Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 17, 1956, Image 2

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    2—Lancaster Farming, Friday, February 17, 1956
- i
Barrows and
Gilts Mostly
Dollar Lower
By David S. Lorenson, Reporter
USDA Market News Bureau
Lancaster Feb. 16—(Wednes
day to Wednesday Review)
CATTLE 2,645, week ago 2,540.
Compared with last Wednesday:
Slaughter steers and heifers most
ly steady, cows active, fully
steady, bulls unchanged. Stockers
and feeders mostly steady.
Slaughter steer supply mostly
good to average choice grades.
Receipts included around 45 per
cent slaughter steers and about
10 per cent cows. Bulk choice fed
steers, 1,050-1,275 lbs $18.25-
20.25, a few lots average to high
choice $20.50-2100, part load
1320-Ib choice and prime steers
$22.00 and ten head 1095-lb prime
steers $23.00. Several loads
.choice 1,300-1,400 lb steers $lB.OO
- Good steers $17.00-17.75. A
few commercial and good heifers
$15.00-17.00, odd head choice to
$l9 00 Most, utility and commer
cial bulls $15.00-17.75, 4 few good
,850-1100 lb butcher bulls $18.50-
19.50. Cutter bulls $13.50-14.50.
Most medium and good 600-900 lb
jj I?
g For any Farm Purpose ||
SMade the Farmer’s Way |
tt 8
j; 39 E. Chestnut St., |
$j Lancaster, Pa. H
•• W
| Ph. Lane. 3-3921 |
Altman’s Super-A Feeds
are timed tested, scientifically balanced, vitamin complete and am
manufactured daily in three modern plants. Compare our prices.
3 Starter Meg . .4.20 Fitting Ration . ..3.30
Grower . • 4.0016% Blue Bird Dairy .. 2.60
Special Broiler .. - 4.65 20% Blue Bird Dairy .. 2.80
Blue Bird All Mash . 3.60 20% Hog, Pig, & Sow . 3.95
20% Quality Egg Mash 3.90 Super A Dog Meal(2slbs) 2.05
Scratch 3.35 Rabbit Pellets 4.70
Oats (80 lb) , • 2.90 Staz Dry (bale) .. . . 2.20
C orn . 3.10 Peat Moss (bale) . . .4.20
13 varieties of baby chicks for sale.
Store Hours: Mon. thru Friday Bto s:3o—Sat Bto 5.
|1 947 Harrisburg Ave. Phone Lane. 4-7715
II WE DELIVER 10c per hundred discount on half ton lots or more
Asparagus Acreage Needed
Lancaster County
Consumers Packing Co. are expanding their pro-,
duction of asparagus . . . with potential at our
door why should we buy from New Jersey.
Lancaster County quality excells
■ Lgrge fertile areas suitable for asparague
' Asparagus Gives Early Cash Return
Moderate Labor Demand Spread 'Over Ex
tended Cutting Season.
? Beds Have Long Life
P. O. Box 1236 Lane.
stocker and feeder steers $15.00-
17 00, several loads 625-97i5 lb
good and choice feeders $17.50- i
18 00, a few lots and loads com
mon stockcrs $l3 50-14 50.
CALVES 968, week ago 879.
Veal calves in good demand, ac
tive, mostly steady with last Wed
nesday Bulk good and choice
vealers $25 00-29 00; high choice
and prime $29.50-34.00, odd head
to $35 00. Utility and commercial
$l7 00-23 50. Culls down to $lO.OO
HOGS 1,933 week ago 1,996
Compared with last Wednesday
Barrows and' gilts around $l.OO
lower, cows mostly 50c lower
Wednesday’s sales barrows and
gilts U. S. mixed 1, 2 and 3, 180-
220 lbs $l3 00-13.50, a few mostly
1 and 2 to local small killers $14.-
00. Weights 230-270 lbs $12.00-
13.00. Sows 400 lbs and lighter
$9.50-10 50 over 400 lbs, $B.OO
- 25. '
SHEEP 143, week ago 256.
Slaughter Jamb fully steady with
last Wednesday. Bulk good and
choice wooled slaughter lambs,
$19.50-21.50, a few lots choicp
and prime 75 to 95 lbs $22.00.
