Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 03, 1956, Image 2

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    ; <r ! r ■* (.(/< /hihr' ytur'ii.'l ‘I il** ‘*ui. /
3—Lancaster Farming, Fridav, February 3, 1956
flogs Up SIM,
Top $14.75 at
Lancaster S. Y.
By David S. Lorenson, Reporter
USDA Market News Bureau
CATTLE 3052. week ago 2625
Compared with last Wednesday
Slaughter steers mostly steady,
(best action on weights 1200 Lbs
and lighter Heifers mostly
steady Cows unevenly 25c lower
ito 25c higher, dclme mainly on
utility and commercial cutters
about steady and the advance on
tanner grades Btills steady to
weak, instances 50c lower on
(good 900-1100 Lb butcher bulls
Stockers and feedexs fully steady
Supplies on sale this week about
evenly divided between slaughter
steers and stockers and feeders,
a small showing of heifers and
about 12 per cent of the total
was, cows Most good and choice
fed steers 950-1200 lbs $l7 50-21 -
50. several loads dhoice 1375-
1512 lbs $lB 00-18 75, a part load
1030-®) prime steers $2300 Com
mercial and good steers $l5 00-
17.00 Commercial and good heif
ers Sl4 50-16 50, part load 833-Ip
mostly good heifers $l7 25 Util
ttty and commercial cows 911 74-
13 50, canners and cutters largely
*♦ M
♦I For any Farm Purpose p
g Made the Farmer’s Way J|
♦♦ •«
;; 39 E. Chestnut St., ••
Lancaster, Pa.
Ph. Unc. 3-3921
| Altman’s Super-A Feeds |
|l are timed-tested, scientifically balanced, vitamin complete and are j|
|| ' manufactured daily m <hree modern plants. Compare our prices. |t
Super A Dog- Meal 25 lbs 2 05
t; Rabtyt Pellets 4 70
|| Purgram Pigeon Breeding
|| ' Feed with corn 7 90
it without corn 8 20
;• Stazdry (bale) 2 20
H "Corn 3 10
H Oats 2 90
II 20% Blue Bird Dairy 2 85
•t ‘Blue Bird All Mash 3 65
|: 947 Harrisburg Ave. Phone Lane. 4-7715
|| 'WE DELIVER 10c per hundred discount on half ton lots or more
Causes, Prevention
Of Typhoid Subject
A public meeting to discuss
the causes and prevention of
typhoid will be held Thursday,
Fob § in the First Congrega
tional Church Social Hall, Lan
caster, at 8 p. m
Moderator will be Dean James
M. i Darlington of Franklin and
Marshall College The meeting
is open to the public
Major advances by medical
science in recent years, including
new drug and research, Wave
yielded potent new weapons with
which to combat mental i® health
$8 75-12-50, high yielding cutters
to $l3 00 Utility and commercial
bulls $l5 50-17 75; cutters $l4OO
- 75. Several Iqfs medium and
good 600-859 lb feeder steers
$>15.00-17 00 load choice 1020-tlb
steers $lB 50, a few loads good
land choice 750-924 lb feeder
steers $l7 25-18.00 part loads
550-Ib choice stock steer calves
to $23-25 and $23 40.
CALVES- 788, week ago 745.
Compared with last Wednesday,
veal calves fully steady Bulk
good and choice vealers $24.50-
28 50, high dhoice and prune
$29 00-34 00, odd head to $3600.
Utility and commercial $l5 DO
-22 50
HOGS 1870, week ago 1444
Compared with last Wednesday
Barrows and gilts mostly $l.OO
(higher, sows steady to 25c up
In Wednesday's trade barrows
and gilts U S mixed 1-3, 160-
220 lbs Sl5 00-15 50,-weights 230-
270 lbs Sl3 75-14 75- A few sows
300-600 lbs S 8 50-10.50
SHOEEP 197, week ago 250.
Ccirnipared with last Wednesday
wooled slaughter lambs 50c to
'instances SI 00 higher' Bulk good
and choice wooled slaughter
faimbs $l9 00-2100. a few lots
choice and prime 80-92 lb wooled
fipmbs to $22 00 Utility and low
good $l5 00-18 50 Aged sheep
too scarce for an adequate mar
ket test.
Fine Chick Feed 470
Scratch - 4.15
Starter 3 45
Grower 4.05
Broiler Ration 4 70
20% Quality Egg Mash 395
Horse Feed 360
Cotton Seed Meal 4,10
Beet Pulp .4 30
Thursday Sale,
Average 23.01
Lancater Poultry Exchange
(Rohrerstown) (Sales) Report-
Sale #l3O, Thursday. Jan. 36,
1956) Prices held about steady
Thursday, Jan. 26, with the pre
ceding Tuesday sale of broilers
here, with 119,250 birds m 36
lots selling from ,22% to 23-14, in
cluding three lots of a total of
5,100 oapettes that sold at 22%
and 23. Thirty-three lots aver
aged, 23.0JL /
Robert J. Neff, R 1 Millersville v
topped the market with 500
Hubbard off-color whites that
went to J. Robert Charles, Lan
Sales by lot number, seller and
growler, lamount and breed, age
by weeks and days, buyer and
price foEow
26-1 Miller &j Bushong (Wm.
