill Auctioneers. PUBLIC SALE Ot Valuable Real Estate. Cattle, Implements and Furniture SATURDAY, On Pike, midway between Aberdeen Mill and Deodate, seven miles east of Middletown, four miles north of Elizabethtown In high state of cultivation, with two Wells of Water; 16 acres of Pasture with two Springs and Running Water. All buildings in good repair. 54-Acre Farm Manure Spreader, Side-Rake, Drill, Chopping Mill, Corn Planter, Corn Sheller, Fanning Mill, Wagon, 1.200 Tobacco Lathi, Stripping Room Stove, Bag Wagon, Wheelbarrow, Forks, Stewart Clipmaster, Feed Cart, Bolts Tools, Brooder Stove, 2-bottom, 14-in. Case Plow on rubber; Electric Egg Washer, 50-lb. can of Fresh Lard Pn«»nif nra Old Cupboard, Table, Two Old Chests, Old High-Chair. r unmul e R oc k er> Carpets, Rugs, Oilcloth, Two Washstands, Baskets, Crocks, Jars, Stone Jugs. Implements Buyer of farm can move in day after sale if he pays for farm. This is a clean-sweep sale, as we have no more use for same. Sale to commence at 12.30 noon when conditions will be made known by Wm. R. Dorwart and Mary Ann Dorwart, Owners. G. K. and W. J. Wagner, Auctioneers P. B. Kaylor and N Kraybill, Clerks. March 17 Livestock, imple ments, 2 mi northwest- Manheim, Elvin Snavely. March 20—Melvin C. Boyce, 20 Reg. and grade Holstein and Guernsey cows, one Reg. 'Bull, 1 p. m., 2 mi. S E Quarryville. March 22—Clyde E. Keener, Vk miles north of Lancaster at intersection of Manheim and Har risburg Pikes, routes 72 and 230, farm machinery and 50 tractors, 11:00 a. m. March 23 Hagerstown, Md. 60 head of purebred, bloodtested, accredited, some vaccinated Hol steins, managed by Harvey Ret tew, Manheiim, David S- Martin, owner. March 24 Along road leading from Upper Lawn to Campbell town, three miles northeast of Campbelltown, \Lea Vista disper sal, Keystone Holstein, Inc., man agers, Bob Weidler, owner. 'March 24 Household goods and equipment, on Pinch Road near Mount Gretna, Eph. Achey. March 26 In the Borough of Middletown annual spring sale of 150 Canadian Purebred, blood tested, accredited, some vac cinated Holsteins by C. S. Erb March 27 At Butler, Pa., 50 head of purebred, bloodtested, accredited, some vaccinated Guernseys, sale managed by Wm. Juzi for P.G B A.. HarrisHjorg- - March 28 At Upper Lawn, Normandale Fa r m Dispersal, Keystone Holstein Sales, Inc, managers, Norman Risser, Jr, owner. Stanley H. Deiter Auctioneer and Appraiser 1906 Willow St Pike PH. LANCASTER 4-1796 PUBLIC SALE Mr. & Mrs. Omer Landis MARCH 10TH, 4 Head of Milk Cows BALED HAY AND STRAW tint! 1956