Utility and low good slaughter
lamb $16.00-19.00. Aged sheep too
scarce for an adequate market
T-shirts were awarded mem
bers of the Lancaster County 4-H
-Guernsey Club by the county as
sociation in a meeting at Solanco
High School, Ouarryville, Feb. 9.
The 4-H Holstein Club lias
scheduled a Feb. 23 meeting at
the home of Clarence Keener,.
R 1 Manheim. - „
Approximately 85 Lancaster
County farm-families will he in
terviewed in a national survey on
farip expenditures, sponsored by
the USD A. Two named for Co
unty interviews are Mrs. Jean
Singer Thomas, R 2 Manheim, and
Mrs. Ruth C. Shaeffer, Lititz.
xstsmsstsututtxnstuttn i
Plum & Liberty Sts
Ph. 7-6143
Broilers Down
Half Cent in
Thursday Sale
Lancaster ' Poultry Exchange
(Rohrerstoiwn, Pa) (Sales Re
port-Sale #124. Thursday. Feb.
9, 1956)— Broiler prices moved
a half cent lower to average
22-28 on 29 lots totaling 97,250
teds that sold here Thursday
in a range of 21% to 23% cents
Thirty-nine lots totaling 131,200
yere listed and offered, 99.100
sold, which includes three ad
ditional lots, two of 1000 pullets
'that hrouyfat 30 cents a pound
and one lot of 850 Leyhom fowls
Celling alt 18 cents. Top <of 23 Vs
was scored on, lot 9-10. 750 Red
Vantress, 9 wks, 6 days, con-
Biyned by Elviin NOlt, R 1 Eliz~
lalbethtqwn, selling to Waiter B.
LeStanan, bawn. ,
Sales by Lots
Other sales by lot .number, sel
ler, (grower indicated in panan
■.thesesb-amount and breed, age
(by weeks and days, bufer and
iprice follow:
94 Miller & Bushong (Richard
Grossman), /1400 Red Vantress,
10 wks, to Walter C. Melhnger,
22; 9-2, Karl Staffer, 1650 Red
'ylantress, 10 Wks. to Header's
-Spiros auaSng ‘g-6 : 'hZZ ‘Mitad:
ttagle, 8400 White Vantress, 9-2.
to Mandate Poultry, 22%; 9-4,
D. E. Horn & Co-, (Nelson Fit*),
6000 Indian River Cross, 9 wks,
mo sale, 21% bid; 9-5, Hiestand
Inc. (Arthur Landis), 1700 Bee
Vantress, 10 wks, to Waiter C.
MelMnger, 2214 9-6, Hiestand, Inc.
(Arthur Landis), 2100 Bed Van
tress, 10 wks, to Hoy E. Ream,
22%; 9-7, Hiestand Inc. (Arthur
Landis-. 2300 Arbor Acre White
Rocks. 10 wks, to R. J. Brendie,
22%; /
9-8, B. A. Rook, 3200 Indian
River Cross, 9-2, to S- E. Davis.
22%; 9-9, B. A. Rook, 5500 Arbor
Acre White Bocks and White
Vantress, 9-2, to Mandata Poul
try, 22%; (9-10 market toppers
reported in first paragraph);
9-11, Charles Nissley, 600 Barred
Cross Pullets, 16 wks, to Walter
C. Mellinger, 30; 9-12, Charles
Nissley, 400 Barred Cross Pul
lets, 16 wks, to Walter C. Mel
linger, 30; 9-13, Wenger’s (Sam
Felker), 5000 White Vantress,
9-2, to Tilley’s Poultry, 22%;
9-14, Herbert Pendleton. 500
White Mountains, 10-6, to Marvin
Sweigart, 21%; 9-15, Kenneth
McCracken (Arthur Charles),
1800 Wlnte Vantress, 9 wks, to
Header’s Poultry, 22;
9-16, Nora B. Buckholder, 2200
Red Vantress, 9 wks, to S. E.
