6—Lancaster Farming, Friday, January 27, 1956 For the Farm Wife and Family You know, sitting inside by a warm fire with the snow drifting around outside makes you realize how beautiful a Pennsylvania winter dan be. Of course, it was a bit treacherous underfoot for both walking and driving, and nth rrtany of the roads down in our end off the county blocked several times, travel was more than difficult. What a change this has been from Christmas. How' well the snow-capped evergreens would have looked during the holidays Wintertime is a wonderful time for planning- You can sit and thumb - through the - catalogs no wonder we used to call them “dream books.” You can sit and plan what you're going to plant this spring, or better still bring out your movies, snapshots or color slides »f those summer days, and see what la difference the season can make. McCULLOCH Model 47 CHAIN SAW Makes any woodcutting job easier and faster. It’s a one-man saw for professional logging, pulp cutting, tree surgery,- for farm and ranch jobs like construction and clearing land Model 47 is light weight, operates full power in any posi tion Six models, gasoline powered, with blades 14" to 35". Come m and see it, try it, buy it. It'll save you time, make you money, \jjpgw MAQT Saw and Knife illfV.o l Service 605 Marietta Ave. Ph. 24291 Lancaster uiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiimmmiiitiiiiiiiiiiiii DAVID’S OPTICAL CO. FITTING ADJUSTMENT REPAIRS 114 N. Prince St.—Lancaster Ph. 4-2767 Open Tues, and Fri. Evenings miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminiiiiiiimmi '■■■■■■■■■aiaa ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■&■■■■■ 1 OCTORARO SWISS CHEESE CO-OP S J Manufactures of ■ S SWISS CHEESE AND BUTTER ■ ■ Wholesale and Retail 5 J Under new management ■ £ Phone Christiana 22R3 ■ Free To Women!.. One ybat charter subscrip tion to LANCASTER FARM ING to one housewire eacn week who submits tne oesi letter . . . recipe . . . home making bint, Send yotir letter to LANCASTER FARMING, QuarryvlUe, r». .We've v.arlety of all kinds for ' this - week’s Women’s Page and this week’s winner of a' free subscription is Mrs- W. C. Hibshtnan of Terre Hill. Mrs. 'Hibshman writes; “I re- copy of Lancaster Farm ing and enjoyed relading the Women’s Page. Here is a recipe for a chocolate cake which sounds different, but is very delicious CHOCOLATE CAKE One cup sugar Two cups flour One and one-half teaspoons soda Four tablespoons cocoa Sift together these ingredients, •then add One cup cold water , Mix well and bake in a 350- degree oven. ► « * Of 'all the types of lettuce to he found in markets, the crisp head ed iceberg seems to be the most popular m America. When choos ing your lettuce, look for heads ■that are fresh, crisp, tender and fairly firm to hard. Lettuce keeps well in the re frigerator and can be stored there for several days, even a week if the lettuce is very fresh when purchased, in a plastic bag or in the hydrator Wash lettuce eith er before it is put away or just before use. During washing, be sure to remove any bruised or rusty outer leaves Thoroughly drain the washed lettuce and pat dry with a towel A very simple salad, but one that pleases everyone, is made by cutting the head of lettuce into wedge-shaped pieces. Pour over it your favorite dressing and serve on individual salad plates. Wilted lettuce salad, made with crisp bacon is -another fa vorite This is simple to make and Can be quite elegant. If your nylon curtains have be gun to droop, try startchmg them with permanent starch and press ing them lightly with a steam iron. This will work wonders. When you are ready to store these curtains, it is very- im- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiniiimiiiiiiiiiimimmimmiiini When we stop to think we realize our everyday living depends on our eyes. Take good care-of them. If you are in doubt visit your eye doctor. Doctors Prescriptions For Glasses Filled. pontant to remove all starch, Some houewive have had a good ddal of trouble with their new ‘wonder fabric’ curtains and drapes falling into holes. Manu facturers tell us this is because we have not,had the drapes or curtains cleaned or washed oft en enough- It is recommended that you have them dry cleaned or washed, depending on the fabric, at least twice each year. House dust is most harmful to these wonder fabrics. Have you ever had a hard time getting muffins out of the pan? If you have, you will be glad to add 'this to yoUr bag of tricks place the, pan on a cold wet rag for a few minutes immediate ly after it 'comes from the oven. 1» »P “Recently I sent in la subscrip tion for Lancaster Fanning and we enjoy it very much,” writes Mrs. Lester Faus, RD 2, Man heim. Continuing, “I especially like the Women’s Page. I thought I’d write and tell you a few hints I find helpful: Us'e, Scotch Tape to clean your felt