McPalls) 7000 White Vantress,
10 Wks, 'Harry H- Weaver, Jr-,
23)4; 26-2, Paul C Bucher, 600
Meat-Padker Capettes, 14 wks, to
Walter C- Mellinger, 23; 26-3,
Wm. C Schultz, 8000 White Van
tress, 9-6, to Mandate Poultry,
23%; 26-4, Wm. C SChuitz, 8000
White Vantress and Red Vhn
tress, 9-6, to Grimes & Hauer,
23)4, 26-5, Harold Givler, 2000
White Vantress, 9-3, to Grimes
& Hauer, 23%; 26-6, Harold
Givler, 5600 Indian River Cross,
9-3, to Grimes & Hauer, 23;
26-7. Miller & Bushong (Dan.
StolMus), 3600 White Vantress
9-6, to Victor F- Weaver, Inc.
23%, 26-8. Lee Petticoffer, 3800
Indian River Cross, 10 wks, to
Victor F Weaver, Inc, 23%,
John V Erb, four lots of 10-wk
Indian River Cross to Victor F
Weaver, Inc, lot 26-9 3000 at
22 ;1, 4000 at 23%. 4000 at 23.
4000 at 23%; 26-13, Kenneth E
Schreiber, 3900 White Vantress.
and Red Vantress, 9-4, no sale,
21 Vi bid?
26-14 Miller & Bushong (Clair
Bomberger) 5000 Meat Packers,
10 wks, to Harry H Weaver. Jr,.
22%; Miller & Bushong (Clair
Bomberger), 700 Red Vantress,
10 wks, to Marvin, Sweigart, 23;
25- Robert Neff, 500 Off Color
Wbitds, 10-6, to J Robert Charles,
23%; Muller & Bushong, (Phares
Auker) 1000 White Vantress, 10
wks, to Daniel K. Good, 22%;
26- N Parke Miller, 2450 White
Vantress, 9-2, to Victor F Wea
ver, Inc, 23%; 2649 Miller &
Bushong (Park Herr) 3400 Red
Vantress, 9-2, ' Pennsylvania
Dutch Farms, 22%; 26-20, 2300
White Moutam and Indian River,
pad 2400 Indian River Cross, to
Harry H- Weaver, Jr-, 22% and
tot 36-20 A, 2300 White Mountains,
10 wks, to Roy E. Ream, 23;
26-21, Indian River Poultry
Farm (Reuben Beiler) 2700 In
dian River pullets, 10-2, to Victor
F. Weaver, Inc, 22%; 26-22, and
26-23, Richard Musselliman, 2500
Red Vantress and 2500 White
Vantress, 9-2, to Grumes & Hauer,
22%, 26-24, Samuel Keens, 2000
(Mix, 9-6. Roy E. Ream, 23%;
26-25 Robert H. Barr, 3000 White
Hocks, 10 wks, to Victor F Wea
ver, Inc., 22 h; 26-28, Miller &
Bushong (Jacob Herr), 3900 Red
Vantress Capettes, 12 wks, to
Producers Cooperative Exchange
23; 26-27, Melvin E Hess, 1500
White Mountains 10 wks, to Roy
E- Realm. 23, 26-28, Melvin E
Hess. 3000 Meht Packers, 9-3, to
Victor F Weaver, Inc > 23;
26-29. Dr C. L Wertsch (Ezra
‘ Cochran) 3000 Red Vantress, 11
wks, to Grimes & Hauer, 22%;
26-30 Dr C L Wertsch (Ezra
Cochran), 1200 Red Vantress. 11
wks, to Header’s Poultry, 23;
26-31. Dover Feed (James Me-
Cane), 400 Delaware Cross pul
lets, no sale, and 26-32 400 Del
aware Cross capettes, 14 wks no
sale. 20 hid; 28-33 Dover Feed,
600 Delaware Cross pullets and
taalpettes, 12 wks, to J Robert
Charles, 22%; 26-33, John J Hess
(Benjamin B. Beiler, Jr, 200
Red Vantress and 1500 New
Hampshire capettes, 9 wks, to
Producers Coop. Exc 22%; 26-34,
Robert Kaufman (two lots) 7000
White Vantress. 29 wks, to Victor
F Weaver, Inc, 22 % and 26-35
5000 White Mountains, 9 wks, to
Mandata Poultry. 23;
Two lots, 26-36 and 26-37 were
offered by John W. Wall and
sold to Grimes & Hauer the first
3000 White Corm°h Cross 11-2,
at 22% and 3000 White Vantress,
JO-2 at 22% to Grimes & Hauer.