Davis, 22%; 9-17, Nora B- Burk
holder, 2200 Red Vantress, 9
wks, to Harry H. Weaver, Jr.,
21,4; 9-18, Norman Leid, 1800
Red and White Vantress, 10-2,
to Leola Poultry, 22)4; 9-19,
Paul Rowe, 5200 Red Vantress,
9-2, to Harry H- Weaver, Jr.,
21%; 9-20, Paul Rowe, 5400 Red
Vantress, 9-2, to Harry H. Wea
ver, Jr-, 22, 9-21, Aaron J. Bru
baker, 850 Leghorn Fowl Year
lings, to Roy E. Ream, 18; 9-22,
Raymond Campbell, 800 Indian
River Cross, 10-2, to Carl B.
Risser, 21%; 9-23, Henry Shrei
ner, 1100 White Vantress, 9-2, to
Producers Coop. Exc., 22;
9-24, Wenger’s (Vernon Zim
merman), 5000 Meatpackers, 10
wks, to Grimes & Hauer, 22;
9-25, A. L. Harnish, 4300 White
Mountains, 10 wks, no sale, 22
bid; 9-26, A- L. Harnish, 4300
Indian River Cross, 10 wks, no
sale, 22% bid; 9-27, Edgar JVI.
Martin, 1950 White Amehcans,
11-2, to Horace W- Longacre, 23;
9-28, Edgar M- Martin, 2900
White Americans, 11-2, to Roy
E Ream, 22%; 9-29, D. H. Shar
rer & Son (Meadow Brook Parra),
3700, 3550 and 3550 Indian
River Cross, all 9-5, to Victor F.
Weaver, Inc., at 23%; 9-29 A, D.
H Shearer & Son (Meadow
Brook Farm), 3700 Red Vantress,
9 wks, to Tilley’s Poultry, 22;
9-30, Levi J. Fisher, 700 White
Rocks, 9-2, to Walter C. Mellin
ger, 23%;
9-31, J- Paul Shelly, 2500 Red
and White Vantress, 9-5, to Vic
tor F Weaver, Inc, 21%; 9-32,
Miller & Bushong, (John Olesh),
3400 Red Vantress, 9 wks, to 1
Grimes & Hauer, 22%; 9-33, Mil
ler & Bushong (Jonas Meyer),
.Broilers Gain,
Tuesday’s Top
Reaches 26.25
Lancaster Poultry Exchange
(Rohrerstown, Pa ) (Sales Rep
ort-Sale #125, Tuesday, Feb. 14,
2956) Fractional increases in
poultry prices were marked up
in. Tuesday’s .auction of 35,215
birds in 11 lots. Range of price
was 21% to 26-54, with an ave
rage of 22.25. Twelve lots of
37,215 were listed and offered.
Average placements, nine, ten
and 11 weeks, in Pennsylvania
was marked up as 602,000. A
_ sm all lot-200 Indian River .Cross
es, consigned by Allen Kauffman,
Bird-in-Hand, scored the 26.25
top, selling, to Robert Charles,,
R 2, Lancaster. There were 120,- ‘
000 listed for Thursday’s sale.
Wear.; Ago Average 26-67
For the, corresponding day a
year ago, Tuesday, Feb. 15, 1955,
five lots including 24,850 birds
were offered, four lots .totaling
16,150 were sold at 26%, 26%and
27% to average 26.6. ,
Here are Tuesday sales by lot
number, seller and grower, a
mount and breed, age by weeks
and days, buyer and price:
Lot 14-1, • Arthur GraybiU.
7,000 White Vantress, nine weeks
to H.W- Longacre, 22%; 14-2,
John I» Landis, 4,500 White
Vantress, 9 wks., to Grimes &
Hauer, 23; 14-3, J.J Hess II
(Levi JB Stoltzfus), 1200 White
Mountains, 9 wks, to Walter C.
Mellxnger, 22; ' 14-4, J.J. Hess II
(Elam B. Riehl), 2000 White Van
tress, 9 wks, to Walter C. Mel
hnger, 22; 14-5, -Eugene Schlos
nagle, 'B4OO White Vantress, 9
wks, to Victor F. Weaver, Inc., 22;
14-6, Miller & Bushong, (Sam.
Stoltzfus), 2100 Indian River
Cross Leghorns,, 10 wks, to H-W.