velour, etc., hats. It takes any dust of lint right off. “Another thing I find help- ; ful is to pin skirts by the belt on wire clothes hangers with clothes pins. “Also: to iron around plas tic buttons and such, cover them with aluminum foil. “Here is an old recipe which we enjoy,” Mrs- Faus adds: EGG CHEESE or SWEET CURDS Two quarts and one cup sweet milk Six eggs and one pint thick nulk Let sweet milk get good and hot, not boiling, just at boiling point, then have eggs beaten well and mix with thick milk- Pour into sweet milk, but don’t boil- Leave on stove until it separates, stirring frequently Pour in cheese molds or fine sieve “Delicious when cold and eaten with molasses on it ” she ad vises. Here are some other house hold hints offered as timely re minders from the Pennsylvania State University College of Agri culture- HOME CALENDAR Place TV Keep the TV set away from heat or a frequently opened window, Dons L Snook, Penn State extension home man agement specialist, advises. Air circulation, but not a blast of air, is necessary for trouble-free operation, just as with an electric refrigerator Calories Hide If you want to lose weight or hold your weight at its present level, avoid “hidden” calories. These are ob tained by “eating to save food,” by testing, or in the fat of fried foods, spreads, and gravies, ac cording to Helen L. Denning, Penn State extension nutritionist Press Trousers After you’ve steam-pressed trousers, hang them by the cuffs in a trouser Subscribe Now Charter Offer $l.OO First Year Ends Soon The Miller There a miller; hale and bold, Beside the river Dee; He worked and sang from morn till night No lark so blithe as he; And this the burden of his song Forever used to be: “I envy nobody no, not I, And nobody envies me!” “Thou’rt wrong, my friend,” said good King Hal, “As wrong as wrong can be; For could my heart be light as thine, I’d gladly'change with the°. And -tell me now, who makes thee sing, With voice so loud and, free, While I am sad^though I’m a king, Beside the river Dee?” The miller smiled and doffed his cap. “I earn my bread,” quoth he; “I love my wife, I love my friend, I love-my children three; I owe no money I can not pay; I thank the river Dee, That mill that grinds the corn That feeds my babes and me.” “Good-friend,” said Hal, and sighed the while, “Far'ewell! and happy be! But say no more, if thou’dst be true, That no one envies thee. Thy mealy cap is worth my crown, "Thy mill, my kingdom’s fee; Such men as thou are England’s boast, 0 miller of the Dee!” hanger to dry before they’re worn, says Bernice J. Tharp, Penn State ' extension clothing specialist Heat Home Canned Meat Heat home canned meat in the jar so pieces slip out easily. Place the jar in a pan of hot water for about five minutes, Marjorie J Wormeck, Penn State extension nutritionist, advises- Season Salad —lf you’re watching your weight, try lemon juice with salt, pepper/and herbs on salads instead of salad dress ings, Louise W. Hamilton, Penn State extension nutritionist, sug gests. < v “Gentlemen, I am receiving two of your Lancaster Farming papers weekly I paid for one and won one for recipes and household hints Would you be so, kind as to add or extend my subscription for another year’” asks Mrs. Martin Huyett of El Narvon. That we will do, Mrs. Huyett, and here she offers some HOUSEHOLD HINTS - Fine, dry steel wool will often prove satisfactory for removing spots from wallpap er, paint on floors, and is less harsh than sandpaper. «« 1 FARMERS | :: * H | Complete Tax Service | | INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED | I FOR APPOINTMENT CALL § H H J A. F. TERRANOYA | I 508 Ridge Road | | Elizabethtown 7-5492 | M FURNACE OIL :: § | By uiing TEXACO FURNACE OIL you can always g 3 Count On A Warm Home H CALL US FOR QUICK SERVICE Garber Oil Company | PENNA. | | MOUNT JOY PHONE 3-9331 of the Dee ft Dying ferns-can sometimes be revived 'by pouring a tablespoon bf castor ail around the roots* * Js * Common table salt, rubbed on non-washable window shades will renew their ' freshness* * Peroxide of hydrogen will remove perfume stains from bureau scarves. Wash day need not he such a chore in your home Lots of hot water, a good washing machine, and the right laundry accessories should add up to satisfactory laundering results. They Should, but too- many times they fail* There is only one thing that can prevent this falure common sense For example it make sense to sort laundry into three piles white, colored, and hand-wash able White wash responds best to very hot water. Fast-colored cottons, linens and nylons do better if washed in 110-degree water and thus do better if wash ed separately. Before washing any new color* ed garment, always eheck the manufacturer’s tag for washing instructions. You may find that the garment should not be wash ed m the machine but by hand (Continued on page 7) . [