23,541 Birds
Sell, Tuesday
Rate Steady
Lancaster Poultry Exchange
(Rohrerstown, Pa.)' (’,
Sale #l2l, Tuesday, Jan. 31,1956)
—Twelve lots of 23,541 birds
were listed, offered and sold in
Tuesday’s sale here, with seven
lots of 21,575 broilers moving
from 24 to 24%, two lots of 1,075
'Capettes at 26 to 26%, and two,
lots of 891 fowl at 17% and 18%
on Leghorns and 22 on heavies.
Places the preceding Thursday
(averaged 23-01. For the corres
ponding day a year ago, Tuesday,
Feb. 1, 1955, eight lots of 37,450
birds were offered, three lots of
10,950 sold from 27% to 27%.
Here are sales by lot number,
seller and grower, amount and
breed, age by weeks and days,
buyer and once;
The first six lots, 31-1 through
31-6, were grown and sold by
Red Rose Experimental Farm;
31-1, 3900 Meatpackers, 11 wks,
to Mandata Poultry, 24; 31-3.
3600 Indian River Cross, 10 wks,
to Harry R Weaver, Jr., 24; 31-5?
3000 Indian River Cross. 10 wks,
to Horace W. Lpngacre, 24; 31-6,
1000 Meatpackers, 11 wks, to
Leo-la Poultry, 24%;'
31-7, Henry 'Stauffer, 800 two
year-jdd fowl, DeKsto and Hy-
Lme, to Walter B Lehman, 18%;
31-8, Miller & Bushong (John J
■ Lehman), 450 White Vantress
Capettes, 13 wks, to Marvin
Sweigart, 26; and 31-9, 625
White Vantress Capettes, 13 wks.
to Ray W Gibtole, 26%; 31-10,
Mii’ler &- Bushong, ('Clair Ray),
2675 Red Vantress, 10 wks, to
Boy E Ream, 24%, 36-IH, George
W. Wolf. 75 Leghorn fowl year
lings, to Roy E Ream, 17% and
16 New Hampshire Cockerels, to
Rcy E Ream at 22
Live Poultry !
Philadelphia, Feb 1 (USDA) —
Market about steady Demand
good for most classes supplies
adequate Few lots barred rook
pullets 38-40 c White Rocks 32-34
few sales 35c small sizes 26-27. C
Large White Rook Caponettes
28-30 c smell sizes 25-27 c with
bu’k unsold Cross Fryers 25-27 c
mixed 26c Vantress Reds 26-27 c
Turkeys unsettled. Demand fair
for light supplies Heavv type
Young Hens 42-45 c Young Toms
30-33 c small type Young Toms
34-35 c.
Recepts Jan 31 in'cluded Mary
land- 7616 lbs, Delaware 9850 lbs
Wholesale selling prices No 1
and fancy Dual. Broilers oT
Fryers heavy type 3-4 lbs 25-27
Roasters 25. PuEets 4% lbs and
over 32-40 Hens . heavy type
27-31 light type 16-20. Old
Roosters 12-15 Ducks Muscovy
20-23 Pekin 30-32. Turkeys
Young Toms 30-35.
PhdadeVh’a, Feb 1, (USDA —
Market steady to firm- Demand
moroved and prices moved
higher. Supplies were in
balance wath current daily needs
Wholesale seEing prices: Mm
registered Guernsey cow, Liseter
Mistress Joan, owned by Liseter,
Farm, Newtown Square, Pa., has
completed an official Advanced
Registry record of 8,822 lbs of
milk and 451 lbs of fat on three
■times daily milking for 305 days
and met calving requirements.
She started her record ds a junior
'two-year-old. This production
represents approximately 4,100
quarts of high-quality milk.
“Joan” is the daughter of thh
registered Guernsey sire, McDon
ald Farm Fore Master, that, has
five sons ‘and tested daughters in
Performance Register of the Am
erican Guernsey Cattle Club.
This record was supervised by
Pennsylvania State University
and was reported to the Ameri
can Guernsey Cattle Club for ap
proval and publication.
10 PCT AA Qual large 45-48#
White 43 1 /2-44Vj, Brown 42-43,
me da urn. white 40-4 J, brown
40-41. Extras, Mm. BO POT" A
Qua! Large 45-50# white 41-43,
brown none, mixed 40-42 1.
medium white 40-41, brown none,
mixed Standards 38-39,
'current receipts none, checks 37.
(Receipts Jan 31 - 5,599 casea
all toy truck