Longacre, 22%;
14-7, Miller & Bushong (Abram
N. Miller, 3200 Red and White
Vantress, 9 wks, 5 days, to Roy
E. Ream, 23%; 14-8, Christian E
Seller, 550 Indian River Cross,
10 wks, to Roy E. Ream, 21%; 14-
9, Allen L Kauffman, 265 Indian
River Cross, _lO wks, 5 days, to J.
Robert Charles, 26%; 14-10, Glen
B. Simonton, 3000 White Rocks
and White Cross, 10 wks, to Pen
nsylvania Dutch Farm, 22%; 14-
11, James-Mohan, 2000 White
Vantress, 10 wks, no sale, 21 bid;
14-12, John W- Wall, 3000 White
Cornish Cross, 11 wks, to Penn
sylvania Dutch Farm, 22%.
“My friend here wants to be
president of Mexico.”
“What qualifications has he?”
“A machine gun ”
4900 White Vantress,’ 9-3, to Til
ley’s Poultry, 22%; 9-34, Miller
& Bushong (Jonas Meyer),
5600 White Vantress, 9-3, no sale,
22>1 bid; 9-35, Miller & Bushong,
(Jonas Meyer), 1500 White Van
tress, 9-3, no sale, 22% bid; 9-36,.
Miller & Bushong (Arthur Fowl),
6400 Indian River Cross, 9-2, no
sale, 22 bid; 9-37, Miller fc Bush
ong (Leonard Deitz). 4000 Red
Vantress, 9 wks, no sale, 20%
bid; 9-38, Eugene Schlosnagle,
8400 White Vantress and White
Mountains, 9-2, to C. F. Man
beck, Inc., 22 H.
a month per 100 birds. . . .
did that in farm tests that stacked the new hybrid
against the best of standard breeds. Every egg is
the large snowy-white kind too. You’ll be tickled
pink with the production this new breed gives to
/our flock.
are the tried and true layers. Through the years
the Mt. Hope Leghorn has been tops in production
of quality eggs on a minimum of feed. Goldfus
produces only 100% purebred Mt. Hope Leghorns
to give you all of the best qualities of the original
breeding. .
Order your chicks today.
GJk G o 1 <1 £ u s j)fitckenlM ,l**.
TkW R. D. 3, Lititz Pa.
Phone 62407
Philadelphia Feb. 15 (USDA)
Market'Steady. Demand continu
ed good. Supplies were fulljf
adequate for current trade needs.
- Wholesale selling prices Min.
10 pet A A quality. Large 45-48#
White 43%-45V2, Brown 43-44,
medium White 42-42%; Brown 41-
'42. Extra, mm. 60 pet A quality
Large 45-50# White 42%-43,
Brown none, mixed 42-42%, med
ium'White 41-41% Brown none,
mixed 40-41 Standard 41-41V#,
current receipts none. Checks-38-
39. <
Receipts Feb. 14 - 3,848 cases
all by truck.
PecVCuernsey Sets
Production Records
registered Guernsey cow, Apol
lo’s Golden Venus, owned by
George T. Pack,,WrightsviEe, Pa.;
has produced 16,850 lbs. of milk
and 776 Ibsr of fat in her last lac*
tation. - This production repres
ents approximately 7900 quarts
of high quality milk. This is ac
cording to the official
Registiy record released by the
American Guennsey Cattle Club.
“Venus” was a-mne-year-old and
was milked three times daily for
365 days.
Guernsey cows on official jtest
hhve steadily increased
ion over the years The average
cow in the United States pro
duces only about half as much as
the average 'purebred Guernsey
on official test-
The sire of “Venus” is Levity’s
Golden Apollo- Nine sons and
tested daughters of this bull are
listed in the Performance 'Reg
ister of the American Guernsey
Guttle Club
This record was supervised by
Pennsylvania State University.
Used Tractor
“Ready To Go”
2 Farmall F2O
1 John Deere “A” with elect
3 AC “WC” Tractor
1 John Dec.'e “B” with elect
1 Oliver “70”
IAC “B” with electric
2 Silver King
1 Farmall “M”
New Holland & Dearborn
Forage Harvesters
177 N. H. Baler -
1 75 N. H. Baler
1 Case Wire-Tie Baler
Several Used Garden Tract-
L H. Brubaker
Ph. Lane. 3-7607
Strasburg OV 7-2305